コード例 #1
    protected void LogIn_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Label7.Text      = "UOS/" + dd1.SelectedValue.ToString() + "-" + dd2.SelectedValue.ToString() + "-" + TextBox1.Text + "/LHR";
        Label7.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
        TextBox1.Text    = "000";
        bool   remember = RememberMe.Checked;
        string str1     = null;

        string[] UserName = null;

            if (Label7.Text.Contains("@"))
                string str = Label7.Text;
                UserName           = str.Split('@');
                clsLogin.UserName1 = UserName[0].ToString();
                str1 = UserName[0].ToString();
                clsLogin.UserName1 = Label7.Text.Trim();
                str1             = Label7.Text.Trim();
                Session["Name1"] = str1;
            clsLogin.Password1 = txtpassword.Text.Trim();
            int    id;
            string message;
            string Role = clsLogin.GetStudentLogin(out id, out message);

            if (Role == "NoUser")
                ImagePreview.ImageUrl = "~/Images/oops.gif";
                ImagePreview.Visible  = true;
                lblMsg.Text           = message;

                objStudent.IL_UserName  = Label7.Text;
                objStudent.IL_Password  = txtpassword.Text;
                objStudent.IL_IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress;


                objStudent.StdNameByRegID = Label7.Text;
                DataSet dsStdName = objStudent.StdNameByID();

                objStudent.MesgSubjForPP      = "*** Suspicious Login Prevented!";
                objStudent.MesgForPP          = "Someone recently tried to Login to your Account - Registration ID: " + txtusername.Text + ". We prevented the Log-in attempt in case this was a hijacker trying to access your account. Please review the details of the Log-in attempt.<br />Click <a href=\"../Student/InvalidLoginAttempt.aspx\">Here</a> to review the details!<br />Note: *** This is an automatically generated message, Please DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE.";
                objStudent.MesgToRegIDForPP   = Label7.Text;
                objStudent.MesgToStdNameForPP = Convert.ToString(dsStdName.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Std_Name"]) + " (Student)";

                string   url   = Request.Url.ToString();
                string[] split = url.Split('/');
                for (int i = 0; i < split.Length; i++)
                    //LoginSession obj = new LoginSession();
                    Session["UserType1"] = Role;
                    Session["UserId1"]   = id;
                    //Session["UserName1"] = clsLogin.UserName;
                    //string user = Convert.ToString(Session["UserName1"]);
                    //Session["StudentStatus"] = clsLogin.GetStudentStatusByUserId(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]));
                    //string status = Convert.ToString(Session["StudentStatus"]);

                    if (Role.ToLower() == "student" && split[i] == "Student")
                        Session["StudentId1"] = clsLogin.GetStudentIdByUserId(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId1"]));
                        Session["UserName1"]  = str1;

                        objStudent.LH_UserName  = Convert.ToString(Session["UserName1"]);
                        objStudent.LH_IPAddress = Request.UserHostAddress;


                        //Session["loggedin"] = true;
                        //obj.Updval("update std_table set status='Y' where UserName='******'");
                        FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(Role, createPersistentCookie: remember);
                        //if (status == "Y")
                        //    lblMsg.Text = "Your Account is Already InUse.<br /> Please Close Previous Session and Try Again!";
                        ImagePreview.ImageUrl = "~/Images/oops.gif";
                        ImagePreview.Visible  = true;
                        lblMsg.Text           = "Please Select Your Valid Login Page!<br /> Login UnSuccessful!!";
        catch (Exception)
            ImagePreview.ImageUrl = "~/Images/oops.gif";
            ImagePreview.Visible  = true;
            lblMsg.Text           = "Your UserName is Invalid. Try Again!<br /> Login UnSuccessful!!";