コード例 #1
        protected void Initialize_AI()
            CachedReversePoint = transform.FindChild("_ReversePoint");

            if (CachedReversePoint == null)
                Debug.Log("Reverse Point Missing!");

            if (myTransform == null)
                myTransform = transform.GetComponent <Transform>();
                if (myTransform == null)
                    myTransform = transform.parent.GetComponent <Transform>();

            AICurrentRoadPosition = eAIRoadPosition.UnKnown;

            DedectionFrequencyOriginal = DedectionFrequency;
コード例 #2
        protected void Initialize_AI()
            if (myTransform == null)
                myTransform = transform.GetComponent <Transform>();
                if (myTransform == null)
                    myTransform = transform.parent.GetComponent <Transform>();

            AICurrentRoadPosition = eAIRoadPosition.UnKnown;
            AIOldRoadPosition     = eAIRoadPosition.UnKnown;

            DedectionFrequencyOriginal    = DedectionFrequency;
            ForwardSensorDistanceOriginal = ForwardSensorDistance;

            if (RandomizeBehaviors)
                AILevelBehavior = (eAIProLevel)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                AIStateBehavior = (eAIBehavior)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);

            CachedDistancePoint = transform.FindChild("_DistancePoint");
            CachedReversePoint  = transform.FindChild("_ReversePoint");

            if (CachedDistancePoint == null)

            if (CachedReversePoint == null)
                Debug.Log("Reverse Point Missing!");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Determinates which waypoint is next
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateRoute()
            if (AIWillAvoid)
                WillReCalculate = true;
            WayPointItem oWPItem;

            if (WillReCalculate)
                oWPItem        = waypoints[currentWaypoint].GetComponent <WayPointItem>() as WayPointItem;
                SoftBrakeSpeed = oWPItem.SoftBrakeSpeed;
                HardBrakeSpeed = oWPItem.HardBrakeSpeed;
                float LeftWideOfWP  = oWPItem.LeftWide;
                float RightWideOfWP = oWPItem.RightWide;

                IsBraking = false;

                ProbableWaypointPosition = new Vector3(waypoints[currentWaypoint].position.x, transform.position.y, waypoints[currentWaypoint].position.z);
                RelativeWaypointPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(ProbableWaypointPosition);

                ////Calculate Escape Points

                //NextWPDis = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, ProbableWaypointPosition);
                //EscapeDistance = Mathf.Sin(RelativeWaypointPosition.x * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * NextWPDis;

                //EscapeDistance = ThinkNewEscapePoint(LeftWideOfWP, RightWideOfWP, currentWaypoint, EscapeDistance, RelativeWaypointPosition.x, AIOldRoadPosition);

                WillReCalculate = false;

            ProbableWaypointPositionNew = new Vector3(waypoints[currentWaypoint].position.x, transform.position.y, waypoints[currentWaypoint].position.z + UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.3f, 2));
            RelativeWaypointPositionNew = transform.InverseTransformPoint(ProbableWaypointPositionNew);

            if (UseSteerSmoothing && UseLerp)
                if (Mathf.Abs(RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude) < SteerSmoothingReleaseCoef)
                    RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude);
                    float RGKSteerLast = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude);
                    if ((RGKSteerLast < 0 && RGKSteerFirst > 0) || (RGKSteerFirst < 0 && RGKSteerLast > 0))
                        RGKSteerFirst = 0;
                    RGKSteerFirst = Mathf.Lerp(RGKSteerFirst, RGKSteerLast, Time.deltaTime * UnityEngine.Random.Range(SteerSmoothingLow / 10, SteerSmoothingHigh / 10));
            else if (UseSteerSmoothing && !UseLerp)
                if (Mathf.Abs(RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude) < SteerSmoothingReleaseCoef)
                    RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude) * Time.deltaTime * UnityEngine.Random.Range(SteerSmoothingLow, SteerSmoothingHigh);
                    RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude);
                RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude);

            if (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.z < 0 && !ReverseLockedbyObstacle)
                AIReversing = true;
                IsReversing = AIReversing;

            if (AIReversing)
                if (!isSteeringLocked)
                    if (RGKSteer > 0)
                        RGKSteerCorrectionFactor = 1;
                        RGKSteerCorrectionFactor = -1;

                    if (ReverseTimeRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Right)
                        RGKSteerCorrectionFactor *= -1;

                    isSteeringLocked = true;

                RGKSteer = RGKSteerCorrectionFactor;

                if (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.z > 25)
                    RGKThrottle      = 0;
                    isSteeringLocked = false;
                    AIReversing      = false;
                    IsReversing      = AIReversing;
                ReverseTimeRoadPosition = AICurrentRoadPosition;
                RGKSteer    = (RGKSteerFirst + SteerFactor);
                AIReversing = false;

            if (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.z > 25)
                ReverseLockedbyObstacle = false;                                     //recover from reverselock
            if (Mathf.Abs(RGKSteer) < 1.5f)
                if (!AIReversing)
                    if (UseThrottleBonus)
                        float thrBonus = ThrottleBonus;
                        if (RandomizeBonusUsage)
                            thrBonus = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f, ThrottleBonus);

                        RGKThrottle = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.z / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude - Mathf.Abs(RGKSteer) / 2) * thrBonus;
                        RGKThrottle = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.z / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude - Mathf.Abs(RGKSteer) / 2);
                    RGKThrottle = -1;

                if (SoftBrakeSpeed > 0)
                    if (CarSpeedKm > SoftBrakeSpeed && CarSpeedKm < HardBrakeSpeed)
                        RGKThrottle = AISoftBrakeFactor;
                        IsBraking   = true;
                    else if (CarSpeedKm > HardBrakeSpeed)
                        RGKThrottle = AIHardBrakeFactor;
                        IsBraking   = true;
                RGKThrottle = 0.0f;

            if (ReverseLockedbyObstacle)
                if (RGKSteer > 0)
                    RGKSteer = 1;
                    RGKSteer = -1;

                isSteeringLocked = true;
                RGKThrottle      = 1;

            float innerNextWPCoef = UnityEngine.Random.Range(nextWPCoef, nextWPCoef + 3);

            if (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude <= innerNextWPCoef)

                if (currentWaypoint >= waypoints.Count)
                    currentWaypoint = 0;
                WillReCalculate = true;

            if (ShowNavDebugLines)
                Debug.DrawLine(base.transform.position, ProbableWaypointPosition, Color.cyan);
                //Debug.DrawLine(base.transform.position, ProbableWaypointPositionNew, Color.yellow);
コード例 #4
        protected float CalculateSteerFactor()
            Steer = 0;
            IRGKRacer threat = null;

            float minTime = CollisionAvoidTime;

            Vector3 threatPositionAtNearestApproach = Vector3.zero;

            Vector3 ourPositionAtNearestApproach = Vector3.zero;

            foreach (var other in ThreatRivals)
                if (other != this)
                    float collisionDangerThreshold = this.DedectionRadius;

                    float time = PredictNearestApproachTime(other);
                    if ((time >= 0) && (time < minTime))
                        Vector3 ourPos = Vector3.zero;
                        Vector3 hisPos = Vector3.zero;
                        float   dist   = ComputeNearestApproachPositions(other, time, ref ourPos, ref hisPos);

                        if (dist < collisionDangerThreshold)
                            minTime = time;
                            threat  = other;
                            threatPositionAtNearestApproach = hisPos;

                            ourPositionAtNearestApproach = ourPos;

            if (threat != null)
                float parallelness = Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, threat.CachedTransform.forward);

                if (parallelness < -CollisionAvoidAngleCos)
                    Vector3 offset  = threatPositionAtNearestApproach - this.Position;
                    float   sideDot = Vector3.Dot(offset, transform.right);
                    Steer = (sideDot > 0) ? -CollisionAvoidFactor : CollisionAvoidFactor;
                else if (parallelness > CollisionAvoidAngleCos)
                    Vector3 offset  = threat.Position - this.Position;
                    float   sideDot = Vector3.Dot(offset, transform.right);

                    Steer = (sideDot > 0) ? -CollisionAvoidFactor : CollisionAvoidFactor;
                    AIAvoidingRivalAvoidPosition = (sideDot > 0) ? eAIRivalPosition.Right : eAIRivalPosition.Left;
                    AIAvoidingRivalRoadPosition  = threat.CurrentRoadPosition;
                    if (this.Speed < threat.Speed ||
                        threat.Speed == 0 ||
                        gameObject.GetInstanceID() < threat.CachedGameObject.GetInstanceID())
                        float sideDot = Vector3.Dot(transform.right, threat.Velocity);
                        Steer = (sideDot > 0) ? (-1 * 1) : 1;
                AIAvoidingRivalAvoidPosition = eAIRivalPosition.NoRival;
コード例 #5
        protected float ThinkNewEscapePoint(float WideLeft, float WideRight, int CurrentWaypointIndex, float CalculatedEscapeDistance, float CurrentRelativePisiton, eAIRoadPosition AIRoadPosition)
            NewEscape = 0;
            float Wide = 0;

            CalcEscape = CalculatedEscapeDistance;

            //Determinate where we are to current waypoint

            if (CalculatedEscapeDistance > 0) //we're at left
                AICurrentRoadPosition = eAIRoadPosition.Left;
                Wide = WideLeft;
            else if (CalculatedEscapeDistance < 0) //we're at Right
                AICurrentRoadPosition = eAIRoadPosition.Right;
                Wide = WideRight;

            if (AIWillAvoid && !AIWillEscape) //Avoiding side and front collisions based steering
                if (AIRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Left && AIAvoidingRivalRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Left)
                    if (AIAvoidingRivalAvoidPosition == eAIRivalPosition.Left)
                        NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.1f, Wide / 2);
                        NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(Wide / 2, Wide);
                else if (AIRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Right && AIAvoidingRivalRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Right)
                    if (AIAvoidingRivalAvoidPosition == eAIRivalPosition.Left)
                        NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(Wide / 2, Wide);
                        NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.1f, Wide / 2);
                    if (AIAvoidingRivalAvoidPosition == eAIRivalPosition.Left)
                        NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(Wide / 2, Wide);
                        NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.1f, Wide / 2);

            else if (AIWillAvoid && AIWillEscape) //Faster car and avoiding collision into front car
                WriteToConsole("I NEED TO ESCAPE!");
                UseSideCorrection = false;
                if (AIRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Left)
                    if (RightSensorOK)
                        NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.2f, WideRight);
                        WriteToConsole("LEFT - ESCAPING RIGHT");
                    else if (LeftSensorOK)
                        NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(WideLeft - 1, WideLeft);
                        WriteToConsole("LEFT - ESCAPING LEFT");
                    if (RightSensorOK)
                        NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.2f, WideLeft);
                        WriteToConsole("RIGHT - ESCAPING LEFT");
                    else if (LeftSensorOK)
                        NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(WideRight - 1, WideRight);
                        WriteToConsole("RIGHT - ESCAPING RIGHT");

                AIWillEscape = false;
                AIWillAvoid  = false;
            else //No avoid or no drafting, so continue to best course
                UseSideCorrection = true;
                if (Wide <= Mathf.Abs(AIEscapeFactor))
                    NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.2f, Wide);
                    WriteToConsole("NO ESCAPE - WIDE CALC");
                    NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, AIEscapeFactor);
                    WriteToConsole("NO ESCAPE - ESCAPE FACTOR");

                //if (AICurrentRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Right && NewEscape < 0)
                //    NewEscape *= -1;
                //    WriteToConsole("RIGHht - NO ESCAPE - NEW ESC<0");
                //else if (AICurrentRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Left && NewEscape > 0)
                //    NewEscape *= -1;
                //    WriteToConsole("RIGHht - NO ESCAPE - NEW ESC>0");

            if (CurrentWaypointIndex == 0) //Game Start so we've to find where're we
                NewEscape = CalculatedEscapeDistance;

                if (Mathf.Abs(CalculatedEscapeDistance) > Wide)
                    NewEscape = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.2f, Wide);
                AIOldRoadPosition = AICurrentRoadPosition;
                if (Mathf.Abs(CurrentRelativePisiton) < 35 || !AIWillAvoid && !AIWillEscape)
                    if (AICurrentRoadPosition != AIOldRoadPosition)
                        //Stay at right as possible
                        if (AIOldRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Right && AICurrentRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Left)
                            AICurrentRoadPosition = eAIRoadPosition.Right;
                            WriteToConsole("STAYING RIGHT");
                        //Stay at left as possible
                        if (AIOldRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Left && AICurrentRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Right)
                            AICurrentRoadPosition = eAIRoadPosition.Left;
                            WriteToConsole("STAYING LEFT");

                        if (AICurrentRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Left)
                            AIOldRoadPosition = eAIRoadPosition.Left;
                        if (AICurrentRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Right)
                            AIOldRoadPosition = eAIRoadPosition.Right;
                    AIOldRoadPosition = AICurrentRoadPosition;

            if (UseSideCorrection)
                if (AICurrentRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Right && NewEscape > 0)
                    NewEscape *= -1;
                if (AICurrentRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Left && NewEscape < 0)
                    NewEscape *= -1;

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Determinates which waypoint is next
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateRoute()
            //if (AIWillAvoid) WillReCalculate = true;
            WayPointItem oWPItem;

            IsBraking = false;
            if (WillReCalculate)
                oWPItem        = waypoints[currentWaypoint].GetComponent <WayPointItem>() as WayPointItem;
                SoftBrakeSpeed = oWPItem.SoftBrakeSpeed;
                HardBrakeSpeed = oWPItem.HardBrakeSpeed;
                float LeftWideOfWP  = oWPItem.LeftWide;
                float RightWideOfWP = oWPItem.RightWide;

                ProbableWaypointPosition = new Vector3(waypoints[currentWaypoint].position.x, transform.position.y, waypoints[currentWaypoint].position.z);
                RelativeWaypointPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(ProbableWaypointPosition);

                //Calculate Escape Points

                NextWPDis      = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, ProbableWaypointPosition);
                EscapeDistance = Mathf.Sin(RelativeWaypointPosition.x * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * NextWPDis;

                EscapeDistance = ThinkNewEscapePoint(LeftWideOfWP, RightWideOfWP, currentWaypoint, EscapeDistance, RelativeWaypointPosition.x, AIOldRoadPosition);

                WillReCalculate = false;

            ProbableWaypointPositionNew = new Vector3(waypoints[currentWaypoint].position.x, transform.position.y, waypoints[currentWaypoint].position.z + EscapeDistance);
            RelativeWaypointPositionNew = transform.InverseTransformPoint(ProbableWaypointPositionNew);

            if (!AIWillEscape)
                if (UseSteerSmoothing && UseLerp)
                    if (Mathf.Abs(RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude) < SteerSmoothingReleaseCoef)
                        RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude);
                        if (SteerSmoothingMode == eSteerSmoothingMode.Basic)
                            float RGKSteerLast = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude);// *Time.deltaTime * UnityEngine.Random.Range(SteerSmoothingLow, SteerSmoothingHigh); //*2
                            if ((RGKSteerLast < 0 && RGKSteerFirst > 0) || (RGKSteerFirst < 0 && RGKSteerLast > 0))
                                RGKSteerFirst = 0;
                            RGKSteerFirst = Mathf.Lerp(RGKSteerFirst, RGKSteerLast, Time.deltaTime * UnityEngine.Random.Range(SteerSmoothingLow / 10, SteerSmoothingHigh / 10));
                            float currentFPS = RaceManager.WorkingFPS;
                            if (currentFPS <= 30)
                                RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude) * Time.deltaTime * UnityEngine.Random.Range(FPSBasedSmoothingdata.m_0_30FPS.Min, FPSBasedSmoothingdata.m_0_30FPS.Max);
                            else if (currentFPS > 30 && currentFPS <= 45)
                                RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude) * Time.deltaTime * UnityEngine.Random.Range(FPSBasedSmoothingdata.m_30_45FPS.Min, FPSBasedSmoothingdata.m_30_45FPS.Max);
                            else if (currentFPS > 45 && currentFPS <= 60)
                                RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude) * Time.deltaTime * UnityEngine.Random.Range(FPSBasedSmoothingdata.m_45_60FPS.Min, FPSBasedSmoothingdata.m_45_60FPS.Max);
                            else if (currentFPS > 60)
                                RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude) * Time.deltaTime * UnityEngine.Random.Range(FPSBasedSmoothingdata.m_60_NFPS.Min, FPSBasedSmoothingdata.m_60_NFPS.Max);
                else if (UseSteerSmoothing && !UseLerp)
                    if (Mathf.Abs(RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude) < SteerSmoothingReleaseCoef)
                        RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude) * Time.deltaTime * UnityEngine.Random.Range(SteerSmoothingLow, SteerSmoothingHigh);
                        RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude);
                    RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude);
            {  //Mor sharp turns when tries escape
                RGKSteerFirst = (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.x / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude);

            if (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.z < 0 && !ReverseLockedbyObstacle)
                AIReversing = true;
                IsReversing = AIReversing;

            if (AIReversing)
                if (!isSteeringLocked)
                    if (RGKSteer > 0)
                        RGKSteerCorrectionFactor = 1;
                        RGKSteerCorrectionFactor = -1;

                    if (ReverseTimeRoadPosition == eAIRoadPosition.Right)
                        RGKSteerCorrectionFactor *= -1;

                    isSteeringLocked = true;

                RGKSteer = RGKSteerCorrectionFactor;

                if (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.z > 25)
                    RGKThrottle      = 0;
                    isSteeringLocked = false;
                    AIReversing      = false;
                    IsReversing      = AIReversing;
                ReverseTimeRoadPosition = AICurrentRoadPosition;
                RGKSteer    = (RGKSteerFirst + SteerFactor);
                AIReversing = false;

            if (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.z > 25)
                ReverseLockedbyObstacle = false;                                     //recover from reverselock
            if (Mathf.Abs(RGKSteer) < 1.5f)
                if (!AIReversing)
                    RGKThrottle = RelativeWaypointPositionNew.z / RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude - Mathf.Abs(RGKSteer) / 2 * AISpeedFactor;
                    RGKThrottle = -1;

                if (SoftBrakeSpeed > 0)
                    if (CarSpeedKm > SoftBrakeSpeed && CarSpeedKm < HardBrakeSpeed)
                        RGKThrottle *= AISoftBrakeFactor;
                        IsBraking    = true;
                    else if (CarSpeedKm > HardBrakeSpeed)
                        RGKThrottle *= AIHardBrakeFactor;
                        IsBraking    = true;

                if (AISoftBraking)
                    RGKThrottle *= AISoftBrakeFactor;
                    IsBraking    = true;
                else if (AIHardBraking)
                    RGKThrottle *= AIHardBrakeFactor;
                    IsBraking    = true;
                RGKThrottle = 0.0f;

            if (ReverseLockedbyObstacle)
                if (RGKSteer > 0)
                    RGKSteer = 1;
                    RGKSteer = -1;

                isSteeringLocked = true;
                RGKThrottle      = 1;

            float innerNextWPCoef = UnityEngine.Random.Range(nextWPCoef, nextWPCoef + 3);

            if (RelativeWaypointPositionNew.magnitude < innerNextWPCoef)

                if (currentWaypoint >= waypoints.Count)
                    currentWaypoint = 0;
                WillReCalculate = true;

            if (ShowNavDebugLines)
                Debug.DrawLine(base.transform.position, ProbableWaypointPosition, Color.cyan);
                Debug.DrawLine(base.transform.position, ProbableWaypointPositionNew, Color.yellow);