private void newGame(chessGameMode mode) { _board.initNewChessGame(mode); }
public void initNewChessGame(chessGameMode mode, List<pieceData> setup = null, chessPiece.TeamColor playerColor = chessPiece.TeamColor.NONE, int currentTurn = 0, bool isGameOver = false, int winner = -1) { clear(); _gameMode = mode; _captured = new List<componentPiece>(); //leaving this out here to make the switch simpler. if (_gameMode == chessGameMode.SOLO_SELF_ATTACK || _gameMode == chessGameMode.TWO_PLAYER_SELF_ATTACK) { chessPiece.canAttackOwnUnits = true; } else { chessPiece.canAttackOwnUnits = false; } if (_gameMode == chessGameMode.ASYNCHRONOUS) { moveSelectedPieceToLocation = moveSelectedPieceToLocationAsynchronous; } else { moveSelectedPieceToLocation = moveSelectedPieceToLocationLocal; } //Using a switch because this is a prototype. If it was a final product I would make each game mode derived from a base chessGameMode class // That would be so that any game mode wanted could be created, with inheiritance, and have more long-term flexibility. switch(_gameMode) { case chessGameMode.SOLO_SELF_ATTACK: case chessGameMode.SOLO: _playerColors = new chessPiece.TeamColor[1]; _playerColors[0] = chessPiece.TeamColor.ALL; _playerActive = new bool[1]; _playerActive[0] = true; break; case chessGameMode.TWO_PLAYER_SELF_ATTACK: case chessGameMode.TWO_PLAYER: _playerColors = new chessPiece.TeamColor[2]; _playerColors[0] = chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE; _playerColors[1] = chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK; _playerActive = new bool[2]; _playerActive[0] = true; _playerActive[1] = true; break; case chessGameMode.TWO_AND_A_DIETY: _playerColors = new chessPiece.TeamColor[3]; _playerColors[0] = chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE; _playerColors[1] = chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK; _playerColors[2] = chessPiece.TeamColor.ALL; _playerActive = new bool[3]; _playerActive[0] = true; _playerActive[1] = true; _playerActive[2] = true; break; case chessGameMode.ASYNCHRONOUS: _playerColors = new chessPiece.TeamColor[2]; _playerColors[0] = playerColor; _playerColors[1] = (playerColor == chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE)?(chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK):(chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE); //(playerColor == chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE) ? (chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK) : (chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE); _playerActive = new bool[2]; _playerActive[0] = true; _playerActive[1] = true; break; } _currentTurn = currentTurn; //Instead of creating sub classes for the pieces I am using the type pattern. //Sprites Sprite blackPawnSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Pawn_Black"); Sprite whitePawnSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Pawn_White"); Sprite blackRookSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Rook_Black"); Sprite whiteRookSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Rook_White"); Sprite blackKnightSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Knight_Black"); Sprite whiteKnightSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Knight_White"); Sprite blackBishopSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Bishop_Black"); Sprite whiteBishopSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Bishop_White"); Sprite blackQueenSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Queen_Black"); Sprite whiteQueenSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("Queen_White"); Sprite blackKingSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("King_Black"); Sprite whiteKingSprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>("King_White"); ///////////////////////////// PAWNS /////////////////////////////// chessPieceType pawn = new chessPieceType("Pawn"); pawn.generateMoveList = delegate(controllerBoard board, chessPiece piece, bool attackOwn) { Debug.Log("Creating A New Valid Move List for Piece " +; Vector2 origin = piece.getLocation(); int startY = 1; int forward = 1; if(piece.getTeamColor() == chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK) { startY = 6; forward = -1; } List<Vector2> validMoves = new List<Vector2>(); int tempX, tempY; tempX = (int)origin.x; tempY = (int)origin.y + (1 * forward); if(onBoard(tempX, tempY)) //Regular movement. { List<componentPiece> piecesOnDest = getPiecesAtLocation(tempX, tempY); if (piecesOnDest.Count == 0) { validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); if ((int)origin.y == startY) //You can only move 2 squares if another unit is not directly in front of this one. Also if it is at the origin then there is no need to check if 2 squares forward is off the board. { tempY += (1 * forward); piecesOnDest = getPiecesAtLocation(tempX, tempY); if(piecesOnDest.Count == 0) { validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } tempY -= (1 * forward); //because of the attack from start. } } //This is inside the onboard check because if 1 square foward is off board then a pawn CANNOT attack, because it has to move at least 1 square forward, and the board is square. tempX -= 1; //Check left if(onBoard(tempX, tempY)) { piecesOnDest = getPiecesAtLocation(tempX, tempY); if(piecesOnDest.Count > 0) { chessPiece pieceOnDest = (chessPiece)piecesOnDest[0]; if((pieceOnDest.getTeamColor() != piece.getTeamColor()) || (attackOwn == true)) validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } } tempX += 2; //Switch to check right if (onBoard(tempX, tempY)) { piecesOnDest = getPiecesAtLocation(tempX, tempY); if (piecesOnDest.Count > 0) { chessPiece pieceOnDest = (chessPiece)piecesOnDest[0]; if ((pieceOnDest.getTeamColor() != piece.getTeamColor()) || (attackOwn == true)) validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } } } //DEBUG STUFF //foreach (Vector2 validMove in validMoves) //{ //Debug.Log("Valid Move : (" + (int)validMove.x + "," + (int)validMove.y + ")"); //} return validMoves; }; pawn.canAttack = delegate(int x, int y, controllerBoard board, chessPiece piece) { Vector2 origin = piece.getLocation(); int forward = 1; if (piece.getTeamColor() == chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK) { forward = -1; } int tempX, tempY; tempX = (int)origin.x + 1; tempY = (int)origin.y + (1 * forward); if((tempX == x) & (tempY == y)) return true; tempX -= 2; if((tempX == x) & (tempY == y)) return true; return false; }; /////////////////////// ROOKS ///////////////////////// chessPieceType rook = new chessPieceType("Rook"); rook.generateMoveList = delegate(controllerBoard board, chessPiece piece, bool attackOwn) { Debug.Log("Creating A New Valid Move List for Piece " +; List<Vector2> validMoves = new List<Vector2>(); Vector2 origin = piece.getLocation(); int tempX, tempY, dX, dY, count; count = 0; dX = 1; dY = 0; tempX = (int)origin.x; tempY = (int)origin.y; while(count < 4) //1 for each direction { bool countCompleted = false; tempX += dX; tempY += dY; if (onBoard(tempX, tempY)) { List<componentPiece> piecesOnDest = getPiecesAtLocation(tempX, tempY); if (piecesOnDest.Count == 0) { validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } else { countCompleted = true; chessPiece pieceOnDest = (chessPiece)piecesOnDest[0]; if ((pieceOnDest.getTeamColor() != piece.getTeamColor()) || (attackOwn == true)) { validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } } } else { countCompleted = true; } if(countCompleted) { tempX = (int)origin.x; tempY = (int)origin.y; count++; switch(count) { case 1: dX = 0; dY = 1; break; case 2: dX = -1; dY = 0; break; case 3: dX = 0; dY = -1; break; } } } //DEBUG STUFF foreach (Vector2 validMove in validMoves) { Debug.Log("Valid Move : (" + (int)validMove.x + "," + (int)validMove.y + ")"); } return validMoves; }; /////////////////////// KNIGHTS ///////////////////////// chessPieceType knight = new chessPieceType("Knight"); knight.generateMoveList = delegate(controllerBoard board, chessPiece piece, bool attackOwn) { Debug.Log("Creating A New Valid Move List for Piece " +; List<Vector2> validMoves = new List<Vector2>(); Vector2 origin = piece.getLocation(); int tempX, tempY, dX, dY, count; count = 0; dX = 2; dY = -1; tempX = (int)origin.x; tempY = (int)origin.y; while (count < 8) //1 for each direction { tempX += dX; tempY += dY; if (onBoard(tempX, tempY)) { List<componentPiece> piecesOnDest = getPiecesAtLocation(tempX, tempY); if (piecesOnDest.Count == 0) { validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } else { chessPiece pieceOnDest = (chessPiece)piecesOnDest[0]; if ((pieceOnDest.getTeamColor() != piece.getTeamColor()) || (attackOwn == true)) { validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } } } tempX = (int)origin.x; tempY = (int)origin.y; count++; switch (count) { case 1: dX = 2; dY = 1; break; case 2: dX = 1; dY = 2; break; case 3: dX = -1; dY = 2; break; case 4: dX = -2; dY = 1; break; case 5: dX = -2; dY = -1; break; case 6: dX = -1; dY = -2; break; case 7: dX = 1; dY = -2; break; } } //DEBUG STUFF foreach (Vector2 validMove in validMoves) { Debug.Log("Valid Move : (" + (int)validMove.x + "," + (int)validMove.y + ")"); } return validMoves; }; /////////////////////// BISHOPS ///////////////////////// chessPieceType bishop = new chessPieceType("Bishop"); bishop.generateMoveList = delegate(controllerBoard board, chessPiece piece, bool attackOwn) { Debug.Log("Creating A New Valid Move List for Piece " +; List<Vector2> validMoves = new List<Vector2>(); Vector2 origin = piece.getLocation(); int tempX, tempY, dX, dY, count; count = 0; dX = 1; dY = 1; tempX = (int)origin.x; tempY = (int)origin.y; while (count < 4) //1 for each direction { bool countCompleted = false; tempX += dX; tempY += dY; if (onBoard(tempX, tempY)) { List<componentPiece> piecesOnDest = getPiecesAtLocation(tempX, tempY); if (piecesOnDest.Count == 0) { validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } else { countCompleted = true; chessPiece pieceOnDest = (chessPiece)piecesOnDest[0]; if ((pieceOnDest.getTeamColor() != piece.getTeamColor()) || (attackOwn == true)) { validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } } } else { countCompleted = true; } if (countCompleted) { tempX = (int)origin.x; tempY = (int)origin.y; count++; switch (count) { case 1: dX = -1; dY = 1; break; case 2: dX = -1; dY = -1; break; case 3: dX = 1; dY = -1; break; } } } //DEBUG STUFF foreach (Vector2 validMove in validMoves) { Debug.Log("Valid Move : (" + (int)validMove.x + "," + (int)validMove.y + ")"); } return validMoves; }; /////////////////////// QUEENS ///////////////////////// chessPieceType queen = new chessPieceType("Queen"); queen.generateMoveList = delegate(controllerBoard board, chessPiece piece, bool attackOwn) { Debug.Log("Creating A New Valid Move List for Piece " +; List<Vector2> validMoves = new List<Vector2>(); Vector2 origin = piece.getLocation(); int tempX, tempY, dX, dY, count; count = 0; dX = 1; dY = 0; tempX = (int)origin.x; tempY = (int)origin.y; while (count < 8) //1 for each direction { bool countCompleted = false; tempX += dX; tempY += dY; if (onBoard(tempX, tempY)) { List<componentPiece> piecesOnDest = getPiecesAtLocation(tempX, tempY); if (piecesOnDest.Count == 0) { validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } else { countCompleted = true; chessPiece pieceOnDest = (chessPiece)piecesOnDest[0]; if ((pieceOnDest.getTeamColor() != piece.getTeamColor()) || (attackOwn == true)) { validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } } } else { countCompleted = true; } if (countCompleted) { tempX = (int)origin.x; tempY = (int)origin.y; count++; switch (count) { case 1: dX = 1; dY = 1; break; case 2: dX = 0; dY = 1; break; case 3: dX = -1; dY = 1; break; case 4: dX = -1; dY = 0; break; case 5: dX = -1; dY = -1; break; case 6: dX = 0; dY = -1; break; case 7: dX = 1; dY = -1; break; } } } //DEBUG STUFF foreach (Vector2 validMove in validMoves) { Debug.Log("Valid Move : (" + (int)validMove.x + "," + (int)validMove.y + ")"); } return validMoves; }; /////////////////////// KINGS ///////////////////////// chessPieceType king = new chessPieceType("King"); king.generateMoveList = delegate(controllerBoard board, chessPiece piece, bool attackOwn) { //TODO: before production at least, is to optimize this. or optimize all other move list generation Debug.Log("Creating A New Valid Move List for Piece " +; List<Vector2> validMoves = new List<Vector2>(); Vector2 origin = piece.getLocation(); int tempX, tempY, dX, dY, count; count = 0; dX = 1; dY = 0; tempX = (int)origin.x; tempY = (int)origin.y; while (count < 8) //1 for each direction { tempX += dX; tempY += dY; if (onBoard(tempX, tempY)) { bool isValidMove = true; foreach (componentPiece aPiece in _pieces) { chessPiece cPiece = (chessPiece)aPiece; if (cPiece.getTeamColor() != piece.getTeamColor()) { if (cPiece.getPieceTypeName().Equals("King")) //Special case because kings have to caluclate other unit move positions { Vector2 otherKingLocation = cPiece.getLocation(); if((otherKingLocation.x >= (tempX - 1)) && (otherKingLocation.x <= (tempX + 1)) && (otherKingLocation.y >= (tempY - 1)) && (otherKingLocation.y <= (tempY +1))) { isValidMove = false; break; } } else if (cPiece.canAttack(tempX, tempY, this) == true) { isValidMove = false; break; } } } List<componentPiece> piecesOnDest = getPiecesAtLocation(tempX, tempY); if (piecesOnDest.Count > 0) { chessPiece pieceOnDest = (chessPiece)piecesOnDest[0]; if ((pieceOnDest.getTeamColor() != piece.getTeamColor()) || (attackOwn == true)) { //Extra layer of checks has to be done to make sure if the unit is taken that it won't place yourself in check. //I haven't put in those extra checks yet. } else { isValidMove = false; } } if (isValidMove == true) { validMoves.Add(new Vector2(tempX, tempY)); } } tempX = (int)origin.x; tempY = (int)origin.y; count++; switch (count) { case 1: dX = 1; dY = 1; break; case 2: dX = 0; dY = 1; break; case 3: dX = -1; dY = 1; break; case 4: dX = -1; dY = 0; break; case 5: dX = -1; dY = -1; break; case 6: dX = 0; dY = -1; break; case 7: dX = 1; dY = -1; break; } } //clear the canAttackCache foreach (componentPiece aPiece in _pieces) { chessPiece cPiece = (chessPiece)aPiece; if (cPiece.getTeamColor() != piece.getTeamColor()) { if (!cPiece.getPieceTypeName().Equals("King")) //Special case because kings have to caluclate other unit move positions { cPiece.clearCanAttackCache(); } } } //DEBUG STUFF foreach (Vector2 validMove in validMoves) { Debug.Log("Valid Move : (" + (int)validMove.x + "," + (int)validMove.y + ")"); } return validMoves; }; switch(_gameMode) { case chessGameMode.SOLO: case chessGameMode.SOLO_SELF_ATTACK: case chessGameMode.TWO_PLAYER: case chessGameMode.TWO_PLAYER_SELF_ATTACK: case chessGameMode.TWO_AND_A_DIETY: //Make Pawns for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { createChessPiece("BlackPawn" + x, pawn, blackPawnSprite, x, 6, chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK); createChessPiece("WhitePawn" + x, pawn, whitePawnSprite, x, 1, chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE); } //Make Rooks for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) { createChessPiece("BlackRook" + x, rook, blackRookSprite, (x == 0) ? (0) : (7), 7, chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK); createChessPiece("WhiteRook" + x, rook, whiteRookSprite, (x == 0) ? (0) : (7), 0, chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE); } //Make Knights for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) { createChessPiece("BlackKnight" + x, knight, blackKnightSprite, (x == 0) ? (1) : (6), 7, chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK); createChessPiece("WhiteKnight" + x, knight, whiteKnightSprite, (x == 0) ? (1) : (6), 0, chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE); } //Make Bishops for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) { createChessPiece("BlackBishop" + x, bishop, blackBishopSprite, (x == 0) ? (2) : (5), 7, chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK); createChessPiece("WhiteBishop" + x, bishop, whiteBishopSprite, (x == 0) ? (2) : (5), 0, chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE); } //Make Queens createChessPiece("BlackQueen", queen, blackQueenSprite, 3, 7, chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK); createChessPiece("WhiteQueen", queen, whiteQueenSprite, 3, 0, chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE); //Make Kings createChessPiece("BlackKing", king, blackKingSprite, 4, 7, chessPiece.TeamColor.BLACK); createChessPiece("WhiteKing", king, whiteKingSprite, 4, 0, chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE); break; case chessGameMode.ASYNCHRONOUS: foreach (pieceData pData in setup) { chessPieceType type = null; Sprite sprite = null; switch(pData._type) { case enumChessPieceType.PAWN: type = pawn; sprite = (pData._color == chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE) ? (whitePawnSprite) : (blackPawnSprite); break; case enumChessPieceType.ROOK: type = rook; sprite = (pData._color == chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE) ? (whiteRookSprite) : (blackRookSprite); break; case enumChessPieceType.KNIGHT: type = knight; sprite = (pData._color == chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE) ? (whiteKnightSprite) : (blackKnightSprite); break; case enumChessPieceType.BISHOP: type = bishop; sprite = (pData._color == chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE) ? (whiteBishopSprite) : (blackBishopSprite); break; case enumChessPieceType.QUEEN: type = queen; sprite = (pData._color == chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE) ? (whiteQueenSprite) : (blackQueenSprite); break; case enumChessPieceType.KING: type = king; sprite = (pData._color == chessPiece.TeamColor.WHITE) ? (whiteKingSprite) : (blackKingSprite); break; } if (type != null) { chessPiece cPiece = createChessPiece(pData._name, type, sprite, pData._x, pData._y, pData._color); if (pData._isAlive == false) { removePieceFromList(cPiece); addPieceToCapturedList(cPiece); } } } break; } if(isGameOver == true) { gameOver(winner); } else { //Say the right turn. setupNewGameUI(); } }
public void setupNewGameUI(chessGameMode mode) { setGameMode("" + mode); showVictory(false); }