コード例 #1
        protected void btnNewCategory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //Create and Save new Category
                contentcategory NewCategory = new contentcategory();
                NewCategory.category    = txtNewCategory.Text.Trim().Replace(" ", "");
                NewCategory.image       = txtCategoryImage.Text.Trim();
                NewCategory.description = txtCategoryDescription.Text.Trim();

                //Clear form
                txtNewCategory.Text         = "";
                txtCategoryDescription.Text = "";
                txtCategoryImage.Text       = "";

                //Save the new route to the DB
                route_table NewRoute = new route_table();
                NewRoute.rout_name     = NewCategory.category;
                NewRoute.rout_url      = "" + NewCategory.category + "/{Language}/{Title}";
                NewRoute.physical_file = "~/Pages/Content/Content.aspx";

                //Register the route for this run
                RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("" + NewCategory.category + "-Route", "" + NewCategory.category + "/{Language}/{Title}", "~/Pages/Content/Content.aspx");

                //Rebind the Category with new route

                //Success Notification
                App_Code.NotificationService.SendNotification("NewCategorySuccess", "Category Added Successfully", "success", "4000");

            catch (Exception ex)
                App_Code.NotificationService.SendNotification("NewCategory", ex.Message, "error");
コード例 #2
        protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //First Time Load
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                    //Get the ContentName from URL Data (psuedo queryString)
                    string Category = Page.RouteData.Values["Category"] as string;
                    string Language = Page.RouteData.Values["Language"] as string;

                    //If content variables are correct
                    if (Category != null && Language != null)
                        contentcategory CategoryInfo = new contentcategory();
                        CategoryInfo = App_Code.ContentService.GetCategory(Category);

                        if (CategoryInfo.description != null)
                            lblDescription.Text = CategoryInfo.description;
                            lblDescription.Text = "Please browse the links below.";

                        if (CategoryInfo.image != null)
                            CategoryImage.ImageUrl = CategoryInfo.image;
                            CategoryImage.ImageUrl = "/Images/LogoBlack.png";

                        //Set the page Title
                        Page.Header.Title = "Welcome to RALT's " + Category + " page!";

                        List <contentmarkup> MyLinks = App_Code.ContentService.GetLinks(Language, Category);

                        foreach (contentmarkup Link in MyLinks)
                            //string URL = "/Home";
                            //string Title = "My-Title";
                            //string ImageSource = "/Images/logoblack.png";
                            //string Description = "This is a long description about this article. This is a long description about this article. This is a long description about this article. This is a long description about this article. This is a long description about this article.";
                            //string Author = "Brian Fletcher";
                            //string PublishDate = "Thursday, June 7th 1984";

                            string URL         = "/" + Link.content.category + "/" + Link.language + "/" + Link.content.title;
                            string Title       = Link.content.title.Replace("-", " ");;
                            string ImageSource = Link.content.image_url;
                            string Description = Link.description;
                            string Author      = Link.content.user.first_name + " " + Link.content.user.last_name;
                            string PublishDate = Link.time_stamp.ToLongDateString();

                            LiteralControl ContentLink = new LiteralControl();

                            ContentLink.Text = @"<a class=""BubbleLink"" id=""MyContentLinkLink"" href=""" + URL + @""">

                                    <div class=""ContentSection BubbleLink"">
                                    <div class=""ContentSectionHeader""><div class=""ContentSectionHeaderText"" id=""MyContentLinkTitle"">" + Title + @"</div></div>
                                    <div class=""ContentSectionContent"">

                                        <div class=""Content"">

                                            <div class=""ContentTitleImage""><img id=""MyContentLinkImage"" src=""" + ImageSource + @""" class=""center"" /></div>
                                            <div style=""float:left;width:400px;"">
                                            <div class=""ContentTitleText"">

                                                    <div id=""MyContentLinkDescription"">" + Description + @"</div>
                                                    <span id=""FullStory"" class=""FullStoryLink"" style=""font-size:1.3em;font-weight:bold;"">>> Full Story...</span>
                                                <br />
                                                <br />

                                            <div class=""LinkContentAuthor"">

                                                    <span>Author: </span><span  style=""font-weight:400;"" id=""MyContentLinkAuthor"">" + Author + @"</span><br />
                                                    <span>Published On: </span><span  style=""font-weight:400;"" id=""MyContentLinkPublishDate"">" + PublishDate + @"</span>






                        throw new Exception("There was an error gathering page data.  Please try again");

                catch (Exception ex)
                    App_Code.NotificationService.SendNotification("LinksError", "There was an error Loading this page.  Please try again", "error");