コード例 #1
ファイル: frmCalcKeys.cs プロジェクト: derrickgm/ChordCadenza
        private string Calculate(clsFileStream fs, int?inertia)
            KeysList   = new List <clsKeysAlg>();
            KeysLabels = new List <string>();
            clsKeysAlg.eAlg alg = clsKeysAlg.eAlg.Weighted;
            if (optAlgFlat.Checked)
                alg = clsKeysAlg.eAlg.Flat;
            //clsFileStream csvfileconv;
            clsNoteMap notemap;

            if (chkChordFile.Checked)
                if (P.F.CF?.Evs == null || P.F.CF.Evs.Count == 0)
                    return("Empty ChordFile");
                notemap = P.F.CF.NoteMap;
                if (fs != null)
                    notemap = fs.NoteMap;
                    try {
                        notemap = (new clsFileStream(FileName, TrkSelect, true, false, true)).NoteMap;
                    catch (MidiFileException exc) {
                        return("MidiFileException: " + exc.Message);

            clsKeysAlg.eProfile profile = clsKeysAlg.eProfile.Default;
            if (optProfileJazz.Checked)
                profile = clsKeysAlg.eProfile.Jazz;
            else if (optProfileSpecial.Checked)
                profile = clsKeysAlg.eProfile.Special;
            Segments = new clsKeysAlg.clsSegments(notemap);
            if (Segments.indEmpty)
                return("Empty Tracks");
            CF = (chkLoadTxt.Checked && P.F.CF != null) ? CF = P.F.CF : null;
            KeysLabels.Add("Txt"); //leave in, even if text not present
            clsKeysAlg.Alg = alg;
            //clsKeysAlg.Trace = indTrace;
            clsKeysAlg.Segments = Segments;

            if (inertia.HasValue)
                AddToKeysList(alg, profile, inertia.Value);
                AddToKeysList(alg, profile, 0);
                AddToKeysList(alg, profile, 30);
                AddToKeysList(alg, profile, 50);
                AddToKeysList(alg, profile, 70);
                AddToKeysList(alg, profile, 90);
                AddToKeysList(alg, profile, 110);


            //cmdDebugSegs.Enabled = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: frmCalcKeys.cs プロジェクト: derrickgm/ChordCadenza
        private void CalcMinorScores()
            //* calculate minor key scores for different minor key types
            //* use currently selected inertia(penalty), alg, profile

            //* calculate totals of each pitchclass for segements(bars) in a minor key
            int[] pctots = new int[12]; //pitchclass totals
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                pctots[i] = 0;
            int index = (KeysList.Count > 1) ? GetInertia() : 0;

            if (KeysList.Count == 0)
                LogicError.Throw(eStopError.Y003); //unable to reproduce this, but it did happen!
            clsKeysAlg keysalg = KeysList[index];

            clsKeysAlg.clsSegments segs = clsKeysAlg.Segments;
            for (int segnum = 0; segnum < keysalg.Keys.Count; segnum++)
                clsKeyTicks key = keysalg.Keys[segnum];
                if (key != null && key.Scale == "minor")
                    if (segnum != key.BBT.Bar)
                    for (int pc = 0; pc < 12; pc++)
                        pctots[pc] += segs.Segs[segnum][pc];

            //* calculate totals of l/l- t/t- combinations
            int totharmonic = pctots[8] + pctots[11]; //l- t
            int totmelup    = pctots[9] + pctots[11]; //l t
            int totmeldown  = pctots[8] + pctots[10]; //l- t-
            int totspecial  = pctots[9] + pctots[10]; //l t-

            lblTotHarmonic.Text = totharmonic.ToString();
            lblTotMelUp.Text    = totmelup.ToString();
            lblTotMelDown.Text  = totmeldown.ToString();
            lblTotSpecial.Text  = totspecial.ToString();

            eMinorKeyType maxtottype = eMinorKeyType.Harmonic;
            int           maxtot     = totharmonic;

            if (totmelup > maxtot)
                maxtottype = eMinorKeyType.MelodicUp;
                maxtot     = totmelup;

            if (totmeldown > maxtot)
                maxtottype = eMinorKeyType.MelodicDown;
                maxtot     = totmeldown;

            if (totspecial > maxtot)
                maxtottype = eMinorKeyType.Special;
                maxtot     = totspecial;

            FontStyle fontstyle;

            fontstyle           = (maxtottype == eMinorKeyType.Harmonic) ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular;
            lblTotHarmonic.Font = new Font(lblTotHarmonic.Font, fontstyle);

            fontstyle        = (maxtottype == eMinorKeyType.MelodicUp) ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular;
            lblTotMelUp.Font = new Font(lblTotMelUp.Font, fontstyle);

            fontstyle          = (maxtottype == eMinorKeyType.MelodicDown) ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular;
            lblTotMelDown.Font = new Font(lblTotMelDown.Font, fontstyle);

            fontstyle          = (maxtottype == eMinorKeyType.Special) ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular;
            lblTotSpecial.Font = new Font(lblTotSpecial.Font, fontstyle);

            if (chkUseHighestMinorKeyType.Checked)
                P.frmStart.MinorKeyType = maxtottype;