コード例 #1
        //Ranks popular games on the G&H platform using two different critera, associated players and associated events. Players are worth more then events and both are multiplied to scale
        public ActionResult GetPopularSiteGames()
            //Gets all GAME IDs from APIGAMES and counts their occurances this is the base score of the game
            List <customGame> allAPIGameIDs = (from b in db.APIEventGames
                                               group b.GameID by b.GameID into g
                                               orderby g.Count() descending
                                               select new customGame {
                id = g.Key, score = (g.Count() + 1) * 1.2

            //Join Events with APIEventGames so we can count the amount of players associated with the game
            var JoinEventsAPIEvents = (from b in db.Events
                                       join product in db.APIEventGames on b.ID equals product.EventID
                                       select product);

            //Using our joined table, count the players for each event, if the event have more then 1 EventPlayer then select it and output it
            //Contains a list of EventPlayers count, GameID and EventID
            List <custom> countPlayers = (from b in JoinEventsAPIEvents
                                          where b.Event.EventPlayers.Count > 1
                                          select new custom {
                Score = b.Event.EventPlayers.Count, gameID = b.GameID

            //Add the score from allAPIGameIDs to each associated game in our data list
            //Adds one the the score of each game for each associated EventPlayer and multiplies the overall value by 1.8
            for (int i = 0; i != countPlayers.Count(); i++)
                customGame current = allAPIGameIDs.Find(d => d.id == countPlayers.ElementAt(i).gameID);
                current.score += (countPlayers.ElementAt(i).Score + 1) * 1.4;
            //Gets the rest of the information required to display the game and details

            //Sort all elements by their score inplace
            allAPIGameIDs.Sort((x, y) => y.score.CompareTo(x.score));

            ViewBag.Games = allAPIGameIDs;

コード例 #2
        public customGame GetGame(customGame currentGame)
            string cred = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AtlasKey"];
            string URL  = "https://www.boardgameatlas.com/api/search?ids=" + currentGame.id + "&client_id=" + System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AtlasKey"];

            string  allData = SendRequest(URL);
            JObject rootObj = JObject.Parse(allData);


            List <string> outputIDs               = new List <string>();
            List <string> outputNames             = new List <string>();
            List <string> outputThumbUrls         = new List <string>();
            List <string> min_playersList         = new List <string>();
            List <string> max_playersList         = new List <string>();
            List <string> description_previewList = new List <string>();
            List <string> reddit_week_countList   = new List <string>();
            List <string> categoriesList          = new List <string>();
            List <string> avgUsrRatingList        = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                var getIDs = (string)rootObj.SelectToken("games[" + i + "].id");

                var getNames = (string)rootObj.SelectToken("games[" + i + "].name");

                var getThumbUrls = (string)rootObj.SelectToken("games[" + i + "].thumb_url");

                var getDescriptionPrev = (string)rootObj.SelectToken("games[" + i + "].description_preview");

                var getCount = (string)rootObj.SelectToken("games[" + i + "].reddit_all_time_count");

                var getCategories = rootObj.SelectToken("games[" + i + "].categories");
                if (getCategories != null)

                var getMinPlayers = (string)rootObj.SelectToken("games[" + i + "].min_players");

                var getMaxPlayers = (string)rootObj.SelectToken("games[" + i + "].max_players");
                var getAvgRating = (string)rootObj.SelectToken("games[" + i + "].average_user_rating");
                if (getAvgRating != null)
                    avgUsrRatingList.Add(getAvgRating.Substring(0, 3));

                currentGame.id                    = outputIDs.ElementAt(i);
                currentGame.name                  = outputNames.ElementAt(i);
                currentGame.min_players           = min_playersList.ElementAt(i);
                currentGame.max_players           = max_playersList.ElementAt(i);
                currentGame.description_preview   = description_previewList.ElementAt(i);
                currentGame.average_user_rating   = avgUsrRatingList.ElementAt(i);
                currentGame.reddit_all_time_count = reddit_week_countList.ElementAt(i);
                currentGame.thumb_url             = outputThumbUrls.ElementAt(i);
