private void Start() { messageToRepair += " metal: 2, rubber: 2, glass: 3."; player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>(); dialogueToRepair = new dialogueArray(); dialogueToRepair.line = new string[] { messageToRepair }; dialogueToRepair.sprite = new Sprite[] { portrait }; dialogueWhenRepaired = new dialogueArray(); dialogueWhenRepaired.line = new string[] { messageWhenRepaired }; dialogueWhenRepaired.sprite = new Sprite[] { portrait }; }
public void displayText(GameObject selfReference, dialogueArray textString) { textSpeed = 0.1f; originator = selfReference; diagArray = textString; textToDisplay = textString.line; textBox.SetActive(true); text.text = ""; currentLine = textString.line[currentText].ToCharArray(); currentChar = 0; if (textString.sprite[currentText] != null) { portrait.sprite = textString.sprite[currentText]; } StartCoroutine(printLine()); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { //Player has to have the right material to fix the door //The material will then be used and the door will always be fixed if (collision.gameObject.tag == "interact" && broken) { if (lifeSupport.isRepaired && engine.isRepaired && generator.isRepaired) { repairSound.Play(); broken = false; animator.SetBool("fixed", true); } else { dialogueArray dialogueNotEnough = new dialogueArray(); dialogueNotEnough.line = new string[] { "You need to repair the 3 core systems to disengage the lockdown." }; dialogueNotEnough.sprite = new Sprite[] { portrait }; PlayerController player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>(); player.hasControl = false; player.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity =; player.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().angularVelocity = 0; FindObjectOfType <BasicDisplayText>().hasControl = true; FindObjectOfType <BasicDisplayText>().displayText(gameObject, dialogueNotEnough); } } //This block controls the doors movement else if (collision.gameObject.tag == "interact" && !animator.GetBool("open") && !broken) { openSound.Play(); animator.SetBool("open", true); } else if (collision.gameObject.tag == "interact" && animator.GetBool("open") && !broken) { openSound.Play(); animator.SetBool("open", false); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { //Player has to have the right material to fix the door //The material will then be used and the door will always be fixed if (collision.gameObject.tag == "interact" && broken) { if (FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>().materials[0] >= metal) { if (FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>().materials[2] >= rubber) { //Debug.Log("Fixed"); repairSound.Play(); broken = false; animator.SetBool("fixed", true); //Debug.Log(FindObjectOfType<DoorOpen>().animator.GetBool("fixed")); FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>().materials[0]--; FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>().materials[2]--; } else { if (Time.time > gameObject.GetComponent <doorNPC>().interactEndTime + gameObject.GetComponent <doorNPC>().interactWaitTime) { dialogueArray dialogueNotEnough = new dialogueArray(); dialogueNotEnough.line = new string[] { "You need metal: " + metal + ", and rubber: " + rubber + " to repair a door." }; dialogueNotEnough.sprite = new Sprite[] { portrait }; PlayerController player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>(); player.hasControl = false; player.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity =; player.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().angularVelocity = 0; FindObjectOfType <BasicDisplayText>().hasControl = true; FindObjectOfType <BasicDisplayText>().displayText(gameObject, dialogueNotEnough); } } } else { if (Time.time > gameObject.GetComponent <doorNPC>().interactEndTime + gameObject.GetComponent <doorNPC>().interactWaitTime) { dialogueArray dialogueNotEnough = new dialogueArray(); dialogueNotEnough.line = new string[] { "You need metal: " + metal + ", and rubber: " + rubber + " to repair a door." }; dialogueNotEnough.sprite = new Sprite[] { portrait }; PlayerController player = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>(); player.hasControl = false; player.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity =; player.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().angularVelocity = 0; FindObjectOfType <BasicDisplayText>().hasControl = true; FindObjectOfType <BasicDisplayText>().displayText(gameObject, dialogueNotEnough); } } } //This block controls the doors movement else if (collision.gameObject.tag == "interact" && !animator.GetBool("open") && !broken) { openSound.Play(); animator.SetBool("open", true); } else if (collision.gameObject.tag == "interact" && animator.GetBool("open") && !broken) { openSound.Play(); animator.SetBool("open", false); } }