コード例 #1
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static dcitems.DCItem SelectItem(gamebook.Scenario SC, int IK)
        /*Create a menu, then query the user for an item which*/
        /*corresponds to the kind IK. Return null if either no*/
        /*such items are present in the inventory, or if the user*/
        /*cancels item selection.*/

        // RPM: RPGMenuPtr;	/*Our menu.*/
        // i: DCItemPtr;
        // t: Integer;

        /*Create the menu. It's gonna use the InvWindow.*/
        rpgmenus.RPGMenu RPM = rpgmenus.CreateRPGMenu(Crt.Color.Black, Crt.Color.Green, Crt.Color.LightGreen, WDM.InvWin_X, WDM.InvWin_Y, WDM.InvWin_X2, WDM.InvWin_Y2);
        RPM.dBorColor = Crt.Color.White;
        RPM.dTexColor = DscColor;
        RPM.dx1       = WDM.DscWin_X;
        RPM.dy1       = WDM.DscWin_Y;
        RPM.dx2       = WDM.DscWin_X2;
        RPM.dy2       = WDM.DscWin_Y2;

        /*Add one menu item for each appropriate item in the Inventory.*/
        dcitems.DCItem i = SC.PC.inv;
        int            t = 1;

        while (i != null)
            if (i.ikind == IK)
                rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(RPM, dcitems.ItemNameLong(i), t, dcitems.ItemDesc(i));
            i  = i.next;
            t += 1;

        /*Error check- make sure there are items present in the list!!!*/
        if (RPM.firstItem == null)

        /*Sort the menu alphabetically.*/

        /*Next, select the item.*/
        t = rpgmenus.SelectMenu(RPM, rpgmenus.RPMNormal);
        if (t == -1)
            i = null;
            i = dcitems.LocateItem(SC.PC.inv, t);

        /*Show the complete inventory list again.*/

コード例 #2
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
 static void DropItem(gamebook.Scenario SC, dcitems.DCItem I)
     /*The player wants to drop an item.*/
     dcitems.DelinkDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, I);
     dcitems.PlaceDCItem(SC.gb, SC.ig, I, SC.PC.m.x, SC.PC.m.y);
コード例 #3
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static void CreateInvMenu(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*Create the inventory menu, and store it in InvRPM*/

        /*Initialize the menu.*/
        InvRPM = rpgmenus.CreateRPGMenu(Crt.Color.Black, Crt.Color.Green, Crt.Color.LightGreen, WDM.InvWin_X, WDM.InvWin_Y, WDM.InvWin_X2, WDM.InvWin_Y2);

        InvRPM.dBorColor = Crt.Color.White;
        InvRPM.dTexColor = DscColor;
        InvRPM.dx1       = WDM.DscWin_X;
        InvRPM.dy1       = WDM.DscWin_Y;
        InvRPM.dx2       = WDM.DscWin_X2;
        InvRPM.dy2       = WDM.DscWin_Y2;

        /*Add the MenuKeys.*/
        rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuKey(InvRPM, BMK_SwitchKey, BMK_SwitchCode);
        rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuKey(InvRPM, BMK_DropKey, BMK_DropCode);

        /*Add a MenuItem for each object in the player's inventory.*/
        dcitems.DCItem i = SC.PC.inv;
        int            t = 1;

        while (i != null)
            rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(InvRPM, dcitems.ItemNameLong(i), t, dcitems.ItemDesc(i));
            i  = i.next;
            t += 1;

        /*Sort the menu alphabetically.*/
コード例 #4
ファイル: randchar.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static void StashItem(dcchars.DCChar PC, dcitems.DCItem it)
        //{ The new PC has been given an item. Decide where to stick it, }
        //{ and provide whatever accessories it has coming. }

        if (it.ikind == dcitems.IKIND_Gun)
            //{The weapon starts out fully loaded.}
            it.charge = dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].magazine;

            //{Give the player some ammo for the gun.}
            dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
            I.ikind = dcitems.IKIND_Ammo;
            I.icode = dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].caliber;

            //{Decide how many bullets to dole out.}
            if (dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].caliber >= dcitems.CAL_Energy)
                //{Energy, napalm, and other special ammo weapons}
                //{don't get as many reloads.}
                I.charge = 3 + rpgdice.Random(6);
            else if (it.icode == 9 || it.icode == 14)
                //{ Ammo for a shotgun. }
                I.charge = dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].magazine * 2 + rpgdice.Random(10);
                I.charge = dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].magazine;
                if (I.charge < 10)
                    I.charge = 10;
                I.charge = (I.charge * 3) + rpgdice.Random(20);

            dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref PC.inv, I);

            //{ For shotguns, include some scatter ammunition. }
            if (it.icode == 9 || it.icode == 14)
                I        = new dcitems.DCItem();
                I.ikind  = dcitems.IKIND_Ammo;
                I.icode  = 100 + dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].caliber;
                I.charge = dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].magazine + rpgdice.Random(10);
                dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref PC.inv, I);

        //{ If equippable, equip the item. Otherwise, stash it. }
        if (it.ikind > 0 && PC.eqp[it.ikind - 1] == null)
            PC.eqp[it.ikind - 1] = it;
            dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref PC.inv, it);
コード例 #5
ファイル: charts.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static int IDTarget(dcitems.DCItem I)
        //{ Examine item I and return the difficulcy number needed to identify it. }
        switch (I.ikind)
        case dcitems.IKIND_Gun:
        case dcitems.IKIND_Wep:

        case dcitems.IKIND_Cap:
        case dcitems.IKIND_Armor:
        case dcitems.IKIND_Glove:
        case dcitems.IKIND_Shoe:

        case dcitems.IKIND_Food:
            //{ Pills are notoriously difficult to ID. }
            if (dcitems.CFood[I.icode - 1].fk == 2)

        case dcitems.IKIND_Ammo:
        case dcitems.IKIND_Grenade:

コード例 #6
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static void ChangeItem(gamebook.Scenario SC, int Slot)
        /*Change the item that's currently equipped in equipment*/
        /*slot Slot. If there are other items that could go there,*/
        /*select one of them for use. If not, just unequip the item.*/

        /*UnEquip the item in the slot.*/
        if (SC.PC.eqp[Slot - 1] != null)
            UnEquipItem(SC, Slot);

        /*Select a new item, of appropriate type, from the menu.*/
        dcitems.DCItem I = SelectItem(SC, Slot);

        /*Equip it. Any item currently in this slot will be sent to*/
        /*the Inventory.*/
        if (I != null)
            EquipItem(SC, I);

コード例 #7
ファイル: randchar.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
 static void GiveKatana(dcchars.DCChar PC)
     //{ All Samurai start the game with a Katana. }
     dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
     I.ikind = dcitems.IKIND_Wep;
     I.icode = 5;
     StashItem(PC, I);
コード例 #8
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
 static void BPElectronics(gamebook.Scenario SC, dcitems.DCItem I)
     /*The PC wants to use item I. Call the procedure to do so,*/
     /*and restore the display afterwards.*/
コード例 #9
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static void BPReadBook(gamebook.Scenario SC, dcitems.DCItem I)
        /*The PC wants to read book I. Call the procedure to do so,*/
        /*and restore the display afterwards.*/

        libram.ReadBook(SC, I.icode);
コード例 #10
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static void EatFood(gamebook.Scenario SC, dcitems.DCItem I)
        /*Eat the food. Go for it.*/

        /*Error check- make sure we have actual food.*/
        if (I.ikind != dcitems.IKIND_Food)

        if (SC.PC.carbs + dcitems.CFood[I.icode - 1].carbs < 102)
            SC.PC.carbs += dcitems.CFood[I.icode - 1].carbs;
            if (SC.PC.carbs > 100)
                SC.PC.carbs = 100;

            /* Display a different message depending upon whether the */
            /* food item being eaten is a pill or not. */
            if (dcitems.CFood[I.icode - 1].fk == 2)
                rpgtext.DCGameMessage("You take the " + dcitems.CFood[I.icode - 1].name + ".");
                rpgtext.DCGameMessage("You eat the " + dcitems.CFood[I.icode - 1].name + ".");

            if (dcitems.CFood[I.icode - 1].fx != null)
                zapspell.ProcessSpell(SC, dcitems.CFood[I.icode - 1].fx);

            /* Just in case this hasn't been identified yet, ID it now. */
            I.ID = true;

            dcitems.ConsumeDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, I, 1);
            /* The PC is too full to eat. Print a message depending upon */
            /* whether the food item is a pill or something else. */
            if (dcitems.CFood[I.icode - 1].fk == 2)
                rpgtext.DCGameMessage("You're too full to take the " + dcitems.CFood[I.icode - 1].name + " now.");
                rpgtext.DCGameMessage("You're too full to eat the " + dcitems.CFood[I.icode - 1].name + " now.");

コード例 #11
ファイル: charts.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    public static dcitems.DCItem GenerateItem(gamebook.Scenario SC, int TT)
        //{Generate a random item from chart TT.}
        //{ The ScenarioPtr is used for the PC's tech skill, to see if items }
        //{ start out identified or not. }

        //{Decide which chart entry will be generated.}
        int R = rpgdice.Random(NumTChance) + 1;

        //{If the ICode listed in -1, jump instead to a different}
        //{item list, as indicated by the IKind field. Normally}
        //{item lists can only access item lists which occur after}
        //{them in the series; a check will be performed here to make}
        //{sure the procedure can't get stuck in an infinite loop.}
        dcitems.DCItem i;

        if (TTChart[TT - 1, R - 1, 1] == -1 && TTChart[TT - 1, R - 1, 0] > TT)
            i = GenerateItem(SC, TTChart[TT - 1, R - 1, 0]);
        else if (TTChart[TT - 1, R - 1, 1] != -1)
            //{Allocate the item.}
            i = new dcitems.DCItem();

            i.ikind = TTChart[TT - 1, R - 1, 0];
            i.icode = TTChart[TT - 1, R - 1, 1];
            if (TTChart[TT - 1, R - 1, 2] == 0)
                i.charge = 0;
                i.charge = rpgdice.Random(TTChart[TT - 1, R - 1, 2]) + 1;
            //{There's apparently an error in our random chart,}
            //{with one treasure list trying to access an earlier}
            //{one or somesuch. Let's make sure the error is noticed.}
            //{Drop 999 bananas.}
            i = new dcitems.DCItem();

            i.ikind  = dcitems.IKIND_Food;
            i.icode  = 6;
            i.charge = 999;

        //{ Finally, see whether or not the item is identified by the PC. }
        AttemptToIdentify(SC, i);

コード例 #12
ファイル: pcaction.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    public static bool PCPickUp(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*The PC is gonna pick up something. Return FALSE if there*/
        /*is no item present, or if the picking up is canceled.*/
        bool it = false;

        rpgtext.DCGameMessage("Get Item - ");

        if (SC.ig.g[SC.PC.m.x - 1, SC.PC.m.y - 1] != null)
            /*There's at least one item here. See if there's more.*/
            if (SC.ig.g[SC.PC.m.x - 1, SC.PC.m.y - 1].next == null)
                /*Simple case. There's only one item here.*/
                /*Grab it.*/
                dcitems.DCItem I = SC.ig.g[SC.PC.m.x - 1, SC.PC.m.y - 1];
                rpgtext.DCAppendMessage("Got " + dcitems.ItemNameLong(I) + ".");
                dcitems.RetrieveDCItem(SC.gb, SC.ig, I, SC.PC.m.x, SC.PC.m.y);
                dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, I);
                it = true;
                /*Difficult case. There's multiple items.*/
                /*List through them and prompt for picking up.*/
                rpgtext.DCAppendMessage("Multiple items.");
                dcitems.DCItem I2 = SC.ig.g[SC.PC.m.x - 1, SC.PC.m.y - 1];
                while (I2 != null)
                    dcitems.DCItem I = I2;
                    I2 = I2.next;
                    rpgtext.DCGameMessage("Pick up " + dcitems.ItemNameLong(I) + "? (Y/N)");
                    if (rpgtext.YesNo())
                        dcitems.RetrieveDCItem(SC.gb, SC.ig, I, SC.PC.m.x, SC.PC.m.y);
                        dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, I);
                        rpgtext.DCAppendMessage(" Done.");
                        rpgtext.DCAppendMessage(" Nope.");
            rpgtext.DCAppendMessage("Not found!");

コード例 #13
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static void UnEquipItem(gamebook.Scenario SC, int Slot)
        /*UnEquip the item in slot Slot in the PC's equipment list.*/

        dcitems.DCItem I = SC.PC.eqp[Slot - 1];
        if (I != null)
            SC.PC.eqp[Slot - 1] = null;
            dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, I);
コード例 #14
ファイル: pcaction.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    public static void ScanUnknownInv(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /* Check through the items in the PC's inventory, and try to ID any */
        /* of them that are currently unknown. */

        /* Initialize values. */
        bool didit = false;

        dcitems.DCItem I = SC.PC.inv;

        /* Scan inventory */
        while (I != null)
            dcitems.DCItem I2 = I.next;

            /* If this item hasn't been identified, we want to examine it. */
            if (!I.ID)
                charts.AttemptToIdentify(SC, I);

                /* If the attempt was successful, merge this item into */
                /* the main inventory. */
                if (I.ID)
                    didit = true;
                    dcitems.DelinkDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, I);
                    dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, I);

            I = I2;

        for (int t = 1; t <= dcchars.NumEquipSlots; ++t)
            if (SC.PC.eqp[t - 1] != null && !SC.PC.eqp[t - 1].ID)
                charts.AttemptToIdentify(SC, SC.PC.eqp[t - 1]);

                if (SC.PC.eqp[t - 1].ID)
                    didit = true;

        if (didit)
            rpgtext.DCGameMessage("You learn something about the items you are carrying...");
コード例 #15
ファイル: charts.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
 public static void AttemptToIdentify(gamebook.Scenario SC, dcitems.DCItem I)
     //{ The PC will try to figure out what this item is. }
     if (SC.PC != null)
         //{ The PC must make a tech skill roll against the item's }
         //{ difficulcy number, as calculated above. }
         I.ID = rpgdice.RollStep(dcchars.PCIDSkill(SC.PC)) >= IDTarget(I);
         I.ID = false;
コード例 #16
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    public static dcitems.DCItem PromptItem(gamebook.Scenario SC, int IK)
        /*Create a menu, then query the user for an item which*/
        /*corresponds to the kind IK. Return null if either no*/
        /*such items are present in the inventory, or if the user*/
        /*cancels item selection. Retore map display afterwards.*/

        /*Create the menu. It's gonna use the InvWindow.*/
        rpgmenus.RPGMenu RPM = rpgmenus.CreateRPGMenu(Crt.Color.LightGray, Crt.Color.Green, Crt.Color.LightGreen, 16, 7, 65, 21);

        /*Add one menu item for each appropriate item in the Inventory.*/
        dcitems.DCItem i = SC.PC.inv;
        int            t = 1;

        while (i != null)
            if (i.ikind == IK)
                rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(RPM, dcitems.ItemNameLong(i), t, null);
            i  = i.next;
            t += 1;

        /*Error check- make sure there are items present in the list!!!*/
        if (RPM.firstItem == null)

        /*Sort the menu alphabetically.*/

        /*Next, select the item.*/
        t = rpgmenus.SelectMenu(RPM, rpgmenus.RPMNormal);
        if (t == -1)
            i = null;
            i = dcitems.LocateItem(SC.PC.inv, t);

        /*Restore the map display.*/

コード例 #17
ファイル: randchar.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static void GiveBasicStuff(dcchars.DCChar PC)
        //{ All PCs start with a few free items. }

        //{ 3 Trauma Fixes, 3 Antidotes. }
        dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
        I.ikind  = dcitems.IKIND_Food;
        I.icode  = 25;
        I.charge = 3;
        StashItem(PC, I);

        I        = new dcitems.DCItem();
        I.ikind  = dcitems.IKIND_Food;
        I.icode  = 30;
        I.charge = 3;
        StashItem(PC, I);
コード例 #18
ファイル: randchar.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static void PickItemFromChart(dcchars.DCChar PC, int Chart, ref int pts)
        //{ Select an item from one of the starting equipment charts, }
        //{ stash it in the PC's inventory, then decrement PTS by an }
        //{ appropriate amount. }

        //{ Decide what item from the chart to generate. }
        int N = rpgdice.Random(10);

        //{ Actually create the item record. }
        dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
        I.ikind = ItemChart[Chart - 1, N, 0];
        I.icode = ItemChart[Chart - 1, N, 1];
        pts    -= ItemChart[Chart - 1, N, 2];

        //{ Stick the item in the PC's inventory. }
        StashItem(PC, I);
コード例 #19
ファイル: dccombat.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    public static void CritterDeath(gamebook.Scenario SC, critters.Critter C, bool KilledByPC)
        //{A critter has died. Deal with it.}
        if (C == null)
            rpgtext.DCGameMessage("SHAZBOT - The attemptes killing of a nonexistant critters.");

        //{Critters will only drop random treasure if they are killed}
        //{by the PC.}
        if (KilledByPC)
            if (critters.MonMan[C.crit - 1].TType > 0)
                int N = 0;
                while (N < critters.MonMan[C.crit - 1].TNum && rpgdice.Random(100) < critters.MonMan[C.crit - 1].TDrop)
                    N += 1;
                    dcitems.DCItem I = charts.GenerateItem(SC, critters.MonMan[C.crit - 1].TType);
                    dcitems.PlaceDCItem(SC.gb, SC.ig, I, C.M.x, C.M.y);

        if (C.Eqp != null && rpgdice.Random(100) < CDropEqp)
            //{The critter dropped whatever it was carrying.}
            dcitems.PlaceDCItem(SC.gb, SC.ig, C.Eqp, C.M.x, C.M.y);

            //{Set the Eqp field to Nil, or else the RemoveCritter procedure}
            //{will delete the item. And mess up our map.}
            C.Eqp = null;

        gamebook.Excommunicate(SC, C.M);
        critters.RemoveCritter(C, ref SC.CList, SC.gb);
コード例 #20
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static void EquipItem(gamebook.Scenario SC, dcitems.DCItem I)
        /*Delink this item from the main Inventory list, then stick*/
        /*it in the appropriate equipment slot. If there's already*/
        /*an item there, unequip it.*/

        if (I.ikind > 0 && I.ikind <= dcchars.NumEquipSlots)
            /*If something is already equipped, get rid of it.*/
            if (SC.PC.eqp[I.ikind - 1] != null)
                UnEquipItem(SC, I.ikind);

            /*Delink the item we're equipping from the Inventory.*/
            dcitems.DelinkDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, I);

            /*Link it to the correct inventory slot.*/
            SC.PC.eqp[I.ikind - 1] = I;
コード例 #21
ファイル: randchar.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    public static dcchars.DCChar RollNewChar()
        //{We're going to generate a new game character from scratch.}
        //{Return NIL if the character creation process was cancelled.}
        const string instructions = "Select one of the avaliable jobs from the menu. Press ESC to reroll stats, or select Cancel to exit.";
        // pc: dccharptr;
        // opt: rpgmenuptr;	{The menu holding avaliable jobs.}
        // t,tt: Integer;		{Loop counters}
        // q: boolean;		{Apparently, for this procedure, I've forgotten about useful variable names. It's hot and I'm tired.}
        // I: DCItemPtr;

        int t, tt;

        //{Allocate memory for the character.}
        dcchars.DCChar PC = new dcchars.DCChar();

        //{Initilize Job to -1}
        PC.job = -1;

        //{Clear the screen}

        //{Display the stat names}
        for (t = 1; t <= 8; ++t)
            Crt.GotoXY(12, t * 2 + 3);
            Crt.Write(dcchars.StatName[t - 1] + " :");

        //{Start a loop. We'll stay in the loop until a character is selected.}
        while (PC.job == -1)
            //{Give a short message on how to use the character generator}
            rpgtext.GameMessage(instructions, 2, 1, 79, 4, Crt.Color.Green, Crt.Color.LightBlue);

            //{Set the text color}

            //{Roll the character's stats.}
            RollGHStats(PC, 100 + rpgdice.Random(20));
            for (t = 1; t <= 8; ++t)
                //{display the stat onscreen.}
                Crt.GotoXY(35, t * 2 + 3);
                Crt.Write("   ");
                Crt.GotoXY(35, t * 2 + 3);
                Crt.Write(PC.stat[t - 1].ToString());

            //{determine which jobs are open to this character, and}
            //{add them to our RPGMenu.}

            //{First, allocate the menu.}
            rpgmenus.RPGMenu opt = rpgmenus.CreateRPGMenu(Crt.Color.LightBlue, Crt.Color.Blue, Crt.Color.LightCyan, 46, 7, 65, 17);

            //{Initialize the description elements.}
            opt.dx1       = 2;
            opt.dx2       = 79;
            opt.dy1       = 20;
            opt.dy2       = 24;
            opt.dTexColor = Crt.Color.Green;

            for (t = 1; t <= dcchars.NumJobs; ++t)
                //{Initialize q to true}
                bool q = true;

                //{Check each stat}
                for (tt = 1; tt <= 8; ++tt)
                    if (PC.stat[tt - 1] < dcchars.JobStat[t - 1, tt - 1])
                        q = false;

                //{If q is still true, this job may be chosen.}
                if (q)
                    rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(opt, dcchars.JobName[t - 1], t, dcchars.JobDesc[t - 1]);

            //{Get the jobs in alphabetical order}

            //{Add a CANCEL to the list}
            rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(opt, "  Cancel", 0, null);

            //{Ask for a selection}
            PC.job = rpgmenus.SelectMenu(opt, rpgmenus.RPMNoCleanup);

            PC.m = null;

        //{If the player selected cancel, dispose of the PC record.}
        if (PC.job == 0)
            PC = null;
            //{Copy skill ranks}
            for (t = 1; t <= dcchars.NumSkill; t++)
                PC.skill[t - 1] = dcchars.JobSkill[PC.job - 1, t - 1];

            //{Set HP, HPMax, and other initial values.}
            PC.HPMax    = PC.stat[dcchars.STAT_Toughness] + dcchars.JobHitDie[PC.job - 1] + dcchars.BaseHP;
            PC.HP       = PC.HPMax;
            PC.MPMax    = PC.stat[dcchars.STAT_Willpower] / 2 + dcchars.JobMojoDie[PC.job - 1] + rpgdice.Random(dcchars.JobMojoDie[PC.job - 1]);
            PC.MP       = PC.MPMax;
            PC.target   = null;
            PC.carbs    = 50;
            PC.lvl      = 1;
            PC.XP       = 0;
            PC.repCount = 0;

            PC.inv = null;
            for (t = 1; t <= dcchars.NumEquipSlots; ++t)
                PC.eqp[t - 1] = null;
            PC.SF    = null;
            PC.spell = null;

            //{Give some basic equipment.}

            //{Add the PC's meals.}
            for (t = 1; t <= 5; ++t)
                dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
                I.ikind  = dcitems.IKIND_Food;
                I.icode  = JobXFood[PC.job, rpgdice.Random(10)];
                I.charge = 1;
                dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref PC.inv, I);

            //{Add the PC's snacks.}
            int total = rpgdice.Random(5) + 1;
            for (t = 1; t <= total; ++t)
                dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
                I.ikind = dcitems.IKIND_Food;

                //{Decide upon what kind of food to give, based on job.}
                if (rpgdice.Random(3) == 2)
                    I.icode = JobXFood[0, rpgdice.Random(10)];
                    I.icode = JobXFood[PC.job, rpgdice.Random(10)];

                I.charge = rpgdice.Random(3) + 1;
                dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref PC.inv, I);

            //{ Input a name. }
            rpgtext.GameMessage("NAME: ", 2, 1, 79, 4, Crt.Color.LightGreen, Crt.Color.LightBlue);
            Crt.GotoXY(9, 2);
            PC.name = rpgtext.ReadLine();

            if (PC.name != "")
                //{ Generate an introduction. }

                //{Add spells, if appropriate.}
                if (PC.skill[dcchars.SKILL_LearnSpell] > 0)
                PC = null;

コード例 #22
ファイル: pcaction.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    public static bool PCTosser(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*The PC wants to throw a grenade.*/
        /*The majority of this unit was simply copied from above.*/

        /*Select a grenade to toss.*/
        dcitems.DCItem Grn = backpack.PromptItem(SC, dcitems.IKIND_Grenade);
        if (Grn == null)

        /*Start the standard firing stuff.*/
        rpgtext.DCGameMessage("Throw grenade - Select Target: ");
        texmaps.Point TP = looker.SelectPoint(SC, true, true, SC.PC.target);

        /*Check to make sure a target was selected, and also*/
        /*the the player isn't trying to shoot himself.*/
        if (TP.x == -1)
        if (TP.x == SC.PC.m.x && TP.y == SC.PC.m.y)

        /*Check to make sure the target point is within the PC's*/
        /*maximum throwing range.*/
        if (texmaps.Range(SC.PC.m, TP.x, TP.y) > dcchars.PCThrowRange(SC.PC))
            rpgtext.DCPointMessage("Out of range!");

        dccombat.AttackRequest AR = new dccombat.AttackRequest();
        AR.HitRoll  = dcchars.PCThrowSkill(SC.PC);
        AR.Damage   = dcitems.CGrn[Grn.icode - 1].DMG;
        AR.Range    = dcitems.CGrn[Grn.icode - 1].DMG;
        AR.Attacker = SC.PC.m;
        AR.TX       = TP.x;
        AR.TY       = TP.y;
        AR.DF       = gamebook.DF_Physical;
        AR.C        = Crt.Color.Yellow;
        AR.ATT      = dcitems.CGrn[Grn.icode].ATT;
        if (AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_LineAttack) || AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_BlastAttack) || AR.ATT.Contains(spells.AA_SmokeAttack))
            AR.Desc = "throw " + dcitems.ItemNameShort(Grn);
            AR.Desc = "throw " + dcitems.ItemNameShort(Grn) + " at";

        dccombat.AttackReport Rep = dccombat.ProcessAttack(SC, AR);

        /*Consume the grenade.*/
        dcitems.ConsumeDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, Grn, 1);

コード例 #23
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static bool InvMenu(gamebook.Scenario SC)
        /*This procedure will do all the stuff needed for the*/
        /*Inventory menu. Return TRUE to keep doing inventory,*/
        /*FALSE otherwise.*/

        /*Error Check- if there's nothing present in the inventory,*/
        /*boot the player back out to the Equipment menu.*/
        if (InvRPM.firstItem == null)

        int n = -1;

            n = rpgmenus.SelectMenu(InvRPM, rpgmenus.RPMNoCleanup);

            if (n > -1)
                /*An actual item was selected. Do something*/
                /*with it.*/
                dcitems.DCItem I = dcitems.LocateItem(SC.PC.inv, n);

                /*Check to see if this is an equippable item.*/
                if (I.ikind > 0)
                    EquipItem(SC, I);
                else if (I.ikind == dcitems.IKIND_Ammo)
                    LoadAmmo(SC, I);
                else if (I.ikind == dcitems.IKIND_Food)
                    EatFood(SC, I);
                else if (I.ikind == dcitems.IKIND_Book)
                    BPReadBook(SC, I);
                else if (I.ikind == dcitems.IKIND_Electronics)
                    BPElectronics(SC, I);
            else if (n == BMK_DropCode)
                dcitems.DCItem I = dcitems.LocateItem(SC.PC.inv, rpgmenus.RPMLocateByPosition(InvRPM, InvRPM.selectItem).value);
                DropItem(SC, I);

            /*Check to make sure there are items left in the inventory.*/
            if (InvRPM.firstItem == null)
                n = -1;
        }while (n != -1 && n != BMK_SwitchCode);

        if (n == BMK_SwitchCode)

コード例 #24
ファイル: backpack.cs プロジェクト: james-conrad/dc-unity
    static void LoadAmmo(gamebook.Scenario SC, dcitems.DCItem I)
        /*Load ammunition item I into the currently equipped gun.*/
        /*Fill the gun to its full capacity, or as full as it can*/
        /*get given the current number of cartridges in inventory.*/
        /*If the gun is currently loaded with a different ammo type,*/
        /*unload that ammo. If the selected ammo won't fit in the*/
        /*current gun, choose a different gun from the inventory.*/

        //   var
        //cal,spec: Integer;
        //gun,ul: DCItemPtr;
        //N: Integer;
        //ID: bool;

        /*Determine the Caliber and Special Type of the ammo.*/
        int  cal  = I.icode % 100;
        int  spec = I.icode / 100;
        bool ID   = I.ID;

        dcitems.DCItem gun = SC.PC.eqp[dcchars.ES_MissileWeapon - 1];

        if (gun == null || dcitems.CGuns[gun.icode - 1].caliber != cal)
            /*The gun currently equipped is either inappropriate*/
            /*or doesn't exist. Either way, we need to choose a new gun.*/
            gun = SelectItem(SC, dcitems.IKIND_Gun);

        if (gun == null || dcitems.CGuns[gun.icode - 1].caliber != cal || gun.charge == -1)

        /*We have a gun to load. Let's get to it!*/

        /*If the gun is currently loaded with a different sort of*/
        /*ammunition, unload it.*/
        if (gun.state != spec && gun.charge > 0)
            if (cal != dcitems.CAL_Energy && cal != dcitems.CAL_Napalm)
                dcitems.DCItem UL = new dcitems.DCItem();
                UL.ikind   = dcitems.IKIND_Ammo;
                UL.icode   = (Math.Abs(gun.state) * 100) + cal;
                UL.charge  = gun.charge;
                gun.charge = 0;

                if (gun.state < 0)
                    UL.ID = false;

                dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, UL);
                gun.charge = 0;
                gun.state  = 0;

        /*Figure out how many rounds are needed to fill the gun.*/
        int N = 0;

        if (dcitems.CGuns[gun.icode - 1].caliber == dcitems.CAL_Energy || dcitems.CGuns[gun.icode - 1].caliber == dcitems.CAL_Napalm)
            N = 1;
            N = dcitems.CGuns[gun.icode - 1].magazine - gun.charge;

        if (N > 0)
            /*Consume the ammo, add it to the magazine.*/
            rpgtext.DCGameMessage("You load " + dcitems.ItemNameShort(gun) + ".");

            N = dcitems.ConsumeDCItem(ref SC.PC.inv, I, N);
            if (dcitems.CGuns[gun.icode - 1].caliber == dcitems.CAL_Energy)
                /*Energy guns can store a large number of shots,*/
                /*depending upon how many E-Cells are loaded*/
                /*into them.*/
                gun.charge += dcitems.CGuns[gun.icode - 1].magazine;

                if (ID)
                    gun.state = spec;
                    gun.state = -spec;

                /*If the weapon is overloaded, well that's bad...*/
                if (gun.charge > 600 / dcitems.CGuns[gun.icode].DMG)
                    rpgtext.DCAppendMessage(" Weapon is overcharged!");
                    gun.charge = 0;
                    gun.state  = 0;
            else if (dcitems.CGuns[gun.icode - 1].caliber == dcitems.CAL_Napalm)
                /*One cannister reloads the weapon to full capacity.*/
                gun.charge = dcitems.CGuns[gun.icode].magazine;
                if (rpgdice.Random(10) == 7)
                    rpgtext.DCAppendMessage(" Ready to cook.");
                if (ID)
                    gun.state = spec;
                    gun.state = -spec;
                /*In this, the default case, the gun gains*/
                /*as many shots as bullets you put into it.*/
                gun.charge += N;
                if (ID)
                    gun.state = spec;
                    gun.state = -spec;
