コード例 #1
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: darrencmoore/360SheetMetal
        //********************************************************************************Function to update company info in the company table
        //this function is good for second round modifications
        private void updateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //string connectionString = "Data Source=localhost" + "; Database=commissionrepo" + "; User ID=root" + "; Password=141210;";
            string          connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CommDB"].ConnectionString;
            MySqlConnection MySqlConn        = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);

                string commandString = ("UPDATE company SET company_name = '" + txtcname.Text.Trim() + "', " + "address = '" + txtAddr.Text.Trim() + "', state = '" + stateComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString() + "', phone_number = '" + mskedtxtphone.Text.Trim() + "', contact_person = '" + txtcontact.Text.Trim() + "', city = '" + txtcompcity.Text.Trim() + "', zip = '" + txtcompzip.Text.Trim() + "' WHERE company_name = '" + txtcname.Text.Trim() + "'");
                textBox1.Text = commandString;
                MySqlCommand mysqlcommand = new MySqlCommand(commandString, MySqlConn);

                companyTableAdapter getcomp = new companyDSTableAdapters.companyTableAdapter();

                //DataTable table =  new companyDS.companyDataTable();
                DataTable table = GetDataTable(
                    // Pass open database connection to function
                    ref MySqlConn,
                    // Pass SQL statement to create SqlDataReader

                txtcname.Text      = " ";
                txtAddr.Text       = " ";
                txtcompcity.Text   = " ";
                txtcompzip.Text    = " ";
                stateComboBox.Text = " ";
                mskedtxtphone.Text = " ";
                txtcontact.Text    = " ";
            catch (MySqlException ex)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: darrencmoore/360SheetMetal
        //**************************************************This function SELECTS job given the jid
        private void txtjobsrch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //string connectionString = "Data Source=localhost" + "; Database=commission" + "; User ID=root" + "; Password=141210;";
            string          connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CommDB"].ConnectionString;
            MySqlConnection MySqlConn        = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);

                //string commandString25 = ("SELECT company_name, address, state, phone_number, contact_person FROM company WHERE company_name LIKE '%" + txtcid.Text + "%'");
                //        string commandString26 = ("SELECT cid FROM job WHERE jid = '" + txtjobsrch.Text + "'");  //("SELECT company_name, address, state, phone_number, contact_person FROM company WHERE company_name = jc");
                //        MySqlCommand mysqlcommand26 = new MySqlCommand(commandString26, MySqlConn);

                //        companyTableAdapter getcomp26 = new companyDSTableAdapters.companyTableAdapter();

                //        //DataTable table =  new companyDS.companyDataTable();
                //        DataTable table26 = GetDataTable(
                //            // Pass open database connection to function
                //ref MySqlConn,
                //            // Pass SQL statement to create SqlDataReader

                //txtjcname.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", table26, "company_name", true));
                //txtjcid.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", table26, "cid", true));
                //txtAddr.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", table26, "address", true));
                //stateComboBox.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", table26, "state", true));
                //mskedtxtphone.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", table26, "phone_number", true));
                //txtcontact.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", table26, "contact_person", true));

                ///////////////grab company info with cid
                string       commandString27 = ("SELECT company_name, address, state, phone_number, contact_person FROM company WHERE cid = '" + txtjcid.Text + "'");
                MySqlCommand mysqlcommand27  = new MySqlCommand(commandString27, MySqlConn);

                companyTableAdapter getcomp27 = new companyDSTableAdapters.companyTableAdapter();

                //DataTable table =  new companyDS.companyDataTable();
                DataTable table27 = GetDataTable(
                    // Pass open database connection to function
                    ref MySqlConn,
                    // Pass SQL statement to create SqlDataReader

                txtjcname.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", table27, "company_name", true));
                txtjaddr.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", table27, "address", true));
                txtjstate.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", table27, "state", true));
                mskdjphone.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", table27, "phone_number", true));
                txtjcontact.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", table27, "contact_person", true));
            catch (MySqlException ex)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: darrencmoore/360SheetMetal
        //*************************************************************THis function Inserts new job
        //*************************************************************THis function is good for second round modifications
        private void jobins_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //string connectionString = "Data Source=localhost" + "; Database=commissionrepo" + "; User ID=root" + "; Password=141210;";
            string          connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CommDB"].ConnectionString;
            MySqlConnection MySqlConn        = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);

            if (txtjobname.Text == string.Empty)
                errorProvider1.SetError(txtjobname, "Please Enter a Job Name");
            if (txtjobaddr.Text == string.Empty)
                errorProvider1.SetError(txtjobaddr, "Please Enter a Job Address");
            if (txtjobcity.Text == string.Empty)
                errorProvider1.SetError(txtjobcity, "Please Enter a city for the job");
            if (cbojobstate.Text == string.Empty)
                errorProvider1.SetError(cbojobstate, "Please Enter a state for the job");
            if (txtjobzip.Text == string.Empty)
                errorProvider1.SetError(txtjobzip, "Please Enter a zip for the job");

                    String r = txtjobname.Text;
                    String u = r.Replace("'", "");
                    txtjobname.Text = u;

                    //string commandString6 = ("INSERT into job SET cid = '" + txtjcid.Text + "', company_name = '" + txtjcname.Text.Trim() + "', sale_price = '" + txtsp.Text + "', " + "esitmated_percentage = '" + txtesp.Text + "', actual_cost = '" + txtac.Text + "', gross_profit = '" + txtgp.Text + "', estimator_percentage = '" + txtestpercent.Text + "', sales_percentage = '" + txtsalespercent.Text + "', pm_percentage = '" + txtpmpercent.Text + "', current_billing = '" + txtcb.Text + "', prog_billing_one = '" + txtpb1.Text + "', prog_billing_one_total = '" + txtpb1total.Text + "', prog_billing_two = '" + txtpb2.Text + "', prog_billing_two_total = '" + txtpb2total.Text + "', prog_billing_three = '" + txtpb3.Text + "', prog_billing_four = '" + txtpb4.Text + "', prog_billing_four_total = '" + txtpb4total.Text + "', final_billing = '" + txtfb.Text + "', final_billing_total = '" + txtfbtotal.Text + "', jtype = '" + txtjtype.Text + "'");

                    string commandString6 = ("INSERT into job SET cid = '" + txtjcid.Text + "', job_name = '" + txtjobname.Text.Trim() + "', job_address = '" + txtjobaddr.Text.Trim() + "', job_city = '" + txtjobcity.Text.Trim() + "', job_state = '" + cbojobstate.Text.Trim() + "', job_zip = '" + txtjobzip.Text.Trim() + "'");

                    MySqlCommand mysqlcommand = new MySqlCommand(commandString6, MySqlConn);

                    companyTableAdapter getcomp = new companyDSTableAdapters.companyTableAdapter();

                    //DataTable table =  new companyDS.companyDataTable();
                    DataTable table = GetDataTable(
                        // Pass open database connection to function
                        ref MySqlConn,
                        // Pass SQL statement to create SqlDataReader

                    //CLEAR the text boxes after insert and update the data grid view
                    txtjid.Text      = " ";
                    txtjobname.Text  = " ";
                    txtjobaddr.Text  = " ";
                    txtjobcity.Text  = " ";
                    cbojobstate.Text = " ";
                    txtjobzip.Text   = " ";

                    //THis updates the data grid view with the newly inserted record
                    string       commandString15 = ("SELECT jid, job_name, job_address, job_city, job_state, job_zip from job WHERE job.cid = '" + txtjcid.Text + "'");
                    MySqlCommand mysqlcommand15  = new MySqlCommand(commandString15, MySqlConn);

                    DataTable table7 = GetDataTable(ref MySqlConn, commandString15);
                    dataGridView1.DataSource = table7;

                    foreach (DataRow row in table7.Rows)
                        String item = (row["job_name"].ToString());

                catch (MySqlException ex)