コード例 #1
    protected dfComponentMemberInfo EditPropertyInfo(dfComponentMemberInfo MemberInfo, Type DataType)
        var sourceComponent = dfEditorUtil.ComponentField("Component", MemberInfo.Component);

        if (sourceComponent != MemberInfo.Component)
            dfEditorUtil.MarkUndo(target, "Assign Data Source");
            MemberInfo.Component = sourceComponent;

        if (sourceComponent == null)
            //EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "Missing component", MessageType.Error );

        var sourceComponentMembers =
            .Where(m => isValidFieldType(m, DataType))
            .Select(m => m.Name)

        var memberIndex   = findIndex(sourceComponentMembers, MemberInfo.MemberName);
        var selectedIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Property", memberIndex, sourceComponentMembers);

        if (selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndex < sourceComponentMembers.Length)
            var memberName = sourceComponentMembers[selectedIndex];
            if (memberName != MemberInfo.MemberName)
                dfEditorUtil.MarkUndo(target, "Assign Data Source");
                MemberInfo.MemberName = memberName;

コード例 #2
	protected dfComponentMemberInfo EditPropertyInfo( dfComponentMemberInfo MemberInfo, Type DataType )

		var sourceComponent = dfEditorUtil.ComponentField( "Component", MemberInfo.Component );
		if( sourceComponent != MemberInfo.Component )
			dfEditorUtil.MarkUndo( target, "Assign Data Source" );
			MemberInfo.Component = sourceComponent;

		if( sourceComponent == null )
			//EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "Missing component", MessageType.Error );
			return MemberInfo;

		var sourceComponentMembers = 
			getMemberList( sourceComponent )
			.Where( m => isValidFieldType( m, DataType ) )
			.Select( m => m.Name )

		var memberIndex = findIndex( sourceComponentMembers, MemberInfo.MemberName );
		var selectedIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup( "Property", memberIndex, sourceComponentMembers );
		if( selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndex < sourceComponentMembers.Length )
			var memberName = sourceComponentMembers[ selectedIndex ];
			if( memberName != MemberInfo.MemberName )
				dfEditorUtil.MarkUndo( target, "Assign Data Source" );
				MemberInfo.MemberName = memberName;

		return MemberInfo;

コード例 #3
    public void Stats()
        Player Player = ParseUser.CurrentUser as Player;

        PhotonView[] players = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <PhotonView>();
        GameObject   other   = null;
        GameObject   mine    = null;

        // print("Number of PhotonViews: " + players.Length);
        foreach (PhotonView ph in players)
            if (!ph.gameObject.name.Contains("HammerRobot"))
            // print("ViewID: " + ph.viewID + ", SubID: " + ph.subId + ", InstantiationId: " + ph.instantiationId + ", Name: " + ph.name);
            if (!ph.isMine)
                other = ph.gameObject;
                // print("Is not mine");
                // print("Is Mine");
                mine = ph.gameObject;
        if (other != null)
            //RobotController rc = mine.GetComponent<RobotController>();

            // rc.HumanActivate(other);
            //  var brain1 = Utility.LoadBrain(Application.persistentDataPath + string.Format("/Populations/{0}Champ.gnm.xml", "Mortar Precision"));
            var controller1 = mine.GetComponent <FightController>();
            //     controller1.HitLayers = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("BattleRobot");

            int activeNumber = -1;

            IBlackBox brain1 = null, brain2 = null, brain3 = null, brain4 = null, activeBrain = null;
            string    path = "";
            if (Player.Brain1 != null)
                path = Application.persistentDataPath + string.Format("/{0}/{1}.champ.xml", Player.Username, Player.Brain1.ObjectId);
                // print("Path: " + path);
                brain1       = Utility.LoadBrain(path);
                activeBrain  = brain1;
                activeNumber = 1;
            if (Player.Brain2 != null)
                path   = Application.persistentDataPath + string.Format("/{0}/{1}.champ.xml", Player.Username, Player.Brain2.ObjectId);
                brain2 = Utility.LoadBrain(path);
                if (activeBrain == null)
                    activeBrain  = brain2;
                    activeNumber = 2;

            if (Player.Brain3 != null)
                path   = Application.persistentDataPath + string.Format("/{0}/{1}.champ.xml", Player.Username, Player.Brain3.ObjectId);
                brain3 = Utility.LoadBrain(path);
                if (activeBrain == null)
                    activeBrain  = brain3;
                    activeNumber = 3;

            if (Player.Brain4 != null)
                path   = Application.persistentDataPath + string.Format("/{0}/{1}.champ.xml", Player.Username, Player.Brain4.ObjectId);
                brain4 = Utility.LoadBrain(path);
                if (activeBrain == null)
                    activeBrain  = brain4;
                    activeNumber = 4;

            // print("Joe 1");
            controller1.Activate(activeBrain, other);
            controller1.SetBrains(brain1, brain2, brain3, brain4);
            // print("Joe 2");
            var opponent = other.GetComponent <FightController>();
            gui.MyRobot       = controller1;
            gui.OpponentRobot = opponent;
            opponent.Opponent = controller1;
            //  controller1.Opponent.Opponent = controller1;
            //  controller1.Opponent.target = controller1.gameObject;
            gui.ResetButton.Controller = controller1.gameObject;
            // print("Joe 3");

            GameObject UIRoot = GameObject.Find("Battle GUI");

            //     UIRoot.GetComponent<MouseTotem>().SetController(controller1);

            HealthScript health = mine.GetComponent <HealthScript>();
            health.Died += new HealthScript.DeathEventHandler(health_Died);

            GameObject HealthBar = Instantiate(Resources.Load("HealthBar")) as GameObject;

            dfFollowObject Follow = HealthBar.GetComponent <dfFollowObject>();
            Follow.attach = mine;
            HealthBar.transform.parent = UIRoot.transform;
            Follow.enabled             = true;
            health.FollowScript        = Follow;

            dfPropertyBinding     prop = HealthBar.GetComponent <dfPropertyBinding>();
            dfComponentMemberInfo info = new dfComponentMemberInfo();
            info.Component  = health;
            info.MemberName = "HealthPercentage";
            prop.DataSource = info;

            dfComponentMemberInfo targetInfo = new dfComponentMemberInfo();
            targetInfo.Component  = HealthBar.GetComponent <dfProgressBar>();
            targetInfo.MemberName = "Value";

            prop.DataTarget = targetInfo;


            prop.enabled = true;

            // print("Joe 4");

            HealthScript oppHealth = other.GetComponent <HealthScript>();
            oppHealth.Died += new HealthScript.DeathEventHandler(oppHealth_Died);

            GameObject     OppHealthBar = Instantiate(Resources.Load("OppHealthBar")) as GameObject;
            dfFollowObject OppFollow    = OppHealthBar.GetComponent <dfFollowObject>();
            OppFollow.attach = other;
            OppHealthBar.transform.parent = UIRoot.transform;
            OppFollow.enabled             = true;
            // OppHealthBar.transform.Find("Me Label").GetComponent<dfLabel>().Hide();
            oppHealth.FollowScript = OppFollow;

            dfPropertyBinding     oppProp = OppHealthBar.GetComponent <dfPropertyBinding>();
            dfComponentMemberInfo oppInfo = new dfComponentMemberInfo();
            oppInfo.Component  = oppHealth;
            oppInfo.MemberName = "HealthPercentage";
            oppProp.DataSource = oppInfo;

            dfComponentMemberInfo oppTargetInfo = new dfComponentMemberInfo();
            oppTargetInfo.Component  = OppHealthBar.GetComponent <dfProgressBar>();
            oppTargetInfo.MemberName = "Value";

            oppProp.DataTarget = oppTargetInfo;


            oppProp.enabled = true;

            // print("Joe 5");

            if (photonView.isMine)
                // print("Setting color of other");
                other.transform.Find("Body").renderer.material = ownColor;
                // print("Not mine, Setting color of other");
                other.transform.Find("Body").renderer.material = ownColor;
                //    mine.transform.Find("Body").renderer.material = ownColor;

            // print("Joe 6");
            //   GameLogger.Instance.StartLogging(controller1, controller1.Opponent);
            logger = new EventLogger(controller1, Application.loadedLevelName, currentFrame);

コード例 #4
    public void Stats()
        Player Player = ParseUser.CurrentUser as Player;

        PhotonView[] players = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <PhotonView>();
        GameObject   other   = null;
        GameObject   mine    = null;

        print("Number of PhotonViews: " + players.Length);
        foreach (PhotonView ph in players)
            if (!ph.gameObject.name.Contains("ModRobot"))
            print("ViewID: " + ph.viewID + ", SubID: " + ph.subId + ", InstantiationId: " + ph.instantiationId + ", Name: " + ph.name);
            if (!ph.isMine)
                other = ph.gameObject;
                print("Is not mine");
                print("Is Mine");
                mine = ph.gameObject;
        if (other != null)
            //RobotController rc = mine.GetComponent<RobotController>();

            // rc.HumanActivate(other);
            //  var brain1 = Utility.LoadBrain(Application.persistentDataPath + string.Format("/Populations/{0}Champ.gnm.xml", "Mortar Precision"));
            var controller1 = mine.GetComponent <BattleController>();
            controller1.HitLayers = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("BattleRobot");

            IBlackBox brain1 = null, brain2 = null, brain3 = null, brain4 = null, activeBrain = null;
            string    path = "";
            if (Player.Brain1 != null)
                path = Application.persistentDataPath + string.Format("/{0}/{1}.champ.xml", Player.Username, Player.Brain1.ObjectId);
                print("Path: " + path);
                brain1      = Utility.LoadBrain(path);
                activeBrain = brain1;
            if (Player.Brain2 != null)
                path   = Application.persistentDataPath + string.Format("/{0}/{1}.champ.xml", Player.Username, Player.Brain2.ObjectId);
                brain2 = Utility.LoadBrain(path);
                if (activeBrain == null)
                    activeBrain = brain2;

            if (Player.Brain3 != null)
                path   = Application.persistentDataPath + string.Format("/{0}/{1}.champ.xml", Player.Username, Player.Brain3.ObjectId);
                brain3 = Utility.LoadBrain(path);
                if (activeBrain == null)
                    activeBrain = brain3;

            if (Player.Brain4 != null)
                path   = Application.persistentDataPath + string.Format("/{0}/{1}.champ.xml", Player.Username, Player.Brain4.ObjectId);
                brain4 = Utility.LoadBrain(path);
                if (activeBrain == null)
                    activeBrain = brain4;

            controller1.Activate(activeBrain, other);
            controller1.SetBrains(brain1, brain2, brain3, brain4);

            //    gui.MyRobot = controller1;
            //    gui.OpponentRobot = controller1.Opponent;

            GameObject UIRoot = GameObject.Find("UI Root");

            HealthScript health = mine.GetComponent <HealthScript>();

            GameObject     HealthBar = Instantiate(Resources.Load("HealthBar")) as GameObject;
            dfFollowObject Follow    = HealthBar.GetComponent <dfFollowObject>();
            Follow.attach = mine;
            HealthBar.transform.parent = UIRoot.transform;
            Follow.enabled             = true;
            health.FollowScript        = Follow;

            dfPropertyBinding     prop = HealthBar.GetComponent <dfPropertyBinding>();
            dfComponentMemberInfo info = new dfComponentMemberInfo();
            info.Component  = health;
            info.MemberName = "Health";
            prop.DataSource = info;

            dfComponentMemberInfo targetInfo = new dfComponentMemberInfo();
            targetInfo.Component  = HealthBar.GetComponent <dfProgressBar>();
            targetInfo.MemberName = "Value";

            prop.DataTarget = targetInfo;


            prop.enabled = true;

            HealthScript oppHealth = other.GetComponent <HealthScript>();

            GameObject     OppHealthBar = Instantiate(Resources.Load("HealthBar")) as GameObject;
            dfFollowObject OppFollow    = OppHealthBar.GetComponent <dfFollowObject>();
            OppFollow.attach = other;
            OppHealthBar.transform.parent = UIRoot.transform;
            OppFollow.enabled             = true;
            OppHealthBar.transform.Find("Me Label").GetComponent <dfLabel>().Hide();
            oppHealth.FollowScript = OppFollow;

            dfPropertyBinding     oppProp = OppHealthBar.GetComponent <dfPropertyBinding>();
            dfComponentMemberInfo oppInfo = new dfComponentMemberInfo();
            oppInfo.Component  = oppHealth;
            oppInfo.MemberName = "Health";
            oppProp.DataSource = oppInfo;

            dfComponentMemberInfo oppTargetInfo = new dfComponentMemberInfo();
            oppTargetInfo.Component  = OppHealthBar.GetComponent <dfProgressBar>();
            oppTargetInfo.MemberName = "Value";

            oppProp.DataTarget = oppTargetInfo;


            oppProp.enabled = true;

            if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
                mine.transform.Find("Body").renderer.material = ownColor;
                other.transform.Find("Body").renderer.material = ownColor;