internal void SetText(string text) { this.Text = text; if (this.Style.Font == null) { return; } this.isWhitespace = dfMarkupBoxText.whitespacePattern.IsMatch(this.Text); string str = (this.Style.PreserveWhitespace || !this.isWhitespace ? this.Text : " "); CharacterInfo[] characterInfoArray = this.Style.Font.RequestCharacters(str, this.Style.FontSize, this.Style.FontStyle); int fontSize = this.Style.FontSize; Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2(0f, (float)this.Style.LineHeight); for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { CharacterInfo characterInfo = characterInfoArray[i]; float single = characterInfo.vert.x + characterInfo.vert.width; if (str[i] == ' ') { single = Mathf.Max(single, (float)fontSize * 0.33f); } else if (str[i] == '\t') { single = single + (float)(fontSize * 3); } vector2.x = vector2.x + single; } this.Size = vector2; dfDynamicFont font = this.Style.Font; float fontSize1 = (float)fontSize / (float)font.FontSize; this.Baseline = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)font.Baseline * fontSize1); }
public float[] GetCharacterWidths(string text, int startIndex, int endIndex, out float totalWidth) { totalWidth = 0f; dfDynamicFont font = (dfDynamicFont)base.Font; int num = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)font.FontSize * base.TextScale); CharacterInfo[] characterInfoArray = font.RequestCharacters(text, num, FontStyle.Normal); float[] pixelRatio = new float[text.Length]; float single = 0f; float tabSize = 0f; int num1 = startIndex; while (num1 <= endIndex) { CharacterInfo characterInfo = characterInfoArray[num1]; if (text[num1] != '\t') { tabSize = (text[num1] != ' ' ? tabSize + (characterInfo.vert.x + characterInfo.vert.width) : tabSize + characterInfo.width); } else { tabSize = tabSize + (float)base.TabSize; } pixelRatio[num1] = (tabSize - single) * base.PixelRatio; num1++; single = tabSize; } return(pixelRatio); }
internal void SetText(string text) { this.Text = text; if (this.Style.Font != null) { this.isWhitespace = whitespacePattern.IsMatch(this.Text); string str = (!this.Style.PreserveWhitespace && this.isWhitespace) ? " " : this.Text; CharacterInfo[] infoArray = this.Style.Font.RequestCharacters(str, this.Style.FontSize, this.Style.FontStyle); int fontSize = this.Style.FontSize; Vector2 vector = new Vector2(0f, (float)this.Style.LineHeight); for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { CharacterInfo info = infoArray[i]; float a = info.vert.x + info.vert.width; if (str[i] == ' ') { a = Mathf.Max(a, fontSize * 0.33f); } else if (str[i] == '\t') { a += fontSize * 3; } vector.x += a; } base.Size = vector; dfDynamicFont font = this.Style.Font; float num4 = ((float)fontSize) / ((float)font.FontSize); base.Baseline = Mathf.CeilToInt(font.Baseline * num4); } }
public static dfFontRendererBase Obtain(dfDynamicFont font) { dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer dynamicFontRenderer = (dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.objectPool.Count <= 0 ? new dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer() : dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.objectPool.Dequeue()); dynamicFontRenderer.Reset(); dynamicFontRenderer.Font = font; return(dynamicFontRenderer); }
internal static void DrawFontPreview(dfDynamicFont font, Rect rect) { var previewString = "0123456789AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz!@#$%^&*()[]{}\\/| Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; //var previewString = "Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 0123456789 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz !@#$%^&*()[]{}\\/|"; var style = new GUIStyle() { font = font.BaseFont, fontSize = font.FontSize, fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal, wordWrap = true, normal = new GUIStyleState() { textColor = Color.white }, }; GUI.BeginScrollView(rect,, rect); rect.x += 5; rect.y += 5; rect.width -= 10; rect.height -= 10; EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(rect, previewString, style); GUI.EndScrollView(); }
private void renderText(string text) { dfDynamicFont font = this.Style.Font; int fontSize = this.Style.FontSize; FontStyle fontStyle = this.Style.FontStyle; dfList <Vector3> vertices = this.renderData.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = this.renderData.Triangles; dfList <Vector2> uV = this.renderData.UV; dfList <Color32> colors = this.renderData.Colors; float num2 = ((float)fontSize) / ((float)font.FontSize); float num3 = font.Descent * num2; float num4 = 0f; CharacterInfo[] infoArray = font.RequestCharacters(text, fontSize, fontStyle); this.renderData.Material = font.Material; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { CharacterInfo info = infoArray[i]; addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); float num6 = ((font.FontSize + info.vert.y) - fontSize) + num3; float x = num4 + info.vert.x; float y = num6; float num9 = x + info.vert.width; float num10 = y + info.vert.height; Vector3 item = new Vector3(x, y); Vector3 vector2 = new Vector3(num9, y); Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(num9, num10); Vector3 vector4 = new Vector3(x, num10); vertices.Add(item); vertices.Add(vector2); vertices.Add(vector3); vertices.Add(vector4); Color color = this.Style.Color; colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); Rect uv = info.uv; float num11 = uv.x; float num12 = uv.y + uv.height; float num13 = num11 + uv.width; float num14 = uv.y; if (info.flipped) { uV.Add(new Vector2(num13, num14)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num13, num12)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num11, num12)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num11, num14)); } else { uV.Add(new Vector2(num11, num12)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num13, num12)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num13, num14)); uV.Add(new Vector2(num11, num14)); } num4 += Mathf.CeilToInt(info.vert.x + info.vert.width); } }
private void renderText(string text) { dfDynamicFont font = this.Style.Font; int fontSize = this.Style.FontSize; FontStyle fontStyle = this.Style.FontStyle; dfList <Vector3> vertices = this.renderData.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = this.renderData.Triangles; dfList <Vector2> uV = this.renderData.UV; dfList <Color32> colors = this.renderData.Colors; float single = (float)fontSize / (float)font.FontSize; float descent = (float)font.Descent * single; float num = 0f; CharacterInfo[] characterInfoArray = font.RequestCharacters(text, fontSize, fontStyle); this.renderData.Material = font.Material; for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { CharacterInfo characterInfo = characterInfoArray[i]; dfMarkupBoxText.addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); float fontSize1 = (float)font.FontSize + characterInfo.vert.y - (float)fontSize + descent; float single1 = num + characterInfo.vert.x; float single2 = fontSize1; float single3 = single1 + characterInfo.vert.width; float single4 = single2 + characterInfo.vert.height; Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(single1, single2); Vector3 vector31 = new Vector3(single3, single2); Vector3 vector32 = new Vector3(single3, single4); Vector3 vector33 = new Vector3(single1, single4); vertices.Add(vector3); vertices.Add(vector31); vertices.Add(vector32); vertices.Add(vector33); Color color = this.Style.Color; colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color); Rect rect = characterInfo.uv; float single5 = rect.x; float single6 = rect.y + rect.height; float single7 = single5 + rect.width; float single8 = rect.y; if (!characterInfo.flipped) { uV.Add(new Vector2(single5, single6)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single7, single6)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single7, single8)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single5, single8)); } else { uV.Add(new Vector2(single7, single8)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single7, single6)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single5, single6)); uV.Add(new Vector2(single5, single8)); } num = num + (float)Mathf.CeilToInt(characterInfo.vert.x + characterInfo.vert.width); } }
public static dfFontRendererBase Obtain(dfDynamicFont font) { var renderer = objectPool.Count > 0 ? objectPool.Dequeue() : new DynamicFontRenderer(); renderer.Reset(); renderer.Font = font; return(renderer); }
private void calculateLineSize(dfDynamicFont.LineRenderInfo line) { dfDynamicFont font = (dfDynamicFont)base.Font; line.lineHeight = (float)font.Baseline * base.TextScale; int width = 0; for (int i = line.startOffset; i <= line.endOffset; i++) { width = width + this.tokens[i].Width; } line.lineWidth = (float)width; }
private void addInline(dfMarkupBox box) { bool flag; dfMarkupBorders margins = box.Margins; if (this.Style.Preformatted) { flag = false; } else { flag = (this.currentLine == null ? false : (float)this.currentLinePos + box.Size.x > this.currentLine.Size.x); } if (this.currentLine == null || flag) { this.endCurrentLine(false); int verticalPosition = this.getVerticalPosition(; dfMarkupBox containingBlock = this.GetContainingBlock(); if (containingBlock == null) { Debug.LogError("Containing block not found"); return; } dfDynamicFont font = this.Style.Font ?? this.Style.Host.Font; float fontSize = (float)font.FontSize / (float)font.FontSize; float baseline = (float)font.Baseline * fontSize; dfMarkupBox _dfMarkupBox = new dfMarkupBox(this.Element, dfMarkupDisplayType.block, this.Style) { Size = new Vector2(containingBlock.Size.x, (float)this.Style.LineHeight), Position = new Vector2(0f, (float)verticalPosition), Parent = this, Baseline = (int)baseline }; this.currentLine = _dfMarkupBox; this.children.Add(this.currentLine); } if (this.currentLinePos == 0 && !box.Style.PreserveWhitespace && box is dfMarkupBoxText && (box as dfMarkupBoxText).IsWhitespace) { return; } Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2((float)(this.currentLinePos + margins.left), (float); box.Position = vector2; box.Parent = this.currentLine; this.currentLine.children.Add(box); this.currentLinePos = (int)(vector2.x + box.Size.x + (float)box.Margins.right); float single = Mathf.Max(this.currentLine.Size.x, vector2.x + box.Size.x); float single1 = Mathf.Max(this.currentLine.Size.y, vector2.y + box.Size.y); this.currentLine.Size = new Vector2(single, single1); }
private void calculateTokenRenderSize(dfMarkupToken token) { try { int num = 0; char item = '\0'; bool flag = (token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Whitespace ? true : token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Text); dfDynamicFont font = (dfDynamicFont)base.Font; if (flag) { int num1 = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)font.FontSize * base.TextScale); CharacterInfo[] characterInfoArray = font.RequestCharacters(token.Value, num1, FontStyle.Normal); for (int i = 0; i < token.Length; i++) { item = token[i]; if (item != '\t') { CharacterInfo characterInfo = characterInfoArray[i]; num = num + (item == ' ' ? Mathf.CeilToInt(characterInfo.width) : Mathf.CeilToInt(characterInfo.vert.x + characterInfo.vert.width)); if (i > 0) { num = num + Mathf.CeilToInt((float)base.CharacterSpacing * base.TextScale); } } else { num = num + base.TabSize; } } token.Height = base.Font.LineHeight; token.Width = num; } else if (token.TokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.StartTag && token.Matches("sprite") && this.SpriteAtlas != null && token.AttributeCount == 1) { Texture2D texture = this.SpriteAtlas.Texture; float baseline = (float)font.Baseline * base.TextScale; string value = token.GetAttribute(0).Value.Value; dfAtlas.ItemInfo itemInfo = this.SpriteAtlas[value]; if (itemInfo != null) { float single = itemInfo.region.width * (float)texture.width / (itemInfo.region.height * (float)texture.height); num = Mathf.CeilToInt(baseline * single); } token.Height = Mathf.CeilToInt(baseline); token.Width = num; } } finally { } }
public dfMarkupStyle(dfDynamicFont Font, int FontSize, UnityEngine.FontStyle FontStyle) { this.Host = null; this.Atlas = null; this.Font = Font; this.FontSize = FontSize; this.FontStyle = FontStyle; this.Align = dfMarkupTextAlign.Left; this.VerticalAlign = dfMarkupVerticalAlign.Baseline; this.Color = UnityEngine.Color.white; this.BackgroundColor = UnityEngine.Color.clear; this.TextDecoration = dfMarkupTextDecoration.None; this.PreserveWhitespace = false; this.Preformatted = false; this.WordSpacing = 0; this.CharacterSpacing = 0; this.lineHeight = 0; this.Opacity = 1f; }
private dfRenderData renderText() { if (this.Font == null || !this.Font.IsValid || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text)) { return(null); } dfRenderData material = this.renderData; if (this.font is dfDynamicFont) { dfDynamicFont _dfDynamicFont = (dfDynamicFont)this.font; material = this.textRenderData; material.Clear(); material.Material = _dfDynamicFont.Material; } using (dfFontRendererBase _dfFontRendererBase = this.obtainTextRenderer()) { _dfFontRendererBase.Render(this.text, material); } return(material); }
private dfRenderData renderText() { if (((this.Font == null) || !this.Font.IsValid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text)) { return(null); } dfRenderData renderData = base.renderData; if (this.font is dfDynamicFont) { dfDynamicFont font = (dfDynamicFont)this.font; renderData = this.textRenderData; renderData.Clear(); renderData.Material = font.Material; } using (dfFontRendererBase base2 = this.obtainTextRenderer()) { base2.Render(this.text, renderData); } return(renderData); }
protected override void _PerformLayoutImpl(dfMarkupBox container, dfMarkupStyle style) { string[] names = new string[] { "name", "face" }; dfMarkupAttribute attribute = base.findAttribute(names); if (attribute != null) { dfDynamicFont font1 = dfDynamicFont.FindByName(attribute.Value); if (font1 == null) { } style.Font = style.Font; } string[] textArray2 = new string[] { "size", "font-size" }; dfMarkupAttribute attribute2 = base.findAttribute(textArray2); if (attribute2 != null) { style.FontSize = dfMarkupStyle.ParseSize(attribute2.Value, style.FontSize); } string[] textArray3 = new string[] { "color" }; dfMarkupAttribute attribute3 = base.findAttribute(textArray3); if (attribute3 != null) { style.Color = dfMarkupStyle.ParseColor(attribute3.Value,; style.Color.a = style.Opacity; } string[] textArray4 = new string[] { "style" }; dfMarkupAttribute attribute4 = base.findAttribute(textArray4); if (attribute4 != null) { style.FontStyle = dfMarkupStyle.ParseFontStyle(attribute4.Value, style.FontStyle); } base._PerformLayoutImpl(container, style); }
public static dfDynamicFont FindByName(string name) { for (int i = 0; i < dfDynamicFont.loadedFonts.Count; i++) { if (string.Equals(dfDynamicFont.loadedFonts[i].name, name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(dfDynamicFont.loadedFonts[i]); } } GameObject gameObject = Resources.Load(name) as GameObject; if (gameObject == null) { return(null); } dfDynamicFont component = gameObject.GetComponent <dfDynamicFont>(); if (component == null) { return(null); } dfDynamicFont.loadedFonts.Add(component); return(component); }
private void renderText(dfMarkupToken token, Color32 color, Vector3 position, dfRenderData renderData) { try { dfDynamicFont font = (dfDynamicFont)base.Font; int num = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)font.FontSize * base.TextScale); FontStyle fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal; int descent = font.Descent; dfList <Vector3> vertices = renderData.Vertices; dfList <int> triangles = renderData.Triangles; dfList <Vector2> uV = renderData.UV; dfList <Color32> colors = renderData.Colors; string value = token.Value; float characterSpacing = position.x; float single = position.y; CharacterInfo[] characterInfoArray = font.RequestCharacters(value, num, fontStyle); renderData.Material = font.Material; Color32 color32 = this.applyOpacity(this.multiplyColors(color, base.DefaultColor)); Color32 color321 = color32; if (base.BottomColor.HasValue) { Color color1 = color; Color32?bottomColor = base.BottomColor; color321 = this.applyOpacity(this.multiplyColors(color1, bottomColor.Value)); } for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) { characterSpacing = characterSpacing + (float)base.CharacterSpacing * base.TextScale; } CharacterInfo characterInfo = characterInfoArray[i]; float fontSize = (float)font.FontSize + characterInfo.vert.y - (float)num + (float)descent; float single1 = characterSpacing + characterInfo.vert.x; float single2 = single + fontSize; float single3 = single1 + characterInfo.vert.width; float single4 = single2 + characterInfo.vert.height; Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(single1, single2) * base.PixelRatio; Vector3 vector31 = new Vector3(single3, single2) * base.PixelRatio; Vector3 vector32 = new Vector3(single3, single4) * base.PixelRatio; Vector3 vector33 = new Vector3(single1, single4) * base.PixelRatio; if (base.Shadow) { dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); Vector3 shadowOffset = base.ShadowOffset * base.PixelRatio; vertices.Add(vector3 + shadowOffset); vertices.Add(vector31 + shadowOffset); vertices.Add(vector32 + shadowOffset); vertices.Add(vector33 + shadowOffset); Color32 color322 = this.applyOpacity(base.ShadowColor); colors.Add(color322); colors.Add(color322); colors.Add(color322); colors.Add(color322); dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.addUVCoords(uV, characterInfo); } if (base.Outline) { for (int j = 0; j < (int)dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.OUTLINE_OFFSETS.Length; j++) { dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); Vector3 oUTLINEOFFSETS = (dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.OUTLINE_OFFSETS[j] * (float)base.OutlineSize) * base.PixelRatio; vertices.Add(vector3 + oUTLINEOFFSETS); vertices.Add(vector31 + oUTLINEOFFSETS); vertices.Add(vector32 + oUTLINEOFFSETS); vertices.Add(vector33 + oUTLINEOFFSETS); Color32 color323 = this.applyOpacity(base.OutlineColor); colors.Add(color323); colors.Add(color323); colors.Add(color323); colors.Add(color323); dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.addUVCoords(uV, characterInfo); } } dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.addTriangleIndices(vertices, triangles); vertices.Add(vector3); vertices.Add(vector31); vertices.Add(vector32); vertices.Add(vector33); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color32); colors.Add(color321); colors.Add(color321); dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.addUVCoords(uV, characterInfo); characterSpacing = characterSpacing + (float)Mathf.CeilToInt(characterInfo.vert.x + characterInfo.vert.width); } } finally { } }
private int calculateLineAlignment(dfDynamicFont.LineRenderInfo line) { float single = line.lineWidth; if (base.TextAlign == TextAlignment.Left || single < 1f) { return 0; } float single1 = 0f; single1 = (base.TextAlign != TextAlignment.Right ? (base.MaxSize.x - single) * 0.5f : base.MaxSize.x - single); return Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Max(0f, single1)); }
public dfMarkupStyle( dfDynamicFont Font, int FontSize, FontStyle FontStyle ) { Host = null; Atlas = null; this.Font = Font; this.FontSize = FontSize; this.FontStyle = FontStyle; Align = dfMarkupTextAlign.Left; VerticalAlign = dfMarkupVerticalAlign.Baseline; Color = UnityEngine.Color.white; BackgroundColor = UnityEngine.Color.clear; TextDecoration = dfMarkupTextDecoration.None; PreserveWhitespace = false; Preformatted = false; WordSpacing = 0; CharacterSpacing = 0; lineHeight = 0; Opacity = 1f; }
public static dfFontRendererBase Obtain( dfDynamicFont font ) { var renderer = objectPool.Count > 0 ? objectPool.Dequeue() : new DynamicFontRenderer(); renderer.Reset(); renderer.Font = font; renderer.inUse = true; return renderer; }
internal static void DrawFontPreview( dfDynamicFont font, Rect rect ) { var previewString = "0123456789AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz!@#$%^&*()[]{}\\/| Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."; //var previewString = "Grumpy wizards make toxic brew for the evil Queen and Jack. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 0123456789 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz !@#$%^&*()[]{}\\/|"; var style = new GUIStyle() { font = font.BaseFont, fontSize = font.FontSize, fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal, wordWrap = true, normal = new GUIStyleState() { textColor = Color.white }, }; GUI.BeginScrollView( rect,, rect ); rect.x += 5; rect.y += 5; rect.width -= 10; rect.height -= 10; EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel( rect, previewString, style ); GUI.EndScrollView(); }
private void renderLine(dfDynamicFont.LineRenderInfo line, Stack<Color32> colors, Vector3 position, dfRenderData destination) { position.x = position.x + (float)this.calculateLineAlignment(line); for (int i = line.startOffset; i <= line.endOffset; i++) { dfMarkupToken item = this.tokens[i]; dfMarkupTokenType tokenType = item.TokenType; if (tokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Text) { this.renderText(item, colors.Peek(), position, destination); } else if (tokenType != dfMarkupTokenType.StartTag) { if (tokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.EndTag && item.Matches("color") && colors.Count > 1) { colors.Pop(); } } else if (item.Matches("sprite") && this.SpriteAtlas != null && this.SpriteBuffer != null) { this.renderSprite(item, colors.Peek(), position, this.SpriteBuffer); } else if (item.Matches("color")) { colors.Push(this.parseColor(item)); } position.x = position.x + (float)item.Width; } }
public static dfFontRendererBase Obtain(dfDynamicFont font) { dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer dynamicFontRenderer = (dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.objectPool.Count <= 0 ? new dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer() : dfDynamicFont.DynamicFontRenderer.objectPool.Dequeue()); dynamicFontRenderer.Reset(); dynamicFontRenderer.Font = font; return dynamicFontRenderer; }
private dfList <dfDynamicFont.LineRenderInfo> calculateLinebreaks() { dfList <dfDynamicFont.LineRenderInfo> lineRenderInfos; bool flag; try { if (this.lines == null) { this.lines = dfList <dfDynamicFont.LineRenderInfo> .Obtain(); dfDynamicFont font = (dfDynamicFont)base.Font; int num = 0; int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; float baseline = (float)font.Baseline * base.TextScale; while (num2 < this.tokens.Count) { Vector2 maxSize = base.MaxSize; if ((float)this.lines.Count * baseline > maxSize.y + baseline) { break; } dfMarkupToken item = this.tokens[num2]; dfMarkupTokenType tokenType = item.TokenType; if (tokenType != dfMarkupTokenType.Newline) { int num4 = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)item.Width); if (!base.WordWrap || num <= num1) { flag = false; } else if (tokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Text) { flag = true; } else { flag = (tokenType != dfMarkupTokenType.StartTag ? false : item.Matches("sprite")); } if (!flag || (float)(num3 + num4) < base.MaxSize.x) { if (tokenType == dfMarkupTokenType.Whitespace) { num = num2; } num3 = num3 + num4; num2++; } else if (num <= num1) { this.lines.Add(dfDynamicFont.LineRenderInfo.Obtain(num1, num - 1)); int num5 = num2 + 1; num2 = num5; num = num5; num1 = num5; num3 = 0; } else { this.lines.Add(dfDynamicFont.LineRenderInfo.Obtain(num1, num - 1)); int num6 = num + 1; num = num6; num2 = num6; num1 = num6; num3 = 0; } } else { this.lines.Add(dfDynamicFont.LineRenderInfo.Obtain(num1, num2)); int num7 = num2 + 1; num2 = num7; num = num7; num1 = num7; num3 = 0; } } if (num1 < this.tokens.Count) { this.lines.Add(dfDynamicFont.LineRenderInfo.Obtain(num1, this.tokens.Count - 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < this.lines.Count; i++) { this.calculateLineSize(this.lines[i]); } lineRenderInfos = this.lines; } else { lineRenderInfos = this.lines; } } finally { } return(lineRenderInfos); }