public string[] getID_Doc_Sumber(int status, string[] idTerm) { connectionClass con = new connectionClass(); con.openConnection(); DataTable result; string[] arrayDoc; List <string> List_idDoc = new List <string>(); if (status == 1) { string queryTerm = "SELECT dk.\"idDokumen\",count(*) FROM" + " public.\"bobotTerm\" bt join \"Dokumen\" dk on (bt.\"idDokumen\"=dk.\"idDokumen\")" + " where dk.site_name='' and bt.\"id_Term\" in (" + string.Join(", ", idTerm) + ") group by dk.\"idDokumen\";"; result = con.getResult(queryTerm); for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { if (!List_idDoc.Contains(result.Rows[i]["idDokumen"])) { List_idDoc.Add("'" + result.Rows[i]["idDokumen"] + "'".ToString()); } } arrayDoc = List_idDoc.ToArray(); } else if (status == 2) { string queryTerm = "SELECT dk.\"idDokumen\",count(*) FROM" + " public.\"bobotTerm\" bt join \"Dokumen\" dk on (bt.\"idDokumen\"=dk.\"idDokumen\")" + " where dk.site_name='' and bt.\"id_Term\" in (" + string.Join(", ", idTerm) + ") group by dk.\"idDokumen\";"; result = con.getResult(queryTerm); for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { if (!List_idDoc.Contains(result.Rows[i]["idDokumen"])) { List_idDoc.Add("'" + result.Rows[i]["idDokumen"] + "'".ToString()); } } arrayDoc = List_idDoc.ToArray(); } else { string queryTerm = "SELECT dk.\"idDokumen\",count(*) FROM" + " public.\"bobotTerm\" bt join \"Dokumen\" dk on (bt.\"idDokumen\"=dk.\"idDokumen\")" + " where dk.site_name='' and bt.\"id_Term\" in (" + string.Join(", ", idTerm) + ") group by dk.\"idDokumen\";"; result = con.getResult(queryTerm); for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { if (!List_idDoc.Contains(result.Rows[i]["idDokumen"])) { List_idDoc.Add("'" + result.Rows[i]["idDokumen"] + "'".ToString()); } } arrayDoc = List_idDoc.ToArray(); } return(arrayDoc); }
public string[] getDate_PURE(string[] idDoc, string sumber) { List <string> List_dateDoc = new List <string>(); connectionClass con = new connectionClass(); string queryTerm; if (!sumber.Equals("null")) { queryTerm = "SELECT \"dateDoc\" FROM public.\"Dokumen\" where \"idDokumen\" in (" + string.Join(", ", idDoc) + ") " + " and site_name='" + sumber + "' order by \"dateDoc\" desc;"; } else { queryTerm = "SELECT \"dateDoc\" FROM public.\"Dokumen\" where \"idDokumen\" in (" + string.Join(", ", idDoc) + ") order by \"dateDoc\" desc;"; } con.openConnection(); DataTable result = con.getResult(queryTerm); string[] arrayDate = new string[result.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { string temp = result.Rows[i]["dateDoc"].ToString(); if (temp.Length > 10) { temp = temp.Substring(0, temp.Length - 1); } if (!List_dateDoc.Contains(temp)) { List_dateDoc.Add(temp); } } arrayHasilDatePure = List_dateDoc.ToArray(); return(arrayHasilDatePure); }
public void getDoc_MengandungQuery(string[] query) { double[] hasilPembilang_Perkata; double[] hasilPenyebut_Perkata; for (int i = 0; i < query.Length; i++) { string queryPakek = cariID_Term(query[i]); if (queryPakek.Equals("0")) { Console.WriteLine("Tidak ada dokument yang memakai kata '" + query + "'"); Console.WriteLine("======================================================================"); } else { connectionClass con = new connectionClass(); con.openConnection(); string queryDF = "SELECT \"idDokumen\", \"id_Term\", \"TF-IDF\" FROM public.\"bobotTerm\" where" + " \"id_Term\"='" + queryPakek + "'"; DataTable result = con.getResult(queryDF); string[] dataID_Term = new string[result.Rows.Count]; hasilTF_IDF_Perkata_Pembagi = new double[dataID_Term.Length]; hasilTF_IDF_Perkata_Pembilang = new double[dataID_Term.Length]; string[] dataTF_IDF_Term = new string[result.Rows.Count]; } } }
public string getIDF_Term(string term) { connectionClass con = new connectionClass(); con.openConnection(); double getIDF_Term = 0; string QgetDF_Term = "SELECT \"IDF\" FROM public.\"Term\" where \"Term\"='" + term + "';"; DataTable result = con.getResult(QgetDF_Term); getIDF_Term = Convert.ToDouble(result.Rows[0]["IDF"]); return(getIDF_Term.ToString()); }
public double cekKetersediaan_Term(string kata) { connectionClass con = new connectionClass(); con.openConnection(); string query = "SELECT \"Term\" FROM public.\"Term\" where \"Term\"='" + kata + "';"; DataTable result = con.getResult(query); if (result.Rows.Count >= 1) { con.openConnection(); double getIDF_Term = 0; string QgetDF_Term = "SELECT \"IDF\" FROM public.\"Term\" where \"Term\"='" + kata + "';"; DataTable result2 = con.getResult(QgetDF_Term); getIDF_Term = Convert.ToDouble(result2.Rows[0]["IDF"]); return(getIDF_Term); } else { return(0); } }
public string[] getId_Doc(string idTerm) { connectionClass con = new connectionClass(); con.openConnection(); string query = "SELECT \"idDokumen\" FROM public.\"bobotTerm\" where \"id_Term\" = '" + idTerm + "'"; DataTable result = con.getResult(query); string[] arrayDoc = new string[result.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { arrayDoc[i] = result.Rows[i]["idDokumen"].ToString(); } return(arrayDoc); }
public string cariID_Term(string data) { connectionClass con = new connectionClass(); con.openConnection(); string termCari = null; string termMasuk = "SELECT * FROM public.\"Term\" where \"Term\"='" + data + "';"; DataTable result2 = con.getResult(termMasuk); idDoc = new string[result2.Rows.Count]; if (result2.Rows.Count >= 1) { termCari = result2.Rows[0]["id_Term"].ToString(); return(termCari); } else { return("null"); } }
public double cariTF_IDF(string id_doc, string idTerm) { connectionClass con = new connectionClass(); con.openConnection(); double termCari; string termMasuk = "SELECT \"TF-IDF\" FROM public.\"bobotTerm\" where" + " \"idDokumen\"=" + id_doc + " and \"id_Term\"=" + idTerm + ";"; DataTable result2 = con.getResult(termMasuk); if (result2.Rows.Count >= 1) { termCari = Convert.ToDouble(result2.Rows[0]["TF-IDF"]); return(termCari); } else { return(0); } }
public string[] getID_Doc(string[] idTerm) { connectionClass con = new connectionClass(); con.openConnection(); string queryTerm = "SELECT \"idDokumen\" ,count(*) FROM public.\"bobotTerm\" where \"id_Term\" in " + "(" + string.Join(", ", idTerm) + ") group by \"idDokumen\";"; DataTable result = con.getResult(queryTerm); string[] arrayDoc = new string[result.Rows.Count]; List <string> List_idDoc = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { if (!List_idDoc.Contains(result.Rows[i]["idDokumen"])) { List_idDoc.Add("'" + result.Rows[i]["idDokumen"] + "'".ToString()); } } arrayDoc = List_idDoc.ToArray(); return(arrayDoc); }
public string[] getID_Term(string[] query) { connectionClass con = new connectionClass(); con.openConnection(); string queryTerm = "SELECT \"id_Term\" FROM public.\"Term\" where \"Term\" in ( " + string.Join(", ", query) + ");"; DataTable result = con.getResult(queryTerm); string[] arrayTerm = new string[result.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { if (result.Rows.Count > 0) { arrayTerm[i] = "'" + result.Rows[i]["id_Term"] + "'".ToString(); } else { arrayTerm[i] = "null".ToString(); } } return(arrayTerm); }
public string[] getDate_Doc(int status, string[] idDoc) { connectionClass con = new connectionClass(); con.openConnection(); string[] arrayDateAkhir; if (status == 1) // semua ambil { string queryTerm = "SELECT \"dateDoc\" FROM public.\"Dokumen\" where \"idDokumen\" in (" + string.Join(", ", idDoc) + ") order by \"dateDoc\" desc;"; DataTable result = con.getResult(queryTerm); string[] arrayDate = new string[result.Rows.Count]; arrayDateAkhir = new string[result.Rows.Count]; List <string> List_dateDoc = new List <string>(); List <string> List_dateDocAkhir = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { string temp = result.Rows[i]["dateDoc"].ToString(); if (temp.Length > 10) { temp = temp.Substring(0, temp.Length - 1); } List_dateDoc.Add(temp); } arrayDate = List_dateDoc.OrderBy(x => DateTime.Parse(x)).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arrayDate.Length; i++) { List_dateDocAkhir.Add("'" + arrayDate[i] + "'"); } arrayDateAkhir = List_dateDocAkhir.ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("=============ini urutannya"); for (int i = 0; i < arrayDateAkhir.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(arrayDateAkhir[i]); } } else if (status == 2) // ambil data tribun saja { string queryTerm = "SELECT \"dateDoc\" FROM public.\"Dokumen\" where \"idDokumen\" in (" + string.Join(", ", idDoc) + ") and site_name='' " + "order by \"dateDoc\" desc;"; DataTable result = con.getResult(queryTerm); string[] arrayDate = new string[result.Rows.Count]; arrayDateAkhir = new string[result.Rows.Count]; List <string> List_dateDoc = new List <string>(); List <string> List_dateDocAkhir = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { string temp = result.Rows[i]["dateDoc"].ToString(); if (temp.Length > 10) { temp = temp.Substring(0, temp.Length - 1); } List_dateDoc.Add(temp); } arrayDate = List_dateDoc.OrderBy(x => DateTime.Parse(x)).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arrayDate.Length; i++) { List_dateDocAkhir.Add("'" + arrayDate[i] + "'"); } arrayDateAkhir = List_dateDocAkhir.ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("=============ini urutannya"); for (int i = 0; i < arrayDateAkhir.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(arrayDateAkhir[i]); } } else if (status == 3) // ambil detik saja { string queryTerm = "SELECT \"dateDoc\" FROM public.\"Dokumen\" where \"idDokumen\" in (" + string.Join(", ", idDoc) + ") and site_name=''" + " order by \"dateDoc\" desc;"; DataTable result = con.getResult(queryTerm); string[] arrayDate = new string[result.Rows.Count]; arrayDateAkhir = new string[result.Rows.Count]; List <string> List_dateDoc = new List <string>(); List <string> List_dateDocAkhir = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { string temp = result.Rows[i]["dateDoc"].ToString(); if (temp.Length > 10) { temp = temp.Substring(0, temp.Length - 1); } List_dateDoc.Add(temp); } arrayDate = List_dateDoc.OrderBy(x => DateTime.Parse(x)).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arrayDate.Length; i++) { List_dateDocAkhir.Add("'" + arrayDate[i] + "'"); } arrayDateAkhir = List_dateDocAkhir.ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("=============ini urutannya"); for (int i = 0; i < arrayDateAkhir.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(arrayDateAkhir[i]); } } else // ambil liputan6 saja { string queryTerm = "SELECT \"dateDoc\" FROM public.\"Dokumen\" where \"idDokumen\" in (" + string.Join(", ", idDoc) + ") and site_name=''" + "order by \"dateDoc\" desc;"; DataTable result = con.getResult(queryTerm); string[] arrayDate = new string[result.Rows.Count]; arrayDateAkhir = new string[result.Rows.Count]; List <string> List_dateDoc = new List <string>(); List <string> List_dateDocAkhir = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < result.Rows.Count; i++) { string temp = result.Rows[i]["dateDoc"].ToString(); if (temp.Length > 10) { temp = temp.Substring(0, temp.Length - 1); } List_dateDoc.Add(temp); } arrayDate = List_dateDoc.OrderBy(x => DateTime.Parse(x)).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < arrayDate.Length; i++) { List_dateDocAkhir.Add("'" + arrayDate[i] + "'"); } arrayDateAkhir = List_dateDocAkhir.ToArray(); Console.WriteLine("=============ini urutannya"); for (int i = 0; i < arrayDateAkhir.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(arrayDateAkhir[i]); } } return(arrayDateAkhir); }