private void checkfile() { newdbaddress = addressbox.Text; if ((dbaddress.Equals((Request.PhysicalApplicationPath).ToString() + "App_Data\\" + newdbaddress)) & (temp.tableexist((Request.PhysicalApplicationPath).ToString() + "App_Data\\" + newdbaddress, "hosts"))) { Button2.Visible = false; Response.Redirect("monitoring.aspx"); } else { if (newdbaddress.Contains("accdb")) { if (temp.tableexist((Request.PhysicalApplicationPath).ToString() + "App_Data\\" + newdbaddress, "hosts")) { temp.setdbparam(((Request.PhysicalApplicationPath).ToString() + "App_Data\\config.txt"), 1, newdbaddress); temp.setdbparam(((Request.PhysicalApplicationPath).ToString() + "App_Data\\config.txt"), 2, "scanstopnow"); Button2.Visible = false; Response.Redirect("monitoring.aspx"); } else { if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DisplayName.Contains("English")) { Label2.Text = "DB error. No 'hosts' table here"; } else { Label2.Text = "Ошибка базы данных. Таблица 'hosts' не найдена"; } Button2.Visible = true; } } else { if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DisplayName.Contains("English")) { Label2.Text = "Wrong db name"; } else { Label2.Text = "Неверное имя базы данных"; } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello."); monitor m1 = new monitor(); scan s1 = new scan(); dbwork db = new dbwork(); string dbaddress=null; try { dbaddress = db.getdbparam("config.txt").GetValue(1).ToString(); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("Config file is not found"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } try { db.tableexist(dbaddress, "hosts"); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Console.WriteLine("You have no AccessDatabaseEngine. Contact your administrator."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } Console.WriteLine("Database file at "+dbaddress+"\n"); if (args.Length == 0) { m1.checknow(); } else { if (args[0] == "scantd") { s1.scannow(); return; } if (args[0] == "deltd") { Console.WriteLine("Now table forscan delete"); try { db.droptdforscandb(dbaddress, "forscan"); } catch (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException) { Console.WriteLine("Can not delete"); return; } Console.WriteLine("Complite.\nWrite new cfg"); db.setdbparam("config.txt", 2, "scanstopnow"); Console.WriteLine("Done\nGood bye."); Thread.Sleep(3000); return; } if (args[0] == "check") { m1.checknow(); return; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello."); monitor m1 = new monitor(); scan s1 = new scan(); dbwork db = new dbwork(); string dbaddress = null; try { dbaddress = db.getdbparam("config.txt").GetValue(1).ToString(); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("Config file is not found"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } try { db.tableexist(dbaddress, "hosts"); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Console.WriteLine("You have no AccessDatabaseEngine. Contact your administrator."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } Console.WriteLine("Database file at " + dbaddress + "\n"); if (args.Length == 0) { m1.checknow(); } else { if (args[0] == "scantd") { s1.scannow(); return; } if (args[0] == "deltd") { Console.WriteLine("Now table forscan delete"); try { db.droptdforscandb(dbaddress, "forscan"); } catch (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException) { Console.WriteLine("Can not delete"); return; } Console.WriteLine("Complite.\nWrite new cfg"); db.setdbparam("config.txt", 2, "scanstopnow"); Console.WriteLine("Done\nGood bye."); Thread.Sleep(3000); return; } if (args[0] == "check") { m1.checknow(); return; } } }
public void scannow() { Console.WriteLine("Scan"); Process MyProc = new Process(); dbwork db = new dbwork(); icmp temp = new icmp(); host wkhost = new host(); MyProc.StartInfo.FileName = "MSservice.exe"; string dbaddress = null; string tempip = null; int errortimes = 0; Console.WriteLine("Read cfg"); dbaddress = db.getdbparam("config.txt").GetValue(1).ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Write new cfg"); db.setdbparam("config.txt", 2, "scanworknow"); int lastid = db.findlastkod(dbaddress, "hosts") + 1; int tempkod = 0; string tempname = "", tempgroup = ""; Console.WriteLine("Start scan."); if (db.tableexist(dbaddress, "forscan")) { string[] oldhosts = db.takehosts(dbaddress); try { Console.WriteLine("Table exists"); OleDbDataReader tempread = db.readdb(dbaddress, "SELECT Код,ip,grp FROM forscan"); while (tempread.Read()) { Console.Write("Read next one: "); tempkod = Convert.ToInt32(tempread["Код"]); tempip = tempread["ip"].ToString(); Console.WriteLine(tempip); tempgroup = tempread["grp"].ToString(); if (!wkhost.checkmatch(tempip, oldhosts)) { Console.WriteLine("Try to ping"); if (, 2)) { Console.WriteLine("New host avalible.\nTry to resolve hostname"); tempname = temp.resolvename(tempip); if (tempname == tempip) { Console.WriteLine("!New device with ip " + tempip + "\nWrite it to db."); } else { Console.WriteLine("!New device " + tempname + " with ip " + tempip + "\nWrite it to db."); } db.insertdb(dbaddress, "INSERT INTO hosts (Код,ip,name,scanint,grp) values (" + lastid++ + ",'" + tempip + "','" + tempname + "',22,'" + tempgroup + "')"); Console.WriteLine("Done.\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("No icmp device at " + tempip + "\n"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Host " + tempip + " not new\n"); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); MyProc.StartInfo.Arguments = "deltd"; MyProc.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write("Ошибка tempread.Read()\n" + ex + "\n" + errortimes++ + " times already"); if (errortimes > 3) { MyProc.StartInfo.Arguments = "scantd"; MyProc.Start(); return; } } } }