private void frmClient_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { agent = new clsAgent(); admin = new clsAdmin(); if (permission == 2) { List <clsClient> temp = new List <clsClient>(); temp.Add(agent.Searched_Cleint_For_This_Agent(refagent)); gridAll.DataSource = temp; } else { gridAll.DataSource = admin.All_Client(); } gridAll.ReadOnly = true; ButtonControl(true, false, false, false, true, false); string[] status = { "Seller", "Buyer", "Inactive(Buyer)", "Inactive(Seller)" }; List <string> refhouses = new List <string>(); refhouses.Add("0"); foreach (clsHouse i in admin.Search_All_Houses()) { refhouses.Add(i.RefHouse.ToString()); } cboRefHouse.DataSource = refhouses; cboStatus.DataSource = status; }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (validateData.isNameValid(txtName) && validateData.isEmailValid(txtEmail) && validateData.isPhoneNumberValid(txtPhone)) { clsAgent newAgent = new clsAgent(txtId.Text, txtName.Text, txtEmail.Text, txtPhone.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtAdminId.Text); if (updatemode) { if (clsAgentData.updateAgent(newAgent)) { MessageBox.Show("successfully updated Agent : " + txtName.Text + " in the system!"); ReloadForm(); } } else { if (clsAgentData.AddAgent(newAgent)) { MessageBox.Show("successfully added Agent : " + txtName.Text + " in the system!"); latestAgentId += 1; ReloadForm(); } else { MessageBox.Show("the Agent with the email: " + txtEmail.Text + " exist in the system!"); txtEmail.Focus(); } } } }
static public clsClient Search_Client_Belong_to_Agent(int refagent) { clsAgent tmp = new clsAgent(); clsClient cl = new clsClient(); int refclient_agent = tmp.Searched_Agent_by_RefAgent(refagent).RefClient; cl = cl.Searched_Client_by_RefClient(refclient_agent); return(cl); }
public static bool updateAgent(clsAgent newAgentData) { if (Exist(newAgentData.Email)) { agentData[newAgentData.Email] = newAgentData; return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool AddAgent(clsAgent newAgentData) { if (!Exist(newAgentData.Email)) { agentData.Add(newAgentData.Email, newAgentData); return(true); } return(false); }
static public clsHouse SearchHouse_Agent_Management(int refagent) { clsAgent tmp = new clsAgent(); clsClient cl = new clsClient(); int refclient_agent = tmp.Searched_Agent_by_RefAgent(refagent).RefClient; int refhouse_client = cl.Searched_Client_by_RefClient(refclient_agent).RefHouse; clsHouse tmphouse = tmp.Searched_by_RefHouse(refhouse_client); return(tmphouse); }
public clsAgentData() { agentData = new Dictionary <string, clsAgent>(); clsAgent agent1 = new clsAgent("ag01", "agent1", "*****@*****.**", "123456789", "password1", "ad01"); clsAgent agent2 = new clsAgent("ag02", "agent2", "*****@*****.**", "9876543210", "password2", "ad02"); clsAgent agent3 = new clsAgent("ag03", "agent3", "agent", "9876543210", "agent", "ad03"); agentData.Add("*****@*****.**", agent1); agentData.Add("*****@*****.**", agent2); agentData.Add("agent", agent3); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Etes vous sur de vouloir supprimer cet administrateur", "Suppression", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.Yes) { clsAgent agent = new clsAgent(); agent.Id = Convert.ToInt32(clsGlobal.tbAgents.Rows[courant]["AgentID"]); clsAdministrator admin = new clsAdministrator(); admin.DeleteAgent(agent); clsDataAdmin.UpdateAgents(); } courant = 0; Row2Txt(); }
public static bool updateAgent(clsAgent newAgentData) { if (Exist(newAgentData.Email)) { int index = getIndexByEmail(newAgentData.Email); tabAgent.Rows[index]["name"] = newAgentData.Name; tabAgent.Rows[index]["email"] = newAgentData.Email; tabAgent.Rows[index]["phone"] = newAgentData.Phone; tabAgent.Rows[index]["password"] = newAgentData.Password; tabAgent.Rows[index]["refAdmin"] = newAgentData.AdminId; return(true); } return(false); }
private void gridAll_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (!txtID.Enabled) { ButtonControl(true, true, false, false, true, false); string selecteduserid = gridAll.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); clsAgent selecteduser = new clsAgent(); selecteduser = selecteduser.Current_User(selecteduserid); txtID.Text = selecteduser.UserID; txtName.Text = selecteduser.Name; txtPhone.Text = selecteduser.PhoneNumber; txtSalesPoint.Text = selecteduser.SalesPoint.ToString(); txtClient.Text = selecteduser.RefClient.ToString(); } }
public static bool AddAgent(clsAgent newAgentData) { if (!Exist(newAgentData.Email)) { DataRow myRow = tabAgent.NewRow(); myRow["name"] = newAgentData.Name; myRow["email"] = newAgentData.Email; myRow["phone"] = newAgentData.Phone; myRow["password"] = newAgentData.Password; myRow["refAdmin"] = newAgentData.AdminId; tabAgent.Rows.Add(myRow); return(true); } return(false); }
static public clsAgent SearchAgent_by_RefAgent(int refagent) { clsAgent temp = new clsAgent(); DataRow[] find = mySet.Tables["Agents"].Select("RefAgent = " + refagent); if (find.Count() != 0) { temp.RefAgent = refagent; temp.Name = find[0]["AgentName"].ToString(); temp.UserID = find[0]["UserID"].ToString(); temp.PhoneNumber = find[0]["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); temp.SalesPoint = (int)find[0]["SalesPoint"]; temp.RefClient = (int)find[0]["RefClient"]; } return(temp); }
static public clsAgent CurrentAgentUser(string userid)// returning current user(agent) { clsAgent temp = new clsAgent(); DataRow[] cagent = mySet.Tables["Agents"].Select("UserID = '" + userid + "'"); if (cagent.Count() != 0) { temp.RefAgent = (int)(cagent[0]["RefAgent"]); temp.Name = cagent[0]["AgentName"].ToString(); temp.UserID = cagent[0]["UserID"].ToString(); temp.PhoneNumber = cagent[0]["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); temp.SalesPoint = (int)(cagent[0]["SalesPoint"]); temp.RefClient = (int)(cagent[0]["RefClient"]); } return(temp); }
private void btnClient_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int refclient = Convert.ToInt32(cboRefClient.Text); clsAgent agent = new clsAgent(); agent = admin.Searched_Agent_with_RefClient(refclient); agent_list = new List <clsAgent>(); agent_list.Add(agent); if (agent.RefAgent != 0) { gridAll.DataSource = agent_list; } else { MessageBox.Show("There is no result for given condition.", "NO RESULT"); } }
static public List <clsAgent> All_Agent() { List <clsAgent> templist = new List <clsAgent>(); clsAgent temp; foreach (DataRow i in mySet.Tables["Agents"].Rows) { temp = new clsAgent(); temp.RefAgent = Convert.ToInt32(i["RefAgent"]); temp.UserID = i["UserID"].ToString(); temp.Name = i["AgentName"].ToString(); temp.PhoneNumber = i["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); temp.SalesPoint = (int)i["SalesPoint"]; temp.RefClient = (int)i["RefClient"]; templist.Add(temp); } return(templist); }
static public bool Add_Agent(clsAgent agent) { bool job_done = false; { DataRow myRow = mySet.Tables["Agents"].NewRow(); myRow["UserID"] = agent.UserID; myRow["AgentName"] = agent.Name; myRow["PhoneNumber"] = agent.PhoneNumber; myRow["SalesPoint"] = agent.SalesPoint; myRow["RefClient"] = agent.RefClient; mySet.Tables["Agents"].Rows.Add(myRow); OleDbCommandBuilder myBuild = new OleDbCommandBuilder(adpAgent); adpAgent.Update(mySet.Tables["Agents"]); job_done = true; } return(job_done); }
static public clsAgent Search_Agent_with_RefClient(int refclient) { clsAgent temp = new clsAgent(); foreach (DataRow i in mySet.Tables["Agents"].Rows) { if (i["RefClient"].ToString() == refclient.ToString()) { temp.RefAgent = (int)i["RefAgent"]; temp.Name = i["AgentName"].ToString(); temp.UserID = i["UserID"].ToString(); temp.PhoneNumber = i["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); temp.SalesPoint = (int)i["SalesPoint"]; temp.RefClient = (int)i["RefClient"]; break; } } return(temp); }
private void frmAdminHouse_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (permission == 2) { current = new clsAgent(); gridAll.DataSource = current.Searched_House_Belong_to_Current_Agent(RefAgent); gridAll.Focus(); } else { admin = new clsAdmin(); gridAll.DataSource = admin.Search_All_Houses(); } gridAll.ReadOnly = true; ButtonControl(true, false, false, false, true, false); string[] access = { "Yes", "No" }; string[] status = { "Sold", "Onsale" }; cboAccess.DataSource = access; cboStatus.DataSource = status; }
static public List <clsAgent> Search_Agents_with_Name(string name) { List <clsAgent> temp_list = new List <clsAgent>(); foreach (DataRow i in mySet.Tables["Agents"].Rows) { if (i["AgentName"].ToString().Contains(name)) { clsAgent temp = new clsAgent(); temp.RefAgent = (int)i["RefAgent"]; temp.Name = i["AgentName"].ToString(); temp.UserID = i["UserID"].ToString(); temp.PhoneNumber = i["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); temp.SalesPoint = (int)i["SalesPoint"]; temp.RefClient = (int)i["RefClient"]; temp_list.Add(temp); } } return(temp_list); }
static public bool Edit_Agent(clsAgent agent) { bool job_done = false; clsAdmin edit = new clsAdmin(); foreach (DataRow i in mySet.Tables["Agents"].Rows) { if ((int)i["RefAgent"] == agent.RefAgent) { i["UserID"] = agent.UserID; i["AgentName"] = agent.Name; i["PhoneNumber"] = agent.PhoneNumber; i["SalesPoint"] = agent.SalesPoint; i["RefClient"] = agent.RefClient; OleDbCommandBuilder myBuild = new OleDbCommandBuilder(adpAgent); adpAgent.Update(mySet.Tables["Agents"]); job_done = true; break; } } return(job_done); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { clsAdmin adminagent = new clsAdmin(); clsAgent temp = new clsAgent(); temp.UserID = txtID.Text.Trim(); temp.Name = txtName.Text.Trim(); temp.PhoneNumber = txtPhone.Text.Trim(); temp.SalesPoint = Convert.ToInt32(txtSalesPoint.Text); temp.RefClient = Convert.ToInt32(txtClient.Text); if (Addmode) { if (adminagent.Add_New_Agent(temp)) { MessageBox.Show("New Agent " + temp.Name + " is successfully added", "New Agent"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Agent " + temp.Name + " is not added.", "Try Again"); } admin.Refresh_Database(); } else { temp.RefAgent = (int)gridAll.Rows[gridAll.CurrentRow.Index].Cells[0].Value; if (adminagent.Edit_Agent(temp)) { MessageBox.Show("Agent " + temp.Name + " is successfully modified", "Agent Modified"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Agent " + temp.Name + " is not edited.", "Try Again"); } } gridAll.DataSource = admin.Search_All_Agents(); ButtonControl(true, true, false, false, true, false); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { clsAdministrator admin = new clsAdministrator(); clsAgent agent = new clsAgent(); agent.Name = txtNom.Text; agent.Email = txtEmail.Text; agent.Phone = txtPhone.Text; agent.Ssn = txtNAS.Text; agent.Password = txtPassword.Text; agent.Hire_date = dateTimeEmbauche.Value; agent.Id = clsGlobal.tbAgents.Rows.Count + 1; clsAgent agent2 = new clsAgent(clsGlobal.tbAgents.Rows.Count + 1, txtNom.Text, txtEmail.Text, txtPhone.Text, dateTimeEmbauche.Value, txtNAS.Text, txtPassword.Text); if (mode == "Ajout") { DataRow myRow = clsGlobal.tbAgents.NewRow(); myRow["AgentID"] = 50; myRow["Nom"] = agent.Name; myRow["Email"] = agent.Email; myRow["Cellulaire"] = agent.Phone; myRow["NAS"] = agent.Ssn; myRow["DateEmbauche"] = agent.Hire_date; myRow["Password"] = agent.Password; clsGlobal.tbAgents.Rows.Add(myRow); //admin.AddAgent(agent2); } else if (mode == "Modifier") { admin.EditAgent(agent); } clsDataAdmin.UpdateAgents(); mode = ""; Row2Txt(); }
private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (permission == 1) { MenuControl(true, true, true, true, true); admin = new clsAdmin(); admin = admin.Current_User(userID); MessageBox.Show("Hello, " + admin.Name); } if (permission == 2) { MenuControl(false, false, true, true, true); agent = new clsAgent(); agent = agent.Current_User(userID); MessageBox.Show("Hello, " + agent.Name); } if (permission == 3) { MenuControl(false, false, false, false, false); user = new clsGeneralUser(); user = user.Current_User(userID); MessageBox.Show("Hello, " + user.Name); } }