protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Runs when login is clicked //Uses hash function in clsCustomerCollection for security //Searches for email and if found it compares password hash //If it's a match then customer is redirected to CustomerMenu.aspx with the customer number //Otherwise an error is displayed if EMail isn't found or password is wrong clsCustomerCollection Customers = new clsCustomerCollection(); string EMail = txtEMail.Text; string Password = Customers.GetHashPassword(txtPassword.Text); Customers.FindEMail(EMail); if (Password == Customers.ThisCustomer.Password) { Session["CustomerNo"] = Customers.ThisCustomer.CustomerNo; Response.Redirect("CustomerMenu.aspx"); } else { if (Password != Customers.ThisCustomer.Password) { lblLoginError.Text = "Incorrect details"; } if (Customers.ThisCustomer.EMail == null) { lblLoginError.Text = "EMail not found"; } } }
string add() { //Function to add a customer to the clsCustomerCollection list and then call a function to add it to the DB //If it fails, an error is displayed String Error = ""; clsCustomerCollection PreCustomers = new clsCustomerCollection(); PreCustomers.FindEMail(txtEmail.Text); if (PreCustomers.ThisCustomer.EMail != null) { Error = Error + "EMail already in use </br>"; } clsCustomerCollection Customers = new clsCustomerCollection(); Error = Error + Customers.ThisCustomer.Valid(txtHouseNo.Text, txtHouseCounty.Text, txtPostcode.Text, txtHouseStreet.Text, txtEmail.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtPhoneNo.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtPasswordConfirm.Text); if (Error == "") { Customers.ThisCustomer.HouseNo = Convert.ToInt32(txtHouseNo.Text); Customers.ThisCustomer.PhoneNo = txtPhoneNo.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.LastName = txtLastName.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.PostCode = txtPostcode.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.HouseCounty = txtHouseCounty.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.HouseStreet = txtHouseStreet.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.EMail = txtEmail.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.Password = Customers.GetHashPassword(txtPassword.Text);//Hash password before adding Customers.Add(); return(Error); } else { lblError.Text = Error;//Display errors return(Error); } }
string update() { //Function to add a customer to the clsCustomerCollection list and then call a function to modify that customer's existing details in the DB //If it fails, an error is displayed String Error = ""; clsCustomerCollection PreCustomers = new clsCustomerCollection(); clsCustomerCollection Customers = new clsCustomerCollection(); PreCustomers.FindEMail(txtEmail.Text); Customers.Find(CustomerNo); if (PreCustomers.ThisCustomer.EMail != null && PreCustomers.ThisCustomer.EMail != Customers.ThisCustomer.EMail) { Error = Error + "EMail already in use </br>"; } Error = Error + Customers.ThisCustomer.Valid(txtHouseNo.Text, txtHouseCounty.Text, txtPostcode.Text, txtHouseStreet.Text, txtEmail.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtPhoneNo.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtPasswordConfirm.Text); if (Error == "") { Customers.Find(CustomerNo); Customers.ThisCustomer.HouseNo = Convert.ToInt32(txtHouseNo.Text); Customers.ThisCustomer.PhoneNo = txtPhoneNo.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.LastName = txtLastName.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.PostCode = txtPostcode.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.HouseCounty = txtHouseCounty.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.HouseStreet = txtHouseStreet.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.EMail = txtEmail.Text; Customers.ThisCustomer.Password = Customers.GetHashPassword(txtPassword.Text);//Hash password before adding Customers.Update(); Session["CustomerNo"] = Customers.ThisCustomer.CustomerNo; Response.Redirect(RedirectURL); return(Error); } else { lblError.Text = Error;//Display errors return(Error); } }