コード例 #1
        protected internal override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            // When extending the BrightcovePlayer, we must assign the BrightcoveVideoView before
            // entering the superclass.  This allows for some stock video player lifecycle
            // management.
            ContentView         = R.layout.onceux_activity_main;
            brightcoveVideoView = (BrightcoveVideoView)findViewById(R.id.brightcove_video_view);

            // Setup the event handlers for the OnceUX plugin, set the companion ad container,
            // register the VMAP data URL inside the plugin and start the video.  The plugin will
            // detect that the video has been started and pause it until the ad data is ready or an
            // error condition is detected.  On either event the plugin will continue playing the
            // video.
            plugin = new OnceUxComponent(this, brightcoveVideoView);
            View view = findViewById(R.id.ad_frame);

            if (view != null && view is ViewGroup)
コード例 #2
		protected internal override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
			// When extending the BrightcovePlayer, we must assign the BrightcoveVideoView before
			// entering the superclass.  This allows for some stock video player lifecycle
			// management.
			ContentView = R.layout.onceux_activity_main;
			brightcoveVideoView = (BrightcoveVideoView) findViewById(R.id.brightcove_video_view);

			// Setup the event handlers for the OnceUX plugin, set the companion ad container,
			// register the VMAP data URL inside the plugin and start the video.  The plugin will
			// detect that the video has been started and pause it until the ad data is ready or an
			// error condition is detected.  On either event the plugin will continue playing the
			// video.
			plugin = new OnceUxComponent(this, brightcoveVideoView);
			View view = findViewById(R.id.ad_frame);
			if (view != null && view is ViewGroup)
				plugin.addCompanionContainer((ViewGroup) view);