コード例 #1
 public Parent() {
     this.c1 = new child1();
     this.c2 = new child2();
     this.c3 = new child3();
     this.c4 = new child4();
     this.c5 = new child5();
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            child1 ch1 = new child1();


            child2 ch2 = new child2();

コード例 #3
        public static void Main(String[] args)
            child1 c1 = new child1();

            c1.contract_salary = 35000;
            c1.perm_salary     = 70000;

            child2 c2 = new child2();

            c2.contract_salary = 35000;
            c2.perm_salary     = 70000;

            ((Base1)c1).totalSalary();//type casting n using the parent class method with child class type--now returns the total salary

コード例 #4
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: fgaletti/TestTypes
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The code provided will print ‘Hello World’ to the console.
            // Press Ctrl+F5 (or go to Debug > Start Without Debugging) to run your app.

            string[] fullnames = { "Anne Williams", "John SOTO", "Juan Perez" };

            IEnumerable <string> queryMany = from full in fullnames
                                             from name2 in full.Split()
                                             select name2;

            IEnumerable <string> queryMany2 = fullnames.SelectMany(nn => nn.Split());

            foreach (var item in queryMany)

            childClass1 child1 = new childClass1();

            child1.fieldProtected = 65;

            child2 child2 = new child2();
            //child2.fieldProtectedInterface = 3232;

            float   typeFloat = 54.97494595f;
            double  typeDouble;
            decimal typeDecimal;

            typeDouble  = typeFloat;
            typeDecimal = (decimal)(typeFloat);
            // typeDecimal = Convert.ToDecimal( typeFloat);

            Console.WriteLine($"Float: {typeFloat}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Double: {typeDouble}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Decimal: {typeDecimal}");
            // Console.WriteLine(typeDouble);

            //double to float
            double typeDouble2 = 77.45962;
            float  typeFloat2;

            // explicit :   double -> float
            typeFloat = (float)(typeDouble2);

            //implicit: -> float to double
            typeDouble2 = typeFloat;

            // Decimal to double
            decimal typeDecimal2;

            typeDecimal2 = (decimal)typeDouble2;

            // all integrap convertedt to all floating points
            int   i = 1;
            float f = i;

            int i2 = (int)f;

            //Double to int
            double varDouble = 45.55;

            // explicit :  double -> int
            int varInt = (int)varDouble;


            // implicit> int -> double
            int intVarD = 48;

            varDouble = intVarD;

            // floating poitn number to integral ANY FRACTION PORTION IS TRUNCATED
            // No rounding is performed
            // ** System.Convert -> method to Round while converting

            int x = int.MaxValue;
            int y = x + 1; // unchecked(x + 1);

            // int xx = int.MaxValue + 1;  // complilte time error

            int a = 1000000;
            int b = 1000000;
            // ommmited int c = checked(a * b); // Checks just the expression.

            // / -16 Bit Integrals
            // The 8 - and 16 - bit integral types are byte, sbyte, short, and ushort.
            // These types LACK their own arithmetic operators,
            // so C# implicitly converts them to larger types as required. This can cause a compile-time error when trying to assign the result back to a small integral

            short xxx = 1, yyy = 1;
            // short z = xxx + yyy; // Compile-time error

            // case, xxx and yyy are implicitly converted to int so that the addition can be performed.
            // To make this compile, we must add an explicit cast:
            short zz = (short)(xxx + yyy); // OK

            //Special float
            Console.WriteLine(double.NegativeInfinity);   // -Infinity

            Console.WriteLine(1.0 / 0.0);                 // Infinity
            Console.WriteLine(-1.0 / 0.0);                // -Infinity
            Console.WriteLine(1.0 / -0.0);                // -Infinity
            Console.WriteLine(-1.0 / -0.0);               // Infinity

            Console.WriteLine(0.0 / 0.0);                 // NaN
            Console.WriteLine((1.0 / 0.0) - (1.0 / 0.0)); // NaN

            Console.WriteLine((1.0 / 0.0) - (-1.0));      // ??

            // When using = =, a NaN value is never equal to another value, even another NaN value:
            Console.WriteLine(0.0 / 0.0 == double.NaN); // False

            Console.WriteLine(double.IsNaN(0.0 / 0.0)); // True

            // When using object.Equals, however, two NaN values are equal:
            Console.WriteLine(object.Equals(0.0 / 0.0, double.NaN)); // True

            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            // Go to http://aka.ms/dotnet-get-started-console to continue learning how to build a console app!

            // get vowels
            string[]             list  = { "ABC", "Francisco" };
            IEnumerable <string> query = from n in list
                                         where n[0] == "F".ToCharArray()[0]
                                         select n;

            //OTHER FORMATS
            decimal value = 123.456m;

            Console.WriteLine("Your account balance is {0:C3}.", value);


            string name = "Rob";
            int    age  = 21;

            Console.WriteLine("Your name is {0} and your age is {1,15:D}", name, age);

            decimal[] amounts = { 16305.32m, 18794.16m };
            Console.WriteLine("   Beginning Balance           Ending Balance");
            Console.WriteLine("   {0,-28:C2}{1,14:C2}", amounts[0], amounts[1]);

            // FORMAT:

            Temperature temp1 = new Temperature(0);

            Console.WriteLine("{0:C} (Celsius) = {0:K} (Kelvin) = {0:F} (Fahrenheit)\n", temp1);

            // Use composite formatting with a format provider.
            temp1 = new Temperature(-40);
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0:C} (Celsius) = {0:K} (Kelvin) = {0:F} (Fahrenheit)", temp1));
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(new CultureInfo("fr-FR"), "{0:C} (Celsius) = {0:K} (Kelvin) = {0:F} (Fahrenheit)\n", temp1));

            // Call ToString method with format string.
            temp1 = new Temperature(32);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} (Celsius) = {1} (Kelvin) = {2} (Fahrenheit)\n",
                              temp1.ToString("C"), temp1.ToString("K"), temp1.ToString("F"));