protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var project_id = Request.QueryString["project_id"]; thisProject = new pro_project_dal().FindNoDeleteById(long.Parse(project_id)); if (thisProject != null) { project_udf_list = new UserDefinedFieldsBLL().GetUdf(DicEnum.UDF_CATE.PROJECTS); project_udfValueList = new UserDefinedFieldsBLL().GetUdfValue(DicEnum.UDF_CATE.PROJECTS,, project_udf_list); thisAccount = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(thisProject.account_id); if (thisProject.opportunity_id != null) { thisOppo = new crm_opportunity_dal().FindNoDeleteById((long)thisProject.opportunity_id); } } } catch (Exception) { Response.End(); } }
protected List <crm_quote_item> degressionItem = null; // 成本的配置项 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { #region 拉框赋值 stage_id.DataTextField = "show"; stage_id.DataValueField = "val"; stage_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "opportunity_stage").Value; stage_id.DataBind(); win_reason_type_id.DataTextField = "show"; win_reason_type_id.DataValueField = "val"; win_reason_type_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "oppportunity_win_reason_type").Value; win_reason_type_id.DataBind(); win_reason_type_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); resource_id.DataTextField = "show"; resource_id.DataValueField = "val"; resource_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "sys_resource").Value; resource_id.DataBind(); competitor_id.DataTextField = "show"; competitor_id.DataValueField = "val"; competitor_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "competition").Value; competitor_id.DataBind(); competitor_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); // period_type period_type.DataTextField = "show"; period_type.DataValueField = "val"; period_type.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "period_type").Value; period_type.DataBind(); period_type.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); // notifi_temp 通知模板 var tempList = new sys_notify_tmpl_dal().GetTempByEvent(DicEnum.NOTIFY_EVENT.OPPORTUNITY_CLOSED); notifi_temp.DataTextField = "name"; notifi_temp.DataValueField = "id"; notifi_temp.DataSource = tempList; notifi_temp.DataBind(); #endregion var id = Request.QueryString["id"]; var account_id = Request.QueryString["account_id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(account_id)) { if (!IsPostBack) { opportunity_id.Enabled = false; } } opportunity = new crm_opportunity_dal().GetOpportunityById(long.Parse(id)); if (opportunity != null) { account = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(opportunity.account_id); account_id =; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account_id)) { account = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(long.Parse(account_id)); var oppoList = new crm_opportunity_dal().FindOpHistoryByAccountId(long.Parse(account_id)); if (oppoList != null && oppoList.Count > 0) { opportunity_id.DataTextField = "name"; opportunity_id.DataValueField = "id"; opportunity_id.DataSource = oppoList; opportunity_id.DataBind(); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('该客户还没有商机!');window.close();</script>"); } //opportunity_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { opportunity = oppoList[0]; } opportunity_id.SelectedValue =; } if (!IsPostBack) { if (opportunity != null) { if (opportunity.status_id == (int)OPPORTUNITY_STATUS.CLOSED) { Response.Write("<script>if(!confirm('商机已被关闭,如果继续,系统会重复创建计费项和合同?')){window.close();}</script>"); } } if (opportunity.stage_id != null) { stage_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.stage_id.ToString(); } else { var stageList = new d_general_dal().GetGeneralByTableId((int)GeneralTableEnum.OPPORTUNITY_STATUS); var defaultStage = stageList.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.ext1 == "1"); if (defaultStage != null) { stage_id.SelectedValue =; } } // stage_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.stage_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.stage_id.ToString(); resource_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.resource_id.ToString(); competitor_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.competitor_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.competitor_id.ToString(); win_reason_type_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.win_reason_type_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.win_reason_type_id.ToString(); } // 折扣的下拉框不同于别的下拉框-- 需要去两个数据源去赋值 StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); var costCode = new d_cost_code_dal().GetListCostCode((int)COST_CODE_CATE.MATERIAL_COST_CODE); text.Append($"<option value='0'> </option>"); if (costCode != null && costCode.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in costCode) { text.Append($"<option value='{}'>{}</option>"); } } codeSelect.Value = text.ToString(); var disSource = ""; var disCostCode = costCode.Where(_ => == (int)CostCode.NOTAXDISCOUNT || == (int)CostCode.DISCOUNT).ToList(); if (disCostCode != null && disCostCode.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in disCostCode) { disSource += $"<option value='{}'>{}</option>"; } } disCodeSelct.Value = disSource; period_type.SelectedValue = ((int)QUOTE_ITEM_PERIOD_TYPE.MONTH).ToString(); primaryQuote = new QuoteBLL().GetPrimaryQuote(; if (primaryQuote != null) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (primaryQuote.project_id != null) // 判断该报价是否关联项目提案,如果关联,默认选中,不关联,灰掉,不可选 { activeproject.Checked = true; activeproject.Enabled = true; addRequest.Enabled = false; isaddRequest.Value = "1"; } else { activeproject.Checked = false; addRequest.Enabled = true; activeproject.Enabled = false; isactiveproject.Value = "1"; } } quoteItemList = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetQuoteItems($" and quote_id = {}"); if (quoteItemList != null && quoteItemList.Count > 0) { // 如果报价项中包含了服务 / 服务包、初始费用,则可以选中(默认不选) // 此功能需要具有合同模块权限以及修改合同服务/包权限 var isServiceChargeItem = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.SERVICE || _.type_id == (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.SERVICE_PACK || _.type_id == (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.START_COST).ToList(); if (!IsPostBack) { if (isServiceChargeItem != null && isServiceChargeItem.Count > 0) { // todo--需要判断用户权限 } else { addContractRequest.Enabled = false; isAddContractRequest.Value = "1"; addContractServices.Enabled = false; isaddContractServices.Value = "1"; } } proAndOneTimeItem = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.optional != 1).Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.PRODUCT || _.type_id == (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISCOUNT).ToList(); if (!IsPostBack) { if (proAndOneTimeItem != null && proAndOneTimeItem.Count > 0) { isIncludePO.Checked = true; } else { IncludePO.Value = "1"; isIncludePO.Enabled = false; } } shipItem = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DISTRIBUTION_EXPENSES && _.optional != 1).ToList(); if (!IsPostBack) { if (shipItem != null && shipItem.Count > 0) { isIncludeShip.Checked = true; } else { IncludeShip.Value = "1"; isIncludeShip.Enabled = false; } } degressionItem = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.DEGRESSION & _.optional != 1).ToList(); if (!IsPostBack) { if (degressionItem != null && degressionItem.Count > 0) { isIncludeCharges.Checked = true; } else { IncludeCharges.Value = "1"; isIncludeCharges.Enabled = false; } } jqueryCode.Value = ReturnJquery(); } else { // activeproject.Enabled = false; //isactiveproject.Value = "1"; addContractRequest.Enabled = false; isAddContractRequest.Value = "1"; addContractServices.Enabled = false; isaddContractServices.Value = "1"; IncludePO.Value = "1"; isIncludePO.Enabled = false; IncludeShip.Value = "1"; isIncludeShip.Enabled = false; IncludeCharges.Value = "1"; isIncludeCharges.Enabled = false; } } else { activeproject.Enabled = false; isactiveproject.Value = "1"; addContractRequest.Enabled = false; isAddContractRequest.Value = "1"; addContractServices.Enabled = false; isaddContractServices.Value = "1"; IncludePO.Value = "1"; isIncludePO.Enabled = false; IncludeShip.Value = "1"; isIncludeShip.Enabled = false; IncludeCharges.Value = "1"; isIncludeCharges.Enabled = false; } } catch (Exception msg) { Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { thisBookMark = new IndexBLL().GetSingBook(Request.RawUrl, LoginUserId); var soid = Request.QueryString["id"]; if (AuthBLL.GetUserSaleorderAuth(LoginUserId, LoginUser.security_Level_id, Convert.ToInt64(soid)).CanEdit == false) { Response.End(); return; } sale_order = new crm_sales_order_dal().GetSingleSalesOrderByWhere($" and id = {soid}"); if (sale_order != null) { sale_udfList = new UserDefinedFieldsBLL().GetUdf(DicEnum.UDF_CATE.SALES); sale_udfValueList = new UserDefinedFieldsBLL().GetUdfValue(DicEnum.UDF_CATE.SALES,, sale_udfList); opportunity = new crm_opportunity_dal().GetOpportunityById(sale_order.opportunity_id); if (!IsPostBack) { var contactList = new crm_contact_dal().GetContactByAccountId(opportunity.account_id); #region 拉赋值 status_id.DataTextField = "show"; status_id.DataValueField = "val"; status_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "sales_order_status").Value; status_id.DataBind(); status_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); owner_resource_id.DataTextField = "show"; owner_resource_id.DataValueField = "val"; owner_resource_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "sys_resource").Value; owner_resource_id.DataBind(); owner_resource_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); // bill_country_id bill_country_id.DataTextField = "show"; bill_country_id.DataValueField = "val"; bill_country_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "country").Value; bill_country_id.DataBind(); bill_country_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); bill_country_id.SelectedValue = "1"; ship_country_id.DataTextField = "show"; ship_country_id.DataValueField = "val"; ship_country_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "country").Value; ship_country_id.DataBind(); ship_country_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); ship_country_id.SelectedValue = "1"; // contact_id contact_id.DataTextField = "name"; contact_id.DataValueField = "id"; contact_id.DataSource = contactList.Where(_ => _.is_active == 1).ToList(); contact_id.DataBind(); contact_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); if (sale_order.contact_id != null) { contact_id.SelectedValue = sale_order.contact_id.ToString(); } #endregion billTo_use_account_address.Checked = sale_order.bill_to_use_account_address == 1; shipTo_use_account_address.Checked = sale_order.ship_to_use_account_address == 1; shipTo_use_bill_to_address.Checked = sale_order.ship_to_use_bill_to_address == 1; status_id.SelectedValue = sale_order.status_id.ToString(); owner_resource_id.SelectedValue = sale_order.owner_resource_id.ToString(); } } else { Response.End(); } } catch (Exception) { Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { thisBookMark = new IndexBLL().GetSingBook(Request.RawUrl, LoginUserId); callBackFiled = Request.QueryString["callBackFiled"]; var opportunity_id = Request.QueryString["opportunity_id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opportunity_id)) { if (AuthBLL.GetUserOppAuth(LoginUserId, LoginUser.security_Level_id, Convert.ToInt64(opportunity_id)).CanEdit == false) { Response.End(); return; } opportunity = new crm_opportunity_dal().GetOpportunityById(Convert.ToInt64(opportunity_id)); } dic = new OpportunityBLL().GetField(); #region 配置下拉框的数据源 // 商机负责人 resource_id.DataTextField = "show"; resource_id.DataValueField = "val"; resource_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "sys_resource").Value; resource_id.DataBind(); resource_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); // 当前阶段 stage_id.DataTextField = "show"; stage_id.DataValueField = "val"; stage_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "opportunity_stage").Value; stage_id.DataBind(); stage_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); stage_id.SelectedValue = ((int)OPPORTUNITY_STAGE.NEW_CLUE).ToString(); // 感兴趣等级 interest_degree_id.DataTextField = "show"; interest_degree_id.DataValueField = "val"; interest_degree_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "opportunity_interest_degree").Value; interest_degree_id.DataBind(); interest_degree_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); // 商机来源 source_id.DataTextField = "show"; source_id.DataValueField = "val"; source_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "opportunity_source").Value; source_id.DataBind(); source_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); // 状态 status_id.DataTextField = "show"; status_id.DataValueField = "val"; status_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "oppportunity_status").Value; status_id.DataBind(); status_id.SelectedValue = ((int)OPPORTUNITY_STATUS.ACTIVE).ToString(); //status_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); // 主要竞争对手 competitor_id.DataTextField = "show"; competitor_id.DataValueField = "val"; competitor_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "competition").Value; competitor_id.DataBind(); competitor_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); // 赢单原因 win_reason_type_id.DataTextField = "show"; win_reason_type_id.DataValueField = "val"; win_reason_type_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "oppportunity_win_reason_type").Value; win_reason_type_id.DataBind(); win_reason_type_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); // 丢单原因 loss_reason_type_id.DataTextField = "show"; loss_reason_type_id.DataValueField = "val"; loss_reason_type_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "oppportunity_loss_reason_type").Value; loss_reason_type_id.DataBind(); loss_reason_type_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); // 通知模板 --todo 需要过滤商机创建或编辑相关的通知模板 //notify_tmpl_id.DataTextField = "show"; //notify_tmpl_id.DataValueField = "val"; //notify_tmpl_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "notify_tmpl").Value; //notify_tmpl_id.DataBind(); //notify_tmpl_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); var formTemplateList = new FormTemplateBLL().GetTemplateOpportunityByUser(GetLoginUserId()); formTemplate.DataTextField = "speed_code"; formTemplate.DataValueField = "id"; formTemplate.DataSource = formTemplateList; formTemplate.DataBind(); formTemplate.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); #endregion opportunity_udfList = new UserDefinedFieldsBLL().GetUdf(DicEnum.UDF_CATE.OPPORTUNITY); if (opportunity != null) { isAdd = false; //company_udfList = new UserDefinedFieldsBLL().GetUdf(DicEnum.UDF_CATE.COMPANY); } if (!isAdd) { opportunity_udfValueList = new UserDefinedFieldsBLL().GetUdfValue(DicEnum.UDF_CATE.OPPORTUNITY,, opportunity_udfList); if (!IsPostBack) { resource_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.resource_id.ToString(); stage_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.stage_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.stage_id.ToString(); interest_degree_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.interest_degree_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.interest_degree_id.ToString(); source_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.source_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.source_id.ToString(); status_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.status_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.status_id.ToString(); competitor_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.competitor_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.competitor_id.ToString(); win_reason_type_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.win_reason_type_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.win_reason_type_id.ToString(); loss_reason_type_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.loss_reason_type_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.loss_reason_type_id.ToString(); is_use_quote.Checked = opportunity.use_quote == 1; } } else { // 联系人查看的时候穿过来客户ID,和联系人ID,联系人不能更改,只有更改客户才可以更改联系人 var contact_id = Request.QueryString["oppo_contact_id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contact_id)) { contact = new ContactBLL().GetContact(Convert.ToInt64(contact_id)); } var account_id = Request.QueryString["oppo_account_id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account_id)) { account = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(Convert.ToInt64(account_id)); } } } catch (Exception msg) { Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // todo - 商机的重新指派 var sid = Request.QueryString["id"]; if (AuthBLL.GetUserSaleorderAuth(LoginUserId, LoginUser.security_Level_id, Convert.ToInt64(sid)).CanView == false) { Response.End(); return; } thisBookMark = new IndexBLL().GetSingBook(Request.Url.LocalPath + "?id=" + sid, LoginUserId); type = Request.QueryString["type"]; sale_order = new crm_sales_order_dal().GetSingleSale(long.Parse(sid)); opportunity = new crm_opportunity_dal().GetOpportunityById(sale_order.opportunity_id); account = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(opportunity.account_id); quote = new QuoteBLL().GetPrimaryQuote(; if (sale_order.contact_id != null) { contact = new ContactBLL().GetContact((long)sale_order.contact_id); } switch (type) { case "activity": actType = "活动"; isShowLeft.Value = "1"; break; case "todo": actType = "待办"; iframeSrc = "../Common/SearchBodyFrame.aspx?cat=" + (int)DicEnum.QUERY_CATE.TODOS + "&type=" + (int)QueryType.Todos + "&group=131&con676=" + + "¶m1=saleorderId¶m2=" +; isShowLeft.Value = "1"; break; case "note": actType = "备注"; iframeSrc = "../Common/SearchBodyFrame.aspx?cat=" + (int)DicEnum.QUERY_CATE.CRM_NOTE_SEARCH + "&type=" + (int)QueryType.CRMNote + "&group=129&con675=" + + "¶m1=saleorderId¶m2=" +; isShowLeft.Value = "1"; break; case "ticket": actType = "工单"; break; case "attachment": actType = "附件"; iframeSrc = "../Common/SearchBodyFrame.aspx?cat=" + (int)DicEnum.QUERY_CATE.SALES_ORDER_VIEW_ATTACHMENT + "&type=" + (int)QueryType.SalesOrderViewAttachment + "&con977=" +; break; case "entry": actType = "报价项"; iframeSrc = "../QuoteItem/QuoteItemManage.aspx?isShow=1"e_id=" + + "&isSaleOrder=1&sale_order_id=" +; break; case "purchaseOrder": actType = "采购订单"; break; default: actType = "活动"; type = "activity"; isShowLeft.Value = "1"; break; } if (type.Equals("activity")) { var typeList = new ActivityBLL().GetCRMActionType(); noteType.DataSource = typeList; noteType.DataTextField = "name"; noteType.DataValueField = "id"; noteType.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception) { Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { thisBookMark = new IndexBLL().GetSingBook(Request.RawUrl, LoginUserId); tmplList = new FormTemplateBLL().GetTmplByType((int)DicEnum.FORM_TMPL_TYPE.QUOTE, LoginUserId); var id = Request.QueryString["id"]; dic = new QuoteBLL().GetField(); #region 拉框配置数据源 tax_region_id.DataValueField = "val"; tax_region_id.DataTextField = "show"; tax_region_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "taxRegion").Value; tax_region_id.DataBind(); tax_region_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); payment_term_id.DataValueField = "val"; payment_term_id.DataTextField = "show"; payment_term_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "payment_term").Value; payment_term_id.DataBind(); payment_term_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); payment_type_id.DataValueField = "val"; payment_type_id.DataTextField = "show"; payment_type_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "payment_type").Value; payment_type_id.DataBind(); payment_type_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); shipping_type_id.DataValueField = "val"; shipping_type_id.DataTextField = "show"; shipping_type_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "payment_ship_type").Value; shipping_type_id.DataBind(); shipping_type_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); quote_tmpl_id.DataValueField = "id"; quote_tmpl_id.DataTextField = "name"; quote_tmpl_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "quote_tmpl").Value; quote_tmpl_id.DataBind(); quote_tmpl_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); var prolist = new pro_project_dal().GetProjectList(); // project_id //project_id.DataValueField = "id"; //project_id.DataTextField = "name"; //project_id.DataSource = prolist; //project_id.DataBind(); //project_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); #endregion if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { if (AuthBLL.GetUserQuoteAuth(LoginUserId, LoginUser.security_Level_id, Convert.ToInt64(id)).CanEdit == false) { Response.End(); return; } quote = new crm_quote_dal().GetQuote(Convert.ToInt64(id)); if (quote != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["copy"])) { isAdd = false; } } } else { var opportunity_id = Request.QueryString["quote_opportunity_id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opportunity_id)) { opportunity = new crm_opportunity_dal().GetOpportunityById(long.Parse(opportunity_id)); account = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(opportunity.account_id); } } if (!IsPostBack) { if (!isAdd) { account = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(quote.account_id); if (account != null) { tax_region_id.SelectedValue = account.tax_region_id != null?account.tax_region_id.ToString() : "0"; payment_term_id.SelectedValue = quote.payment_term_id != null?quote.payment_term_id.ToString() : "0"; payment_type_id.SelectedValue = quote.payment_type_id != null?quote.payment_type_id.ToString() : "0"; //shipping_type_id shipping_type_id.SelectedValue = quote.shipping_type_id != null?quote.shipping_type_id.ToString() : "0"; quote_tmpl_id.SelectedValue = quote.quote_tmpl_id != null?quote.quote_tmpl_id.ToString() : "0"; //project_id.SelectedValue = quote.project_id!=null ? quote.project_id.ToString() : "0"; BillLocation.Checked = quote.bill_to_location_id == quote.sold_to_location_id; ShipLocation.Checked = quote.ship_to_location_id == quote.sold_to_location_id; } #region 记录浏览历史 var history = new sys_windows_history() { title = $"编辑报价:" + + " " + (account != null ? : ""), url = Request.RawUrl, }; new IndexBLL().BrowseHistory(history, LoginUserId); #endregion } } } catch (Exception) { Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var id = Request.QueryString["id"]; if (AuthBLL.GetUserOppAuth(LoginUserId, LoginUser.security_Level_id, Convert.ToInt64(id)).CanView == false) { Response.End(); return; } opportunity = new crm_opportunity_dal().GetOpportunityByOtherId(Convert.ToInt64(id)); type = Request.QueryString["type"]; if (opportunity != null) { dic = new OpportunityBLL().GetField(); quoteList = new crm_quote_dal().GetQuoteByOpportunityId(; account = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(opportunity.account_id); if (opportunity.contact_id != null) { contact = new ContactBLL().GetContact((long)opportunity.contact_id); } thisBookMark = new IndexBLL().GetSingBook(Request.Url.LocalPath + "?id=" +, LoginUserId); switch (type) // 根据传过来的不同的类型,为页面中的iframe控件选择不同的src { case "todo": iframeSrc = "../Common/SearchBodyFrame.aspx?cat=" + (int)DicEnum.QUERY_CATE.TODOS + "&type=" + (int)QueryType.Todos + "&group=112&con660=" + + "¶m1=opportunityId¶m2=" +; // 待办 actType = "待办"; break; case "note": iframeSrc = "../Common/SearchBodyFrame.aspx?cat=" + (int)DicEnum.QUERY_CATE.CRM_NOTE_SEARCH + "&type=" + (int)QueryType.CRMNote + "&group=110&con647=" + + "¶m1=opportunityId¶m2=" +; // 备注 actType = "备注"; break; case "activity": iframeSrc = ""; // 活动 actType = "活动"; break; case "ticket": iframeSrc = "../Common/SearchBodyFrame.aspx?cat=" + (int)EMT.DoneNOW.DTO.DicEnum.QUERY_CATE.MY_QUEUE_ACTIVE + "&type=" + (int)EMT.DoneNOW.DTO.QueryType.MY_QUEUE_ACTIVE + "&group=215&con5603=" + + "¶m1=ShowPara"; actType = "工单"; break; case "quoteItem": var oppoQuoteList = new crm_quote_dal().GetQuoteByWhere($" and opportunity_id = {} "); if (oppoQuoteList != null && oppoQuoteList.Count > 0) { iframeSrc = "../QuoteItem/QuoteItemManage?isShow=show&opportunity_id=" +; // 报价项 isAddQuote.Value = "0"; } else { isAddQuote.Value = "1"; //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "提示信息", "<script>if(confirm('商机尚未创建报价,需要现在创建吗?')){'../Quote/QuoteAddAndUpdate.aspx?quote_opportunity_id=" + + "', '" + (int)EMT.DoneNOW.DTO.OpenWindow.QuoteAdd + "', 'left=200,top=200,width=960,height=750', false);}</script>"); //Response.Write("<script>debugger;</script>"); } actType = "报价项"; break; case "att": iframeSrc = "../Common/SearchBodyFrame.aspx?cat=" + (int)DicEnum.QUERY_CATE.OPPORTUNITY_VIEW_ATTACHMENT + "&type=" + (int)QueryType.OpportunityViewAttachment + "&con976=" +; actType = "附件"; break; default: iframeSrc = ""; // 默认 actType = "活动"; type = "activity"; break; } if (type == "activity" || type == "note" || type == "todo") { isHide.Value = "show"; } if (type.Equals("activity")) { var typeList = new ActivityBLL().GetCRMActionType(); noteType.DataSource = typeList; noteType.DataTextField = "name"; noteType.DataValueField = "id"; noteType.DataBind(); } } else { Response.End(); } } catch (Exception) { Response.End(); } }
private void SyncSalesInvoice(List <contact> ContactList, DateTime InvoiceDate) { app_vat_group VatGroup = CurrentSession.Get_VAT_Group().Where(x => x.is_default).FirstOrDefault(); foreach (contact Contact in ContactList) { try { sales_invoice sales_invoice = new sales_invoice(); sales_invoice.id_contact = Contact.id_contact; = Contact; app_contract app_contract = ContactDB.app_contract.Where(x => x.id_contract == Contact.id_contract).FirstOrDefault(); sales_invoice.id_condition = app_contract.id_condition; sales_invoice.id_contract = app_contract.id_contract; sales_invoice.id_currencyfx = CurrentSession.CurrencyFX_Default.id_currencyfx; sales_invoice.comment = "Subscription"; sales_invoice.trans_date = InvoiceDate; sales_invoice.timestamp = DateTime.Now; if (Contact.contact_subscription.Count > 0) { foreach (contact_subscription contact_subscription in Contact.contact_subscription) { sales_invoice_detail sales_invoice_detail = null; sales_invoice_detail = new sales_invoice_detail(); sales_invoice_detail.id_sales_invoice = sales_invoice.id_sales_invoice; sales_invoice_detail.sales_invoice = sales_invoice; item item = ContactDB.items.Where(x => x.id_item == contact_subscription.id_item).FirstOrDefault(); if (item != null) { sales_invoice_detail.item = item; sales_invoice_detail.id_vat_group = contact_subscription.id_vat_group > 0 ? contact_subscription.id_vat_group : VatGroup.id_vat_group; sales_invoice_detail.id_item = contact_subscription.id_item; sales_invoice_detail.item_description =; } else { continue; } sales_invoice_detail.quantity = contact_subscription.quantity; sales_invoice_detail.UnitPrice_Vat = contact_subscription.UnitPrice_Vat; sales_invoice.sales_invoice_detail.Add(sales_invoice_detail); } if (sales_invoice.sales_invoice_detail.Count > 0) { sales_invoice.State = EntityState.Added; sales_invoice.IsSelected = true; crm_opportunity crm_opportunity = new crm_opportunity(); crm_opportunity.id_contact = sales_invoice.id_contact; crm_opportunity.id_currency = sales_invoice.id_currencyfx; crm_opportunity.value = sales_invoice.GrandTotal; crm_opportunity.sales_invoice.Add(sales_invoice); ContactDB.crm_opportunity.Add(crm_opportunity); ContactDB.sales_invoice.Add(sales_invoice); ContactDB.SaveChanges(); progBar.Value += 1; // Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { progBar.Value += 1; })); } } } catch (Exception) { // Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { Contact.IsSelected = true; })); } } }
protected List <crm_quote_item> serviceItem = null; // 该报价下的服务报价项 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var quote_id = Request.QueryString["id"]; quote = new QuoteBLL().GetQuote(long.Parse(quote_id)); if (quote.is_primary_quote != 1) // 关闭报价只针对主报价 { Response.Write("<script>alert('关闭报价只针对主报价');window.close();</script>"); } //if (quote.project_id == null) //{ // Response.Write("<script>alert('请关联项目后进行关闭报价操作');window.close();</script>"); //} opportunity = new crm_opportunity_dal().GetOpportunityById(quote.opportunity_id); win_reason_type_id.DataTextField = "show"; win_reason_type_id.DataValueField = "val"; win_reason_type_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "oppportunity_win_reason_type").Value; win_reason_type_id.DataBind(); win_reason_type_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); win_reason_type_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.win_reason_type_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.win_reason_type_id.ToString(); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); var costCode = new d_cost_code_dal().GetListCostCode((int)COST_CODE_CATE.MATERIAL_COST_CODE); text.Append($"<option value='0'> </option>"); if (costCode != null && costCode.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in costCode) { text.Append($"<option value='{}'>{}</option>"); } } codeSelect.Value = text.ToString(); var disSource = ""; var disCostCode = costCode.Where(_ => == 37 || == 43).ToList(); if (disCostCode != null && disCostCode.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in disCostCode) { disSource += $"<option value='{}'>{}</option>"; } } disCodeSelct.Value = disSource; quoteItemList = new crm_quote_item_dal().GetQuoteItems($"and quote_id = {}"); quoteItemList = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.optional == 0 && _.type_id != (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.COST && _.type_id != (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.SERVICE && _.type_id != (int)QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.WORKING_HOURS).ToList(); if (quoteItemList != null && quoteItemList.Count > 0) { serviceItem = quoteItemList.Where(_ => _.type_id == (int)EMT.DoneNOW.DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.SERVICE || _.type_id == (int)EMT.DoneNOW.DTO.DicEnum.QUOTE_ITEM_TYPE.START_COST).ToList(); if (serviceItem != null && serviceItem.Count > 0) { Response.Write("<script>alert('报价中包含服务/包、初始费用等,请使用关闭商机向导');window.close();</script>"); } jqueryCode.Value = ReturnJquery(); } } catch (Exception) { Response.End(); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (project != null) { toolBar toolBar = new cntrl.toolBar(); List <project_task> project_taskLIST = project.project_task.Where(x => x.IsSelected).ToList(); sales_order sales_order = new entity.sales_order(); if (Generate_Budget) { SalesBudgetDB SalesBudgetDB = new SalesBudgetDB(); sales_budget sales_budget = new entity.sales_budget(); sales_budget.id_contact = (int)project.id_contact; = SalesBudgetDB.contacts.Where(x => x.id_contact == (int)project.id_contact).FirstOrDefault(); sales_budget.id_project = project.id_project; sales_budget.id_condition = (int)cbxCondition.SelectedValue; sales_budget.id_contract = (int)cbxContract.SelectedValue; sales_budget.id_currencyfx = (int)cbxCurrency.SelectedValue; sales_budget.comment = "Project -> " +; sales_budget.trans_date = DateTime.Now; foreach (project_task _project_task in project_taskLIST) { sales_budget_detail sales_budget_detail = new sales_budget_detail(); sales_budget_detail.State = EntityState.Added; sales_budget_detail.id_sales_budget = sales_budget.id_sales_budget; sales_budget_detail.sales_budget = sales_budget; sales_budget_detail.id_item = (int)_project_task.id_item; sales_budget_detail.item_description = _project_task.item_description; if (project.is_Executable) { sales_budget_detail.quantity = (decimal)_project_task.quantity_exe; } else { sales_budget_detail.quantity = (decimal)_project_task.quantity_est; } if (_project_task.unit_price_vat != null) { sales_budget_detail.UnitPrice_Vat = (decimal)_project_task.unit_price_vat; } sales_budget_detail.id_project_task = _project_task.id_project_task; _project_task.IsSelected = false; sales_budget.sales_budget_detail.Add(sales_budget_detail); } sales_budget.State = EntityState.Added; sales_budget.IsSelected = true; SalesBudgetDB.sales_budget.Add(sales_budget); SalesBudgetDB.SaveChanges(); } else { //if (Generate_Budget) //{ // sales_order.id_sales_budget = sales_budget.id_sales_budget; //} if (SalesOrderDB.contacts.Where(x => x.id_contact == (int)project.id_contact).FirstOrDefault() != null) { sales_order.id_contact = (int)project.id_contact; = SalesOrderDB.contacts.Where(x => x.id_contact == (int)project.id_contact).FirstOrDefault(); } else { toolBar.msgWarning("Contact Not Found..."); return; } if (Generate_Invoice) { if (cbxDocument.SelectedValue != null) { sales_order.id_range = (int)cbxDocument.SelectedValue; } else { toolBar.msgWarning("Document Range Needed for Approval"); // return; } } sales_order.id_project = project.id_project; if (Convert.ToInt16(cbxCondition.SelectedValue) > 0) { sales_order.id_condition = (int)cbxCondition.SelectedValue; } else { toolBar.msgWarning("Condition Not Found..."); return; } if (Convert.ToInt16(cbxContract.SelectedValue) > 0) { sales_order.id_contract = (int)cbxContract.SelectedValue; } else { toolBar.msgWarning("Contract Not Found..."); return; } if (Convert.ToInt16(cbxCurrency.SelectedValue) > 0) { sales_order.id_currencyfx = (int)cbxCurrency.SelectedValue; } else { toolBar.msgWarning("Currency Not Found..."); return; } sales_order.comment = "Project -> " +; sales_order_detail sales_order_detail = null; foreach (project_task _project_task in project_taskLIST) { if (_project_task.items.id_item_type == item.item_type.Task || _project_task.sales_detail == null) { sales_order_detail = new sales_order_detail(); sales_order_detail.State = EntityState.Added; sales_order_detail.id_sales_order = sales_order.id_sales_order; sales_order_detail.sales_order = sales_order; if (Convert.ToInt16(_project_task.id_item) > 0) { sales_order_detail.id_item = (int)_project_task.id_item; } sales_order_detail.item_description = _project_task.item_description; if (project.is_Executable) { sales_order_detail.quantity = (decimal)_project_task.quantity_exe; } else { sales_order_detail.quantity = (decimal)_project_task.quantity_est; } if (_project_task.unit_price_vat != null) { sales_order_detail.UnitPrice_Vat = (decimal)_project_task.unit_price_vat; } sales_order_detail.id_project_task = _project_task.id_project_task; _project_task.IsSelected = false; _project_task.sales_detail = sales_order_detail; } if (sales_order_detail != null) { sales_order.sales_order_detail.Add(sales_order_detail); } } if (sales_order.sales_order_detail.Count() > 0) { sales_order.State = EntityState.Added; sales_order.IsSelected = true; SalesOrderDB.sales_order.Add(sales_order); SalesOrderDB.SaveChanges(); if (Generate_Invoice) { SalesOrderDB.Approve(); sales_invoice sales_invoice = new entity.sales_invoice(); if (SalesOrderDB.app_document_range.Where(x => x.app_document.id_application == App.Names.SalesBudget).FirstOrDefault() != null) { sales_invoice.id_range = SalesOrderDB.app_document_range.Where(x => x.app_document.id_application == App.Names.SalesInvoice).FirstOrDefault().id_range; } sales_invoice.id_contact = (int)project.id_contact; = SalesOrderDB.contacts.Where(x => x.id_contact == (int)project.id_contact).FirstOrDefault(); sales_invoice.sales_order = sales_order; sales_invoice.id_project = project.id_project; sales_invoice.id_condition = (int)cbxCondition.SelectedValue; sales_invoice.id_contract = (int)cbxContract.SelectedValue; sales_invoice.id_currencyfx = (int)cbxCurrency.SelectedValue; sales_invoice.comment = "Project -> " +; sales_invoice.trans_date = DateTime.Now; sales_invoice_detail sales_invoice_detail = null; foreach (project_task _project_task in project_taskLIST) { sales_invoice_detail = new sales_invoice_detail(); sales_invoice_detail.State = EntityState.Added; sales_invoice_detail.id_sales_invoice = sales_invoice.id_sales_invoice; sales_invoice_detail.sales_invoice = sales_invoice; sales_invoice_detail.id_item = (int)_project_task.id_item; sales_invoice_detail.item_description = _project_task.item_description; if (project.is_Executable) { sales_invoice_detail.quantity = (decimal)_project_task.quantity_exe; } else { sales_invoice_detail.quantity = (decimal)_project_task.quantity_est; } if (_project_task.unit_price_vat != null) { sales_invoice_detail.UnitPrice_Vat = (decimal)_project_task.unit_price_vat; } sales_invoice_detail.id_project_task = _project_task.id_project_task; _project_task.IsSelected = false; sales_invoice.sales_invoice_detail.Add(sales_invoice_detail); } sales_invoice.State = EntityState.Added; sales_invoice.IsSelected = true; crm_opportunity crm_opportunity = sales_order.crm_opportunity; crm_opportunity.sales_invoice.Add(sales_invoice); SalesOrderDB.crm_opportunity.Attach(crm_opportunity); SalesOrderDB.sales_invoice.Add(sales_invoice); } } } SalesOrderDB.SaveChanges(); btnCancel_Click(null, null); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var dic = new OpportunityBLL().GetField(); #region 拉框赋值 stage_id.DataTextField = "show"; stage_id.DataValueField = "val"; stage_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "opportunity_stage").Value; stage_id.DataBind(); resource_id.DataTextField = "show"; resource_id.DataValueField = "val"; resource_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "sys_resource").Value; resource_id.DataBind(); //opportunity_id.DataTextField = "name"; //opportunity_id.DataValueField = "id"; //opportunity_id.DataSource = new crm_opportunity_dal().FindOpHistoryByAccountId(opportunity.account_id); //opportunity_id.DataBind(); loss_reason_type_id.DataTextField = "show"; loss_reason_type_id.DataValueField = "val"; loss_reason_type_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "oppportunity_loss_reason_type").Value; loss_reason_type_id.DataBind(); loss_reason_type_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); // competition competitor_id competitor_id.DataTextField = "show"; competitor_id.DataValueField = "val"; competitor_id.DataSource = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "competition").Value; competitor_id.DataBind(); competitor_id.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem() { Value = "0", Text = " ", Selected = true }); #endregion var account_id = Request.QueryString["account_id"]; var opportunityId = Request.QueryString["id"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(opportunityId)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(account_id)) { if (!IsPostBack) { opportunity_id.Enabled = false; } } opportunity = new crm_opportunity_dal().GetOpportunityById(long.Parse(opportunityId)); if (opportunity != null) { account = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(opportunity.account_id); account_id =; ownRes = new UserResourceBLL().GetResourceById(opportunity.resource_id); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account_id)) { account = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(long.Parse(account_id)); var oppoList = new crm_opportunity_dal().FindOpHistoryByAccountId(long.Parse(account_id)); if (oppoList != null && oppoList.Count > 0) { opportunity_id.DataTextField = "name"; opportunity_id.DataValueField = "id"; opportunity_id.DataSource = oppoList; opportunity_id.DataBind(); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('该客户还没有商机!');window.close();</script>"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(opportunityId)) { opportunity = oppoList[0]; } opportunity_id.SelectedValue =; } if (opportunity == null) { Response.End(); } // 商机已经关闭,丢失提示信息 if (!IsPostBack) { if (opportunity.status_id == (int)OPPORTUNITY_STATUS.CLOSED) { Response.Write("<script>alert('商机已关闭,继续则以前创建的已确认计费项和合同不会受影响!');</script>"); Response.Write("<script>if(!confirm('本操作将会改变商机状态,相关的销售订单将被取消,是否继续?')){window.close();}</script>"); } } stage_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.stage_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.stage_id.ToString(); resource_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.resource_id.ToString(); opportunity_id.SelectedValue =; competitor_id.SelectedValue = opportunity.competitor_id == null ? "0" : opportunity.competitor_id.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { Response.End(); } }
/// <summary> /// 插入报价 /// </summary> /// <param name="quote"></param> /// <param name="user_id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ERROR_CODE Insert(crm_quote quote, long user_id) { if (quote.account_id == 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty( || (quote.contact_id == 0 && quote.opportunity_id == 0)) { return(ERROR_CODE.PARAMS_ERROR); } var user = UserInfoBLL.GetUserInfo(user_id); if (user == null) { return(ERROR_CODE.USER_NOT_FIND); } #region 3.保存商机 if (quote.opportunity_id == 0) // 代表用户未选择商机,此时自动创建商机 { var opportunity = new crm_opportunity() { id = _dal.GetNextIdCom(), name =, account_id = quote.account_id, resource_id = user_id, stage_id = (int)OPPORTUNITY_STAGE.NEW_CLUE, // todo 取到商机阶段中的最小值 status_id = (int)OPPORTUNITY_STATUS.ACTIVE, create_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now), projected_close_date = quote.projected_close_date, use_quote = 1, one_time_cost = 0, one_time_revenue = 0, monthly_cost = 0, monthly_revenue = 0, quarterly_cost = 0, quarterly_revenue = 0, semi_annual_cost = 0, semi_annual_revenue = 0, yearly_cost = 0, yearly_revenue = 0, ext1 = 0, ext2 = 0, ext3 = 0, ext4 = 0, ext5 = 0, spread_value = 0, // create_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now), update_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now), create_user_id = user_id, update_user_id = user_id, }; new crm_opportunity_dal().Insert(opportunity); new sys_oper_log_dal().Insert(new sys_oper_log() { user_cate = "用户", user_id = (int), name =, phone = == null ? "" :, oper_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now), oper_object_cate_id = (int)OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.OPPORTUNITY, oper_object_id =,// 操作对象id oper_type_id = (int)OPER_LOG_TYPE.ADD, oper_description = _dal.AddValue(opportunity), remark = "保存商机信息" }); quote.opportunity_id =; } quote.is_primary_quote = 1; #endregion // 验证该商机下是否有报价,如果是第一个添加的报价,则设置成为主报价 var quoteList = new crm_quote_dal().GetQuoteByWhere($" and opportunity_id = {quote.opportunity_id} "); if (quoteList != null && quoteList.Count > 0) { quote.is_primary_quote = null; } #region 1.保存报价 = _dal.GetNextIdCom(); quote.create_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now); quote.update_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now); quote.create_user_id = user_id; quote.update_user_id = user_id; quote.payment_term_id = quote.payment_term_id == 0 ? null : quote.payment_term_id; quote.payment_type_id = quote.payment_type_id == 0 ? null : quote.payment_type_id; quote.shipping_type_id = quote.shipping_type_id == 0 ? null : quote.shipping_type_id; quote.tax_region_id = quote.tax_region_id == 0 ? null : quote.tax_region_id; quote.quote_tmpl_id = quote.quote_tmpl_id == 0 ? null : quote.quote_tmpl_id; quote.project_id = quote.project_id == 0 ? null : quote.project_id; _dal.Insert(quote); new sys_oper_log_dal().Insert(new sys_oper_log() { user_cate = "用户", user_id =, name =, phone = == null ? "" :, oper_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now), oper_object_cate_id = (int)OPER_LOG_OBJ_CATE.QUOTE, oper_object_id =,// 操作对象id oper_type_id = (int)OPER_LOG_TYPE.ADD, oper_description = _dal.AddValue(quote), remark = "保存报价信息" }); #endregion #region 2.保存通知 #endregion #region 更新客户最后活动时间 crm_account thisAccount = new CompanyBLL().GetCompany(quote.account_id); if (thisAccount != null) { thisAccount.last_activity_time = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(DateTime.Now); new CompanyBLL().EditAccount(thisAccount, user_id); } #endregion return(ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS); }