コード例 #1
ファイル: QC.xaml.cs プロジェクト: akash504/ERP-
        private async void submit(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (fName.Text.Length > 0 && fProduct.Text.Length > 0 && fQName.Text.Length > 0 && fEQuantity.Text.Length > 0 && fProduct.Text.Length > 0 && faccepted.Text.Length > 0 && fScrap.Text.Length > 0 && fRework.Text.Length > 0 && fDate.Text.Length > 0 && fTime.Text.Length > 0)
                    dispatchQC qc = new dispatchQC();
                    qc.workordernumber = fName.Text;
                    qc.productname     = fProduct.Text;
                    qc.qcname          = fQName.Text;
                    qc.equantity       = Int32.Parse(fEQuantity.Text);
                    qc.pquantity       = Int32.Parse(fProduced.Text);
                    qc.accepted        = Int32.Parse(faccepted.Text);
                    qc.rejected        = Int32.Parse(fScrap.Text);
                    qc.rework          = Int32.Parse(fRework.Text);
                    qc.date            = fDate.Text;
                    qc.time            = fTime.Text;
                    FirebaseResponse response2 = await client.GetAsync("Manufacturing/RouteCard/" + qc.workordernumber + "/salesid/");

                    qc.salesordernumber = response2.ResultAs <string>();
                    FirebaseResponse response = await client.SetAsync("DispatchQC/" + qc.workordernumber + "/", qc);
                catch (Exception)
                    MessageDialog error = new MessageDialog("Failed to connect to database!");
                MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog("Check the inputs!");
                await md.ShowAsync();
コード例 #2
ファイル: Finished Goods.xaml.cs プロジェクト: akash504/ERP-
        private async void Page_Loader(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                client = new FireSharp.FirebaseClient(config);
                FirebaseResponse response = await client.GetAsync("DispatchQC/Spinner/Verified/count/");

                int c;
                    c = response.ResultAs <int>();
                catch (Exception)
                { c = 0; }

                for (int i = 1; i <= c; i++)
                    FinishedGoods    finished  = new FinishedGoods();
                    FirebaseResponse response1 = await client.GetAsync("DispatchQC/Spinner/Verified/" + i + "/");

                    string           ab        = response1.ResultAs <string>();
                    FirebaseResponse response2 = await client.GetAsync("DispatchQC/" + ab + "/");

                    dispatchQC a = new dispatchQC();
                    a                    = response2.ResultAs <dispatchQC>();
                    finished.sno         = MyList.Items.Count + 1;
                    finished.workid      = a.workordernumber;
                    finished.salesid     = a.salesordernumber;
                    finished.productname = a.productname;
                    finished.eoutput     = a.equantity;
                    finished.produced    = a.pquantity;
                    finished.date        = a.date;
                    finished.time        = a.time;
                if (MyList.Items.Count > 0)
                    progress1.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                    fg.Visibility        = Visibility.Visible;
            catch (Exception)
                MessageDialog error = new MessageDialog("Failed to connect to database!");
コード例 #3
ファイル: Dispatch.xaml.cs プロジェクト: akash504/ERP-
        private async void updateDetails(string cName)
            client = new FireSharp.FirebaseClient(config);
            FirebaseResponse response5 = await client.GetAsync("Sales/SalesOrder/" + fSales.Text + "/Layout/count/");

            int count5;

                count5 = response5.ResultAs <int>();
            catch (Exception)
                count5 = 0;
            List <String> nameLt5 = new List <String>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= count5; i++)
                FirebaseResponse response1 = await client.GetAsync("Sales/SalesOrder/" + fSales.Text + "/Layout/" + i);

                Product list1 = new Product();
                list1 = response1.ResultAs <Product>();
                string nameNw = list1.pName;
                if (nameNw == cName)
                    fEQuantity.Text = list1.pQuantity.ToString();
            FirebaseResponse response = await client.GetAsync("DispatchQC/Spinner/Verified/count/");

            int n;

                n = response.ResultAs <int>();
            catch (Exception)
                n = 0;
            int finished = 0;

            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                FirebaseResponse response1 = await client.GetAsync("DispatchQC/Spinner/Verified/" + i + "/");

                string           a         = response1.ResultAs <string>();
                FirebaseResponse response2 = await client.GetAsync("DispatchQC/" + a + "/");

                dispatchQC dispatch = new dispatchQC();
                dispatch = response2.ResultAs <dispatchQC>();
                string ab = fSales.Text;
                if (dispatch.salesordernumber == ab && dispatch.productname == cName)
                    finished = finished + dispatch.pquantity;
            fPQuantity.Text = finished.ToString();
            if (fPQuantity.Text == fEQuantity.Text)
                fStatus.Text = "Fully Completed";
            else if (finished < Int32.Parse(fEQuantity.Text))
                fStatus.Text = "Partially Completed";