protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { clsCentral clsBussCentral = new clsCentral(); try { if (!IsPostBack) { //DataTable dtC = clsBussCentral.GetAllCentrales(); //Session["dtC"] = dtC; //strHTMLCentral = clsBussCentral.ReturnHTMLCentral(dtC); //DBDataPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(new Literal { Text = strHTMLCentral.ToString() }); DataTable Datos = clsBussCentral.GetAllCentrales(); GridView1.DataSource = Datos; GridView1.DataBind(); } this.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { clsError.logMessage = ex.ToString(); clsError.logModule = "Page_LoadCentrales"; clsError.LogWrite(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { clsCentral clsBussinesCentral = new clsCentral(); if (!IsPostBack) { //cmbDivision.Items.Clear(); msgExito.Visible = false; msgErrNew.Visible = false; DataTable dtG; dtG = clsBussinesCentral.GetAllCentrales(); //Session["dtG"] = dtG; //dtG.Rows.Add(0, "0", "-- TODOS --"); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(dtG.Copy()); ds.Tables[0].DefaultView.Sort = "Descripción"; cmbCentral.DataSource = ds; cmbCentral.DataTextField = "Descripción"; cmbCentral.DataValueField = "IdCentral"; cmbCentral.DataBind(); //cmbCentral.Items.Add(""); // cmbCentral.SelectedValue = ""; } }
public void LlenarGrid1() { clsCentral clsBussCentral2 = new clsCentral(); GridView1.DataSource = clsBussCentral2.GetAllCentrales(); GridView1.DataBind(); }
public string UpdateCentral(string CodCentral, string Central, int IdCentral) { clsCentral oClsCentral = new clsCentral(); String strIdCentral = Convert.ToString(IdCentral); Boolean msg = true; string sResp = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CodCentral)) { return("Falta agregar el Codigo de la Central"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Central)) { return("Falta agregar el Central"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIdCentral)) { return("Falta agregar el Central"); } sResp = oClsCentral.UpdateCentral(IdCentral, CodCentral, Central); //Call function to update the Central //if (msg) { return "La Central se ha actualizado en la base de datos"; } //else { return "Error al actualizar los datos"; } return(sResp); }
protected void btnEliminar_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { var controlEditar = (Control)sender; GridViewRow renglonGrid = (GridViewRow)controlEditar.NamingContainer; int idConvenio = Convert.ToInt32(GridView1.DataKeys[renglonGrid.RowIndex].Values["IdCentral"]); //var examen = new ExamenesBO().ObtenerExamen(idExamen); ViewState["IdConvenio"] = idConvenio; clsCentral oCls = new clsCentral(); var Convenio = oCls.CentralBYIdCentral(idConvenio); foreach (DataRow dtRow in Convenio.Rows) { // On all tables' columns hdIddelet.Value = dtRow[0].ToString(); txtConveniodelet.Text = dtRow[1].ToString(); txtdescripciondelet.Text = dtRow[2].ToString(); } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "muestraModal", "mostrarModal('delete');", true); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public CascadingDropDownNameValue[] getCentrales(string knownCategoryValues) { clsCentral oCls = new clsCentral(); DataTable dt; StringBuilder strHTML = new StringBuilder(); List <CascadingDropDownNameValue> values = new List <CascadingDropDownNameValue>(); dt = oCls.GetAllCentrales(); if (dt == null) { return(values.ToArray()); } else { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { values.Add(new CascadingDropDownNameValue { name = row[2].ToString(), value = row[0].ToString() }); } return(values.ToArray()); } else { return(values.ToArray()); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { clsCentral clsBussCentral = new clsCentral(); if (!IsPostBack) { DataTable dtC = clsBussCentral.GetAllCentralesPrelacion(); gvLocations.DataSource = dtC; gvLocations.DataBind(); // this.BindGrid(); } }
public void CargarGrupo() { clsCentral clsBussinesCentral = new clsCentral(); DataTable dtG; dtG = clsBussinesCentral.GetAllCentrales(); //Session["dtG"] = dtG; // dtG.Rows.Add(0, "0","-- TODOS --"); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(dtG.Copy()); ds.Tables[0].DefaultView.Sort = "Descripción"; //cmbCentral.DataSource = ds; //cmbCentral.DataTextField = "Descripción"; //cmbCentral.DataValueField = "IdCentral"; //cmbCentral.DataBind(); //cmbCentral.Items.Add("-- TODOS --"); //cmbCentral.SelectedValue = "-- TODOS --"; }
public void CargarDDLConvenio() { clsCentral clsBussinesCentral = new clsCentral(); DataTable dtG; dtG = clsBussinesCentral.GetAllConvenioByCentral(cmbCentral.Text); //Session["dtG"] = dtG; //dtG.Rows.Add(0, "0","Nuevo Convenio"); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(dtG.Copy()); ds.Tables[0].DefaultView.Sort = "Convenio"; cmbConvenio.DataSource = ds; cmbConvenio.DataTextField = "Convenio"; cmbConvenio.DataValueField = "IdConvenio"; cmbConvenio.DataBind(); cmbConvenio.Items.Add("Nuevo Convenio"); cmbConvenio.SelectedValue = "Nuevo Convenio"; dtTemp = new DataTable(); }
public string DeleteCentral(int IdCentral_delete) { clsCentral oClsCentral = new clsCentral(); String strIdCentral = Convert.ToString(IdCentral_delete); Boolean msg = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIdCentral)) { return("Falta agregar la Central"); } msg = oClsCentral.DeleteCentral(IdCentral_delete); //Call function to update the Central if (msg) { return("La Central se ha eliminado de la base de datos"); } else { return("Error al eliminar la Central de la base de datos"); } }
protected void GridView2_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { GridView GridView2 = (GridView)(e.Row.FindControl("GridView3")); Panel pnlGrid = (Panel)(e.Row.FindControl("pnlGrid2")); Label btnShowHide = (Label)(e.Row.FindControl("btnShowHide2")); // DataRowView CategoryId = (DataRowView)(e.Row.DataItem("IdCentral")); // var controlEditar = (Control)sender; // GridViewRow renglonGrid = (GridViewRow)controlEditar.NamingContainer; DataRowView rowView = (DataRowView)e.Row.DataItem; String state = rowView["IdConvenio"].ToString(); int idCovenio = Convert.ToInt32(state); string ShowHideScript = "ToggleVisiblity(this,'" + pnlGrid.ClientID + "');return false"; btnShowHide.Attributes.Add("onclick", ShowHideScript); clsCentral clsBussCentral2 = new clsCentral(); GridView2.DataSource = clsBussCentral2.ConveniosByConvenio(idCovenio); GridView2.DataBind(); } }
public String NewCentral(string CodeCentral, string Central) { clsCentral oClsCentral = new clsCentral(); //Boolean msg = true; string sResp = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CodeCentral)) { return("0-Falta agregar la clave de la Central"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Central)) { return("0-Falta agregar la descripción de la Central"); } //msg = oClsCentral.NewCentral(CodeCentral, Central); sResp = oClsCentral.NewCentral(CodeCentral, Central); //Call function to update the Central //if (msg) { return "La Central se creado en la base de datos"; } //else { return "Error al crear la Central de la base de datos"; } return(sResp); }