コード例 #1
        private static string GetFormattedResponse(def_ResponseVariables rv, XmlSchemaSimpleType type, IFormsRepository formsRepo)
            string response = rv.rspValue;

            //for boolean items (typically representing checked checkboxes), check if there is a specific output value in lookup tables
            //negative responses to boolean items (rspValue "0") can be ignored in this step because they will be excluded from the output anyways

            if (rv.rspValue == "1") //this if-statement reduces the number of DB reads, doesn't effect output
                def_ItemVariables iv = formsRepo.GetItemVariableById(rv.itemVariableId);
                if (iv.baseTypeId == 1)
                    def_LookupMaster lm = formsRepo.GetLookupMastersByLookupCode(iv.identifier);
                    if (lm != null)
                        List <def_LookupDetail> ld = formsRepo.GetLookupDetailsByLookupMasterEnterprise(lm.lookupMasterId, SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID);
                        if (ld.Count > 0)
                            response = ld[0].dataValue;

                return(Utilities.FormatDataByXmlDataType(response, type));
            catch (Exception excptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("GetFormattedResponse Message: " + excptn.Message);

                return(GetDefaultValue(type));  // to pass validation
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult deleteMaster(int masterId)
            List <def_LookupDetail> lookupDetails = new List <def_LookupDetail>();


            List <def_LookupText> lookupTexts = new List <def_LookupText>();

            foreach (def_LookupDetail detail in lookupDetails)

            foreach (def_LookupText text in lookupTexts)

            foreach (def_LookupDetail detail in lookupDetails)

            def_LookupMaster master = formsRepo.GetLookupMasterById(masterId);


            lookupModel.LookupMasters = getMasters();
            return(PartialView("_Masters", lookupModel));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to display responses to radiobuttons or dropdowns.
        /// Retrieve a numerical response for the given def_FormResult and deF_ItemVariable from the ResponseVariables table,
        /// Then lookup the display text associated with the numerical response, for the current UI language.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formResultId"></param>
        /// <param name="itm"></param>
        /// <param name="iv"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetResponseThroughLookupTables(int formResultId, def_Items itm, def_ItemVariables iv)
            string           rsp = GetResponse(formResultId, itm, iv);
            def_LookupMaster lm  = formsRepo.GetLookupMastersByLookupCode(iv.identifier);

            if (lm == null)

            def_LookupDetail ld = formsRepo.GetLookupDetailByEnterpriseMasterAndDataValue(SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID, lm.lookupMasterId, rsp);

            if (ld != null)
                CultureInfo    ci     = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
                string         region = (ci == null) ? "en" : ci.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.ToLower();
                int            langId = formsRepo.GetLanguageByTwoLetterISOName(region).langId;
                def_LookupText lt     = formsRepo.GetLookupTextsByLookupDetailLanguage(ld.lookupDetailId, langId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (lt != null)
コード例 #4
        public def_LookupMaster SetLookupMaster(string lkpCd, string title, int baseType, def_LookupMaster lkpMstr = null)
            if (lkpMstr == null)
                lkpMstr = new def_LookupMaster();

                lkpMstr.lookupCode = lkpCd;
                lkpMstr.title      = title;
                lkpMstr.baseTypeId = (short)baseType;

                lkpMstr.lookupCode = lkpCd;
                lkpMstr.title      = title;
                lkpMstr.baseTypeId = (short)baseType;

                db.Entry(lkpMstr).State = EntityState.Modified;

コード例 #5
        public ActionResult saveMaster(int lookupMasterId, string lookupCode, string title, int baseType)
            def_LookupMaster master = formsRepo.GetLookupMasterById(lookupMasterId);

            formsRepo.SetLookupMaster(lookupCode, title, baseType, master);

            lookupModel.LookupMasters = getMasters();

            return(PartialView("_Masters", lookupModel));
コード例 #6
        public ActionResult Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file)
            AdapAdmin model = new AdapAdmin();

            model.ActiveUserName = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.FirstName + " " + SessionHelper.LoginStatus.LastName;

            int enterpriseId = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID;

            def_LookupMaster lookupMaster = mFormsRepository.GetLookupMastersByLookupCode("ADAP_CLINIC");

            int lookupMasterId = 0;

            if (lookupMaster != null)
                lookupMasterId = lookupMaster.lookupMasterId;

            model.enterpriseId   = enterpriseId;
            model.groupId        = 0;
            model.lookupMasterId = lookupMasterId;
            model.statusFlag     = true;

            if (file.ContentLength > 0)
                var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
                var path     = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/uploads"), fileName);

                LookupUploads lookupUploads = new LookupUploads();

                model.Message = "Upload successful";

                    lookupUploads.UploadLookups(enterpriseId, SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID, mFormsRepository, path);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    model.Message = "Upload error: " + ex.Message;
                    return(View("~/Views/COADAP/UploadLookupData.cshtml", model));
                model.Message = "Upload error: No file selected.";
                return(View("~/Views/COADAP/UploadLookupData.cshtml", model));

            return(RedirectToAction("Clinic", "ADAP"));
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is not in use and may be deprecated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clinicDataValue"></param>
        /// <param name="formResultId"></param>
        /// <param name="lookupCode"></param>
        public void UpdateTeam(string clinicDataValue, int formResultId, string lookupCode)
            def_FormResults formResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);

            int? enterpriseId = formResult.EnterpriseID;

            def_LookupMaster lookupMaster = formsRepo.GetLookupMastersByLookupCode(lookupCode);

            if (enterpriseId != null)
                def_LookupDetail lookupDetail = formsRepo.GetLookupDetailByEnterpriseMasterAndDataValue(enterpriseId.Value, lookupMaster.lookupMasterId, clinicDataValue);

                if (lookupDetail != null && lookupDetail.GroupID != null)
                    formResult.GroupID = lookupDetail.GroupID;


コード例 #8
        // GET: UploadLookupData
        public ActionResult Index()
            AdapAdmin model = new AdapAdmin();

            model.ActiveUserName = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.FirstName + " " + SessionHelper.LoginStatus.LastName;

            int enterpriseId = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID;

            def_LookupMaster lookupMaster = mFormsRepository.GetLookupMastersByLookupCode("ADAP_CLINIC");

            int lookupMasterId = 0;

            if (lookupMaster != null)
                lookupMasterId = lookupMaster.lookupMasterId;

            model.enterpriseId   = enterpriseId;
            model.groupId        = 0;
            model.lookupMasterId = lookupMasterId;
            model.statusFlag     = true;

            return(View("~/Views/COADAP/UploadLookupData.cshtml", model));
コード例 #9
        public string GetLookup(string lkpCd)
            Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup  lkpCd: " + lkpCd);
            if (!SessionHelper.IsUserLoggedIn)
                return("You are NOT logged in.");

            int groupId = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.appGroupPermissions[0].authorizedGroups[0];

            Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup  lkpCd: " + lkpCd + "     Enterprise: " + SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID + "   GroupID:" + groupId);

            short            lang   = 1; // Make this use a session variable later!!
            def_LookupMaster master = null;

                using (var context = DataContext.GetDbContext())
                    context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

                    /*   var query = context.def_LookupMaster
                     *         .Where(m => m.lookupCode == lkpCd)
                     *         .Select(m => new { m, det = m.def_LookupDetail.Where(d => ) })
                    master = (from i in context.def_LookupMaster
                              where lkpCd == i.lookupCode
                              select i).FirstOrDefault();

                    var detailCount = context.Entry(master)
                                      .Collection(m => m.def_LookupDetail)
                                      .Where(m => m.EnterpriseID == SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID && m.GroupID == groupId)

                    // if the Enterprise and Group match, load the LookupDetail records
                    if (detailCount > 0)
                        .Collection(m => m.def_LookupDetail)
                        .Where(m => m.EnterpriseID == SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID && m.GroupID == groupId)
                        .OrderBy(m => m.displayOrder)
                    {   // Check for the Enterprise specific LookupDetail
                        detailCount = context.Entry(master)
                                      .Collection(m => m.def_LookupDetail)
                                      .Where(m => m.EnterpriseID == SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID && m.GroupID == 0)
                                      .OrderBy(m => m.displayOrder)

                        // Load the Enterprise specific LookupDetail
                        if (detailCount > 0)
                            .Collection(m => m.def_LookupDetail)
                            .Where(m => m.EnterpriseID == SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID && m.GroupID == 0)
                            .OrderBy(m => m.displayOrder)
                        {   // Load the default LookupDetail
                            .Collection(m => m.def_LookupDetail)
                            .Where(m => m.EnterpriseID == 0 && m.GroupID == 0)
                            .OrderBy(m => m.displayOrder)

                    // Load the associated LookupText for the selected LookupDetail records
                    // Get a specific Language
                    // If no records for a specific language, get English
                    foreach (def_LookupDetail det in master.def_LookupDetail)
                        var textCount = context.Entry(det)
                                        .Collection(t => t.def_LookupText)
                                        .Where(t => t.langId == lang)

                        // If specific Language found, load the records
                        // *** RRB 2/1/16 *** This doesn't look right. 2 different kinds of queries being used Entities and IQueryable
                        // ***            *** Also the last one appears to be pulling in almost anything other than specific language.

                        if (textCount > 0)
                            .Collection(t => t.def_LookupText)
                            .Where(t => t.langId == lang)
                            .Collection(t => t.def_LookupText)
            catch (SqlException sqlxcptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup Using SqlException: " + sqlxcptn.Message);
            catch (Exception xcptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup Using Exception: " + xcptn.Message);

            string jsonString = String.Empty;

                jsonString = fastJSON.JSON.ToJSON(master);
            catch (Exception xcptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup fastJSON Exception: " + xcptn.Message);

            Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup jsonString length: " + jsonString.Length);
コード例 #10
         * Returns a list of lookup details given the enterprise ID and Group ID.
         * These must be explicitly passed to ensure they have been intentionally set.

        public List <def_LookupDetail> GetLookupDetails(string lkpCd, int ent, int grp)
            def_LookupMaster lookupMaster = formsRepo.GetLookupMastersByLookupCode(lkpCd);

            return(formsRepo.GetLookupDetails(lookupMaster.lookupMasterId, ent, grp));
コード例 #11
        public string GetLookupADAP(string lkpCd)
            Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup  lkpCd: " + lkpCd);
            if (!SessionHelper.IsUserLoggedIn)
                return("You are NOT logged in.");

            Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup  lkpCd: " + lkpCd + "     Enterprise: " + SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID);

            // Get the Language for the User
            CultureInfo ci     = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
            string      region = (ci == null) ? "en" : ci.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.ToLower();
            int         langId = DataContext.GetDbContext().def_Languages.Where(l => l.languageRegion.ToLower() == region).Select(l => l.langId).FirstOrDefault();

            def_LookupMaster master = null;

                using (var context = DataContext.GetDbContext())
                    context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

                    /*   var query = context.def_LookupMaster
                     *         .Where(m => m.lookupCode == lkpCd)
                     *         .Select(m => new { m, det = m.def_LookupDetail.Where(d => ) })
                    master = (from i in context.def_LookupMaster
                              where lkpCd == i.lookupCode
                              select i).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (master != null)
                        //check if there are enterprise-specific lookups
                        int entID       = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID;
                        int detailCount = context.Entry(master)
                                          .Collection(m => m.def_LookupDetail)
                                          .Where(m => m.EnterpriseID == entID && m.StatusFlag == "A")

                        //if there are no enterprise-specific lookups, use ent 0 to retrieve defaults
                        if (detailCount == 0)
                            entID       = 0;
                            detailCount = context.Entry(master)
                                          .Collection(m => m.def_LookupDetail)
                                          .Where(m => m.EnterpriseID == entID && m.StatusFlag == "A")

                        if (detailCount > 0)
                            .Collection(m => m.def_LookupDetail)
                            .Where(m => m.EnterpriseID == entID && m.StatusFlag == "A")
                            .OrderBy(m => m.displayOrder)

                        // Get the associated LookupText for each LookupDetail
                        foreach (def_LookupDetail det in master.def_LookupDetail)
                            var textCount = context.Entry(det)
                                            .Collection(t => t.def_LookupText)
                                            .Where(t => t.langId == langId)

                            // *** RRB 2/1/16 ***
                            // ***    Like the SIS Lookup method above this is using 2 different types of query results
                            // ***  Figure out the correct one during Unit Testing
                            // ***  Since it is the final query, IQueryable isn't necessary
                            if (textCount > 0)
                                .Collection(t => t.def_LookupText)
                                .Where(t => t.langId == langId)
                                .Collection(t => t.def_LookupText)
            catch (SqlException sqlxcptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup Using SqlException: " + sqlxcptn.Message);
            catch (Exception xcptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup Using Exception: " + xcptn.Message);

            string jsonString = String.Empty;

            if (master != null)
                try {
                    jsonString = fastJSON.JSON.ToJSON(master);
                } catch (Exception xcptn) {
                    Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup fastJSON Exception: " + xcptn.Message);
                jsonString = "{\"def_BaseTypes\": null,\"def_LookupDetail\": [],\"lookupMasterId\": 0,\"lookupCode\": \"" + lkpCd + "\",\"title\": \"Duration of Power of Attorney (POA)\",\"baseTypeId\": 8}";
            Debug.WriteLine("GetLookup jsonString length: " + jsonString.Length);
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Update lookup detail and lookup text records in the database (add them, update existing not currently supported --LK 11/4/2015)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataValues"></param>
        /// <param name="formsRepo"></param>
        private void UpdateLookups(int enterpriseId, string[] dataValues, IFormsRepository formsRepo)
            int lookupDetailId;

            bool newDetail = false;

            def_LookupMaster lookupMaster = formsRepo.GetLookupMastersByLookupCode("ADAP_CLINIC");

            if (lookupMaster == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find lookup master: code ADAP_CLINIC");

            def_LookupDetail lookupDetail = null;

            // Display Choice (required)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataValues[1]))
                throw new Exception("Display Text is required field.");

            // Display Order (required)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataValues[0]))
                throw new Exception("Display Order is required field. Missing for: " + dataValues[1]);

            short langId = 0;

            // Check that language ID is valid (or empty)
            if (!Int16.TryParse(dataValues[2], out langId) || (langId != 1 && langId != 2))
                throw new Exception("Invalid language ID for: " + dataValues[1]);

            // Try to find lookup detail by ID
            if (Int32.TryParse(dataValues[6], out lookupDetailId))
                lookupDetail = formsRepo.GetLookupDetailById(lookupDetailId);

            if (lookupDetail == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataValues[5])) // find by data value
                lookupDetail = formsRepo.GetLookupDetailByEnterpriseMasterAndDataValue(enterpriseId, lookupMaster.lookupMasterId, dataValues[5]);

            if (lookupDetail == null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataValues[1])) // find by display text and language
                def_LookupText tempLookupText = formsRepo.GetLookupTextByDisplayTextEnterpriseIdMasterLang(dataValues[1], enterpriseId, lookupMaster.lookupMasterId, langId);

                if (tempLookupText != null)
                    lookupDetail = formsRepo.GetLookupDetailById(tempLookupText.lookupDetailId);

            if (lookupDetail == null)
                lookupDetail = new def_LookupDetail();
                newDetail    = true;

            lookupDetail.lookupMasterId = lookupMaster.lookupMasterId;

            // Set detail's display order
            int dispOrder = 0;

            if (!Int32.TryParse(dataValues[0], out dispOrder))
                throw new Exception("Display Order is not valid for: " + dataValues[1]);
                lookupDetail.displayOrder = dispOrder;

            // Set detail's status flag
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataValues[4]))
                lookupDetail.StatusFlag = "A";
            else if (dataValues[4].ToUpper() == "A" || dataValues[4].ToLower() == "active")
                lookupDetail.StatusFlag = "A";
            else if (dataValues[4].ToUpper() == "I" || dataValues[4].ToLower() == "inactive")
                lookupDetail.StatusFlag = "I";
                throw new Exception("Invalid value in Status Flag field for " + dataValues[1]);

            // Set detail's data value (if data value field in spread sheet is blank, use display choice field instead (which is required))
            string dataValue = dataValues[5];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataValues[5]))
                dataValue = dataValues[1];

            lookupDetail.dataValue = dataValue;

            lookupDetail.EnterpriseID = enterpriseId;

            int groupId = 0;

            if (Int32.TryParse(dataValues[3], out groupId))
                lookupDetail.GroupID = groupId;

                UASEntities uasEntities = new UASEntities();

                uas_Group group = uasEntities.uas_Group.Where(g => g.GroupID == groupId && g.EnterpriseID == enterpriseId).FirstOrDefault();

                if (group == null)
                    throw new Exception("Group with ID " + groupId + " does not exist for " + dataValues[1]);
                throw new Exception("Missing group ID for " + dataValues[1]);

            if (newDetail)
                // Add new lookup detail
                // Update existing lookup detail

            def_LookupText lookupText = null;

            bool newLookupText = false;

            lookupText = formsRepo.GetLookupTextsByLookupDetailLanguage(lookupDetail.lookupDetailId, langId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (lookupText == null)
                lookupText    = new def_LookupText();
                newLookupText = true;

            // Set Display Choice (required)
            lookupText.displayText = dataValues[1];

            // Set Language
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataValues[2]))
                throw new Exception("Language ID is a required field.");
                // Language ID is either 1 (English) or 2 (Spanish), so use value
                lookupText.langId = langId;
            // Set lookup detail ID to be for the associated lookup detail (either just saved/added)
            lookupText.lookupDetailId = lookupDetail.lookupDetailId;

            if (newLookupText)
                // Add new lookup text
                // Update the lookup text
コード例 #13
        public bool UploadLookups(int enterpriseId, int userId, IFormsRepository formsRepo, string excelFileName)
            def_LookupMaster lookupMaster = formsRepo.GetLookupMastersByLookupCode("ADAP_CLINIC");

            if (lookupMaster == null)
                throw new Exception("Cannot find lookup master: code ADAP_CLINIC");

            MarkAllLookupsInactive(lookupMaster.lookupMasterId, enterpriseId, formsRepo);

            int dataStartingRow = 7;

            Workbook            workBook;
            SharedStringTable   sharedStrings;
            IEnumerable <Sheet> workSheets;
            WorksheetPart       recSheet;

                //Excel.Application xlApp;
                //Excel.Workbook xlWorkBook;
                //Excel.Worksheet xlWorkSheet;
                //Excel.Range range;

                //xlApp = new Excel.Application();
                //xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(excelFileName, 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0);
                //xlWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlWorkBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);

                //range = xlWorkSheet.UsedRange;

                //for (int rCnt = dataStartingRow; rCnt <= range.Rows.Count; rCnt++)

                //    // Create string array for row to pass to UpdateLookup function
                //    string[] dataValues = new string[range.Columns.Count];
                //    int index = 0;
                //    for (int cCnt = 1; cCnt <= range.Columns.Count; cCnt++)
                //    {
                //        string str = (range.Cells[rCnt, cCnt] as Excel.Range).Text.ToString();
                //        dataValues[index] = str;
                //        index++;
                //    }

                //    if (arrayNotEmpty(dataValues))
                //    {
                //        UpdateLookups(enterpriseId, dataValues, formsRepo);
                //    }

                //xlWorkBook.Close(true, null, null);

                //return true;

                //Declare helper variables.
                string recID;

                //Open the Excel workbook.
                using (SpreadsheetDocument document = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(excelFileName, true))
                    //References to the workbook and Shared String Table.
                    workBook      = document.WorkbookPart.Workbook;
                    workSheets    = workBook.Descendants <Sheet>();
                    sharedStrings = document.WorkbookPart.SharedStringTablePart.SharedStringTable;

                    //Reference to Excel Worksheet with Recipient data.
                    //recID = workSheets.First(s => s.Name == strWorkSheetName).Id;

                    recID = workSheets.First().Id;

                    recSheet = (WorksheetPart)document.WorkbookPart.GetPartById(recID);

                    //LINQ query to skip first row with column names.
                    IEnumerable <Row> dataRows =
                        from row in recSheet.Worksheet.Descendants <Row>()
                        where row.RowIndex >= dataStartingRow
                        select row;

                    // Count the number of columns for headers.
                    IEnumerable <Row> templateHeader = from row in recSheet.Worksheet.Descendants <Row>()
                                                       where row.RowIndex == (dataStartingRow - 1)
                                                       select row;
                    int numCols = templateHeader.First().Count();

                    foreach (Row row in dataRows)
                        //If a column is missing from row, add an empty value
                        IEnumerable <Cell> cells = from cell in row.Descendants <Cell>()
                                                   select cell;

                        int           columnCounter = 0;
                        List <string> dataValues    = new List <string>();

                        foreach (var cell in cells)
                            string colReference = cell.CellReference;
                            int    colIndex     = GetColumnIndexFromName(GetColumnName(colReference));

                            // if column index is higher than what it should be, add blank space to it until it matches up.
                            if (columnCounter < colIndex)
                                for (int i = columnCounter; i < colIndex; i++)

                            string cellValue = string.Empty;
                            if ((cell.DataType != null) && (cell.DataType == CellValues.SharedString))
                                int id = -1;
                                if (Int32.TryParse(cell.InnerText, out id))
                                    SharedStringItem item = GetSharedStringItemById(document.WorkbookPart, id);
                                    if (item.Text != null)
                                        cellValue = item.Text.Text;
                                    else if (item.InnerText != null)
                                        cellValue = item.InnerText;
                                    else if (item.InnerXml != null)
                                        cellValue = item.InnerXml;
                            else if (cell.CellValue != null)
                                cellValue = cell.CellValue.InnerText;

                            columnCounter = colIndex + 1;

                        if (dataValues.Count() < numCols)
                            for (int i = dataValues.Count(); i < numCols; i++)
                        else if (dataValues.Count() > numCols)
                            // if dataValues is more than number of column headers, delete the last data
                            for (int i = dataValues.Count(); i > numCols; i--)
                                dataValues.RemoveAt(i - 1);

                        if (arrayNotEmpty(dataValues.ToArray()))
                            UpdateLookups(enterpriseId, dataValues.ToArray(), formsRepo);


            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #14
 public void DeleteLookupMaster(def_LookupMaster lkpMstr)
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Process a single node from an XML improted from Ramsell, modifying the specified formResult as applicable.
        /// Noramlly this will only be called from within a loop to iterate over xml nodes, however this function will recurse to handle Ramsell's "income" structures
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromReader">XmlReader where Read() has already been called</param>
        /// <param name="checkedBoxes">this should ba appended to with itemVariable identifiers for each checked checkbox. Used to uncheck excluded boxes at the end of the import</param>
        /// <param name="specialCaseValuesByTagname">this will be used to run special-case transformations that may involve multiple ramsell tags</param>
        private void ImportXmlNodeFromRamsell(
            XmlReader fromReader,
            List <string> checkedBoxes,
            Dictionary <string, string> specialCaseValuesByTagname)
            if (fromReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                throw new Exception("Expecting NodeType \"" + XmlNodeType.Element + "\", found \"" + fromReader.NodeType + "\"");
            string ramellTagName = fromReader.Name;

            //the "Income_Item" tag is a one-off structure with multiple occurances
            if (ramellTagName == "Income_Item")

            //get the nodes contents
            string ramsellVal = String.Empty;

            if (!fromReader.IsEmptyElement)
                if (fromReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                if (fromReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Text)
                    throw new Exception("Inside of node \"" + ramellTagName + "\", found NodeType \"" + fromReader.NodeType
                                        + "\", expecting NodeType \"" + XmlNodeType.Text + "\", or \"" + XmlNodeType.EndElement + "\"");
                ramsellVal = fromReader.Value;

            //based on tagName, check if this a simple case (no transformation necessary)
            List <string> ivIdentifiers = RamsellExport.GetItemVariableIdentifiersForRamsellTagName(ramellTagName);

            if (ivIdentifiers.Count == 1)
                //one-to-one case: this ramsell tagName corresponds with exactly one itemVariable
                //so just save the text contents as a response to that itemVariable

                // RRB 4/18/16 Ramsell seems to be sending a default date of 1900-01-01
                //              This should be tested more.  If doesn't fix, maybe our date converter is causing an empty DOB to be this date.
                if (ramellTagName.Equals("DOB") && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ramsellVal) || ramsellVal.StartsWith("1900")))
                    UpdateResponse(ivIdentifiers[0], ramsellVal);
            else if (ivIdentifiers.Count > 1)
                //checkbox case: this ramsell tagName corresponds to a set of itemVariables (representing checkboxes in the application)
                //so pick the checkbox based on this node's text contents, and save the response "1" for that checkbox
                #region checkbox case

                //based on lookups, pick the inidividual itemvariable (matchIv) that matches the node contents (ramsellVal)
                def_ItemVariables matchIv = null;
                foreach (string ivIdent in ivIdentifiers)
                    def_ItemVariables iv = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier(ivIdent);
                    if (iv.baseTypeId == 1)
                        def_LookupMaster lm = formsRepo.GetLookupMastersByLookupCode(iv.identifier);
                        if (lm != null)
                            List <def_LookupDetail> ld = formsRepo.GetLookupDetailsByLookupMasterEnterprise(lm.lookupMasterId, SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID);
                            if (ld.Where(ldt => ramsellVal == ldt.dataValue).Any())
                                matchIv = iv;

                //save the respones "1" to the single matched itemVariable, and add it to the "checkedBoxes" list
                //at the end of the import, any grouped checkboxes that haven't been added to that list will be unchecked
                if (matchIv == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("* * * RamsellImport: Could not find matching itemVariable for ramsell tag/value \"" + ramellTagName + "/" + ramsellVal + "\", skipping...");
                    def_ItemResults ir = userData.SaveItemResult(toFormResultId, matchIv.itemId);
                    userData.SaveResponseVariable(ir, matchIv, "1");
                //this tagname must be either ignorable or handled by a special one-off transformation,
                //so just record the tagname/value pair to be handled later on.
                //the special-cases can involve multiple ramsell tags so there is no way to handle them one tag at a time.
                specialCaseValuesByTagname.Add(ramellTagName, ramsellVal);