private void setProject() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Clear(); strSql = "select project_name from tms_project where project_id = '" + Request.QueryString["project_id"].ToString() + "'"; ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); lblTitle.InnerText = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["project_name"].ToString(); //process history strSql = "select replace(replace(process_comment,'\n','<br>'),' ',' ') process_comment,to_char(create_dttm,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') create_dttm,create_user from tms_process_history where project_id = '" + Request.QueryString["project_id"].ToString() + "'order by create_dttm desc"; //strSql = "select replace(process_comment,'\r\n','<br>') process_comment,to_char(create_dttm,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') create_dttm,create_user from tms_process_history where task_id = '101' order by create_dttm desc"; ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); dlProcessHistory.DataSource = ds; dlProcessHistory.DataBind(); ////附件 strSql = "select * from tms_attachment where project_id = '" + Request.QueryString["project_id"].ToString() + "' order by file_desc"; //strSql = "select * from tms_attachment where task_id = '101'"; ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); dlAttach.DataSource = ds; dlAttach.DataBind(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { fsAttach.Visible = true; } }
private DataSet getProjectTaskDs() { string strSql = string.Empty; string selectedDept = "''"; strSql = @"select project_id, project_name, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, status from tms_project t where t.applicant_dept in ({0}) and nvl(t.status,'N/A') not in ('Cancel') "; if (chkDept.SelectedIndex > -1) { selectedDept = dsutil.getCheckbox2Sql(chkDept); } strSql = string.Format(strSql, selectedDept); ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); return(ds); }
private void set_data_list() { strSql = @"select distinct t.project_id,t.project_group from tms_project_group t where t.project_dept in (select t1.authority_dept from tms_authority_dept t1 where t1.dept = '{0}' ) order by t.project_id "; strSql = string.Format(strSql, Session["user_dept"].ToString()); ddlProjectGroup.DataTextField = "project_group"; ddlProjectGroup.DataValueField = "project_id"; ddlProjectGroup.DataSource = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); ddlProjectGroup.DataBind(); ddlProjectGroup.Items.Insert(0, ""); }
private void setTaskData() { OleDbDataReader dr; string strSql; OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["dsn"]); myConnection.Open(); strSql = "select * from tms_task where task_id = '" + Request.QueryString["task_id"].ToString() + "'"; dr = DBUtil.GetDatareader(strSql, myConnection); while (dr.Read()) { lblTaskNo.Text = dr["task_id"].ToString(); lblTaskType.Text = dr["task_type"].ToString(); lblStatus.Text = dr["status"].ToString(); lblTaskDesc.Text = dr["task_desc"].ToString(); lblAppilcant.Text = dr["applicant"].ToString(); lblAppilcantDept.Text = dr["applicant_dept"].ToString(); lblApplyDate.Text = dr["apply_date"].ToString(); } string strAddress = "http://" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["dnsname"] + Context.Request.ApplicationPath; hyLink.NavigateUrl = strAddress + "/task_assign.aspx?task_id=" + lblTaskNo.Text + "&mail_to=Y"; //process history strSql = "select replace(replace(process_comment,'\n','<br>'),' ',' ') process_comment,to_char(create_dttm,'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') create_dttm,create_user from tms_process_history where task_id = '" + Request.QueryString["task_id"].ToString() + "' and ai_id is null order by create_dttm desc"; DataSet ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql, myConnection); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { dlProcessHistory.DataSource = ds; dlProcessHistory.DataBind(); fs1.Visible = true; } myConnection.Close(); myConnection.Dispose(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strSql = ""; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); dbutil DBUtil = new dbutil(); if (Session["user_name"] == null) { strSql = "select cname,dept from tms_empinfo t where t.empno='" + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.Substring(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.IndexOf("\\") + 1).ToUpper() + "'"; ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { deny_message(); } else { Session["user_name"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cname"].ToString(); Session["user_dept"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dept"].ToString(); } } }
private void setTaskData() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string strSql = ""; //今日到期 Task strSql = @"select 'Delay' type,t.task_id, t.task_desc, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, t.priority, t.status, t.task_type,t2.project_name from tms_task t,tms_member t1,tms_project t2 where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.project_id=t2.project_id(+) and t1.member_id='{0}' and t.estimate_end_date<to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') union select '今日到期' type, t.task_id, t.task_desc, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, t.priority, t.status, t.task_type,t2.project_name from tms_task t,tms_member t1,tms_project t2 where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.project_id=t2.project_id(+) and t1.member_id='{0}' and t.estimate_end_date=to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') union select '明日到期' type,t.task_id, t.task_desc, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, t.priority, t.status, t.task_type,t2.project_name from tms_task t,tms_member t1,tms_project t2 where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.project_id=t2.project_id(+) and t1.member_id='{0}' and t.estimate_end_date=to_date(to_char(sysdate+1,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') union select '處理中' type,t.task_id, t.task_desc, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, t.priority, t.status, t.task_type,t2.project_name from tms_task t,tms_member t1,tms_project t2 where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.project_id=t2.project_id(+) and t1.member_id='{0}' and t.estimate_end_date>to_date(to_char(sysdate+1,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') "; strSql = string.Format(strSql, Request.QueryString["empno"].ToString()); ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); gvTask.DataSource = ds; gvTask.DataBind(); // //明日到期 Task // strSql = @"select t.task_id, t.task_desc, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, // to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, t.priority, t.status, t.task_type // from tms_task t,tms_member t1 // where t.task_id=t1.task_id // and t1.member_id='TWN050555' // and t.estimate_end_date=to_date(to_char(sysdate+1,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') // and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel')"; // ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); // gvTomorrowTask.DataSource = ds; // gvTomorrowTask.DataBind(); // //Delay Task // strSql = @"select t.task_id, t.task_desc, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, // to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, t.priority, t.status, t.task_type // from tms_task t,tms_member t1 // where t.task_id=t1.task_id // // and t.estimate_end_date<to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') // and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel')"; // ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); // gvDelay.DataSource = ds; // gvDelay.DataBind(); //今日到期 Action Item strSql = @" select 'Delay' type,t.task_id,t.ai_id,t.ai_desc, to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, t.member_name, t.status, t.progress,t1.task_desc from tms_action_item t,tms_task t1 where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.estimate_end_date<to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') and t.member_id='{0}' union select '今日到期' type, t.task_id,t.ai_id,t.ai_desc, to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, t.member_name, t.status, t.progress,t1.task_desc from tms_action_item t,tms_task t1 where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.estimate_end_date=to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') and t.member_id='{0}' union select '明日到期' type,t.task_id,t.ai_id,t.ai_desc, to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, t.member_name, t.status, t.progress,t1.task_desc from tms_action_item t,tms_task t1 where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.estimate_end_date=to_date(to_char(sysdate+1,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') and t.member_id='{0}' union select '處理中' type,t.task_id,t.ai_id,t.ai_desc, to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, t.member_name, t.status, t.progress,t1.task_desc from tms_action_item t,tms_task t1 where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.estimate_end_date>to_date(to_char(sysdate+1,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') and t.member_id='{0}'"; strSql = string.Format(strSql, Request.QueryString["empno"].ToString()); ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); gvAI.DataSource = ds; gvAI.DataBind(); //// //明日到期 Action Item //// strSql = @"select t.task_id,t.ai_id,t.ai_desc, to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, //// to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, t.member_name, t.status, t.progress,t1.task_desc //// from tms_action_item t,tms_task t1 //// where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.estimate_end_date=to_date(to_char(sysdate+1,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') //// and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') //// and t.member_id='TWN050555'"; //// ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); //// gvTomorrowAI.DataSource = ds; //// gvTomorrowAI.DataBind(); //// //逾期 Action Item //// strSql = @"select t.task_id,t.ai_id,t.ai_desc, to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, //// to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, t.member_name, t.status, t.progress,t1.task_desc //// from tms_action_item t,tms_task t1 //// where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.estimate_end_date<to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') //// and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') //// "; //// ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); //// gvDelayAI.DataSource = ds; //// gvDelayAI.DataBind(); }
private void setTaskData() { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); string strSql = ""; string remind_type = Request.QueryString["remind"].ToString(); //該部門所有delay的prjoect和task if (remind_type == "boss") { strSql = @" select rownum, a.* from (select distinct t.project_id, t.applicant_dept, t.project_desc, t.project_name, t.applicant, t.apply_date, to_char(t.estimate_start_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') estimate_end_date, to_char(t.actual_start_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') actual_end_date, t.priority, t.status, t1.project_group from tms_project t, tms_project_group t1 where t.project_group_id = t1.project_id(+) and t.estimate_end_date<to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') and t.applicant_dept in (select t.authority_dept from tms_authority_dept t where t.dept = '{0}') order by applicant_dept, estimate_end_date, estimate_start_date)a"; strSql = string.Format(strSql, Request.QueryString["dept"].ToString()); ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); gvProject.DataSource = ds; gvProject.DataBind(); strSql = @"select rownum, a.* from (select distinct t.task_id, t.task_desc, t2.dept, to_char(t.estimate_start_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, to_char(t.actual_start_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, t.priority, t.status, t.task_type, t3.project_name, t3.project_id from tms_task t, tms_member t1, tms_empinfo t2, tms_project t3, tms_action_item t4 where t.task_id = t1.task_id and t1.member_id = t2.empno and t.project_id = t3.project_id(+) and t.task_id = t4.task_id(+) and t1.is_owner='Y' and t2.dept in (select t.authority_dept from tms_authority_dept t where t.dept = '{0}') and t.estimate_end_date <to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') order by dept, estimate_end_date, estimate_start_date) a"; strSql = string.Format(strSql, Request.QueryString["dept"].ToString()); ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); gvTask.DataSource = ds; gvTask.DataBind(); } //各課delay的task和ai else if (remind_type == "manager") { strSql = @"select rownum, a.* from (select distinct t.task_id, t.task_desc, t2.dept, to_char(t.estimate_start_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, to_char(t.actual_start_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, t.priority, t.status, t.task_type, t3.project_name, t3.project_id from tms_task t, tms_member t1, tms_empinfo t2, tms_project t3, tms_action_item t4 where t.task_id = t1.task_id and t1.member_id = t2.empno and t.project_id = t3.project_id(+) and t.task_id = t4.task_id(+) and t2.dept in ('{0}') and t.estimate_end_date <to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd'),'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close','Cancel') order by estimate_end_date, estimate_start_date)a"; strSql = string.Format(strSql, Request.QueryString["dept"].ToString()); ds2 = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); gvTask.DataSource = ds2; gvTask.DataBind(); strSql = @"select rownum, a.* from (select distinct t.task_id, t.ai_id, t.ai_desc, to_char(t.actual_start_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, to_char(t.estimate_start_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date, 'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, t.member_name, t.status, t.progress, t1.task_desc, t3.dept from tms_action_item t, tms_task t1, tms_member t2, tms_empinfo t3 where t.task_id(+) = t1.task_id and t1.task_id = t2.task_id and t2.member_id = t3.empno and t.estimate_end_date < to_date(to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy/mm/dd'), 'yyyy/mm/dd') and t.status not in ('Close', 'Cancel') and t3.dept in ('{0}') order by estimate_end_date, estimate_start_date)a"; strSql = string.Format(strSql, Request.QueryString["dept"].ToString()); ds2 = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); gvAI.DataSource = ds2; gvAI.DataBind(); } }
public void getMyTask(string empno, string start_date, string end_date, string task_desc, string status, string task_type, string ai_expand, string analysis_type) { vStartDate = DateTime.ParseExact(start_date, "yyyyMMdd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); vEndDate = DateTime.ParseExact(end_date, "yyyyMMdd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); vEmpno = empno; vAnalysisType = analysis_type; vStatus = status; lblAIExpand.Text = ai_expand; lblAnalysisType.Text = analysis_type; strSql = "select distinct t.task_id, t.task_desc, t.applicant, t.applicant_dept, to_char(t.apply_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') apply_date, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, "; strSql += "to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, t.priority, t.status, t.task_type, t.project_id, t.category_id, t.request_category,t2.project_name "; strSql += "from tms_task t,tms_member t1,tms_project t2,tms_action_item t3 where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.task_id=t3.task_id(+) and t1.member_id = '" + empno + "' and t.project_id = t2.project_id(+) "; if (status == "CloseLast7Day") { //當選擇最近七日close 時連最近七日結案AI的task也要列出來 strSql += "and ((t.status = 'Close' and t.actual_end_date between sysdate-7 and sysdate+1) "; strSql += "or (t3.status = 'Close' and t3.actual_end_date between sysdate-7 and sysdate+1 and t3.member_id = '" + empno + "')) "; lblStatus.Text = status; lblEmpno.Text = empno; } else if (status == "CloseLastDay" && ai_expand == "N") { //分析報表by(人)-當選擇時間區間內close 時連最近結案的task要列出來 string strTemp = string.Empty; strTemp += "and (t.status = 'Close' and t.actual_end_date between to_date('_fromDate','yyyymmdd') and to_date('_endDate','yyyymmdd')+1 and t1.member_id = '" + empno + "')"; strSql += strTemp.Replace("_fromDate", start_date).Replace("_endDate", end_date); } else if (status == "CloseLastDay" && ai_expand == "Y") { //分析報表by(人)-當選擇時間區間內close 時連最近結案的task要列出來 string strTemp = string.Empty; strTemp += "and (t3.status = 'Close' and t3.actual_end_date between to_date('_fromDate','yyyymmdd') and to_date('_endDate','yyyymmdd')+1 and t1.member_id = '" + empno + "')"; strSql += strTemp.Replace("_fromDate", start_date).Replace("_endDate", end_date); } else { if (start_date != "") { strSql += "and t.apply_date >= to_date('" + start_date + "','yyyy/mm/dd') "; } if (end_date != "") { strSql += "and t.apply_date <= to_date('" + end_date + "','yyyy/mm/dd') + 1 "; } //if (status != "") //{ if (status == "Receiving & Processing") { strSql += "and t.status in ('Receiving','Processing') "; } else if (status == "Delay") { strSql += "and t.estimate_end_date+1 < sysdate and t.status in ('Receiving','Processing') "; } else { strSql += "and t.status = '" + status + "' "; } //} lblStatus.Text = status; lblEmpno.Text = empno; } if (task_desc != "") { strSql += "and upper(t.task_desc) like '%" + task_desc.ToUpper() + "%' "; } if (task_type != "") { strSql += "and t.task_type in (" + task_type + ") "; } //else // strSql += "and t.task_type in ('') "; //當專案cancel時,可是task還是processing,這樣的task不應該在查詢task的狀態是processing被查出來 strSql += "and nvl(t2.status,'N/A') not in ('Cancel')"; strSql += "order by t.project_id,estimate_end_date,estimate_start_date"; lblSql.Text = strSql; ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); gvTask.DataSource = ds; gvTask.DataBind(); //將sql的資料存起來,當gridview換頁的時候重抓資料要使用 }
public void getMyTask(string empno, string start_date, string end_date, string task_desc, string status, string task_type, string ai_expand, string task_filedesc, string task_comment, string trace) { lblAIExpand.Text = ai_expand; strSql = "select distinct t.task_id, t.task_desc, t.applicant, t.applicant_dept, to_char(t.apply_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') apply_date, to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_start_date, to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') estimate_end_date, "; strSql += "to_char(t.actual_start_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'yyyy/mm/dd') actual_end_date, t.priority, t.status, t.task_type, t.project_id, t.category_id, t.request_category,t2.project_name, t1.member_id "; strSql += "from tms_task t,tms_member t1,tms_project t2,tms_action_item t3 where t.task_id=t1.task_id and t.task_id=t3.task_id(+) and t1.member_id = '" + empno + "' and t.project_id = t2.project_id(+) "; if (status == "CloseLast7Day") { //當選擇最近七日close 時連最近七日結案AI的task也要列出來 strSql += "and ((t.status = 'Close' and t.actual_end_date between sysdate-7 and sysdate+1) "; strSql += "or (t3.status = 'Close' and t3.actual_end_date between sysdate-7 and sysdate+1 and t3.member_id = '" + empno + "')) "; lblStatus.Text = status; lblEmpno.Text = empno; } else if (status == "CloseLastDay") { //分析報表by(人)-當選擇時間區間內close 時連最近結案AI的task也要列出來 string strTemp = string.Empty; strTemp += "and ((t.status = 'Close' and t.actual_end_date between to_date('_fromDate','yyyymmdd') and to_date('_endDate','yyyymmdd') ) "; strTemp += "or (t3.status = 'Close' and t3.actual_end_date between to_date('_fromDate','yyyymmdd') and to_date('_endDate','yyyymmdd') and t3.member_id = '" + empno + "')) "; strSql += strTemp.Replace("_fromDate", start_date).Replace("_endDate", end_date); } else { if (start_date != "") { strSql += "and t.apply_date >= to_date('" + start_date + "','yyyy/mm/dd') "; } if (end_date != "") { strSql += "and t.apply_date <= to_date('" + end_date + "','yyyy/mm/dd')+1 "; } //if (status != "") //{ if (status == "Receiving & Processing") { strSql += "and t.status in ('Receiving','Processing') "; } else if (status == "All") { strSql += ""; } else if (status == "Delay") { strSql += "and t.estimate_end_date+1 < sysdate and t.status in ('Receiving','Processing') "; } else { strSql += "and t.status = '" + status + "' "; } //} lblStatus.Text = status; lblEmpno.Text = empno; } if (task_desc != "") { strSql += "and upper(t.task_desc) like '%" + task_desc.ToUpper() + "%' "; } if (task_type != "") { strSql += "and t.task_type in (" + task_type + ") "; } if (task_filedesc != "") { strSql += "and exists (select 'X' from tms_attachment a where a.task_id = t.task_id and upper(a.file_desc) like '%" + task_filedesc.ToUpper() + "%')"; } if (task_comment != "") { strSql += "and exists (select 'X' from tms_process_history a where a.task_id = t.task_id and upper(a.process_comment) like '%" + task_comment.ToUpper() + "%')"; } if (trace != "") { strSql += "and exists (select 'X' from tms_trace_list a where a.task_id = t.task_id and a.member_id = t1.member_id)"; } //else // strSql += "and t.task_type in ('') "; //當專案cancel時,可是task還是processing,這樣的task不應該在查詢task的狀態是processing被查出來 strSql += "and nvl(t2.status,'N/A') not in ('Cancel')"; strSql += "order by t.project_id,estimate_end_date,estimate_start_date"; lblSql.Text = strSql; ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); gvTask.DataSource = ds; gvTask.DataBind(); //將sql的資料存起來,當gridview換頁的時候重抓資料要使用 }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); DataSet ds3 = new DataSet(); string strMailTo = "", strMailSubject = "", strMailBody = "", strEmpno = "", strEmpname = "", strDept = ""; //三級主管不寄每日工作摘要 string strSql = string.Empty; //寄給部門內所有工程師每日工作摘要 strSql = "select t1.empno,t1.cname from tms_dept_manager t,tms_empinfo t1 where t.dept=t1.dept and t.task_remind_mail='Y'"; strSql += "and t.manager_id <> t1.empno and nvl(t1.disable,'N')='N'"; ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql); for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); strEmpno = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["empno"].ToString(); strEmpname = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["cname"].ToString(); Server.Execute("task_remind_content.aspx?empno=" + strEmpno + "&remind=" + "eng", htw); strMailTo = strEmpno + ""; //strMailTo = "*****@*****.**"; strMailSubject = "[Task Management System] " + strEmpname + "的每日【" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "】工作事項提醒"; strMailBody = sw.ToString(); DBUtil.sendMail(strMailBody, strMailTo, strMailSubject); } //寄給部門內各課三級主管該課delay的工作列表 string strSql2 = string.Empty; strSql2 = @"select t.manager_id, t.manager_name, t.dept from tms_dept_manager t where t.manager_level = '3' and t.task_remind_mail='Y'"; ds2 = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql2); for (int i = 0; i < ds2.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); strEmpno = ds2.Tables[0].Rows[i]["manager_id"].ToString(); strEmpname = ds2.Tables[0].Rows[i]["manager_name"].ToString(); strDept = ds2.Tables[0].Rows[i]["dept"].ToString(); Server.Execute("task_remind_content_by_boss.aspx?dept=" + strDept + "&remind=" + "manager", htw); strMailTo = strEmpno + ""; //strMailTo = "*****@*****.**"; strMailSubject = "[Task Management System] " + strDept + " " + "Delay的工作事項提醒"; strMailBody = sw.ToString(); DBUtil.sendMail(strMailBody, strMailTo, strMailSubject); } //寄給部門二級主管該部門delay的工作列表 string strSql3 = string.Empty; strSql3 = @"select * from tms_dept_manager t where t.manager_level = '2' and t.task_remind_mail = 'Y'"; ds3 = DBUtil.GetDataset(strSql3); for (int i = 0; i < ds3.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw); strEmpno = ds3.Tables[0].Rows[i]["manager_id"].ToString(); strEmpname = ds3.Tables[0].Rows[i]["manager_name"].ToString(); strDept = ds3.Tables[0].Rows[i]["dept"].ToString(); Server.Execute("task_remind_content_by_boss.aspx?dept=" + strDept + "&remind=" + "boss", htw); strMailTo = strEmpno + ""; //strMailTo = "*****@*****.**"; strMailSubject = "[Task Management System] " + strDept + " " + "Delay的工作事項提醒"; strMailBody = sw.ToString(); DBUtil.sendMail(strMailBody, strMailTo, strMailSubject); } Response.Write("<script language='javascript'>" + "\n"); Response.Write("window.opener=null; window.close();</script>"); }
//public void bindGV(string strSql) //{ // lblSql.Text = strSql; // ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(lblSql.Text); // GridView1.DataSource = ds; // GridView1.DataBind(); //} public void getMyProject(string start_date, string end_date, string project_name, string project_desc, string status, string applicant, string project_group) { strSql = "select a.*,rownum rn from ( "; strSql += "select t.project_id , t.project_name , t.applicant, t.apply_date , to_char(t.estimate_start_date,'YYYY/MM/DD') estimate_start_date , to_char(t.estimate_end_date,'YYYY/MM/DD') estimate_end_date , to_char(t.actual_start_date,'YYYY/MM/DD') actual_start_date, to_char(t.actual_end_date,'YYYY/MM/DD') actual_end_date , t.priority, t.status,x.ai_total,x.ai_processing,x.ai_hour,x.ai_unclose_ratio,t1.project_group "; strSql += " from tms_project t,tms_project_group t1, "; strSql += "(select t2.*,decode(t2.ai_total,0,0,round(((t2.ai_total-t2.ai_processing)/t2.ai_total),4)*100) ai_unclose_ratio from ( "; strSql += "select t.project_id,count(*) ai_total, "; strSql += "sum(decode(t1.status,'Receiving',1,'Processing',1,'Pending',1,0)) ai_processing, "; strSql += "sum(t1.ai_hour) ai_hour "; strSql += "from tms_task t,tms_action_item t1 "; strSql += "where t.task_id=t1.task_id "; strSql += "and nvl(t1.status,'N/A') <> 'Cancel' "; strSql += "group by t.project_id) t2) x "; strSql += "where t.project_id=x.project_id(+) and t.project_group_id = t1.project_id(+) and t.applicant ='" + applicant + "' "; if (status == "CloseLast7Day") { strSql += "and t.actual_end_date between sysdate-6 and sysdate+1 "; strSql += "and t.status = 'Close' "; } else { if (start_date != "") { strSql += " and t.apply_date >= to_date('" + start_date + "','yyyy/mm/dd')"; } if (end_date != "") { strSql += " and t.apply_date <= to_date('" + end_date + "','yyyy/mm/dd') +1 "; } if (status == "All") { strSql += ""; } else if (status == "Delay") { strSql += " and t.estimate_end_date+1 < sysdate and t.status in ('Receiving','Processing')"; } else { strSql += " and t.status = '" + status + "'"; } } if (project_name != "") { strSql += " and upper(t.project_name) like '%" + project_name.ToUpper() + "%'"; } if (project_desc != "") { strSql += " and upper(t.project_desc) like '%" + project_desc.ToUpper() + "%'"; } if (project_group != "") { strSql += " and t.project_group_id = " + project_group; } strSql += " order by t1.project_group,t.estimate_end_date,t.estimate_start_date ) a "; //為了下一頁使用 lblSql.Text = strSql; ds = DBUtil.GetDataset(lblSql.Text); GridView1.DataSource = ds; GridView1.DataBind(); }