private bool CheckRole(string strRole) { clsBALUsers objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); bool blnExists = objclsBALUsers.CheckRole(strRole); return(blnExists); }
public void PopulateGrid() { clsBALCommon objclsBALComm = new clsBALCommon(); string strCurQuarter = objclsBALComm.GetLatestQuarter(); string strPrevQuarter = PreviousQuarter(strCurQuarter); clsBALUsers objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); //DataSet ds = objclsBALUsers.GetNewUsers(strCurQuarter,strPrevQuarter); DataSet ds = objclsBALUsers.GetNewUsers(ddlQuarter.SelectedItem.Text, strPrevQuarter); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { gvNewUsers.DataSource = ds; gvNewUsers.DataBind(); Session[clsEALSession.ReportUsers] = ds; btnExport.Visible = true; } else { gvNewUsers.DataSource = null; gvNewUsers.DataBind(); Session[clsEALSession.ReportUsers] = null; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('No records found');", true); } }
protected void gvSchedule_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { try { clsBALUsers objBI_User = new clsBALUsers(); Label lblGroupID = (Label)gvSchedule.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("lblGroupID"); string groupID = lblGroupID.Text.ToString(); objBI_User.DeleteScheduleMail(groupID, "Delete_Schedule"); BindScheduleGrid(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { HttpContext Context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objLogException = new LogException(); objLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, Context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } }
protected void GetCurrentUserRole() { try { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); role = objclsBALUsers.GetCurrentUserRole(objclsEALLoggedInUser); if (role != null) { if (role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.GlobalApprover) && role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ControlOwner)) { pnlRole.Visible = true; rdCO.Visible = true; rdGA.Visible = true; btnGo.Visible = true; lblRole.Visible = true; } } Session[clsEALSession.UserRole] = role; } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.LogError(ex); } }
public void LockOut() { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); DataSet ds = objclsBALUsers.GetLockOut(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Session["lockout"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } if (role != null) { if (role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ComplianceAdmin)) { //pnlLockOut.Visible = true; lblLockout.Visible = true; chkLock.Visible = true; if (Session["lockout"] != null) { //chkLock.Checked = bool.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); chkLock.Checked = bool.Parse(Session["lockout"].ToString()); } // } } else { //pnlLockOut.Visible = false; } } }
public void UpdateLockOut() { if (role != null) { if (role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ComplianceAdmin)) { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); string status = ""; if (Session["lockout"] != null) { string str = Session["lockout"].ToString(); if (str == "True") { status = "UnLock"; } else if (str == "False") { status = "Lock"; } objclsBALUsers.UpdateLockout(LoggedInUser, status); LockOut(); } } } }
protected void GetCurrentUserRole() { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); if (Session["RoleSelected"] == null) { role = objclsBALUsers.GetCurrentUserRole(objclsEALLoggedInUser); Session[clsEALSession.UserRole] = role; if (role != null) { if (role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.Approver)) { lblAnnounce.Text = "CART is an automated tool to assist in the compliance account access review process."; } } } else { role = objclsBALUsers.ApproverOrCO(objclsEALLoggedInUser); Session[clsEALSession.UserRole] = role; if (role != null) { Session["RoleSelected"] = role; Session["UserRole"] = role; } } }
protected void GetCurrentUserRole() { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); role = objclsBALUsers.GetCurrentUserRole(objclsEALLoggedInUser); if (!role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ComplianceAdmin)) { Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); } }
public void PopulateRoleDropDown(DropDownList ddlGridRole) { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); ddlGridRole.Items.Add("Compliance Administrator"); ddlGridRole.Items.Add("Compliance Auditor"); ddlGridRole.Items.Add("Compliance Tester"); ddlGridRole.Items.Add("Global Approver"); ddlGridRole.DataBind(); ddlGridRole.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- Select --", "0")); }
public void PopulateGrid() { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); DataSet ds = objclsBALUsers.GetUserDetails(); gvRole.DataSource = ds; gvRole.DataBind(); Session[clsEALSession.UserDetails] = ds; if (ViewState["SortExpression"] != null && ViewState["sortDirection"] != null) { SortGridView(ViewState["SortExpression"].ToString(), ViewState["sortDirection"].ToString()); } }
protected void gvRole_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e) { lblError.Text = ""; lblSuccess.Text = ""; try { Label lblUserADID = (Label)gvRole.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("lblUserADID"); string strUsersADID = lblUserADID.Text.ToString(); DropDownList ddlGridRole = (DropDownList)gvRole.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("ddlGridRole"); clsEALUser objclsEALuser = new clsEALUser(); objclsBALCommon = new clsBALCommon(); objclsEALuser = objclsBALCommon.FetchUserDetailsFromAD(strUsersADID); string strUserRole = ddlGridRole.SelectedItem.Value; if (objclsEALuser != null) { if (ddlGridRole.SelectedIndex != 0) { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); objclsBALUsers.UpdateUser(objclsEALuser, strUserRole, objclsEALLoggedInUser.StrUserADID); lblSuccess.Text = "User's role updated successfully."; gvRole.EditIndex = -1; PopulateGrid(); if (ViewState["SortExpression"] != null && ViewState["sortDirection"] != null) { SortGridView(ViewState["SortExpression"].ToString(), ViewState["sortDirection"].ToString()); } } else { lblError.Text = "select role for user."; } } else { lblError.Text = "User Not Found."; } } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objclsLogException = new LogException(); objclsLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } }
protected void GetCurrentUserRole() { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); if (Session["RoleSelected"] != null) { role = (string[])Session["RoleSelected"]; } else { role = objclsBALUsers.GetCurrentUserRole(objclsEALLoggedInUser); } if (!role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ComplianceAdmin)) { Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); } }
protected void btnAddComment_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { clsBALUsers objBI_User = new clsBALUsers(); objBI_User.UpdateEmailBody(ViewState["lblGroupID"].ToString().Trim(), CommentEditor.Content.ToString()); BindScheduleGrid(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { HttpContext Context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objLogException = new LogException(); objLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, Context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } }
private bool CheckUserRoles(clsEALUser objclsEALUser) { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); string[] userRole = null; userRole = objclsBALUsers.GetCurrentUserRole(objclsEALUser); //Session[clsEALSession.UserRole] = userRole; bool flag = true; //string strRole = ""; //for(int i=0;i<userRole.Length ;i++) //{ // strRole = userRole[i]; //} if (userRole != null) { if (!userRole.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ComplianceAdmin) && !userRole.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ComplianceAuditor) && !userRole.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ComplianceTester) && !userRole.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.GlobalApprover)) { if (!userRole.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ControlOwner) && !userRole.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.Approver)) { flag = false;//can assign role } else { flag = true;//cant assign role lblError.Text = "User is either Approver or Control Owner for some applications."; } } else { flag = true;//cant assign role lblError.Text = "User has already been assigned a role."; } } else { flag = false;//can assign role } return(flag); }
public void BindScheduleGrid() { try { objBI_Users = new clsBALUsers(); DataTable dt = objBI_Users.GroupSchedule(); Session["dtSchedule"] = dt; gvSchedule.DataSource = dt; gvSchedule.DataBind(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { HttpContext Context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objLogException = new LogException(); objLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, Context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } }
protected void btnDeleteAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //string UserAll = hdnUsersAll.Value; // string EmailAll = hdnEmailsAll.Value; string selectedUser = hdnName.Value; //selectedUser //string selectedEmail = hdnEmailid.Value; string groupId = hdnGroupId.Value; string[] selectedUserarr = selectedUser.Split(";".ToCharArray()); for (int i = 0; i < selectedUserarr.Length; i++) { string struser = selectedUserarr[i]; if (struser != "") { clsBALUsers objBI_User = new clsBALUsers(); objBI_User.UpdateUserScheduleMail(struser.Trim(), "UpdateUserName_Mail", groupId); } } BindScheduleGrid(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { HttpContext Context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objLogException = new LogException(); objLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, Context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } }
public void deleteUserNotExisting() { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); DataSet ds = objclsBALUsers.GetUserDetails(); if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string strUSERADID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][4].ToString(); clsEALUser objclsEALUser = new clsEALUser(); clsBALCommon objclsBALCommon = new clsBALCommon(); objclsEALUser = objclsBALCommon.FetchUserDetailsFromAD(strUSERADID); if (objclsEALUser == null) { objclsBALUsers.DeleteUserFromDb(strUSERADID); } } } } }
protected void GetCurrentUserRole() { try { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); if (Session["RoleSelected"] != null) { role = (string[])Session["RoleSelected"]; } else { role = objclsBALUsers.GetCurrentUserRole(objclsEALLoggedInUser); } for (int i = 0; i < role.Length; i++) { strRole = strRole + role[i]; } Session[clsEALSession.UserRole] = strRole; if (role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ComplianceAuditor) || role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ControlOwner) || role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.GlobalApprover) || role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.Approver)) { gvApplications.Columns[4].Visible = false; } } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { // LogHelper.LogError(ex); HttpContext Context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objLogException = new LogException(); objLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, Context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } }
public void BindAppGrid() { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); //role = objclsBALUsers.GetCurrentUserRole(objclsEALLoggedInUser); Session[clsEALSession.UserRole] = role; clsEALUser objclsEALUser = new clsEALUser(); DataSet ds = FetchApplication(strUserSID, role, strQuarterSelected); if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables.Count >= 1) { gvApplications.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; gvApplications.DataBind(); Session[clsEALSession.Applications] = ds; } } else { lblError.Text = "No application found."; } }
private void GetReport() { try { BtnExport.Visible = false; if (ddlQuarter.SelectedValue == "0") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('Please select quarter');", true); } else if (ddlReportType.SelectedValue == "3") { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('Please select Report Type');", true); } else { strQuarter = ddlQuarter.SelectedItem.Value.ToString(); PreviousQuartertoSelected = PreviousQuarter(strQuarter); clsBALUsers objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); ds = objclsBALUsers.FetchReportData(ddlReportType.SelectedValue, PreviousQuartertoSelected, strQuarter); if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { if (MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex == 0) { gvShare.DataSource = ds; gvShare.DataBind(); HdfReportType.Value = "0"; } else if (MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex == 1) { gvSQl.DataSource = ds; gvSQl.DataBind(); HdfReportType.Value = "1"; } else if (MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex == 2) { gvOracle.DataSource = ds; gvOracle.DataBind(); HdfReportType.Value = "2"; } else if (MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex == 4) { gvOnline.DataSource = ds; gvOnline.DataBind(); HdfReportType.Value = "3"; } else if (MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex == 5) { gvLinux.DataSource = ds; gvLinux.DataBind(); HdfReportType.Value = "4"; } else if (MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex == 6) { gvSecGrp.DataSource = ds; gvSecGrp.DataBind(); HdfReportType.Value = "5"; } Session[clsEALSession.LastRemoved] = ds; BtnExport.Visible = true; } else { gvShare.DataSource = null; gvShare.DataBind(); gvSQl.DataSource = null; gvSQl.DataBind(); gvOracle.DataSource = null; gvOracle.DataBind(); gvOnline.DataSource = null; gvOnline.DataBind(); gvLinux.DataSource = null; gvLinux.DataBind(); gvSecGrp.DataSource = null; gvSecGrp.DataBind(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('No Reports found');", true); } } } } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { HttpContext Context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objLogException = new LogException(); objLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, Context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Session.Abandon(); Session[clsEALSession.ValuePath] = "Home"; GetLoggedInUserName(); clsBALCommon objclsBALCommon = new clsBALCommon(); objclsEALLoggedInUser = objclsBALCommon.FetchUserDetailsFromAD(LoggedInUser); strUserName = objclsEALLoggedInUser.StrUserName; strUserSID = objclsEALLoggedInUser.StrUserSID; Session[clsEALSession.CurrentUser] = strUserName; btnSave.Visible = false; //GetCurrentUserRole(); if (Session["RoleSelected"] != null) { role = (string[])Session["RoleSelected"]; } else { GetCurrentUserRole(); } if (role != null) { if (role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.GlobalApprover)) { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); bool IsCo = objclsBALUsers.CheckIfCo(objclsEALLoggedInUser.StrUserSID); if (IsCo) { pnlRole.Visible = true; } } } LockOut(); if (!IsPostBack) { try { AdminHomeFun(); GetHomePageText(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { HttpContext Context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objLogException = new LogException(); objLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, Context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } } if (role != null) { if (role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.GlobalApprover) && role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ControlOwner)) { if (Session["lockout"] != null) { //Session["lockout"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); string str = Session["lockout"].ToString(); if (str == "True") { pnlRole.Visible = false; } else { pnlRole.Visible = true; } } } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblError.Text = ""; lblSuccess.Text = ""; try { TextBox txtbxDispName = (TextBox)ADU.FindControl("txtbxDispName"); HiddenField hdnfldADID = (HiddenField)ADU.FindControl("hdnfldADID"); if (txtbxDispName.Text != "") { if (ddlRole.SelectedIndex != 0) { if (hdnfldADID.Value != "") { clsBALCommon objclsBALCommon = new clsBALCommon(); clsEALUser objclsEALUser = new clsEALUser(); objclsEALUser = objclsBALCommon.FetchUserDetailsFromAD(hdnfldADID.Value); if (objclsEALUser != null) { bool flag = CheckUserRoles(objclsEALUser); if (!flag) { string userRole = ddlRole.SelectedItem.Value; //bool blnRoleExists = CheckRole(userRole); //if (!blnRoleExists) //{ objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); bool blnSave = objclsBALUsers.SaveUserRole(objclsEALUser, userRole, objclsEALLoggedInUser.StrUserADID); lblSuccess.Text = "User has been assigned with the role successfully."; hdnfldADID.Value = ""; txtbxDispName.Text = ""; ddlRole.SelectedIndex = 0; PopulateGrid(); //} //else //{ // lblError.Text = "RoleGroup has already been assigned to other user."; //} } } } } else { lblError.Text = "Select role to assign."; } } else { lblError.Text = "Please select a user."; } txtbxDispName.Text = ""; hdnfldADID.Value = ""; ddlRole.SelectedIndex = 0; } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objclsLogException = new LogException(); objclsLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { clsBALUsers objBI_User = new clsBALUsers(); TextBox txtbxDispName = (TextBox)ADU.FindControl("txtbxDispName"); //HiddenField hdn = (HiddenField)adu.FindControl("hdnfldADID"); string[] strApprovers = null; if (txtbxDispName.Text.ToString() != "") { DataTable dtrolewiseusertemp = (DataTable)Session["dtrolewiseuser"]; strApprovers = (txtbxDispName.Text.ToString().ToLower()).Split(";".ToCharArray()); for (int i = 0; i < strApprovers.Length; i++) { string strApp = strApprovers[i]; if (strApp != "") { clsEALUser objclsEALApp = new clsEALUser(); clsBALCommon objclsBALCommon = new clsBALCommon(); objclsEALApp = objclsBALCommon.FetchUserDetailsFromAD(strApp); if (lstBoxApproverDelete.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (ListItem thisItem in lstBoxApproverDelete.Items) { string strtemp = thisItem.Text.Trim(); if (thisItem.Text.Trim() == objclsEALApp.StrUserName) { lblError.Text = "User " + objclsEALApp.StrUserName + " already exists"; // strtest = strtest + strtemp; goto Outer; } } } string mailid = objclsEALApp.StrUserEmailID; string adID = objclsEALApp.StrUserADID; DataRow dr; dr = dtrolewiseusertemp.NewRow(); dr["UserName"] = objclsEALApp.StrUserName; dr["RoleMappingId"] = objclsEALApp.StrUserSID; dr["UserADID"] = objclsEALApp.StrUserADID; dr["UserEmail"] = objclsEALApp.StrUserEmailID; dtrolewiseusertemp.Rows.Add(dr); // objBI_User.InsertDelete_RoleWiseUser(Int32.Parse(ddlRole.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()), objclsEALApp.StrUserName, objclsEALApp.StrUserADID, objclsEALApp.StrUserEmailID, "Insert"); lblSuccess.Text = "User added successfully"; Outer: continue; } } txtbxDispName.Text = ""; //BindListbox(); Session["dtrolewiseuser"] = dtrolewiseusertemp; lstBoxApproverDelete.DataSource = (DataTable)Session["dtrolewiseuser"]; lstBoxApproverDelete.DataBind(); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('Please select user to Add');", true); } } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { HttpContext Context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objLogException = new LogException(); objLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, Context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } }
public void DeleteUserRole(clsEALUser objclsEALUser) { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); objclsBALUsers.DeleteUser(objclsEALUser, objclsEALLoggedInUser.StrUserADID); }
protected void btnScheduleMail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text.ToString()) <= DateTime.Today) { DateTime Date = System.DateTime.Now.Date; if (Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text.ToString()).Date == Date) { int intTime = System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours; if (intTime >= 9) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('Mail cannot be scheduled today after 9 AM.');", true); } else { clsBALUsers objBI_User = new clsBALUsers(); DataTable dt = (DataTable)Session["dtrolewiseuser"]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string groupID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (DataRow da in dt.Rows) { string username = da["UserName"].ToString(); string UserADID = da["UserADID"].ToString(); string UserEmail = da["UserEmail"].ToString(); clsBALCommon objclsBALCommon = new clsBALCommon(); objBI_User.InsertDeleteScheduleMail(Int32.Parse(ddlRole.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()), groupID, username, UserADID, UserEmail, "Insert", DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text.ToString()), txtSubject.Text.ToString(), Editor1.Content.ToString()); } BindScheduleGrid(); BindListbox(); TextBox txtbxDispName = (TextBox)ADU.FindControl("txtbxDispName"); txtbxDispName.Text = ""; txtSubject.Text = ""; txtDate.Text = ""; Editor1.Content = ""; panelMail.Visible = false; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('New mail schedule saved.');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('There is no user to schedule mail.');", true); } } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('Past date not allowed.');", true); } } else { clsBALUsers objBI_User = new clsBALUsers(); DataTable dt = (DataTable)Session["dtrolewiseuser"]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string groupID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (DataRow da in dt.Rows) { string username = da["UserName"].ToString(); string UserADID = da["UserADID"].ToString(); string UserEmail = da["UserEmail"].ToString(); clsBALCommon objclsBALCommon = new clsBALCommon(); objBI_User.InsertDeleteScheduleMail(Int32.Parse(ddlRole.SelectedItem.Value.ToString()), groupID, username, UserADID, UserEmail, "Insert", DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text.ToString()), txtSubject.Text.ToString(), Editor1.Content.ToString()); } BindScheduleGrid(); BindListbox(); TextBox txtbxDispName = (TextBox)ADU.FindControl("txtbxDispName"); txtbxDispName.Text = ""; txtSubject.Text = ""; txtDate.Text = ""; Editor1.Content = ""; panelMail.Visible = false; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('New mail schedule saved.');", true); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('There is no user to schedule mail.');", true); } } } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { HttpContext Context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objLogException = new LogException(); objLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, Context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } }
protected void gvSchedule_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e) { try { clsBALUsers objBI_User = new clsBALUsers(); PPLPicker.ADUserControl adu = (PPLPicker.ADUserControl)gvSchedule.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("ADUSerControl1"); TextBox txtbxDispName = (TextBox)adu.FindControl("txtbxDispName"); TextBox txtDateGrid = (TextBox)gvSchedule.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtDateGrid"); TextBox txtSubjectGrid = (TextBox)gvSchedule.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtSubjectGrid"); Label lblBody = (Label)gvSchedule.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("lblBody"); Label lblRoleID = (Label)gvSchedule.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("lblRoleID"); Label lblGroupID = (Label)gvSchedule.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("lblGroupID"); Label lblUsers1 = (Label)gvSchedule.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("lblUsers1"); string groupID = lblGroupID.Text.ToString(); string[] strApprovers = null; if (Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateGrid.Text.ToString()) <= DateTime.Today) { //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('Please select date greater than today.');", true); DateTime Date = System.DateTime.Now.Date; if (Convert.ToDateTime(txtDateGrid.Text.ToString()).Date == Date) { int intTime = System.DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.Hours; if (intTime >= 9) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('Mail cannot be scheduled today after 9 AM.');", true); } else { objBI_User.UpdateScheduleMail(groupID, DateTime.Parse(txtDateGrid.Text.ToString()).Date, txtSubjectGrid.Text.ToString(), lblBody.Text.ToString(), "UpdateSchedule_Mail"); if (txtbxDispName.Text.ToString() != "") { strApprovers = (txtbxDispName.Text.ToString().ToLower()).Split(";".ToCharArray()); for (int i = 0; i < strApprovers.Length; i++) { string strApp = strApprovers[i]; if (strApp != "") { //if (!strFetchedApprovers.Contains<string>(strApp)) //{ clsEALUser objclsEALApp = new clsEALUser(); clsBALCommon objclsBALCommon = new clsBALCommon(); objclsEALApp = objclsBALCommon.FetchUserDetailsFromAD(strApp); string mailid = objclsEALApp.StrUserEmailID; string adID = objclsEALApp.StrUserADID; string selectedUser = lblUsers1.Text; //string[] selectedUserarr = selectedUser.Split(";".ToCharArray()); if (!selectedUser.Contains(objclsEALApp.StrUserName)) { objBI_User.InsertDeleteScheduleMail(Int32.Parse(lblRoleID.Text.ToString()), groupID, objclsEALApp.StrUserName, objclsEALApp.StrUserADID, objclsEALApp.StrUserEmailID, "Insert", DateTime.Parse(txtDateGrid.Text.ToString()).Date, txtSubjectGrid.Text.ToString(), lblBody.Text.ToString()); } //} } } } gvSchedule.EditIndex = -1; BindScheduleGrid(); } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "aa", "javascript:alert('Past date not allowed.');", true); } } else { objBI_User.UpdateScheduleMail(groupID, DateTime.Parse(txtDateGrid.Text.ToString()).Date, txtSubjectGrid.Text.ToString(), lblBody.Text.ToString(), "UpdateSchedule_Mail"); if (txtbxDispName.Text.ToString() != "") { strApprovers = (txtbxDispName.Text.ToString().ToLower()).Split(";".ToCharArray()); for (int i = 0; i < strApprovers.Length; i++) { string strApp = strApprovers[i]; if (strApp != "") { //if (!strFetchedApprovers.Contains<string>(strApp)) //{ clsEALUser objclsEALApp = new clsEALUser(); clsBALCommon objclsBALCommon = new clsBALCommon(); objclsEALApp = objclsBALCommon.FetchUserDetailsFromAD(strApp); string mailid = objclsEALApp.StrUserEmailID; string adID = objclsEALApp.StrUserADID; string selectedUser = lblUsers1.Text; //string[] selectedUserarr = selectedUser.Split(";".ToCharArray()); if (!selectedUser.Contains(objclsEALApp.StrUserName)) { objBI_User.InsertDeleteScheduleMail(Int32.Parse(lblRoleID.Text.ToString()), groupID, objclsEALApp.StrUserName, objclsEALApp.StrUserADID, objclsEALApp.StrUserEmailID, "Insert", DateTime.Parse(txtDateGrid.Text.ToString()).Date, txtSubjectGrid.Text.ToString(), lblBody.Text.ToString()); } //} } } } gvSchedule.EditIndex = -1; BindScheduleGrid(); } } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } catch (Exception ex) { HttpContext Context = HttpContext.Current; LogException objLogException = new LogException(); objLogException.LogErrorInDataBase(ex, Context); Response.Redirect("wfrmErrorPage.aspx", true); } }
protected void GetCurrentUserRole() { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); role = objclsBALUsers.GetCurrentUserRole(objclsEALLoggedInUser); Session[clsEALSession.UserRole] = role; }
public void LockOut() { objclsBALUsers = new clsBALUsers(); DataSet ds = objclsBALUsers.GetLockOut(); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Session["lockout"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } if (role != null) { #region Admin if (role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ComplianceAdmin)) { //pnlLockOut.Visible = true; lblLockout.Visible = true; chkLock.Visible = true; if (Session["lockout"] != null) { //chkLock.Checked = bool.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()); chkLock.Checked = bool.Parse(Session["lockout"].ToString()); } // } } #endregion #region approver if (role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.Approver)) { string str = Session["lockout"].ToString(); if (str == "True") { string LoggedInUserID = ""; if (Session["LoggedInUserID"] != null) { LoggedInUserID = Session["LoggedInUserID"].ToString(); } clsBALApplication objclsBALApplication = new clsBALApplication(); DataTable dt = objclsBALApplication.GetUnlockApprover(LoggedInUserID); bool approverUnlock = false; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (dt.Rows[i]["UnlockApp"].ToString().ToLower() == "true") { approverUnlock = true; break; } } } if (approverUnlock) { Session["lockout"] = "False"; } } } #endregion #region Control Owner if (role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ControlOwner)) { string str = Session["lockout"].ToString(); if (str == "True") { string LoggedInUserID = ""; if (Session["LoggedInUserID"] != null) { LoggedInUserID = Session["LoggedInUserID"].ToString(); } clsBALApplication objclsBALApplication = new clsBALApplication(); DataTable dtCO = objclsBALApplication.GetUnlockCO(LoggedInUserID); bool coUnlock = false; if (dtCO.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dtCO.Rows.Count; i++) { if (dtCO.Rows[i]["UnlockApp"].ToString().ToLower() == "true") { coUnlock = true; break; } } } if (coUnlock) { Session["lockout"] = "False"; } if (role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.GlobalApprover) && role.Contains <string>(clsEALRoles.ControlOwner)) { rdGA.Enabled = false; } } } #endregion } }