private void SendPayment() { DataSet ds = customUtility.GetTableData("select * from " + customUtility.DBPrefix + "orderdetail where orderno=(select top 1 orderno from " + customUtility.DBPrefix + "order where userid='" + Session["UserID"] + "' order by orderid desc)"); ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.PRODUCTION; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["paymentLoginID"], ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["paymentTransID"], }; var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = txtCreditCardNumber.Text, expirationDate = cboExpMonth.SelectedItem + cboExpYear.SelectedValue.Substring(cboExpYear.SelectedValue.Length - 2), cardCode = txtCSVNumber.Text }; var name = txtCardHolderName.Text.Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }); var billingAddress = new customerAddressType { firstName = name[0], lastName = name[name.Length - 1], address = Session["streetaddress"].ToString(), city = Session["city"].ToString(), state = Session["state"].ToString(), zip = Session["zipcode"].ToString(), country = Session["country"].ToString() }; var shipToName = Session["shiptoname"].ToString().Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }); var shippingAddress = new nameAndAddressType { firstName = shipToName[0], lastName = shipToName[shipToName.Length - 1], address = Session["shiptostreetaddress"].ToString(), city = Session["shiptocity"].ToString(), state = Session["shiptostate"].ToString(), zip = Session["shiptozipcode"].ToString(), country = Session["shiptocountry"].ToString() }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; // Add line Items var lineItems = new lineItemType[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count]; for (int iCount = 0; iCount < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; iCount++) { lineItems[iCount] = new lineItemType { itemId = (iCount + 1).ToString(), name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[iCount]["ProductName"].ToString(), quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[iCount]["Qty"]), unitPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(ds.Tables[0].Rows[iCount]["price"]), }; } var totalAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["amt"]); var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // charge the card amount = totalAmount, payment = paymentType, billTo = billingAddress, lineItems = lineItems, shipTo = shippingAddress }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the controller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // validate response if (response != null) { if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null) { lblMessage.Text = "Transction successful!"; Response.Redirect("Confirmation.aspx"); } else { lblMessage.Text = "Failed Transaction: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText; } } else { if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { lblMessage.Text = "Failed Transaction: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText; } else { lblMessage.Text = "Failed Transaction: " + response.messages.message[0].text; } } } }
public string RunPayment(Order order, ApplicationUser user) { // Set the environment that we will be running. ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = "4U4g2Z4FsJSR", ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = "49n6jV6aLrc46RuR", }; // We can either hardcode the CC number, or bring it into the method. // Maybe we even want to save it in a secrets file? // Maybe create an ENUM that will check against the different CC types and // set the cc number based on the enum value var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4007000000027", expirationDate = "0718" }; //This information is something we should be capturing from the user that signed up. // It may be a good idea to capture this information in our checkout process, adn save // it to our Orders table. We do not have to save addresses to a users profile // it is ok for the user to have to manualy put it in everytime. customerAddressType billingAddress = GetAddress(order, user); //Once we set the payment type...whcih will be CreditCard... var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; // we need to create a transaction request so that we can eventually charge the card. // Note the line items attachment var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), amount = order.Total, payment = paymentType, billTo = billingAddress, lineItems = GetLineItems(order.Products), }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // createtransactioncontroller is a controller on the side. We need // to create a new controller so that we can execute the requrest. var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); if (response != null) { // We should be getting an OK response type. if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { // Notice the different information that we rae receiving back from the trasnaction call. // Should we be saving this information into the database? if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null) { Console.WriteLine("Successfully created transaction with Transaction ID: " + response.transactionResponse.transId); Console.WriteLine("Response Code: " + response.transactionResponse.responseCode); Console.WriteLine("Message Code: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].code); Console.WriteLine("Description: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].description); Console.WriteLine("Success, Auth Code : " + response.transactionResponse.authCode); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.messages.message[0].code); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.messages.message[0].text); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Null Response."); } return("invalid"); }
/// <summary> /// Process a payment /// </summary> /// <param name="processPaymentRequest">Payment info required for an order processing</param> /// <returns>Process payment result</returns> public ProcessPaymentResult ProcessPayment(ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest) { var result = new ProcessPaymentResult(); var customer = _customerService.GetCustomerById(processPaymentRequest.CustomerId); PrepareAuthorizeNet(); var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardNumber, expirationDate = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardExpireMonth.ToString("D2") + processPaymentRequest.CreditCardExpireYear, cardCode = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardCvv2 }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; transactionTypeEnum transactionType; switch (_authorizeNetPaymentSettings.TransactMode) { case TransactMode.Authorize: transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authOnlyTransaction; break; case TransactMode.AuthorizeAndCapture: transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction; break; default: throw new NopException("Not supported transaction mode"); } var billTo = _authorizeNetPaymentSettings.UseShippingAddressAsBilling && customer.ShippingAddress != null?GetTransactionRequestAddress(customer.ShippingAddress) : GetTransactionRequestAddress(customer.BillingAddress); var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionType.ToString(), amount = Math.Round(processPaymentRequest.OrderTotal, 2), payment = paymentType, currencyCode = _currencyService.GetCurrencyById(_currencySettings.PrimaryStoreCurrencyId).CurrencyCode, billTo = billTo, customerIP = _webHelper.GetCurrentIpAddress(), order = new orderType { //x_invoice_num is 20 chars maximum. hece we also pass x_description invoiceNumber = processPaymentRequest.OrderGuid.ToString().Substring(0, 20), description = $"Full order #{processPaymentRequest.OrderGuid}" } }; if (customer.ShippingAddress != null && !_authorizeNetPaymentSettings.UseShippingAddressAsBilling) { var shipTo = GetTransactionRequestAddress(customer.ShippingAddress); transactionRequest.shipTo = shipTo; } var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the contoller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = GetApiResponse(controller, result.Errors); //validate if (response == null) { return(result); } if (_authorizeNetPaymentSettings.TransactMode == TransactMode.Authorize) { result.AuthorizationTransactionId = response.transactionResponse.transId; result.AuthorizationTransactionCode = $"{response.transactionResponse.transId},{response.transactionResponse.authCode}"; } if (_authorizeNetPaymentSettings.TransactMode == TransactMode.AuthorizeAndCapture) { result.CaptureTransactionId = $"{response.transactionResponse.transId},{response.transactionResponse.authCode}"; } result.AuthorizationTransactionResult = $"Approved ({response.transactionResponse.responseCode}: {response.transactionResponse.messages[0].description})"; result.AvsResult = response.transactionResponse.avsResultCode; result.NewPaymentStatus = _authorizeNetPaymentSettings.TransactMode == TransactMode.Authorize ? PaymentStatus.Authorized : PaymentStatus.Paid; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Capture a Transaction Previously Submitted Via CaptureOnly /// </summary> /// <param name="apiLoginId">Your ApiLoginID</param> /// <param name="apiTransactionKey">Your ApiTransactionKey</param> /// <param name="transactionAmount">The amount submitted with CaptureOnly</param> /// <param name="transactionId">The TransactionID of the previous CaptureOnly operation</param> public static void Run(string apiLoginId, string apiTransactionKey, decimal transactionAmount, string transactionId) { Console.WriteLine("Capture Previously Authorized Amount"); ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = apiLoginId, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = apiTransactionKey }; var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "0718" }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.priorAuthCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // capture prior only payment = paymentType, amount = transactionAmount, refTransId = transactionId }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the contoller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); //validate if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response.transactionResponse != null) { Console.WriteLine("Success, Auth Code : " + response.transactionResponse.authCode); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + response.messages.message[0].code + " " + response.messages.message[0].text); if (response.transactionResponse != null) { Console.WriteLine("Transaction Error : " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode + " " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } } }
public void SampleCodeCreateCreditRequestForSettledTransaction() { Random rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = CustomMerchantAuthenticationType; ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = TestEnvironment; // Find a settled credit card transaction and set txnToCredit to its transaction ID string txnToCredit = "Not Set"; if (txnToCredit == "Not Set") { Assert.Fail("This test requires that you set txnToCredit to the transaction ID of a settled credit card transaction"); } //get details of the specified transaction decimal txnAmount = 0m; string txnCardNo = string.Empty; var gtdReq = new getTransactionDetailsRequest { transId = txnToCredit }; var gtdCont = new getTransactionDetailsController(gtdReq); gtdCont.Execute(); var gtdResp = gtdCont.GetApiResponse(); //Test the transaction before continuing Assert.AreEqual(messageTypeEnum.Ok, gtdResp.messages.resultCode); txnAmount = gtdResp.transaction.settleAmount; txnCardNo = ((AuthorizeNet.Api.Contracts.V1.creditCardMaskedType)(gtdResp.transaction.payment.Item)).cardNumber; //Create payment type that matches transaction to credit var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = txnCardNo.TrimStart(new char[] { 'X' }), expirationDate = "XXXX" }; var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; //Create credit request transactionRequestType txnType = new transactionRequestType { amount = txnAmount, refTransId = txnToCredit, transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.refundTransaction.ToString(), payment = paymentType, }; createTransactionRequest creditReq = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = txnType }; createTransactionController creditCont = new createTransactionController(creditReq); creditCont.Execute(); createTransactionResponse creditResp = creditCont.GetApiResponse(); //validate Assert.AreEqual("1", creditResp.transactionResponse.messages[0].code); }
public static ANetApiResponse Run(String ApiLoginID, String ApiTransactionKey, decimal amount) { Console.WriteLine("Charge Credit Card Sample"); ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = ApiLoginID, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = ApiTransactionKey, }; var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "1028", cardCode = "123" }; var billingAddress = new customerAddressType { firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe", address = "123 My St", city = "OurTown", zip = "98004" }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; // Add line Items var lineItems = new lineItemType[2]; lineItems[0] = new lineItemType { itemId = "1", name = "t-shirt", quantity = 2, unitPrice = new Decimal(15.00) }; lineItems[1] = new lineItemType { itemId = "2", name = "snowboard", quantity = 1, unitPrice = new Decimal(450.00) }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // charge the card amount = amount, payment = paymentType, billTo = billingAddress, lineItems = lineItems }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the controller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // validate response if (response != null) { if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null) { Console.WriteLine("Successfully created transaction with Transaction ID: " + response.transactionResponse.transId); Console.WriteLine("Response Code: " + response.transactionResponse.responseCode); Console.WriteLine("Message Code: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].code); Console.WriteLine("Description: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].description); Console.WriteLine("Success, Auth Code : " + response.transactionResponse.authCode); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.messages.message[0].code); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.messages.message[0].text); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Null Response."); } return(response); }
public ActionableResponse AfterCalculation(CalculationRequest request, CalculationResponse response) { var name = request.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ref == "iName"); var lastName = request.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ref == "iSurname"); var cardNumber = request.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ref == "iCardNumber"); var year = request.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ref == "iYear"); var month = request.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ref == "iMonth"); var cvc = request.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ref == "iCVC"); var amount = Convert.ToDecimal(request.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ref == "iAmount").Value[0][0].Value); var address = request.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ref == "iAddress"); var city = request.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ref == "iCity"); var zip = request.Inputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ref == "iZip"); var errRespo = new ActionableResponse(); errRespo.Success = false; errRespo.ResponseAction = ResponseAction.Cancel; errRespo.Messages = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>(); try { ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = apiLoginId, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = transactionKey, }; var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = cardNumber.Value[0][0].Value, expirationDate = month.Value[0][0].Value + year.Value[0][0].Value, cardCode = cvc.Value[0][0].Value }; var billingAddress = new customerAddressType { firstName = name.Value[0][0].Value, lastName = lastName.Value[0][0].Value, address = address.Value[0][0].Value, city = city.Value[0][0].Value, zip = zip.Value[0][0].Value }; var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; // Add line Items var lineItems = new lineItemType[2]; lineItems[0] = new lineItemType { itemId = "1", name = "t-shirt", quantity = 2, unitPrice = new Decimal(15.00) }; lineItems[1] = new lineItemType { itemId = "2", name = "snowboard", quantity = 1, unitPrice = new Decimal(450.00) }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // charge the card amount = amount, payment = paymentType, billTo = billingAddress, lineItems = lineItems }; var req = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; var controller = new createTransactionController(req); controller.Execute(); var resp = controller.GetApiResponse(); if (resp != null) { if (resp.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (resp.transactionResponse.messages != null) { response.Outputs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ref == "oResponse").Value[0][0].Value = "Successfully created transaction with Transaction ID: " + resp.transactionResponse.transId + "<br />" + "Response Code: " + resp.transactionResponse.responseCode + "<br />" + "Message Code: " + resp.transactionResponse.messages[0].code + "<br />" + "Description: " + resp.transactionResponse.messages[0].description + "<br />" + "Success, Auth Code : " + resp.transactionResponse.authCode; return(new ActionableResponse { Success = true }); } else { errRespo.Messages.Add("Failed Transaction."); if (resp.transactionResponse.errors != null) { errRespo.Messages.Add("Error Code: " + resp.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); errRespo.Messages.Add("Error message: " + resp.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } return(errRespo); } } else { errRespo.Messages.Add("Failed Transaction."); if (resp.transactionResponse != null && resp.transactionResponse.errors != null) { errRespo.Messages.Add("Error Code: " + resp.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); errRespo.Messages.Add("Error message: " + resp.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } else { errRespo.Messages.Add("Error Code: " + resp.messages.message[0].code); errRespo.Messages.Add("Error message: " + resp.messages.message[0].text); } return(errRespo); } } else { errRespo.Messages.Add("Null Response."); } return(errRespo); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new ActionableResponse { Success = false, Messages = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>() { ex.Message }, ResponseAction = ResponseAction.Cancel }); } }
//private string authorizeNetUrl = ""; //private string authorizeNetUrl = ""; public createTransactionResponse RunCharge(String ApiLoginID, String ApiTransactionKey, creditCardType creditCard, customerAddressType billingAddress, lineItemType[] lineItems, decimal amount) { ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = ApiLoginID, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = ApiTransactionKey, }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // charge the card amount = amount, payment = paymentType, billTo = billingAddress, lineItems = lineItems }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the controller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // validate response if (response != null) { return(response); } else { return(null); } }
public string Run() { // controllers.Base for authoriseNet ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = _config["AN-ApiLoginID"], ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = _config["AN-TransactionKey"] }; // set a credit card. // can be hard coded. or brought in through secrets // DO NOT ask the user for their credit number var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", cardCode = "1021" }; customerAddressType billingAddress = GetAddress("someUserId"); var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; // this class takes everything we've defined, and puts it all in one object. var potato = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), amount = 122.5m, payment = paymentType, billTo = billingAddress }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = potato }; var controller = new createTransactionController(request); // This is going to produce an error! // to fix this error........ // PM> install-package System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager controller.Execute(); var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); if (response != null) { if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { return("success!"); } } return("fail"); }
public ActionResult Checkout(string cardNumber, DateTime expirationDate, string cardCode, string firstName, string lastName, string address, string city, string zip) { #region cc ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = "5m9JuX5a", ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = "3uA3H8968GjC69f7", }; var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = cardNumber, expirationDate = expirationDate.ToString("MMyy"), cardCode = cardCode }; var billingAddress = new customerAddressType { firstName = firstName, lastName = lastName, address = address, city = city, zip = zip }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; // Add line Items var cart = BL.Cart.Get(); var lineItems = new lineItemType[cart.Items.Count]; decimal amount = 0.0M; for (int i = 0; i < cart.Items.Count; i++) { lineItems[i] = new lineItemType { itemId = cart.Items[i].Product.Id.ToString(), name = cart.Items[i].Product.Name, quantity = cart.Items[i].Quantity, unitPrice = new Decimal(cart.Items[i].Product.Price.Value) }; amount += Convert.ToDecimal(cart.Items[i].Product.Price.Value); } var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // charge the card amount = amount, payment = paymentType, billTo = billingAddress, lineItems = lineItems }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the controller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // validate response if (response != null) { if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null) { Console.WriteLine("Successfully created transaction with Transaction ID: " + response.transactionResponse.transId); Console.WriteLine("Response Code: " + response.transactionResponse.responseCode); Console.WriteLine("Message Code: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].code); Console.WriteLine("Description: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].description); Console.WriteLine("Success, Auth Code : " + response.transactionResponse.authCode); var db = new ShoppingCartEntities(); Order order = new Order(); order.CustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["id"]); order.OrderDate = DateTime.Now; order.OrderStatus = 1; //1 shayad pending hay order.OrderDetails = new List <OrderDetail>(); foreach (var item in cart.Items) { order.OrderDetails.Add(new OrderDetail() { Amount = item.Product.Price, Quantity = item.Quantity, ProductId = item.Product.Id }); } db.Orders.Add(order); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { // Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); ViewBag.error = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText; } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { // Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); ViewBag.error = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText; } else { // Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.messages.message[0].code); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.messages.message[0].text); ViewBag.error = response.messages.message[0].text; } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Null Response."); ViewBag.error = "Null response"; } #endregion return(View()); }
public static ANetApiResponse Run(string ApiLoginID, string ApiTransactionKey, string emailId) { Console.WriteLine("CreateCustomerProfile Sample"); ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = ApiLoginID, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = ApiTransactionKey, }; var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "0718" }; var bankAccount = new bankAccountType { accountNumber = "231323342", routingNumber = "000000224", accountType = bankAccountTypeEnum.checking, echeckType = echeckTypeEnum.WEB, nameOnAccount = "test", bankName = "Bank Of America" }; //standard api call to retrieve response paymentType cc = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; paymentType echeck = new paymentType { Item = bankAccount }; List <customerPaymentProfileType> paymentProfileList = new List <customerPaymentProfileType>(); customerPaymentProfileType ccPaymentProfile = new customerPaymentProfileType(); ccPaymentProfile.payment = cc; customerPaymentProfileType echeckPaymentProfile = new customerPaymentProfileType(); echeckPaymentProfile.payment = echeck; paymentProfileList.Add(ccPaymentProfile); paymentProfileList.Add(echeckPaymentProfile); List <customerAddressType> addressInfoList = new List <customerAddressType>(); customerAddressType homeAddress = new customerAddressType(); homeAddress.address = "10900 NE 8th St"; = "Seattle"; = "98006"; customerAddressType officeAddress = new customerAddressType(); officeAddress.address = "1200 148th AVE NE"; = "NorthBend"; = "92101"; addressInfoList.Add(homeAddress); addressInfoList.Add(officeAddress); customerProfileType customerProfile = new customerProfileType(); customerProfile.merchantCustomerId = "Test CustomerID"; = emailId; customerProfile.paymentProfiles = paymentProfileList.ToArray(); customerProfile.shipToList = addressInfoList.ToArray(); var request = new createCustomerProfileRequest { profile = customerProfile, validationMode = validationModeEnum.none }; var controller = new createCustomerProfileController(request); // instantiate the contoller that will call the service controller.Execute(); createCustomerProfileResponse response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) //validate if (response != null && response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response != null && response.messages.message != null) { Console.WriteLine("Success, CustomerProfileID : " + response.customerProfileId); Console.WriteLine("Success, CustomerPaymentProfileID : " + response.customerPaymentProfileIdList[0]); Console.WriteLine("Success, CustomerShippingProfileID : " + response.customerShippingAddressIdList[0]); } } else if (response != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + response.messages.message[0].code + " " + response.messages.message[0].text); } return(response); }
//private string authorizeNetUrl = ""; //private string authorizeNetUrl = ""; //NOTE: cardCode not a required element of creditCardType for a refund, and only last four numbers of cardNumber needeed public createTransactionResponse RunRefund(String ApiLoginID, String ApiTransactionKey, creditCardType creditCard, decimal TransactionAmount, string TransactionID) { ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = ApiLoginID, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = ApiTransactionKey }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.refundTransaction.ToString(), // refund type payment = paymentType, amount = TransactionAmount, refTransId = TransactionID }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the controller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // validate response if (response != null) { return(response); } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// This is mostly for internal processing needs - it takes the SubscriptionRequest and turns it into something the Gateway can serialize. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ARBSubscriptionType ToAPI() { var sub = new ARBSubscriptionType(); = this.SubscriptionName; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardNumber)) { var creditCard = new creditCardType(); creditCard.cardNumber = this.CardNumber; creditCard.expirationDate = string.Format("{0}-{1}", this.CardExpirationYear, this.CardExpirationMonth); // required format for API is YYYY-MM sub.payment = new paymentType(); sub.payment.Item = creditCard; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("Need a credit card number to set up this subscription"); } if (this.BillingAddress != null) { sub.billTo = this.BillingAddress.ToAPINameAddressType(); } if (this.ShippingAddress != null) { sub.shipTo = this.ShippingAddress.ToAPINameAddressType(); } sub.paymentSchedule = new paymentScheduleType(); sub.paymentSchedule.startDate = this.StartsOn; sub.paymentSchedule.startDateSpecified = true; sub.paymentSchedule.totalOccurrences = this.BillingCycles; sub.paymentSchedule.totalOccurrencesSpecified = true; // free 1 month trial if (this.TrialBillingCycles > 0) { sub.paymentSchedule.trialOccurrences = this.TrialBillingCycles; sub.paymentSchedule.trialOccurrencesSpecified = true; } if (this.TrialAmount > 0) { sub.trialAmount = this.TrialAmount; sub.trialAmountSpecified = true; } sub.amount = this.Amount; sub.amountSpecified = true; sub.paymentSchedule.interval = new paymentScheduleTypeInterval(); sub.paymentSchedule.interval.length = this.BillingInterval; if (this.BillingIntervalUnits == BillingIntervalUnits.Months) { sub.paymentSchedule.interval.unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.months; } else { sub.paymentSchedule.interval.unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.days; } sub.customer = new customerType(); = this.CustomerEmail; return(sub); }
public static ANetApiResponse Run(String ApiLoginID, String ApiTransactionKey, short intervalLength) { Console.WriteLine("Create Subscription Sample"); ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = ApiLoginID, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = ApiTransactionKey, }; paymentScheduleTypeInterval interval = new paymentScheduleTypeInterval(); interval.length = intervalLength; // months can be indicated between 1 and 12 interval.unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.days; paymentScheduleType schedule = new paymentScheduleType { interval = interval, startDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), // start date should be tomorrow totalOccurrences = 9999, // 999 indicates no end date trialOccurrences = 3 }; #region Payment Information var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "0718" }; //standard api call to retrieve response paymentType cc = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; #endregion nameAndAddressType addressInfo = new nameAndAddressType() { firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe" }; ARBSubscriptionType subscriptionType = new ARBSubscriptionType() { amount = 35.55m, trialAmount = 0.00m, paymentSchedule = schedule, billTo = addressInfo, payment = cc }; var request = new ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest { subscription = subscriptionType }; var controller = new ARBCreateSubscriptionController(request); // instantiate the controller that will call the service controller.Execute(); ARBCreateSubscriptionResponse response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) // validate response if (response != null && response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response != null && response.messages.message != null) { Console.WriteLine("Success, Subscription ID : " + response.subscriptionId.ToString()); } } else if (response != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + response.messages.message[0].code + " " + response.messages.message[0].text); } return(response); }
public string Run(ApplicationUser user, Order order) { ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType { name = _configuration["AuthorizeNet:LoginID"], ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = _configuration["AuthorizeNet:TransactionKey"] }; long number = (long)order.CardNumber; creditCardType creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = number.ToString(), expirationDate = "1219" }; customerAddressType address = new customerAddressType { firstName = user.FirstName, lastName = user.LastName, address = order.ShippingAddress, city = order.City, zip = order.Zip }; paymentType payment = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; transactionRequestType transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), amount = order.TotalPrice, payment = payment, billTo = address, }; createTransactionRequest request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; createTransactionController controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); createTransactionResponse response = controller.GetApiResponse(); StringBuilder logText = new StringBuilder(); if (response != null) { if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null) { logText.AppendLine($"Successfully created transaction (ID: {response.transactionResponse.transId})"); logText.AppendLine($"Response Code: {response.transactionResponse.responseCode}"); logText.AppendLine($"Message Code: {response.transactionResponse.messages[0].code}"); logText.AppendLine($"Description: {response.transactionResponse.messages[0].description}"); logText.AppendLine($"Auth Code: {response.transactionResponse.authCode}"); } else { if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { logText.AppendLine("Failed Transaction."); logText.AppendLine($"Error Code: {response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode}"); logText.AppendLine($"Error Message: {response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText}"); } } } else { logText.AppendLine("Failed Transaction."); if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { logText.AppendLine($"Error Code: {response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode}"); logText.AppendLine($"Error Message: {response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText}"); } else { logText.AppendLine($"Error Code: {response.messages.message[0].code}"); logText.AppendLine($"Error Message: {response.messages.message[0].text}"); } } } else { logText.AppendLine("Transaction request resulted in null response"); } return(logText.ToString()); }
public static AuthorizeNetResponse ExecutePayment(Order newOrder, creditCardType creditCardInfo) { ConfigureAuthorizeNetAPI(); AuthorizeNetResponse authorizeNetResponse = new AuthorizeNetResponse(); try { var billingAddress = new customerAddressType { firstName = newOrder.CustomerName, email = newOrder.CustomerEmail, phoneNumber = newOrder.CustomerPhone, country = newOrder.CustomerCountry, city = newOrder.CustomerCity, address = newOrder.CustomerAddress, zip = newOrder.CustomerZipCode }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCardInfo }; var lineItems = new lineItemType[newOrder.OrderItems.Count]; var i = 0; foreach (var orderItem in newOrder.OrderItems) { lineItems[i] = new lineItemType { itemId = orderItem.ProductID.ToString(), name = orderItem.ProductName.ToAuthorizeNetProductName(), quantity = orderItem.Quantity, unitPrice = orderItem.ItemPrice }; i++; } var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // charge the card amount = newOrder.FinalAmmount, payment = paymentType, billTo = billingAddress, shipTo = billingAddress, lineItems = lineItems, }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the controller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) authorizeNetResponse.Response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // validate response if (authorizeNetResponse.Response != null) { if (authorizeNetResponse.Response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (authorizeNetResponse.Response.transactionResponse.messages != null) { authorizeNetResponse.Success = true; authorizeNetResponse.Message = string.Format("Transaction Successfull.{0}Transaction ID is {1}", Environment.NewLine, authorizeNetResponse.Response.transactionResponse.transId); authorizeNetResponse.Response = authorizeNetResponse.Response; } else { authorizeNetResponse.Success = false; authorizeNetResponse.Message = string.Format("Transaction Failed.{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, authorizeNetResponse.Response.transactionResponse.errors.Select(x => string.Format("Error: {0}~{1}", x.errorCode, x.errorText)).ToList())); authorizeNetResponse.Response = authorizeNetResponse.Response; } } else { authorizeNetResponse.Success = false; if (authorizeNetResponse.Response.transactionResponse != null && authorizeNetResponse.Response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { authorizeNetResponse.Message = string.Format("Transaction Failed.{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, authorizeNetResponse.Response.transactionResponse.errors.Select(x => string.Format("Error: {0}~{1}", x.errorCode, x.errorText)).ToList())); } else { authorizeNetResponse.Message = string.Format("Transaction Failed.{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, authorizeNetResponse.Response.messages.message.Select(x => string.Format("Error: {0}~{1}", x.code, x.text)).ToList())); } authorizeNetResponse.Response = authorizeNetResponse.Response; } } else { authorizeNetResponse.Success = false; authorizeNetResponse.Message = "No valid response from Authorize.Net."; authorizeNetResponse.Response = authorizeNetResponse.Response; } } catch (Exception ex) { authorizeNetResponse.Success = false; authorizeNetResponse.Message = string.Format("Error occured on server. {0}", ex.Message); } return(authorizeNetResponse); }
//public static ANetApiResponse Run(String ApiLoginID, String ApiTransactionKey, short intervalLength) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Create Subscription Sample"); // ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNET.Environment.SANDBOX; // ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() // { // name = ApiLoginID, // ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, // Item = ApiTransactionKey, // }; // paymentScheduleTypeInterval interval = new paymentScheduleTypeInterval(); // interval.length = intervalLength; // months can be indicated between 1 and 12 // interval.unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.days; // paymentScheduleType schedule = new paymentScheduleType // { // interval = interval, // startDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), // start date should be tomorrow // totalOccurrences = 9999, // 999 indicates no end date // trialOccurrences = 3 // }; // #region Payment Information // var creditCard = new creditCardType // { // cardNumber = "4111111111111111", // expirationDate = "0718" // }; // //standard api call to retrieve response // paymentType cc = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; // #endregion // nameAndAddressType addressInfo = new nameAndAddressType() // { // firstName = "John", // lastName = "Doe" // }; // ARBSubscriptionType subscriptionType = new ARBSubscriptionType() // { // amount = 35.55m, // trialAmount = 0.00m, // paymentSchedule = schedule, // billTo = addressInfo, // payment = cc // }; // var request = new ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest {subscription = subscriptionType }; // var controller = new ARBCreateSubscriptionController(request); // instantiate the contoller that will call the service // controller.Execute(); // ARBCreateSubscriptionResponse response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) // //validate // if (response != null && response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) // { // if (response != null && response.messages.message != null) // { // Console.WriteLine("Success, Subscription ID : " + response.subscriptionId.ToString()); // } // } // else if(response != null) // { // Console.WriteLine("Error: " + response.messages.message[0].code + " " + response.messages.message[0].text); // } // return response; //} public static void CreateSubscriptionExec(String ApiLoginID, String ApiTransactionKey) { using (CsvReader csv = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(new FileStream(@"../../../CSV_DATA/CreateASubscription.csv", FileMode.Open)), true)) { Console.WriteLine("Create Subscription Sample"); int flag = 0; int fieldCount = csv.FieldCount; string[] headers = csv.GetFieldHeaders(); //Append Data var item1 = DataAppend.ReadPrevData(); using (CsvFileWriter writer = new CsvFileWriter(new FileStream(@"../../../CSV_DATA/Outputfile.csv", FileMode.Open))) { while (csv.ReadNextRecord()) { // Create Instance of Customer Api ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNET.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = ApiLoginID, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = ApiTransactionKey, }; string length = null; string TestCase_Id = null; string amount = null; for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { switch (headers[i]) { case "length": length = csv[i]; break; case "amount": amount = csv[i]; break; case "TestCase_Id": TestCase_Id = csv[i]; break; default: break; } } //Write to output file CsvRow row = new CsvRow(); try { if (flag == 0) { row.Add("TestCaseId"); row.Add("APIName"); row.Add("Status"); row.Add("TimeStamp"); writer.WriteRow(row); flag = flag + 1; //Append Data foreach (var item in item1) { writer.WriteRow(item); } } paymentScheduleTypeInterval interval = new paymentScheduleTypeInterval(); interval.length = Convert.ToInt16(length); // months can be indicated between 1 and 12 interval.unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.days; paymentScheduleType schedule = new paymentScheduleType { interval = interval, startDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), // start date should be tomorrow totalOccurrences = 9999, // 999 indicates no end date trialOccurrences = 3 }; #region Payment Information var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "0718" }; //standard api call to retrieve response paymentType cc = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; #endregion nameAndAddressType addressInfo = new nameAndAddressType() { firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe" }; ARBSubscriptionType subscriptionType = new ARBSubscriptionType() { amount = Convert.ToDecimal(amount), trialAmount = 0.00m, paymentSchedule = schedule, billTo = addressInfo, payment = cc }; var request = new ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest { subscription = subscriptionType }; var controller = new ARBCreateSubscriptionController(request); // instantiate the contoller that will call the service controller.Execute(); ARBCreateSubscriptionResponse response = controller.GetApiResponse(); if (response != null && response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok && response.messages.message != null) { try { //Assert.AreEqual(response.Id, customerProfileId); Console.WriteLine("Assertion Succeed! Valid CustomerId fetched."); CsvRow row1 = new CsvRow(); row1.Add("CS_00" + flag.ToString()); row1.Add("CreateSubscription"); row1.Add("Pass"); row1.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd" + "::" + "HH:mm:ss:fff")); writer.WriteRow(row1); // Console.WriteLine("Success " + TestcaseID + " CustomerID : " + response.Id); flag = flag + 1; Console.WriteLine("Success, Subscription ID : " + response.subscriptionId.ToString()); } catch { CsvRow row1 = new CsvRow(); row1.Add("CS_00" + flag.ToString()); row1.Add("CreateSubscription"); row1.Add("Assertion Failed!"); row1.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd" + "::" + "HH:mm:ss:fff")); writer.WriteRow(row1); Console.WriteLine("Assertion Failed! Invalid CustomerId fetched."); flag = flag + 1; } } else { CsvRow row1 = new CsvRow(); row1.Add("CS_00" + flag.ToString()); row1.Add("CreateSubscription"); row1.Add("Fail"); row1.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd" + "::" + "HH:mm:ss:fff")); writer.WriteRow(row1); //Console.WriteLine("Assertion Failed! Invalid CustomerId fetched."); flag = flag + 1; } } catch (Exception e) { CsvRow row2 = new CsvRow(); row2.Add("CS_00" + flag.ToString()); row2.Add("CreateSubscription"); row2.Add("Fail"); row2.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd" + "::" + "HH:mm:ss:fff")); writer.WriteRow(row2); flag = flag + 1; Console.WriteLine(TestCase_Id + " Error Message " + e.Message); } } } } }
public void ChargeCC(SubscriptionModel cCnumber) { ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = ApiLoginID, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = ApiTransactionKey, }; var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = cCnumber.CardNumber, expirationDate = cCnumber.Expiration, cardCode = cCnumber.CVV }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // charge the card amount = 133.45m, payment = paymentType }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the contoller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); iDcode = response.transactionResponse.authCode; if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response.transactionResponse != null) { Debug.WriteLine("Success, Auth Code Charge : " + response.transactionResponse.authCode); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + response.messages.message[0].code + " " + response.messages.message[0].text); if (response.transactionResponse != null) { Debug.WriteLine("Transaction Error Charge: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode + " " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } } }
public static void Run(String ApiLoginID, String ApiTransactionKey) { Console.WriteLine("Charge Credit Card Sample"); ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = ApiLoginID, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = ApiTransactionKey, }; var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "0718", cardCode = "123" }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; // Add line Items var lineItems = new lineItemType[2]; lineItems[0] = new lineItemType { itemId = "1", name = "t-shirt", quantity = 2, unitPrice = new Decimal(15.00) }; lineItems[1] = new lineItemType { itemId = "2", name = "snowboard", quantity = 1, unitPrice = new Decimal(450.00) }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // charge the card amount = 133.45m, payment = paymentType, lineItems = lineItems }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the contoller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response.transactionResponse != null) { Console.WriteLine("Success, Auth Code : " + response.transactionResponse.authCode); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + response.messages.message[0].code + " " + response.messages.message[0].text); if (response.transactionResponse != null) { Console.WriteLine("Transaction Error : " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode + " " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } } }
public void SampleCodeCreateTransactionPriorAuthCapture() { //Common code to set for all requests ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = CustomMerchantAuthenticationType; ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = TestEnvironment; //set up data based on transaction var transactionAmount = SetValidTransactionAmount(Counter); var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "0622" }; //Build auth only transaction request. var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authOnlyTransaction.ToString(), payment = paymentType, amount = transactionAmount, }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); //Get transaction details var getDetailsReq = new getTransactionDetailsRequest { transId = response.transactionResponse.transId }; var getDetailsCont = new getTransactionDetailsController(getDetailsReq); getDetailsCont.Execute(); var getDetailsResp = getDetailsCont.GetApiResponse(); //Build and execute the capture request. var capCC = new creditCardType { cardNumber = ((creditCardMaskedType)(getDetailsResp.transaction.payment.Item)).cardNumber.TrimStart(new char[] { 'X' }), expirationDate = "XXXX", }; var capPayment = new paymentType { Item = capCC }; var capTransactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.priorAuthCaptureTransaction.ToString(), refTransId = getDetailsResp.transaction.transId, authCode = getDetailsResp.transaction.authCode, }; request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = capTransactionRequest }; controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); var capResponse = controller.GetApiResponse(); //validate Assert.AreEqual("1", capResponse.transactionResponse.messages[0].code); }
// public static ANetApiResponse Run(String ApiLoginID, String ApiTransactionKey) // { // Console.WriteLine("Charge Tokenized Credit Card Sample"); // ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNET.Environment.SANDBOX; // // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) // ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() // { // name = ApiLoginID, // ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, // Item = ApiTransactionKey, // }; // var creditCard = new creditCardType // { // cardNumber = "4111111111111111", // expirationDate = "0718", // cryptogram = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() // Set this to the value of the cryptogram received from the token provide // }; // //standard api call to retrieve response // var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; // var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType // { // transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // charge the card // amount = 133.45m, // payment = paymentType // }; // var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // // instantiate the contoller that will call the service // var controller = new createTransactionController(request); // controller.Execute(); // // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) // var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // //validate // if (response != null) // { // if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) // { // if(response.transactionResponse.messages != null) // { // Console.WriteLine("Successfully created transaction with Transaction ID: " + response.transactionResponse.transId); // Console.WriteLine("Response Code: " + response.transactionResponse.responseCode); // Console.WriteLine("Message Code: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].code); // Console.WriteLine("Description: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].description); //Console.WriteLine("Success, Auth Code : " + response.transactionResponse.authCode); // } // else // { // Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); // if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null) // { // Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); // Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); // } // } // } // else // { // Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); // if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null) // { // Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); // Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); // } // else // { // Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.messages.message[0].code); // Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.messages.message[0].text); // } // } // } // else // { // Console.WriteLine("Null Response."); // } // return response; // } public static void ChargeTokenizedCreditCardExec(String ApiLoginID, String ApiTransactionKey) { using (CsvReader csv = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(new FileStream(@"../../../CSV_DATA/ChargeTokenizedCreditCard.csv", FileMode.Open)), true)) { Console.WriteLine("Charge Tokenized Credit Card Sample"); int flag = 0; int fieldCount = csv.FieldCount; string[] headers = csv.GetFieldHeaders(); //Append data var item1 = DataAppend.ReadPrevData(); using (CsvFileWriter writer = new CsvFileWriter(new FileStream(@"../../../CSV_DATA/Outputfile.csv", FileMode.Open))) { while (csv.ReadNextRecord()) { ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNET.Environment.SANDBOX; var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "0718", cryptogram = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() // Set this to the value of the cryptogram received from the token provide }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // charge the card amount = 133.45m, payment = paymentType }; string apiLogin = null; string transactionKey = null; string TestCaseId = null; for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { switch (headers[i]) { case "TestCaseId": TestCaseId = csv[i]; break; case "apiLogin": apiLogin = csv[i]; break; case "transactionKey": transactionKey = csv[i]; break; default: break; } } // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = apiLogin, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = transactionKey, }; CsvRow row = new CsvRow(); try { if (flag == 0) { row.Add("TestCaseId"); row.Add("APIName"); row.Add("Status"); row.Add("TimeStamp"); writer.WriteRow(row); flag = flag + 1; //Append Results foreach (var item in item1) { writer.WriteRow(item); } } var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the contoller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); //validate if (response != null) { if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null) { /*****************************/ try { //Assert.AreEqual(response.Id, customerProfileId); CsvRow row1 = new CsvRow(); row1.Add("CTCC_00" + flag.ToString()); row1.Add("ChargeTokenizedCreditCard"); row1.Add("Pass"); row1.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd" + "::" + "HH:mm:ss:fff")); writer.WriteRow(row1); // Console.WriteLine("Success " + TestcaseID + " CustomerID : " + response.Id); flag = flag + 1; Console.WriteLine("Successfully created transaction with Transaction ID: " + response.transactionResponse.transId); Console.WriteLine("Response Code: " + response.transactionResponse.responseCode); Console.WriteLine("Message Code: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].code); Console.WriteLine("Description: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].description); Console.WriteLine("Success, Auth Code : " + response.transactionResponse.authCode); } catch { CsvRow row1 = new CsvRow(); row1.Add("CTCC_00" + flag.ToString()); row1.Add("ChargeTokenizedCreditCard"); row1.Add("Assertion Failed!"); row1.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd" + "::" + "HH:mm:ss:fff")); writer.WriteRow(row1); flag = flag + 1; } /*******************/ } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); CsvRow row2 = new CsvRow(); row2.Add("CTCC_00" + flag.ToString()); row2.Add("ChargeTokenizedCreditCard"); row2.Add("Fail"); row2.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd" + "::" + "HH:mm:ss:fff")); writer.WriteRow(row2); flag = flag + 1; //if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); // Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); //} //else //{ // Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.messages.message[0].code); // Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.messages.message[0].text); //} } } else { Console.WriteLine("Null Response."); CsvRow row2 = new CsvRow(); row2.Add("CTCC_00" + flag.ToString()); row2.Add("ChargeTokenizedCreditCard"); row2.Add("Fail"); row2.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd" + "::" + "HH:mm:ss:fff")); writer.WriteRow(row2); flag = flag + 1; } } //return response; catch (Exception e) { CsvRow row2 = new CsvRow(); row2.Add("CTCC_00" + flag.ToString()); row2.Add("ChargeTokenizedCreditCard"); row2.Add("Fail"); row2.Add(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd" + "::" + "HH:mm:ss:fff")); writer.WriteRow(row2); flag = flag + 1; Console.WriteLine(TestCaseId + " Error Message " + e.Message); } } } } }
public static ANetApiResponse Run(string ApiLoginID, string ApiTransactionKey, string subscriptionId) { Console.WriteLine("Update Subscription Sample"); ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = ApiLoginID, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = ApiTransactionKey, }; paymentScheduleType schedule = new paymentScheduleType { startDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), // start date should be tomorrow totalOccurrences = 9999 // 999 indicates no end date }; #region Payment Information var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "1028" }; //standard api call to retrieve response paymentType cc = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; #endregion nameAndAddressType addressInfo = new nameAndAddressType() { firstName = "Calvin", lastName = "Brown" }; customerProfileIdType customerProfile = new customerProfileIdType() { customerProfileId = "1232312", customerPaymentProfileId = "2132132", customerAddressId = "1233432" }; ARBSubscriptionType subscriptionType = new ARBSubscriptionType() { amount = 35.55m, paymentSchedule = schedule, billTo = addressInfo, payment = cc //You can pass a profile to update subscription //,profile = customerProfile }; //Please change the subscriptionId according to your request var request = new ARBUpdateSubscriptionRequest { subscription = subscriptionType, subscriptionId = subscriptionId }; var controller = new ARBUpdateSubscriptionController(request); controller.Execute(); ARBUpdateSubscriptionResponse response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // validate response if (response != null && response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response != null && response.messages.message != null) { Console.WriteLine("Success, RefID Code : " + response.refId); } } else if (response != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + response.messages.message[0].code + " " + response.messages.message[0].text); } return(response); }
public static ResponseHandler Run(decimal amount) { Console.WriteLine("Charge Credit Card Sample"); ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = "9ZtJvb59pK", ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = "73A9F4v7NEnj76BJ", }; var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "1028", cardCode = "123" }; var billingAddress = new customerAddressType { firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe", address = "123 My St", city = "OurTown", zip = "98004" }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; // Add line Items var lineItems = new lineItemType[2]; lineItems[0] = new lineItemType { itemId = "1", name = "t-shirt", quantity = 2, unitPrice = new Decimal(15.00) }; lineItems[1] = new lineItemType { itemId = "2", name = "snowboard", quantity = 1, unitPrice = new Decimal(450.00) }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString(), // charge the card amount = amount, payment = paymentType, billTo = billingAddress, lineItems = lineItems, }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the controller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // validate response if (response != null) { if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null) { ResponseHandler handler = new ResponseHandler(); handler.check = true; handler.response = response.transactionResponse.transId; return(handler); } else { if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { ResponseHandler handler = new ResponseHandler(); handler.check = false; handler.response = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText; return(handler); } return(null); } } else { if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { ResponseHandler handler = new ResponseHandler(); handler.check = false; handler.response = response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText; return(handler); } else { ResponseHandler handler = new ResponseHandler(); handler.check = false; handler.response = response.messages.message[0].text; return(handler); } } } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Process recurring payment /// </summary> /// <param name="processPaymentRequest">Payment info required for an order processing</param> /// <returns>Process payment result</returns> public ProcessPaymentResult ProcessRecurringPayment(ProcessPaymentRequest processPaymentRequest) { var result = new ProcessPaymentResult(); var customer = _customerService.GetCustomerById(processPaymentRequest.CustomerId); PrepareAuthorizeNet(); var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardNumber, expirationDate = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardExpireMonth.ToString("D2") + processPaymentRequest.CreditCardExpireYear, cardCode = processPaymentRequest.CreditCardCvv2 }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; var billTo = _authorizeNetPaymentSettings.UseShippingAddressAsBilling && customer.ShippingAddress != null?GetRecurringTransactionRequestAddress(customer.ShippingAddress) : GetRecurringTransactionRequestAddress(customer.BillingAddress); var dtNow = DateTime.UtcNow; // Interval can't be updated once a subscription is created. var paymentScheduleInterval = new paymentScheduleTypeInterval(); switch (processPaymentRequest.RecurringCyclePeriod) { case RecurringProductCyclePeriod.Days: paymentScheduleInterval.length = Convert.ToInt16(processPaymentRequest.RecurringCycleLength); paymentScheduleInterval.unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.days; break; case RecurringProductCyclePeriod.Weeks: paymentScheduleInterval.length = Convert.ToInt16(processPaymentRequest.RecurringCycleLength * 7); paymentScheduleInterval.unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.days; break; case RecurringProductCyclePeriod.Months: paymentScheduleInterval.length = Convert.ToInt16(processPaymentRequest.RecurringCycleLength); paymentScheduleInterval.unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.months; break; case RecurringProductCyclePeriod.Years: paymentScheduleInterval.length = Convert.ToInt16(processPaymentRequest.RecurringCycleLength * 12); paymentScheduleInterval.unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.months; break; default: throw new NopException("Not supported cycle period"); } var paymentSchedule = new paymentScheduleType { startDate = new DateTime(dtNow.Year, dtNow.Month, dtNow.Day), totalOccurrences = Convert.ToInt16(processPaymentRequest.RecurringTotalCycles), interval = paymentScheduleInterval }; var subscriptionType = new ARBSubscriptionType { name = processPaymentRequest.OrderGuid.ToString(), amount = Math.Round(processPaymentRequest.OrderTotal, 2), payment = paymentType, billTo = billTo, paymentSchedule = paymentSchedule, customer = new customerType { email = customer.BillingAddress.Email //phone number should be in one of following formats: 111- 111-1111 or (111) 111-1111. //phoneNumber = customer.BillingAddress.PhoneNumber }, order = new orderType { //x_invoice_num is 20 chars maximum. hece we also pass x_description invoiceNumber = processPaymentRequest.OrderGuid.ToString().Substring(0, 20), description = $"Recurring payment #{processPaymentRequest.OrderGuid}" } }; if (customer.ShippingAddress != null && !_authorizeNetPaymentSettings.UseShippingAddressAsBilling) { var shipTo = GetRecurringTransactionRequestAddress(customer.ShippingAddress); subscriptionType.shipTo = shipTo; } var request = new ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest { subscription = subscriptionType }; // instantiate the contoller that will call the service var controller = new ARBCreateSubscriptionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); //validate if (response != null && response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { result.SubscriptionTransactionId = response.subscriptionId; result.AuthorizationTransactionCode = response.refId; result.AuthorizationTransactionResult = $"Approved ({response.refId}: {response.subscriptionId})"; } else if (response != null) { foreach (var responseMessage in response.messages.message) { result.AddError( $"Error processing recurring payment #{responseMessage.code}: {responseMessage.text}"); } } else { result.AddError("Authorize.NET unknown error"); } return(result); }
public void SetUp() { MockContext = new MockFactory(); //initialize counter Counter = _random.Next(1, (int)(Math.Pow(2, 24))); CounterStr = GetRandomString(""); _now = DateTime.UtcNow; _nowString = _now.ToString(DateFormat); _pastDate = _now.AddMonths(-1); _nowDate = _now; _futureDate = _now.AddMonths(1); CustomMerchantAuthenticationType = new merchantAuthenticationType { name = ApiLoginIdKey, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = TransactionKey, }; // merchantAuthenticationType.setSessionToken(GetRandomString("SessionToken")); // merchantAuthenticationType.setPassword(GetRandomString("Password")); // merchantAuthenticationType.setMobileDeviceId(GetRandomString("MobileDevice")); // ImpersonationAuthenticationType impersonationAuthenticationType = new ImpersonationAuthenticationType(); // impersonationAuthenticationType.setPartnerLoginId(CnpApiLoginIdKey); // impersonationAuthenticationType.setPartnerTransactionKey(CnpTransactionKey); // merchantAuthenticationType.setImpersonationAuthentication(impersonationAuthenticationType); CustomerProfileType = new customerProfileType { merchantCustomerId = GetRandomString("Customer"), description = GetRandomString("CustomerDescription"), email = CounterStr + "*****@*****.**", }; //make sure these elements are initialized by calling get as it uses lazy initialization var paymentProfiles = CustomerProfileType.paymentProfiles; var addresses = CustomerProfileType.shipToList; CreditCardOne = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "2038-12", }; // creditCardOne.setCardCode(""); BankAccountOne = new bankAccountType { accountType = bankAccountTypeEnum.savings, routingNumber = "125000000", accountNumber = GetRandomString("A/C#"), nameOnAccount = GetRandomString("A/CName"), echeckType = echeckTypeEnum.WEB, bankName = GetRandomString("Bank"), checkNumber = CounterStr, }; TrackDataOne = new creditCardTrackType { ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType1.track1, Item = GetRandomString("Track1"), //trackDataOne.setTrack2(GetRandomString("Track2")); }; EncryptedTrackDataOne = new encryptedTrackDataType { FormOfPayment = new KeyBlock(), }; //keyBlock.setValue(value); PayPalOne = new payPalType { successUrl = GetRandomString(""), cancelUrl = GetRandomString(""), paypalLc = GetRandomString("Lc"), paypalHdrImg = GetRandomString("Hdr"), paypalPayflowcolor = GetRandomString("flowClr"), payerID = GetRandomString("PayerId"), }; PaymentOne = new paymentType { Item = CreditCardOne }; //paymentOne.setBankAccount(bankAccountOne); //paymentOne.setTrackData(trackDataOne); //paymentOne.setEncryptedTrackData(encryptedTrackDataOne); //paymentOne.setPayPal( payPalOne); // driversLicenseOne = new DriversLicenseType(); // driversLicenseOne.setNumber(GetRandomString("DLNumber")); // driversLicenseOne.setState(GetRandomString("WA")); // driversLicenseOne.setDateOfBirth(nowString); CustomerAddressOne = new customerAddressType { firstName = GetRandomString("FName"), lastName = GetRandomString("LName"), company = GetRandomString("Company"), address = GetRandomString("StreetAdd"), city = "Bellevue", state = "WA", zip = "98000", country = "USA", phoneNumber = FormatToPhone(Counter), faxNumber = FormatToPhone(Counter + 1), }; CustomerPaymentProfileOne = new customerPaymentProfileType { customerType = customerTypeEnum.individual, payment = PaymentOne, }; // customerPaymentProfileOne.setBillTo(customerAddressOne); // customerPaymentProfileOne.setDriversLicense(driversLicenseOne); // customerPaymentProfileOne.setTaxId(GetRandomString("XX")); CustomerOne = new customerType { type = customerTypeEnum.individual, id = GetRandomString("Id"), email = CounterStr + "*****@*****.**", phoneNumber = FormatToPhone(Counter), faxNumber = FormatToPhone(Counter + 1), driversLicense = DriversLicenseOne, taxId = "911011011", }; CustomerTwo = new customerType(); var interval = new paymentScheduleTypeInterval { length = 1, unit = ARBSubscriptionUnitEnum.months, }; OrderType = new orderType() { //TODO ADD VALIDATION ON INVOICE LENGTH invoiceNumber = GetRandomString("Inv:"), description = GetRandomString("Description"), }; NameAndAddressTypeOne = new nameAndAddressType { firstName = GetRandomString("FName"), lastName = GetRandomString("LName"), company = GetRandomString("Company"), address = GetRandomString("Address"), city = GetRandomString("City"), state = GetRandomString("State"), zip = "98004", country = "USA", }; NameAndAddressTypeTwo = new nameAndAddressType { firstName = GetRandomString("FName"), lastName = GetRandomString("LName"), company = GetRandomString("Company"), address = GetRandomString("Address"), city = GetRandomString("City"), state = GetRandomString("State"), zip = "98004", country = "USA", }; PaymentScheduleTypeOne = new paymentScheduleType { interval = interval, startDate = _nowDate, totalOccurrences = 5, trialOccurrences = 0, }; ArbSubscriptionOne = new ARBSubscriptionType { amount = SetValidSubscriptionAmount(Counter), billTo = NameAndAddressTypeOne, customer = CustomerOne, name = GetRandomString("Name"), order = OrderType, payment = PaymentOne, paymentSchedule = PaymentScheduleTypeOne, shipTo = NameAndAddressTypeOne, trialAmount = SetValidSubscriptionAmount(0), }; CustomerDataOne = new customerDataType { driversLicense = CustomerOne.driversLicense, email =, id =, taxId = CustomerOne.taxId, type = CustomerOne.type, }; RefId = CounterStr; }
public static ANetApiResponse Run(String ApiLoginID, String ApiTransactionKey, decimal amount) { Console.WriteLine("Authorize Credit Card Sample"); ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = ApiLoginID, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = ApiTransactionKey, }; var creditCard = new creditCardType { cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "0725" }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authOnlyTransaction.ToString(), // authorize only amount = amount, payment = paymentType }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the controller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); // validate response if (response != null) { if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response.transactionResponse.messages != null) { Console.WriteLine("Successfully created transaction with Transaction ID: " + response.transactionResponse.transId); Console.WriteLine("Response Code: " + response.transactionResponse.responseCode); Console.WriteLine("Message Code: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].code); Console.WriteLine("Description: " + response.transactionResponse.messages[0].description); Console.WriteLine("Success, Auth Code : " + response.transactionResponse.authCode); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); if (response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed Transaction."); if (response.transactionResponse != null && response.transactionResponse.errors != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } else { Console.WriteLine("Error Code: " + response.messages.message[0].code); Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + response.messages.message[0].text); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Null Response."); } return(response); }
public static void Run(String ApiLoginID, String ApiTransactionKey) { Console.WriteLine("Running CaptureFundsAuthorizedThroughAnotherChannel Sample ..."); ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.SANDBOX; // define the merchant information (authentication / transaction id) ApiOperationBase <ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse> .MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType() { name = ApiLoginID, ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey, Item = ApiTransactionKey, }; var creditCard = new creditCardType { // Change the cardNumber and expiration Date as required cardNumber = "4111111111111111", expirationDate = "0718" }; //standard api call to retrieve response var paymentType = new paymentType { Item = creditCard }; var transactionRequest = new transactionRequestType { // capture the funds that authorized through another channel transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.captureOnlyTransaction.ToString(), // Change the amount that needs to be captured as required amount = 133.45m, payment = paymentType, // Change the authCode that came from successfully authorized transaction through any channel. authCode = "ROHNFQ" }; var request = new createTransactionRequest { transactionRequest = transactionRequest }; // instantiate the contoller that will call the service var controller = new createTransactionController(request); controller.Execute(); // get the response from the service (errors contained if any) var response = controller.GetApiResponse(); if (response.messages.resultCode == messageTypeEnum.Ok) { if (response.transactionResponse != null) { Console.WriteLine("Success, Auth Code : " + response.transactionResponse.authCode); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + response.messages.message[0].code + " " + response.messages.message[0].text); if (response.transactionResponse != null) { Console.WriteLine("Transaction Error : " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorCode + " " + response.transactionResponse.errors[0].errorText); } } }