コード例 #1
        public ActionResult CreateNewFormResultFull(string formId, string enterprise_id, string group_id, string subject, string interviewer)
            def_FormResults frmRes = FormResults.CreateNewFormResultModel(formId);

            // Add the FKs
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(enterprise_id))
                frmRes.EnterpriseID = Convert.ToInt32(enterprise_id);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(group_id))
                frmRes.GroupID = Convert.ToInt32(group_id);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(subject))
                frmRes.subject = Convert.ToInt32(subject);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(interviewer))
                frmRes.interviewer = Convert.ToInt32(interviewer);

            ContentResult result = new ContentResult();

                int formRsltId = formsRepo.AddFormResult(frmRes);
                result.Content = formRsltId.ToString();
            catch (Exception excptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("Defws.CreateNewFormResultFull exception:" + excptn.Message);

            return(result);      // return the FormResult id just added
コード例 #2
        public void PopulateItemsFromPreviousApplication(def_FormResults formResult, List <ItemToPrepopulate> itemsToPrepopulate)
            if (formResult == null)
            if (itemsToPrepopulate == null || itemsToPrepopulate.Count == 0)
            def_FormResults previousFormResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultsByFormId(formResult.formId)
                                                 .Where(q => q.subject == formResult.subject && q.formResultId != formResult.formResultId)
                                                 .OrderByDescending(q => q.dateUpdated)

            if (previousFormResult == null)

            PopulateItems(formResult, previousFormResult, itemsToPrepopulate);
コード例 #3
        private void Upload_ProcessSectionsNode(XmlNode sectionsNode, def_FormResults formResult)
            foreach (XmlNode sectionsChildNode in sectionsNode)
                switch (sectionsChildNode.Name)
                case "Section":
                    int          sectionNum = getIntAttribute(sectionsChildNode, "SectionNum");
                    XmlAttribute partAttr   = sectionsChildNode.Attributes["Part"];
                    if (partAttr == null)
                        Debug.WriteLine("missing attribite \"Part\" in section node (skipping): " + getNodePath(sectionsChildNode));
                    string       sectionPartLetter = partAttr.Value;
                    XmlAttribute descAttr          = sectionsChildNode.Attributes["Description"];
                    bool         oldFormat         = false;

                    //data exported from the old system has a wierd description attribute for each section
                    if (descAttr != null && descAttr.Value.StartsWith("AAMR"))
                        oldFormat  = true;
                        sectionNum = mapOldSectionNumToNewSystem(sectionNum);
                        if (sectionNum == 3)
                            sectionPartLetter = "A";

                    Upload_ProcessSingleSectionNode(sectionsChildNode, sectionNum, sectionPartLetter, formResult, oldFormat);

                    Debug.WriteLine("Unrecognized sections child node \"" + sectionsChildNode.Name + "\"");
コード例 #4
        public void PopulateItemsFromEligibilityDashboard(def_FormResults formResult, List <ItemToPrepopulate> itemsToPrepopulate)
            if (formResult == null)
            if (itemsToPrepopulate == null || itemsToPrepopulate.Count == 0)
            //Get Eligibility Dashboard form response
            def_FormResults eligibilityDashboardFormResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultsByFormId(Assmnts.Constants.CAADAP.CA_ADAP_DASHBOARD_FORM_ID)
                                                             .Where(x => x.subject == formResult.subject)
                                                             .OrderByDescending(x => x.dateUpdated)

            if (eligibilityDashboardFormResult == null)

            PopulateItems(formResult, eligibilityDashboardFormResult, itemsToPrepopulate);
コード例 #5
        public FileContentResult GetCsv()
            string paramFormResultId = Request["formResultId"] as string;

            Debug.WriteLine("* * *  ExportController GetCsv formResultId: " + paramFormResultId);

            // Get all the itemVariable's in Assessment order
            // Write out the initial field name (identifier) record
            // Get the Item responses
            // Get the associated ResponseVariables
            // Write it out to CSV
            int              formResultId = Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId);
            def_FormResults  frmRes       = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);
            def_Forms        frm          = formsRepo.GetFormById(frmRes.formId);
            List <def_Parts> parts        = formsRepo.GetFormParts(frm);

            // return new FileStreamResult(fileStream, "text/csv") { FileDownloadName = fileDownloadName };
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();

            sw.WriteLine("FirstName, LastName, NickName");
            sw.WriteLine("Charlie, Chaplin, Chuckles");
            return(File(new System.Text.UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(sw.ToString()), "text/csv", "SisAssmnt.csv"));
コード例 #6
        private def_FormResults CreateNewBlankStubApp(string ramsellId, def_FormResults previousApp)
            int?subjectUserId = previousApp == null ? null : previousApp.subject;

            return(new def_FormResults()
                formId = stubForm.formId,
                formStatus = 0,
                sessionStatus = 0,
                dateUpdated = DateTime.Now,
                deleted = false,
                locked = false,
                archived = false,
                EnterpriseID = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID,
                GroupID = 0,
                subject = subjectUserId,
                interviewer = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID,
                assigned = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID,
                training = false,
                reviewStatus = 0,
                statusChangeDate = DateTime.Now
コード例 #7
        public static def_FormResults CreateNewFormResultFull(string formId, string enterprise_id, string group_id, string subject, string interviewer)
            def_FormResults frmRes = null;

                frmRes = FormResults.CreateNewFormResultModel(formId);

                // Add the FKs
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(enterprise_id))
                    frmRes.EnterpriseID = Convert.ToInt32(enterprise_id);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(group_id))
                    frmRes.GroupID = Convert.ToInt32(group_id);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(subject))
                    frmRes.subject = Convert.ToInt32(subject);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(interviewer))
                    frmRes.interviewer = Convert.ToInt32(interviewer);
            catch (Exception xcptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("CreateNewFormResultFull  formId: " + formId + "   " + xcptn.Message);

コード例 #8
        // Form Results

        /// <summary>
        /// Add and Save a FormResults records to the SQL table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frmRslt">FormResults object</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the formResultId of the record INSERTed</returns>
        public int AddFormResult(def_FormResults frmRslt)
            catch (DbEntityValidationException xptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("* * *  FormsRepository  AddFormResult Exception: " + xptn.Message);
                foreach (var evnt in xptn.EntityValidationErrors)
                    Debug.WriteLine(@"Entity of type '{0}' in state '{1}' has the following validation errors:",
                                    evnt.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, evnt.Entry.State);

                    foreach (var ve in evnt.ValidationErrors)
                        Debug.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage);

コード例 #9
        private void CheckAndRemoveCaseManager()
            IQueryable <def_FormResults> frs = formsRepo.GetFormResultsByFormId(11).Where(fr => fr.interviewer == SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID);

            List <int> users = new List <int>();

            using (var uasContext = Data.Concrete.DataContext.getUasDbContext())
                users = (from u in uasContext.uas_User
                         where u.ManagerID == SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID
                         select u.UserID).ToList();

            List <int> invalidFormResults = (from fr in frs
                                             where !users.Any(u => u == fr.subject)
                                             select fr.formResultId).ToList();

            foreach (int formResultId in invalidFormResults)
                def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);
                fr.interviewer = fr.subject;
コード例 #10
        public bool UploadCheck(FormCollection formCollection)
            bool newFile       = true;
            int  RelatedEnumId = formsRepo.GetRelatedEnumIdByEnumDescription("formResultId");
            int  AttachTypeId  = formsRepo.GetAttachTypeIdByAttachDescription("Generic Upload");

            string data         = Request["arrayData"];
            int    formResultId = Convert.ToInt32(formCollection["formResultId"]);

            System.Web.HttpPostedFileWrapper file = (System.Web.HttpPostedFileWrapper)Request.Files["file" + formResultId.ToString()];
            def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);

            Dictionary <int, string> texts = FileUploads.RetrieveFileDisplayTextsByRelatedId(formsRepo, formResultId, RelatedEnumId, "A", AttachTypeId);

            foreach (int k in texts.Keys)
                if (file.FileName.Equals(texts[k]))
                    newFile = false;

コード例 #11
 public void SaveFormResults(def_FormResults frmRes)
コード例 #12
        public ActionResult ShowEligibility()
            if (!SessionHelper.IsUserLoggedIn)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Account", null));

            if (SessionHelper.SessionForm == null)
                SessionHelper.SessionForm = new SessionForm();

            // retrieve and set SessionForm params
            string     formIdent = "CA-ADAP-DASHBOARD", entName = "California";
            def_Forms  frm = formsRepo.GetFormByIdentifier(formIdent);
            Enterprise ent = new AuthenticationClient().GetEnterpriseByName(entName);

            if (frm == null)
                return(Content("Could not find form with identifier \"" + formIdent + "\""));

            if (ent == null)
                return(Content("Could not find enterprise with name \"" + entName + "\""));

            //  Get the FormResult to get the subject of the current Application
            def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId);

            if (fr == null)
                return(Content("Could not find the current Application  \"" + SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId.ToString() + "\""));

            // Get the Eligibility Form for the subject
            IEnumerable <def_FormResults> frElgList = formsRepo.GetFormResultsByFormSubject(frm.formId, fr.subject);
            def_FormResults frElg = null;

            if ((frElgList == null) || frElgList.Count <def_FormResults>() == 0)
                mLogger.Debug("Couldn't find a current FormResult for Eligibility.  Create one.");
                frElg = new def_FormResults()
                    formId               = frm.formId,
                    formStatus           = 0,
                    sessionStatus        = 0,
                    dateUpdated          = DateTime.Now,
                    deleted              = false,
                    locked               = false,
                    archived             = false,
                    EnterpriseID         = ent.EnterpriseID,
                    GroupID              = fr.GroupID, // User the same Enrollment Center
                    subject              = fr.subject,
                    interviewer          = fr.interviewer,
                    assigned             = fr.assigned,
                    training             = false,
                    reviewStatus         = 0,
                    statusChangeDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    LastModifiedByUserId = fr.LastModifiedByUserId

                AuthenticationClient authClient = new AuthenticationClient();
                var groupIds = authClient.GetGroupsInUserPermissions(SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID, SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID).Select(x => x.GroupID);
                var groupId  = groupIds.FirstOrDefault();

                Dictionary <string, string> uasItemDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                var uasData = authClient.GetUser(fr.subject.Value);

                var adapId = authClient.GetExistingAdapIdentifier(uasData.UserID, uasData.EnterpriseID);

                // ADAP ID
                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(adapId))
                    uasItemDictionary.Add("C1_MemberIdentifier_item", adapId);

                Applications appl = new Applications(formsRepo);

                //Populate from UAS
                //Populate items where Source = UAS in json file
                frElg = appl.CreateFormResultPopulatedFromUAS(SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID, groupId, uasData.UserID, frm.formId, uasItemDictionary);

                int newFrmRsltId = formsRepo.AddFormResult(frElg);
                mLogger.Debug("New Eligibility FormResult created: {0}", newFrmRsltId);
                frElg = frElgList.First <def_FormResults>();

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formId         = frElg.formId;
            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formResultId   = frElg.formResultId;
            SessionHelper.SessionForm.formIdentifier = formIdent;
            // SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID = ent.EnterpriseID;

            def_Parts prt = formsRepo.GetFormParts(frm)[0];

            SessionHelper.SessionForm.partId = prt.partId;
            Session["part"] = prt.partId.ToString();
            def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionsInPart(prt)[1];

            Session["section"] = sct.sectionId.ToString();

            return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new { sectionId = sct.sectionId.ToString(), partId = SessionHelper.SessionForm.partId.ToString() }));
コード例 #13
        public void CreateElgibility(int formResultId)
            string     formIdent = "CA-ADAP-DASHBOARD", entName = "California";
            def_Forms  frm = formsRepo.GetFormByIdentifier(formIdent);
            Enterprise ent = new AuthenticationClient().GetEnterpriseByName(entName);

            //  Get the FormResult to get the subject of the current Application
            def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);

            // Get the Eligibility Form for the subject
            IEnumerable <def_FormResults> frElgList = formsRepo.GetFormResultsByFormSubject(frm.formId, fr.subject);
            def_FormResults frmRes = null;

            if ((frElgList == null) || frElgList.Count <def_FormResults>() == 0)
                mLogger.Debug("Couldn't find a current FormResult for Eligibility.  Create one.");
                frmRes = new def_FormResults()
                    formId               = frm.formId,
                    formStatus           = 0,
                    sessionStatus        = 0,
                    dateUpdated          = DateTime.Now,
                    deleted              = false,
                    locked               = false,
                    archived             = false,
                    EnterpriseID         = ent.EnterpriseID,
                    GroupID              = fr.GroupID, // User the same Enrollment Center
                    subject              = fr.subject,
                    interviewer          = fr.interviewer,
                    assigned             = fr.assigned,
                    training             = false,
                    reviewStatus         = 0,
                    statusChangeDate     = DateTime.Now,
                    LastModifiedByUserId = fr.LastModifiedByUserId

                int newFrmRsltId = formsRepo.AddFormResult(frmRes);
                mLogger.Debug("New Eligibility FormResult created: {0}", newFrmRsltId);
                frmRes = frElgList.First <def_FormResults>();

            // make sure item responses exist for the form
            Dictionary <string, string> DataToPopulate = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var sectionItems = formsRepo.GetSectionItemsBySectionId(756);

            AuthenticationClient authClient = new AuthenticationClient();
            var uasData = authClient.GetUser(fr.subject.Value);
            var adapId  = authClient.GetADAPIdentifier(uasData.UserID, uasData.EnterpriseID);

            foreach (var item in sectionItems)
                var defItem = formsRepo.GetItemById(item.itemId);

                if (defItem.identifier == "C1_MemberIdentifier_item")
                    DataToPopulate.Add(defItem.identifier, adapId);
                else if (defItem.identifier == "C1_MemberFirstName_item")
                    def_ResponseVariables firstName = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesBySubjectForm(fr.subject.Value, 15, "C1_MemberFirstName");
                    DataToPopulate.Add(defItem.identifier, firstName != null ? firstName.rspValue : string.Empty);
                else if (defItem.identifier == "C1_MemberLastName_item")
                    def_ResponseVariables lastName = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesBySubjectForm(fr.subject.Value, 15, "C1_MemberLastName");
                    DataToPopulate.Add(defItem.identifier, lastName != null ? lastName.rspValue : string.Empty);
                else if (defItem.identifier == "C1_MemberDateOfBirth_item")
                    def_ResponseVariables dob = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesBySubjectForm(fr.subject.Value, 15, "C1_MemberDateOfBirth");
                    DataToPopulate.Add(defItem.identifier, dob != null ? dob.rspValue : string.Empty);
                    DataToPopulate.Add(defItem.identifier, string.Empty);

            foreach (String s in DataToPopulate.Keys)
                def_Items       item = formsRepo.GetItemByIdentifier(s);
                def_ItemResults ir   = new def_ItemResults()
                    itemId        = item.itemId,
                    sessionStatus = 0,
                    dateUpdated   = DateTime.Now

                // check if the key already exist
                var itemResult = formsRepo.GetItemResultByFormResItem(frmRes.formResultId, item.itemId);
                if (itemResult == null)

                    foreach (var iv in formsRepo.GetItemVariablesByItemId(item.itemId))
                        // Note for General forms like ADAP there should only be 1 ItemVariable per Item
                        def_ResponseVariables rv = new def_ResponseVariables();
                        rv.itemVariableId = iv.itemVariableId;
                        // rv.rspDate = DateTime.Now;    // RRB 11/11/15 The date, fp, and int fields are for the native data conversion.
                        rv.rspValue = DataToPopulate[s];

                        formsRepo.ConvertValueToNativeType(iv, rv);
                    ir = itemResult;

コード例 #14
        public static void TransformAndAppendResponseNodesToXML(
            XmlNode appendTo, XmlDocument doc, DefResponseElement rspElement, int formResultId, IFormsRepository formsRepo)
            string elementContent = null;

            //super-special case for Enrollment_Type, which is based on the formStatus, rather than responses
            if (rspElement.tagName == "Enrollment_Type")
                #region check the formResult.formStatus field to determin enrollment type

                def_FormResults  fr           = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);
                def_StatusMaster statusMaster = formsRepo.GetStatusMasterByFormId(fr.formId);
                def_StatusDetail statusDetail = formsRepo.GetStatusDetailBySortOrder(statusMaster.statusMasterId, fr.formStatus);
                switch (statusDetail.identifier)
                case "NEEDS_INFORMATION":
                    elementContent = "2";

                case "APPROVED":
                    elementContent = "2";

                    elementContent = "1";


            if (rspElement.tagName == "Email")
                #region check uas tables for email
                using (UASEntities context = Data.Concrete.DataContext.getUasDbContext())
                    def_FormResults fr   = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);
                    var             data = from ue in context.uas_UserEmail
                                           where ue.UserID == fr.subject &&
                                           ue.EmailAddress != null &&
                                           orderby ue.SortOrder
                                           select ue.EmailAddress;
                    elementContent = data.FirstOrDefault();

            if (rspElement.tagName == "Mailing_Address" || rspElement.tagName == "Mailing_City" ||
                rspElement.tagName == "Mailing_State" || rspElement.tagName == "Mailing_Zip")
                def_ResponseVariables rv = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(formResultId, "ADAP_C2_SameAsMailing");
                if (rv.rspInt != null && rv.rspInt == 1)

            //assign a special-case transformation value if applicable
            if (elementContent == null)
                elementContent = RamsellTransformations.GetExportValueForRamsellTag(rspElement.tagName, formResultId, formsRepo);

            //if elementContent has been assigned a non-null value,
            //it must have been assigned to handle a one-off special case (above),
            //so append one node with elementContent and terminate this function
            if (elementContent != null)
                AppendContentNodeToXML(appendTo, doc, rspElement.tagName, elementContent);

            #region normal case: append an xml node for each associated itemvariable identifier in ramsellIdentifierMap

            List <string> ivIdentList = GetItemVariableIdentifiersForRamsellTagName(rspElement.tagName);
            foreach (string ivIdent in ivIdentList)
                def_ResponseVariables rv = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(formResultId, ivIdent);
                if ((rv != null) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rv.rspValue))
                    elementContent = GetFormattedResponse(rv, rspElement.xmlType, formsRepo);
                    GetDefaultValue(rspElement.xmlType);  // to pass validation

                //if there are multiple itemVariables, assume this is one out of a set of checkboxes
                //in which case zeroes represent unchecked checkboxes which should be ignored
                if ((elementContent == "0") && (ivIdentList.Count > 1))

                // if no output and the tag is optional, don't write it out
                //   *** For some reason Ramsell system doesn't seem process empty tags or recognize as valid
                //   *** Even though they pass XML / XSD validation
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementContent) && rspElement.minOccurs.Equals(0.0m))

                AppendContentNodeToXML(appendTo, doc, rspElement.tagName, elementContent);

コード例 #15
        private void Upload_SaveResponseVariable(string itmVarIdentifier, string rspVal, def_FormResults fr)
            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rspVal))

            Debug.WriteLine("sving identifier/value: " + itmVarIdentifier + " -> " + rspVal);

            def_ItemVariables iv = GetItemVariableByIdentifier(itmVarIdentifier);

            if (iv == null)
                Debug.WriteLine("could not find item variable with identifier \"" + itmVarIdentifier + "\" (not case-sensitive)");

            //delete any existing response for this formResult+itemVariable
            def_ResponseVariables existingRv = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultItemVarId(fr.formResultId, iv.itemVariableId);

            if (existingRv != null)

            //for response values that reresent dates, convert them to the new format
                if (iv.baseTypeId == 3)
                    rspVal = convertOldToNewDate(rspVal);
            catch (DateNotSupportedException dnse)
                Debug.WriteLine("found date prior to 1900 in response for item variable \"" + itmVarIdentifier + "\", skipping...");

            if (itmVarIdentifier.Equals("sis_cl_attend"))
                switch (rspVal)
                case "All Of":  rspVal = "1"; break;

                case "Part Of": rspVal = "2"; break;

                case "Did Not": rspVal = "3"; break;

            def_ItemResults ir = fr.def_ItemResults.Where(r => r.itemId == iv.itemId).FirstOrDefault();//formsRepo.GetItemResultByFormResItem(formRsltId, iv.itemId);

            //int itemResultId;
            if (ir == null)
                ir = new def_ItemResults();
                //ir.formResultId = formRsltId;
                ir.itemId        = iv.itemId;
                ir.sessionStatus = 0;
                ir.dateUpdated   = DateTime.Now;

                //    itemResultId = formsRepo.AddItemResult(ir);
                //catch (Exception e)
                //    return;
                //    Debug.WriteLine("error while adding item result! ItemVariable Identifier: \"{0}\", response value: \"{1}\", formResultId: \"{2}\"", itmVarIdentifier, rspVal, formRsltId);
            //    itemResultId = ir.itemResultId;

            //if there is already a response variable for this itemvariable, return
            //if (ir.def_ResponseVariables.Where(v => v.itemVariableId == iv.itemVariableId).Any())
            //    return;

            def_ResponseVariables rv = new def_ResponseVariables
                //itemResultId = itemResultId,
                itemVariableId = iv.itemVariableId,
                rspValue       = rspVal

                formsRepo.ConvertValueToNativeType(iv, rv);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("For item variable \"{0}\", Unable to convert value \"{1}\" to native type (baseTypeId {2})", iv.identifier, rspVal, iv.baseTypeId);

            //    formsRepo.AddResponseVariable(rv);
            //catch (Exception e)
            //    Debug.WriteLine("error while adding response variable! ItemVariable Identifier: \"{0}\", response value: \"{1}\", formResultId: \"{2}\"", itmVarIdentifier, rspVal, formRsltId);

コード例 #16
        private void Upload_ProcessItemNode(XmlNode itemNode, def_FormResults formResult)
            switch (itemNode.Name)
            case "SitChanged":
            case "Upload_Info":

            case "SubscriptionID":
                //groupId is hard-coded now
                //alternatively we could look it up using the commented code below

                //int oldSystemSubId = -1;
                //    oldSystemSubId = Convert.ToInt32(itemNode.InnerText);
                //catch (Exception e){}
                //if (oldSystemSubId < 0)
                //    Debug.WriteLine("SubscriptionID node: could not parse valid old-system subscription id from string \"" + itemNode.InnerText + "\", setting GroupID to 0");
                //    formResult.GroupID = 0;
                //    break;

                //    formResult.GroupID = MapOldToNewGroupId(oldSystemSubId, formResult.EnterpriseID.Value );
                //catch (Exception e)
                //    Debug.WriteLine("SubscriptionID node: could not map old-system susbscription id " + oldSystemSubId + " to a new-system GroupID, setting GroupID to 0");
                //    formResult.GroupID = 0;

            case "InterviewerUserId":
                UasServiceRef.User interviewer = auth.GetUserByLoginID(itemNode.InnerText);
                if (interviewer == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("InterviewerUserId node: Could not find user with loginID \"" + itemNode.InnerText + "\", setting interviewer to 0");
                    formResult.interviewer = 0;
                    formResult.interviewer = interviewer.UserID;

            case "UserID":
                UasServiceRef.User assigned = auth.GetUserByLoginID(itemNode.InnerText);
                if (assigned == null)
                    Debug.WriteLine("UserID node: Could not find user with loginID \"" + itemNode.InnerText + "\", setting assigned to 0");
                    formResult.assigned = 0;
                    formResult.assigned = assigned.UserID;

            case "Training":
                formResult.training = Convert.ToBoolean(itemNode.InnerText);

            case "ReviewStatus":
                formResult.reviewStatus = Convert.ToByte(itemNode.InnerText);

            case "SIS_StatusChangeDate":
                formResult.statusChangeDate = Convert.ToDateTime(itemNode.InnerText);

            case "SIS_STATUS":
                formResult.formStatus = Convert.ToByte(itemNode.InnerText);

            case "sis_archived":
                formResult.archived = Convert.ToBoolean(itemNode.InnerText);

            //normal case (for items that corespond to itemVariables i the new system)
                string itmVarIdentifier = convertToNewIdentifier(itemNode.Name);
                string rspVal           = itemNode.InnerText;
                Upload_SaveResponseVariable(itmVarIdentifier, rspVal, formResult);
コード例 #17
        private int GetNewFormResultID(int formResultId)
            Debug.WriteLine("DataSync.GetNewFormResultID formResultId: " + formResultId.ToString());

            def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);

                HttpWebRequest httpRequest = null;
                httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(sisOnlineURL + @"Defws/Login?UserId=" + SessionHelper.LoginInfo.LoginID + "&pwrd=" + SessionHelper.LoginInfo.Password);

                CookieContainer cc = new CookieContainer();
                httpRequest.CookieContainer = cc;

                httpRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;

                // Get back the HTTP response for web server
                using (HttpWebResponse httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.GetResponse())
                    using (Stream httpResponseStream = httpResponse.GetResponseStream())
                        string response = String.Empty;
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(httpResponseStream))
                            response = reader.ReadToEnd();

                        Debug.WriteLine("GetNewFormResultID response: " + response);

                using (var client = new CookieWebClient(cc))
                    var data = new NameValueCollection()
                        //int formId, int formStatus, int EnterpriseID, int GroupID, int interviewer)

//                            int formId, int formStatus, int sessionStatus, DateTime dateUpdated,
//            bool deleted, bool locked, bool archived, int EnterpriseID, int GroupID, int subject, int interviewer, int assigned, bool training, int reviewStatus, DateTime statusChangeDate)
                        { "formId", fr.formId.ToString() },
                        { "formStatus", fr.formStatus.ToString() },
                        { "sessionStatus", fr.sessionStatus.ToString() },
                        { "dateUpdated", fr.dateUpdated.ToString() },
                        { "deleted", fr.deleted.ToString() },
                        { "locked", fr.locked.ToString() },
                        { "archived", fr.archived.ToString() },
                        { "EnterpriseID", fr.EnterpriseID.ToString() },
                        { "GroupID", fr.GroupID.ToString() },
                        { "subject", fr.subject.ToString() },
                        { "interviewer", fr.interviewer.ToString() },
                        { "assigned", fr.assigned.ToString() },
                        { "training", fr.training.ToString() },
                        { "reviewStatus", fr.reviewStatus.ToString() },
                        { "statusChangeDate", fr.statusChangeDate.ToString() }
                    byte[] result = client.UploadValues(sisOnlineURL + "DataSync/" + "CreateFormResult", "POST", data);

                    string newId           = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result);
                    int    newFormResultId = Int32.Parse(newId);
                    SessionHelper.Write("newFormResultId", newFormResultId);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("GetNewFormResultID - exception:" + ex.Message);
コード例 #18
        private static void AddHiddenFields(IFormsRepository formsRepo, def_FormResults oldFormResult, def_FormResults copyFormResult)
            string version = GetVersion(formsRepo, oldFormResult);

            // Increment version -- may add more complex function here to do this later, right now just increment by 1 each time
            string newVersion = (Int32.Parse(version) + 1).ToString();

            Updates.AddField(formsRepo, Updates.SIS_HIDDEN, oldFormResult, Updates.RELATED_FORM_RESULT, copyFormResult.formResultId.ToString());
            Updates.AddField(formsRepo, Updates.SIS_HIDDEN, copyFormResult, Updates.RELATED_FORM_RESULT, oldFormResult.formResultId.ToString());

            Updates.AddField(formsRepo, Updates.SIS_HIDDEN, oldFormResult, Updates.VERSION, newVersion);
            Updates.AddField(formsRepo, Updates.SIS_HIDDEN, copyFormResult, Updates.VERSION, version);
コード例 #19
        public ActionResult UploadCsvGetStubRecords()
            string result = "USE [forms]\nGO\nSET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[def_FormResults] ON\nGO\n";

            using (var csvr = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(Request.InputStream)))

                //organize csv headers into a heirarchy similar to the response data schema
                //So for each ItemId, we have a set of ItemVariableIDs, each with one csvHeader.
                Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, string> > csvHeadersByIvByItem = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, string> >();
                foreach (string csvHeader in csvr.HeaderRecord)
                    string            ivIdent = getItemVariableIdentifierFromCsvHeader(csvHeader);
                    def_ItemVariables iv      = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier(ivIdent);
                    if (iv == null)
                    int itmId = iv.itemId;
                    if (!csvHeadersByIvByItem.ContainsKey(itmId))
                        csvHeadersByIvByItem.Add(itmId, new Dictionary <int, string>());
                    csvHeadersByIvByItem[itmId].Add(iv.itemVariableId, csvHeader);

                ////determine which header is present for assigning uploaded formResults to groups
                //bool useOrgNames;
                //if( csvr.HeaderRecord.Contains( "sub_id" ) )
                //    useOrgNames = false;
                //else if (csvr.HeaderRecord.Contains("org_name"))
                //    useOrgNames = true;
                //    throw new Exception( "Could not find any headers to link assessments to groups" );

                //iterate through the uploaded csv rows
                while (csvr.HasMoreRecords)
                    AssmntRecord acl = new AssmntRecord(csvr.ReadDataRecord());

                    int formId  = 1;
                    int subject = 0;// acl.getInt("ClientId");
                    int entId   = acl.getInt("ent_id");
                    //int groupId = 460;//one-off 9/2/15////////////////////////////////
                    //if (useOrgNames)
                    //    string orgName = acl["org_name"];
                    //    Group group = auth.GetGroupsByGroupNameAndEnterpriseID(orgName, entId).FirstOrDefault();
                    //    if (group == null)
                    //        throw new Exception("could not find group for org_name \"" + orgName + "\"");
                    //    groupId = group.GroupID;
                    int groupId = acl.getInt("sub_id");

                    //add new form result in database
                    //int formRsltId = formsRepo.AddFormResult(formResult);

                    int             formRsltId = acl.getInt("sis_id");
                    def_FormResults formResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formRsltId);

                    // if the formResult doesn't already exist, append to the sql script for identity-inserting stub records
                    if (formResult == null)
                        def_FormResults fr = new def_FormResults();
                        fr.formId        = formId;
                        fr.EnterpriseID  = entId;
                        fr.GroupID       = groupId;
                        fr.subject       = subject;
                        fr.dateUpdated   = DateTime.Now;
                        fr.formStatus    = GetStatus(acl["Status"]);
                        fr.locked        = GetLocked(acl["Status"]);
                        fr.sessionStatus = 0;
                        fr.reviewStatus  = 255;
                        fr.training      = false;

                        string sql = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[def_FormResults]([formResultId],[formId],[formStatus],[sessionStatus],[dateUpdated],[deleted],[locked],"
                                     + "[archived],[EnterpriseID],[GroupID],[subject],[interviewer],[assigned],[training],[reviewStatus],[statusChangeDate])\n"
                                     + "VALUES( '" + formRsltId + "','" + fr.formId + "','" + fr.formStatus + "','" + fr.sessionStatus + "','" + fr.dateUpdated + "','"
                                     + fr.deleted + "','" + fr.locked + "','" + fr.archived + "','" + fr.EnterpriseID + "','" + fr.GroupID + "','" + fr.subject + "','"
                                     + fr.interviewer + "','" + fr.assigned + "','" + fr.training + "','" + fr.reviewStatus + "','" + fr.statusChangeDate + "')\n";

                        result += sql;

                    //    // Null out the locally allocated objects so the garbage collector disposes of them.
                    //    fr = null;
                    //    acl = null;
                    //    formResult = null;

                    //formsRepo = new FormsRepository();

                    //// Null out the locally allocated objects so the garbage collector disposes of them.
                    //fr = null;
                    //acl = null;
                    //formResult = null;

            result += "SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[def_FormResults] OFF\nGO\n";

コード例 #20
        public ActionResult Upload()
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            using (var sr = new StreamReader(Request.InputStream))
                string docInput = sr.ReadToEnd();

            // Since there is a CDATA in SOAP, may need to get the
            //   sis:data node and stream or string that into XML Document
            // or it appears that SOAP Formatter may do this for you.
            //XmlNode nodeSisData = doc.GetElementsByTagName("sis:data")[0];

            //XmlDocument assmntsDoc = new XmlDocument();

            //Find the node from XML document with name Assessments
            XmlNode nodeAssmnts = doc.GetElementsByTagName("data")[0].ChildNodes[0];

            //XmlNode nodeAssmnts = assmntsDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Assessments")[0];

            //Loop through the child nodes (Assessment tags - there can be multiple)
            foreach (XmlNode assmntNode in nodeAssmnts.ChildNodes)
                if ((assmntNode).NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    int subject = getIntAttribute(assmntNode, "ClientId"); //getIntAttribute(assmntNode, "subject");
                    int groupId = 93;                                      // getIntAttribute(assmntNode, "GroupID");
                    int entId   = 20;                                      // getIntAttribute(assmntNode, "EnterpriseID");
                    int formId  = 1;                                       // getIntAttribute(assmntNode, "formId");

                    //add new form result in database
                    def_FormResults formResult = new def_FormResults();
                    formResult.formId        = formId;
                    formResult.EnterpriseID  = entId;
                    formResult.GroupID       = groupId;
                    formResult.subject       = subject;
                    formResult.dateUpdated   = DateTime.Now;
                    formResult.formStatus    = 0;
                    formResult.sessionStatus = 0;
                    formResult.reviewStatus  = 0;
                    formResult.training      = false;

                    int formRsltId = formsRepo.AddFormResult(formResult);
                    formResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formRsltId);

                    foreach (XmlNode assmntChildNode in assmntNode.ChildNodes)
                        switch (assmntChildNode.Name)
                        case "Profile":
                            Upload_ProcessProfileNode(assmntChildNode, formResult);

                        case "Sections":
                            Upload_ProcessSectionsNode(assmntChildNode, formResult);

                            Debug.WriteLine("Unrecognized assessment child node \"" + assmntChildNode.Name + "\"");

                    //form results are typically changed in Upload_ProcessProfileNode above

            return(Content("Upload Successful!"));
コード例 #21
        public ActionResult GoAction(FormCollection formCollection)
            string      recId             = formCollection["recId"];
            string      paramFormResultId = formCollection["sisId"];
            string      paramFormId       = formCollection["formId"];
            string      category          = formCollection["CategoryID"];
            SearchModel model             = new SearchModel();

            if (SessionHelper.SessionForm == null)
                // return RedirectToAction("Index", "Search", null);
                SessionHelper.SessionForm = new SessionForm();
            SessionForm sf = SessionHelper.SessionForm;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(category))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Search"));
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("edit") && model.edit)
                // retrieve and set SessionForm params
                sf.formId       = Convert.ToInt32(paramFormId);
                sf.formResultId = Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId);

                def_FormResults formResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(sf.formResultId);

                if (!formResult.locked || (formResult.locked && model.editLocked))
                    // get the sectionId of the first section of the first part based on the formId
                    def_Forms frm = formsRepo.GetFormById(sf.formId);
                    def_Parts prt = formsRepo.GetFormParts(frm)[0];
                    sf.partId       = prt.partId;
                    Session["part"] = prt.partId;
                    def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionsInPart(prt)[0];

                    if (ventureMode == false)
                        AccessLogging.InsertAccessLogRecord(formsRepo, sf.formResultId, (int)AccessLogging.accessLogFunctions.EDIT, "Initiate editing of assessment.");
                    return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new { sectionId = sct.sectionId.ToString(), partId = sf.partId.ToString() }));
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("review"))
                // retrieve and set SessionForm params
                sf.formId       = Convert.ToInt32(paramFormId);
                sf.formResultId = Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId);

                def_FormResults formResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(sf.formResultId);

                if (model.editLocked)
                    if (ventureMode == false)
                        AccessLogging.InsertAccessLogRecord(formsRepo, sf.formResultId, (int)AccessLogging.accessLogFunctions.REVIEW, "Assessment accessed for review.");

                    if (model.unlock == true)

                    if (formResult.reviewStatus != (int)ReviewStatus.REVIEWED && formResult.reviewStatus != (int)ReviewStatus.APPROVED && formResult.reviewStatus != (int)ReviewStatus.PRE_QA)
                        def_FormResults preQAcopy = AssessmentCopy.CopyAssessment(formsRepo, formResult.formResultId);

                        if (WebServiceActivity.IsWebServiceEnabled())
                            WebServiceActivity.CallWebService(formsRepo, (int)WebServiceActivity.webServiceActivityFunctions.REVIEW, "formResultId=" + preQAcopy.formResultId.ToString());

                    ReviewStatus.ChangeStatus(formsRepo, formResult, ReviewStatus.REVIEWED, "Initiate review of assessment");

                    // get the sectionId of the first section of the first part based on the formId
                    def_Forms frm = formsRepo.GetFormById(sf.formId);
                    def_Parts prt = formsRepo.GetFormParts(frm)[0];
                    sf.partId       = prt.partId;
                    Session["part"] = prt.partId;
                    def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionsInPart(prt)[0];

                    return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new { sectionId = sct.sectionId.ToString(), partId = sf.partId.ToString() }));
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("approve"))
                // retrieve and set SessionForm params
                sf.formId       = Convert.ToInt32(paramFormId);
                sf.formResultId = Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId);

                def_FormResults formResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(sf.formResultId);

                if (model.editLocked)
                    ReviewStatus.ChangeStatus(formsRepo, formResult, ReviewStatus.APPROVED, "Approve review of assessment");

                    if (WebServiceActivity.IsWebServiceEnabled())
                        WebServiceActivity.CallWebService(formsRepo, (int)WebServiceActivity.webServiceActivityFunctions.APPROVE, "formResultId=" + formResult.formResultId.ToString());
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("create"))
                if (model.create == true)
                    string          formId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(paramFormId) ? "1" : paramFormId;
                    def_FormResults frmRes = FormResults.CreateNewFormResultFull(formId,
                    string strFormResultId = String.Empty;
                        int formRsltId = formsRepo.AddFormResult(frmRes);
                        strFormResultId = formRsltId.ToString();
                        Debug.WriteLine("GoAction create FormResultId strFormResultId:" + strFormResultId);
                    catch (Exception excptn)
                        Debug.WriteLine("GoAction Defws.CreateNewFormResultFull formsRepo.AddFormResult  exception:" + excptn.Message);
                        Debug.WriteLine("   GoAction formId:" + formId
                                        + "   entId: " + SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID.ToString()
                                        + "   GroupId: " + SessionHelper.LoginStatus.appGroupPermissions[0].groupPermissionSets[0].GroupID.ToString()
                                        + "   recId: " + recId.ToString()
                                        + "   UserId: " + SessionHelper.LoginStatus.UserID.ToString()

                    if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strFormResultId)) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(recId))
                        int intRecId;

                        if (int.TryParse(recId, out intRecId))
                            using (var context = DataContext.getSisDbContext())
                                // Contact tempContact = new Contact();
                                Contact tempContact = (from c in context.Contacts
                                                       where c.ContactID == intRecId
                                                       select c).FirstOrDefault();

                                // Address tempAddress = new Address();
                                Address tempAddress = (from a in context.Addresses
                                                       where (a.ContactID == tempContact.ContactID) &&
                                                       (a.AddressType == "R")
                                                       select a).FirstOrDefault();

                                Dictionary <string, string> responsesByIdentifier = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                responsesByIdentifier.Add("sis_cl_first_nm", tempContact.FirstName);
                                responsesByIdentifier.Add("sis_cl_last_nm", tempContact.LastName);

                                if (tempAddress != null)
                                    responsesByIdentifier.Add("sis_cl_addr_line1", tempAddress.Address1);
                                    responsesByIdentifier.Add("sis_cl_city", tempAddress.City);
                                    responsesByIdentifier.Add("sis_cl_st", tempAddress.StateCode);
                                    responsesByIdentifier.Add("sis_cl_zip", tempAddress.Zip);

                                string msg = formsRepo.CreateNewResponseValues(strFormResultId, responsesByIdentifier);
                                Debug.WriteLine("GoAction CreateNewResponseValues strFormResultId: " + strFormResultId + "    msg: " + msg);

                        // Retrieve and set SessionForm params
                        sf.formId       = 1; // Temporary
                        sf.formResultId = Convert.ToInt32(strFormResultId);

                        // Get the sectionId of the first section of the first part based on the formId
                        def_Forms frm = formsRepo.GetFormById(sf.formId);
                        def_Parts prt = formsRepo.GetFormParts(frm)[0];
                        sf.partId       = prt.partId;
                        Session["part"] = prt.partId;
                        def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionsInPart(prt)[0];

                        return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new { sectionId = sct.sectionId.ToString(), partId = sf.partId.ToString() }));
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("delete"))
                if (model.delete == true)

                    if (ventureMode == false)
                        AccessLogging.InsertAccessLogRecord(formsRepo, Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId), (int)AccessLogging.accessLogFunctions.DELETE, "Delete assessment.");

                    if (ventureMode == false && WebServiceActivity.IsWebServiceEnabled())
                        WebServiceActivity.CallWebService(formsRepo, (int)WebServiceActivity.webServiceActivityFunctions.DELETE, "formResultId=" + paramFormResultId);
                        def_FormResults preQAcopy = ReviewStatus.GetLatestPreQACopy(formsRepo, Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId));

                        if (preQAcopy != null)
                            WebServiceActivity.CallWebService(formsRepo, (int)WebServiceActivity.webServiceActivityFunctions.DELETE, "formResultId=" + preQAcopy.formResultId.ToString());
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("lock"))
                if (model.unlock == true)
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("unlock"))
                if (model.unlock == true)
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("archive"))
                if (model.archive == true)

                    if (ventureMode == false)
                        AccessLogging.InsertAccessLogRecord(formsRepo, Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId), (int)AccessLogging.accessLogFunctions.ARCHIVE, "Archive assessment.");
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("unarchive"))
                if (model.archive == true)

                    if (ventureMode == false)
                        AccessLogging.InsertAccessLogRecord(formsRepo, Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId), (int)AccessLogging.accessLogFunctions.UNARCHIVE, "Unarchive assessment.");
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("upload"))
                def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId));

                if (fr.formStatus == (byte)FormResults_formStatus.COMPLETED)
                    SessionHelper.Write("uploadFormResultId", Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId));
                    return(RedirectToAction("UploadSingle", "DataSync"));
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("undelete"))
                if (model.undelete == true)

                    if (ventureMode == false)
                        AccessLogging.InsertAccessLogRecord(formsRepo, Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId), (int)AccessLogging.accessLogFunctions.UNDELETE, "Undelete assessment.");
            else if (category.ToLower().Equals("planning") && model.edit)
                // retrieve and set SessionForm params
                sf.formId       = Convert.ToInt32(paramFormId);
                sf.formResultId = Convert.ToInt32(paramFormResultId);

                def_FormResults formResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(sf.formResultId);

                if (!formResult.locked || (formResult.locked && model.editLocked))
                    // get the sectionId of the first section of the first part based on the formId
                    def_Forms frm = formsRepo.GetFormById(sf.formId);
                    def_Parts prt = formsRepo.GetPartByFormAndIdentifier(frm, "Other");
                    sf.partId       = prt.partId;
                    Session["part"] = prt.partId;
                    def_Sections sct = formsRepo.GetSectionsInPart(prt)[0];

                    if (ventureMode == false)
                        AccessLogging.InsertAccessLogRecord(formsRepo, sf.formResultId, (int)AccessLogging.accessLogFunctions.EDIT, "Initiate editing of interview planning.");
                    return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new { sectionId = sct.sectionId.ToString(), partId = sf.partId.ToString() }));

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Search"));
コード例 #22
        public FileContentResult GetBatchPdfReport()
            //Debug.WriteLine( "* * * GetBatchPdfReport start " + DateTime.Now.Ticks );

            foreach (var v in Session.Keys)
                Debug.WriteLine("Search GetBatchPdfReport Session Keys: " + v);

            // Retrieve a list of formresults to export
            ExportModel exportModel = (ExportModel)Session["ExportModel"];
            SearchModel search      = (SearchModel)Session["SearchModel"];

            if (exportModel == null)
                exportModel = new ExportModel();

            if (exportModel.formResultIds == null)
                if (search != null)
                    exportModel.formResultIds = search.vSearchResult.GroupBy(sr => sr.formResultId).Select(grp => (int?)grp.Key).ToList();
                    exportModel.formResultIds = new List <int?>();
            List <int?> formResultIds = exportModel.formResultIds;

            // Build a zip archive containing one PDF per assessment
            MemoryStream zipStream = new MemoryStream();

            using (zipStream)
                using (ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(zipStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true))
                    foreach (int frId in formResultIds)
                        def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(frId);

                        //skip form results that are not complete
                        if (fr.formStatus != (byte)FormResults_formStatus.COMPLETED)

                        //generate PDF report with default options based on the formResult's enterprise
                        SisPdfReportOptions  options = AJBoggs.Sis.Reports.SisReportOptions.BuildPdfReportOptions(fr.EnterpriseID);
                        SisPdfRptsController sprc    = new SisPdfRptsController(formsRepo);
                        FileContentResult    fcr     = sprc.BottomBuildReport(frId, options);

                        //add the new pdf to the result (zip file)
                        var zipEntry = zip.CreateEntry(fcr.FileDownloadName);
                        using (Stream entryStream = zipEntry.Open())
                            entryStream.Write(fcr.FileContents, 0, fcr.FileContents.Length);

                        //Debug.WriteLine("* * * GetBatchPdfReport finished formResult " + frId + " - " + DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            return(File(zipStream.ToArray(), "multipart/x-zip", "reports.zip"));
コード例 #23
        //called by all report-building methods
        public FileContentResult BottomBuildReport(int formResultId, SisPdfReportOptions options)
            //construct a report object, containing instructions for building the pdf

            string       logoPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("/Content/images/aaidd_logo_full.jpg");
            string       outpath  = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("/Content/report_" + System.DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".pdf");
            SisPdfReport report;

            def_FormResults fr = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);

            string entLogoPath = String.Empty;

                // custom enterprise logo is located at /websiteroot/Enterprise/EnterpriseID/logo-left.png
                entLogoPath = Path.Combine(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EnterpriseDir"], fr.EnterpriseID.ToString()) + "\\logo-left.png";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("SisPdfRpts: BottomBuildReport: Unable to load custom logo for enterprise. Message: " + ex.Message);
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(entLogoPath))
                logoPath = entLogoPath;
                logoPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("/Content/images/aaidd_logo_full.jpg");

                // LK 3/26/2015 #12436 Added check on authorization for group to a central method (hasAccess) and used here

                if (!UAS_Business_Functions.hasAccess(fr))
                    throw new Exception("You do not have access to this assessment record.");

                //build report or reject, based on options and securityset
                if (options.type == SisPdfReportOptions.ReportType.Family)
                    if (!UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(PermissionConstants.FAMREP, "reportexp"))//String.IsNullOrEmpty(reportexpSet) || reportexpSet[0] != 'Y')
                        throw new Exception("You do not have permission to build a family-friendly report");
                    report = new SisFamilyReport(formsRepo, formResultId, options, logoPath, outpath);
                else if (options.type == SisPdfReportOptions.ReportType.Generic)
                    if (!UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(PermissionConstants.GENREP, "reportexp"))//String.IsNullOrEmpty(reportexpSet) || (reportexpSet[1] != 'Y') )
                        throw new Exception("You do not have permission to build a generic report");
                    report = new SisGenericReport(formsRepo, formResultId, options, logoPath, outpath);
                    if (!UAS_Business_Functions.hasPermission(PermissionConstants.EXPORT, "reportexp"))//String.IsNullOrEmpty(reportexpSet) || reportexpSet[2] != 'Y')
                        throw new Exception("You do not have permission to build a default report");
                    report = new SisShortLongReport(formsRepo, formResultId, options, logoPath, outpath);
            catch (Exception xcptn)
                string msg = "Build Report constructor failed.  Exception: " + xcptn.Message;
                return(new FileContentResult(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), "text/html"));

            //build and save the pdf
            //catch (Exception xcptn)
            //    string msg = "BuildReport process failed.  Exception: " + xcptn.Message;
            //    return new FileContentResult(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), "text/html");

            FileContentResult result;

                Debug.WriteLine("   SisPdfRptsController outpath:" + outpath);

                //build a descriptive filename
                string sDate     = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy");
                string lastName  = getResponseStringOrEmpty(formResultId, "sis_cl_last_nm");
                string firstName = getResponseStringOrEmpty(formResultId, "sis_cl_first_nm");
                string filename  = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}.pdf", lastName, firstName, formResultId, sDate);

                //build the result object containing the file contents
                result = File(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(outpath), "application/pdf", filename);

                //delete the original file
            catch (Exception xcptn)
                string msg = "Build Report output failed.  Exception: " + xcptn.Message;
                result = new FileContentResult(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg), "text/html");

コード例 #24
        public ActionResult CreateAdapApplication()
            def_Forms frm = formsRepo.GetFormByIdentifier("ADAP");
            //string userId = Request["userId"];
            int userId = 0;

                userId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["userId"]);
            catch (Exception excptn)
                Debug.WriteLine("Adap Controller CreateAdapApplication exception:" + excptn.Message);

            int?            intSO   = formsRepo.GetStatusDetailByMasterIdentifier(1, "CANCELLED").sortOrder;
            def_FormResults prevRes = formsRepo.GetEntities <def_FormResults>(x => x.formId == frm.formId &&
                                                                              x.subject == userId &&
                                                                              x.formStatus != intSO)
                                      .OrderByDescending(x => x.dateUpdated)

            //def_FormResults prevRes = frm.def_FormResults.Where(f => f.subject == userId && intSO != null && f.formStatus != intSO).OrderByDescending(f => f.dateUpdated).FirstOrDefault();

            if ((prevRes == null) || (prevRes.formStatus == formsRepo.GetStatusDetailByMasterIdentifier(1, "APPROVED").sortOrder))
                AuthenticationClient webclient = new AuthenticationClient();
                UserDisplay          ud        = webclient.GetUserDisplay(userId);

                Dictionary <string, string> ItemsToPopulateFromUAS = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    "ADAP_D1_FirstName_item", String.IsNullOrEmpty(ud.FirstName) ? String.Empty : ud.FirstName);
                    "ADAP_D1_LastName_item", String.IsNullOrEmpty(ud.LastName) ? String.Empty : ud.LastName);
                    "ADAP_D1_MiddleIntl_item", String.IsNullOrEmpty(ud.MiddleName) ? String.Empty : ud.MiddleName.Substring(0, 1));
                    "ADAP_D2_DOB_item", (ud.DOB == null) ? String.Empty : Convert.ToDateTime(ud.DOB).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));
                    "ADAP_C1_Address_item", (ud.Addresses != null && ud.Addresses.Count() > 0) ? ud.Addresses[0].Address1 : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C1_MayContactYN_item", (ud.Addresses != null && ud.Addresses.Count() > 0) ? ((ud.Addresses[0].MayContactAddress) ? "1" : "0") : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C1_City_item", (ud.Addresses != null && ud.Addresses.Count() > 0) ? ud.Addresses[0].City : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C1_State_item", (ud.Addresses != null && ud.Addresses.Count() > 0) ? ud.Addresses[0].State : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C1_Zip_item", (ud.Addresses != null && ud.Addresses.Count() > 0) ? ud.Addresses[0].ZIP : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C2_Address_item", (ud.Addresses != null && ud.Addresses.Count() > 1) ? ud.Addresses[1].Address1 : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C2_MayContactYN_item", (ud.Addresses != null && ud.Addresses.Count() > 1) ? ((ud.Addresses[1].MayContactAddress) ? "1" : "0") : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C2_City_item", (ud.Addresses != null && ud.Addresses.Count() > 1) ? ud.Addresses[1].City : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C2_State_item", (ud.Addresses != null && ud.Addresses.Count() > 1) ? ud.Addresses[1].State : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C2_Zip_item", (ud.Addresses != null && ud.Addresses.Count() > 1) ? ud.Addresses[1].ZIP : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C3_Phone1_Num_item", (ud.Phones != null && ud.Phones.Count() > 0) ? ud.Phones[0].Phone : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C3_Phone1_MayMsgYN_item", (ud.Phones != null && ud.Phones.Count() > 0) ? ((ud.Phones[0].MayContactPhone) ? "1" : "0") : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C3_Phone2_Num_item", (ud.Phones != null && ud.Phones.Count() > 1) ? ud.Phones[1].Phone : String.Empty);
                    "ADAP_C3_Phone2_MayMsgYN_item", (ud.Phones != null && ud.Phones.Count() > 1) ? ((ud.Phones[1].MayContactPhone) ? "1" : "0") : String.Empty);

                // * * * OT 1-20-16 updated this list based on Docs/ADAP/ADAP_item_list.xslx (revision 80734)
                string[] ItemIdentifiersToPopulateFromPrevApplication = new string[]
                    #region long list of item identifiers

                Applications    appl   = new Applications(formsRepo);
                def_FormResults frmRes = appl.CreateFormResultPopulatedFromUAS(SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID, SessionHelper.LoginStatus.GroupID, userId, frm.formId, ItemsToPopulateFromUAS);
                appl.PopulateItemsFromPrevApplication(frmRes, ItemIdentifiersToPopulateFromPrevApplication);

                frmRes.statusChangeDate = DateTime.Now;

                // Save the FormResult, ItemResults, and ResponseVariables
                int newFormResultId = 0;
                    newFormResultId = formsRepo.AddFormResult(frmRes);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Debug.WriteLine("AddFormResult exception:" + ex.Message);

                Debug.WriteLine("AddFormResult newFormResultId:" + newFormResultId.ToString());

                // query the ramsell system and update the formResult responses based on Ramsell response
                def_ResponseVariables rvMemberId = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(newFormResultId, "ADAP_D9_Ramsell");
                if (rvMemberId != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rvMemberId.rspValue))
                    string memberId = rvMemberId.rspValue;
                    string usrId    = UAS.Business.UAS_Business_Functions.GetEntAppConfigAdap("USR");
                    string password = UAS.Business.UAS_Business_Functions.GetEntAppConfigAdap("PWD");
                    Debug.WriteLine("Ramsell UseriD / Password: "******" / " + password);

                    string token = Ramsell.GetOauthToken(usrId, password);
                    new RamsellImport(formsRepo, frmRes.formResultId).ImportApplication(token, memberId);
                //AJBoggs.Adap.Services.Api.Ramsell.PopulateItemsFromRamsellImport(formsRepo, frmRes);

                if (SessionHelper.SessionForm == null)
                    SessionHelper.SessionForm = new SessionForm();

                SessionForm sf = SessionHelper.SessionForm;
                sf.formId         = frm.formId;
                sf.formIdentifier = frm.identifier;
                sf.sectionId      = formsRepo.GetSectionByIdentifier("ADAP_demographic").sectionId;
                sf.partId         = formsRepo.GetPartByFormAndIdentifier(frm, "ADAP").partId;

                // *** RRB - should be deprecated - use SessionForm
                // *** BR - line 359 of the ResultsController calls this session variable, so it must be set to prevent an exception.
                //  Other parts of the application may still use that variable, so changing it in the ResultsController may break something else.
                Session["part"] = sf.partId;
                // Should have the partId also - may not be required.

                sf.formResultId = newFormResultId;

                return(RedirectToAction("Template", "Results", new { sectionId = sf.sectionId.ToString() }));
                return(RedirectToAction("AdapPortal", "COADAP", new { userId = userId, error = "Not Approved" }));
コード例 #25
 private void Upload_ProcessSingleSectionNode(XmlNode sectionNode, int sectionNum, string sectionPartLetter, def_FormResults formResult, bool oldFormat)
     foreach (XmlNode sectionChildNode in sectionNode)
         switch (sectionChildNode.Name)
         case "Question":
             Upload_ProcessQuestionNode(sectionChildNode, sectionNum, sectionPartLetter, formResult, oldFormat);
コード例 #26
        public MoveModel(int frID, IFormsRepository fr)
            LoginIDs = new List <SelectListItem>();

            formResultId = frID;

            formsRepo = fr;

            def_FormResults formResult = formsRepo.GetFormResultById(formResultId);

            def_ResponseVariables rvFirst = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(formResultId, "sis_cl_first_nm");

            if (rvFirst != null)
                firstName = rvFirst.rspValue;

            def_ResponseVariables rvLast = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(formResultId, "sis_cl_last_nm");

            if (rvLast != null)
                lastName = rvLast.rspValue;

            recipientID = formResult.subject;

            using (var context = DataContext.getUasDbContext())
                if (formResult.EnterpriseID != null)
                    enterprise         = context.uas_Enterprise.Where(e => e.EnterpriseID == formResult.EnterpriseID).Select(e => e.EnterpriseName).FirstOrDefault();
                    selectedEnterprise = (int)formResult.EnterpriseID;
                if (formResult.GroupID != null)
                    group         = context.uas_Group.Where(g => g.GroupID == formResult.GroupID).Select(g => g.GroupName).FirstOrDefault();
                    selectedGroup = (int)formResult.GroupID;
                if (formResult.assigned != null)
                    uas_User assignedUser = context.uas_User.Where(u => u.UserID == formResult.assigned).Select(u => u).FirstOrDefault();

                    selectedUser = (int)formResult.assigned;
                    if (assignedUser != null)
                        assigned = assignedUser.UserName;

                        //if (assignedUser.StatusFlag != "A")
                        //    assigned += " (inactive)";
                LoginIDs.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Value = "", Text = ""

                if (SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID == 0) // User has site wide (all enterprise) access
                    Enterprises = new List <SelectListItem>();

                    Groups = new List <SelectListItem>();

                    List <uas_Enterprise> enterprises = context.uas_Enterprise.Where(e => e.StatusFlag == "A").Select(e => e).ToList();

                    foreach (uas_Enterprise ent in enterprises)
                        Enterprises.Add(new SelectListItem {
                            Value = ent.EnterpriseID.ToString(), Text = ent.EnterpriseName

                    List <uas_Group> groups = context.uas_Group.Where(g => g.StatusFlag == "A" && g.EnterpriseID == selectedEnterprise).Select(g => g).ToList();

                    Groups.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "", Text = ""

                    foreach (uas_Group grp in groups)
                        Groups.Add(new SelectListItem {
                            Value = grp.GroupID.ToString(), Text = grp.GroupName
                    List <uas_User> users = null;
                    if (selectedGroup > 0)
                        List <int> userIdsForUserGroup = context.uas_GroupUserAppPermissions.Where(g =>
                                                                                                   selectedGroup == g.uas_Group.GroupID && g.StatusFlag == "A").Select(g => g.UserID).ToList();
                        users = context.uas_User.Where(u => u.EnterpriseID == selectedEnterprise &&
                                                       userIdsForUserGroup.Contains(u.UserID) && u.StatusFlag == "A").Select(u => u).ToList();
                        users = context.uas_User.Where(u => u.EnterpriseID == SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID).Select(u => u).ToList();
                    foreach (uas_User user in users)
                        LoginIDs.Add(new SelectListItem {
                            Value = user.UserID.ToString(), Text = user.UserName
                else if (SessionHelper.LoginStatus.appGroupPermissions[0].authorizedGroups.Contains(0)) // User has enterprise wide access (all groups/users in enterprise)
                    Groups = new List <SelectListItem>();

                    List <uas_User> users = context.uas_User.Where(u => u.EnterpriseID == SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID && u.StatusFlag == "A").Select(u => u).ToList();

                    foreach (uas_User user in users)
                        LoginIDs.Add(new SelectListItem {
                            Value = user.UserID.ToString(), Text = user.UserName

                    List <uas_Group> groups = context.uas_Group.Where(g => g.EnterpriseID == SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID && g.StatusFlag == "A").Select(g => g).ToList();

                    Groups.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Value = "", Text = ""

                    foreach (uas_Group grp in groups)
                        Groups.Add(new SelectListItem {
                            Value = grp.GroupID.ToString(), Text = grp.GroupName
                else // Regular user. No selection for enterprise or group.
                    var authorizedGroups = SessionHelper.LoginStatus.appGroupPermissions[0].authorizedGroups;

                    List <int> userIdsForUserGroup = context.uas_GroupUserAppPermissions.Where(g =>
                                                                                               authorizedGroups.Contains(g.uas_Group.GroupID) && g.StatusFlag == "A").Select(g => g.UserID).ToList();
                    List <uas_User> users = context.uas_User.Where(u => u.EnterpriseID == SessionHelper.LoginStatus.EnterpriseID &&
                                                                   userIdsForUserGroup.Contains(u.UserID) && u.StatusFlag == "A").Select(u => u).ToList();

                    foreach (uas_User user in users)
                        LoginIDs.Add(new SelectListItem {
                            Value = user.UserID.ToString(), Text = user.UserName
コード例 #27
        //private static void AddHiddenField(IFormsRepository formsRepo, def_FormResults formResult, string fieldName, string value)
        //    int itemId = formsRepo.GetItemByIdentifier(SIS_HIDDEN).itemId;

        //    def_ItemResults itemResult = formsRepo.GetItemResultByFormResItem(formResult.formResultId, itemId);

        //    def_ResponseVariables relatedFormResultRV = null;

        //    try
        //    {
        //        relatedFormResultRV = formsRepo.GetResponseVariablesByFormResultIdentifier(formResult.formResultId, fieldName);
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
        //    }

        //    def_ItemVariables itemVariableRelated = formsRepo.GetItemVariableByIdentifier(fieldName);

        //    if (itemVariableRelated != null)
        //    {

        //        if (relatedFormResultRV != null)
        //        {
        //            relatedFormResultRV.rspValue = value;

        //            formsRepo.ConvertValueToNativeType(itemVariableRelated, relatedFormResultRV);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            relatedFormResultRV = new def_ResponseVariables();

        //            relatedFormResultRV.itemResultId = itemResult.itemResultId;

        //            relatedFormResultRV.itemVariableId = itemVariableRelated.itemVariableId;

        //            relatedFormResultRV.rspValue = value;

        //            formsRepo.ConvertValueToNativeType(itemVariableRelated, relatedFormResultRV);

        //            formsRepo.AddResponseVariableNoSave(relatedFormResultRV);

        //        }

        //    }

        //    formsRepo.Save();

        private static void CopyAssessmentData(IFormsRepository formsRepo, int oldFormResultId, def_FormResults copyFormResult)
                IUasSql uasSql = new UasSql();

                using (DbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(uasSql.GetConnectionString()))

                    using (DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())
                            = "SELECT IR.itemId, RV.itemVariableId, RV.rspValue from def_ItemResults IR JOIN def_FormResults FR on FR.formResultId = IR.formResultId JOIN def_ResponseVariables RV on RV.itemResultId = IR.itemResultId WHERE FR.formResultId = " + oldFormResultId + " ORDER BY itemId";
                        command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                        if (dt != null)
                            SaveAssessmentFromDataTable(formsRepo, copyFormResult, dt);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("* * *  CreateFormResultJSON exception: " + ex.Message);
コード例 #28
        private void Upload_ProcessQuestionNode(XmlNode questionNode, int sectionNum, string sectionPartLetter, def_FormResults formResult, bool oldFormat)
            int questionNum = getIntAttribute(questionNode, "num");

            if (oldFormat)
                questionNum = mapOldQuestionNumToNewSystem(questionNum, sectionNum, sectionPartLetter);

            foreach (XmlNode questionChildNode in questionNode)
                string suffix;
                switch (questionChildNode.Name)
                case "Frequency":
                    suffix = "Fqy";

                case "DailySupport":
                    suffix = "DST";

                case "TypeOfSupport":
                    suffix = "TOS";

                case "ImportantTo":
                    suffix = "ImportantTo";

                case "ImportantFor":
                    suffix = "ImportantFor";

                case "Notes":
                    suffix = "Notes";

                case "SupportNeeds":
                    suffix = sectionPartLetter.Equals("A") ? "ExMedSupport" : "ExBehSupport";

                case "Other":
                    suffix = "Other";

                    Debug.WriteLine("Unrecognized question child node name \"" + questionChildNode.Name + "\"");
                    suffix = questionChildNode.Name;

                string identifier;
                if (suffix.Equals("Other"))
                    identifier = sectionPartLetter.Equals("A") ? "S1aPageOther" : "S1bPageOther";
                    identifier = "Q" + sectionNum + sectionPartLetter + questionNum + "_" + suffix;
                Upload_SaveResponseVariable(identifier, questionChildNode.InnerText, formResult);
コード例 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets data from the def_FormResults record for a form result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formResult">The form result to get data from</param>
        /// <param name="form">The form result's form</param>
        /// <returns>ValuePairs containing identifier = label for a form result entry, value = the form result entry (string)</returns>
        public static List <ValuePair> GetFormResultValues(def_FormResults formResult, def_Forms form)
            List <ValuePair> values = new List <ValuePair>();

            ValuePair valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.recipientId.ToString(), formResult.subject.ToString());


            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.formResultId.ToString(), formResult.formResultId.ToString());

            //^ SisId in csv second row

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.identifier.ToString(), form.identifier);

            //add formId (number)
            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.formId.ToString(), form.formId.ToString());

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.group.ToString(), formResult.GroupID.ToString());

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.enterprise.ToString(), formResult.EnterpriseID.ToString());

            //valuePair = new ValuePair(interviewerId, formResult.interviewer.ToString());

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.assigned.ToString(), formResult.assigned.ToString());

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.statusId.ToString(), formResult.formStatus.ToString());

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.dateUpdated.ToString(), formResult.dateUpdated.ToString());

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.statusChangeDate.ToString(), formResult.statusChangeDate.ToString());

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.deleted.ToString(), formResult.deleted.ToString());

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.locked.ToString(), formResult.locked.ToString());

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.archived.ToString(), formResult.archived.ToString());

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.reviewStatus.ToString(), formResult.reviewStatus.ToString());

            valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.lastModifiedByUserId.ToString(), formResult.LastModifiedByUserId.ToString());

            //pull info that comes from other def tables
            using (formsEntities def = DataContext.GetDbContext())
                    int    statusMasterId   = def.def_StatusMaster.Where(sm => sm.formId == 1 && sm.ApplicationId == 1).Select(sm => sm.statusMasterId).First();
                    int    statusDetailId   = def.def_StatusDetail.Where(sd => sd.statusMasterId == statusMasterId && sd.sortOrder == formResult.reviewStatus).Select(sd => sd.statusDetailId).First();
                    string reviewStatusText = def.def_StatusText.Where(st => st.statusDetailId == statusDetailId).Select(st => st.displayText).First();
                    valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.reviewStatusText.ToString(), reviewStatusText);
                catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); }

                    valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.statusText.ToString(),
                catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); }

            //pull info that comes from uas tables
            using (UASEntities uas = DataContext.getUasDbContext())
                    valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.groupName.ToString(),
                                              .Where(g => g.GroupID == formResult.GroupID)
                                              .Select(g => g.GroupName).First());
                catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); }

                    valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.assignedLoginId.ToString(),
                                              .Where(u => u.UserID == formResult.assigned)
                                              .Select(u => u.LoginID).First());
                catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); }

                    valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.lastModifiedByLoginId.ToString(),
                                              .Where(u => u.UserID == formResult.LastModifiedByUserId)
                                              .Select(u => u.LoginID).First());
                catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); }

                    valuePair = new ValuePair(FormResultExportTagName.enterpriseName.ToString(),
                                              .Where(e => e.EnterpriseID == formResult.EnterpriseID)
                                              .Select(e => e.EnterpriseName).First());
                catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e); }

コード例 #30
        public ActionResult Index()
            Session["userId"] = "0";
            Debug.WriteLine("* * *  ExportController:Index method  * * *");
            // Initialize the session variables
            SessionForm sf = (SessionForm)Session["sessionForm"];

            if (sf == null)
                sf = new SessionForm()
                    formId       = 0,
                    partId       = 0,
                    sectionId    = 0,
                    formResultId = 0
                Session["sessionForm"] = sf;

            // Display the formResults (Assessments)
            Assmnts.Models.FormResults frmRsltsMdl = new Assmnts.Models.FormResults();
            frmRsltsMdl.formResults = new List <def_FormResults>();
            foreach (def_Forms frm in formsRepo.GetAllForms())
            //frmRsltsMdl.formResults = formsRepo.GetAllFormResults();

            bool noFormResults = false;

            if (frmRsltsMdl.formResults.Count() == 0)
                Debug.WriteLine("* * *  Index  FormResults Count was 0. ");
                noFormResults = true;
                def_FormResults frmRslts = new def_FormResults()
                    formResultId = 0,
                    formId       = 0,
                    dateUpdated  = System.DateTime.Now
                Debug.WriteLine("* * *  Index  FormResults count: " + frmRsltsMdl.formResults.Count().ToString());

            frmRsltsMdl.formTitles = new List <String>();
            if (noFormResults)
                frmRsltsMdl.formTitles.Add("There are no Assessments in the system.");
                foreach (def_FormResults frmRslt in frmRsltsMdl.formResults)
                    def_Forms frm = formsRepo.GetFormById(frmRslt.formId);
                    if (frm != null)

            return(View("formResults", frmRsltsMdl));