public chartInfo setFileParameters(bool highQuality) { chartInfo c = new chartInfo(); //Transfer common parameters c.Group = Group; c.SubGroup = SubGroup; c.Name = Name; //Change info params to useable params. ie Dont need SD and HD info just requested info c.FileLocation = StdDefLocation; c.FileRotation = StdDefRotation; if (highQuality == true && HighDefLocation.Length > 0) { c.FileLocation = HighDefLocation; c.FileRotation = HighDefRotation; } //Check for dynamic section in address -- improve this section string[] arrStrSeperator = new string[] { "|||" }; string[] strDynamicLocation = c.FileLocation.Split(arrStrSeperator, StringSplitOptions.None); if (strDynamicLocation.Length > 1) { string[] strDynamicSection = strDynamicLocation[1].Split(':'); if (strDynamicSection[0] == "TIME") { int intTimeStep = Convert.ToInt32(strDynamicSection[2]); int attemptNo = 0; DateTime dtRoundedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; while (!UrlExists(c.FileLocation) && attemptNo < 24) { dtRoundedTime = dtRoundedTime.AddMinutes(-intTimeStep); dtRoundedTime = timeRoundDown(dtRoundedTime, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(intTimeStep)); string strDynamicTime = dtRoundedTime.ToString(strDynamicSection[1]); c.FileLocation = strDynamicLocation[0] + strDynamicTime + strDynamicLocation[2]; attemptNo++; } } } return(c); }
private async void downloadCharts() { //get parameters bool blFileHDSelect = chkHighDef.Checked; string[] strSaveLocations = createSaveDirectories(txtSaveLocation.Text); lblFileDownloading.Text = "Collecting download information..."; List <chartInfo> lstChartInfo = getDownloadAddresses(); //create objects and vars int intTotalFiles = lstChartInfo.Count; PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); int intPdfPageNo = 0; //download files and create PDF chartInfo previousChart = new chartInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < intTotalFiles; i++) { WebClient wc = new WebClient(); //set headers and security wc.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:86.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/86.0"); ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; //wc.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible, MSIE 11, Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"); //set applicable charts chartInfo currentChart = lstChartInfo[i].setFileParameters(blFileHDSelect); //get file type string strFileType = Path.GetExtension(currentChart.FileLocation); string strFileSaveName = strSaveLocations[1] + "\\" + i.ToString(); //show file being downloaded string strFileInfo = currentChart.Name + " - " + currentChart.SubGroup + " - " + currentChart.Group + " "; int intIndexLengthRemove = 30; if (strFileInfo.Length < 31) { intIndexLengthRemove = strFileInfo.Length - 1; } lblFileDownloading.Text = strFileInfo.Remove(intIndexLengthRemove) + "..."; //download, if download fails move to next file try { await wc.DownloadFileTaskAsync(currentChart.FileLocation, strFileSaveName + strFileType); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } //process images to pdf int intPagesAdded = 0; if (strFileType == ".pdf") { //get downloaded pdf and add to output pdf PdfDocument inputDocument = PdfReader.Open(strFileSaveName + strFileType, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import); foreach (PdfPage page in inputDocument.Pages) { page.Rotate = currentChart.FileRotation; doc.AddPage(page); intPagesAdded++; } } else { //turn downloaded image into pdf and add to output pdf PdfPage page = new PdfPage(); XImage img = XImage.FromFile(strFileSaveName + strFileType); page.Width = img.PointWidth; page.Height = img.PointHeight; doc.Pages.Add(page); XGraphics xgr = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(doc.Pages[intPdfPageNo]); xgr.DrawImage(img, 0, 0); doc.Pages[intPdfPageNo].Rotate = currentChart.FileRotation; intPagesAdded++; } //add outline PdfOutline.PdfOutlineCollection outlines = doc.Outlines; //check whether new group level is required and add sub group outline if required if (currentChart.Group != previousChart.Group) { outlines.Add(currentChart.Group, doc.Pages[intPdfPageNo]); } if (currentChart.SubGroup.Length > 0) { //using count -1 gives the outline that was just created outlines = outlines[outlines.Count - 1].Outlines; if (currentChart.SubGroup != previousChart.SubGroup) { outlines.Add(currentChart.SubGroup, doc.Pages[intPdfPageNo]); } } //create and add final level outlines = outlines[outlines.Count - 1].Outlines; outlines.Add(lstChartInfo[i].Name, doc.Pages[intPdfPageNo]); //update page count intPdfPageNo += intPagesAdded; previousChart = currentChart; //give progress int intCompletedPercentage = Convert.ToInt16((((double)i + 1.0) / (double)intTotalFiles) * 100); pgrDownloadPerc.Value = intCompletedPercentage; } //save and close pdf doc.Save(strSaveLocations[2]); doc.Close(); //add clone with common name try { File.Copy(strSaveLocations[2], strSaveLocations[0] + @"\Met Charts.pdf", true); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Could not update the common file, ensure the file is not in use"); } //upload to cloud?? / email?? if (chkEmail.Checked) { try { lblFileDownloading.Text = "Sending email..."; MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient(""); mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); mail.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); mail.Subject = "Met & NOTAMs"; mail.Body = "See weather charts attached"; mail.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(strSaveLocations[2])); SmtpServer.Port = 587; SmtpServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "ginMONKEYS"); SmtpServer.EnableSsl = true; SmtpServer.Send(mail); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } //re-enable download button and complete message lblFileDownloading.Text = "Download complete."; enableControls(true); }
private List <chartInfo> getDownloadAddresses() { List <chartInfo> onlineFileInformation = new List <chartInfo>(); //get info from config file string fileContent = null; switch (cmbArea.Text) { case "Resolute": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_Resolute; break; case "West Pacific": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_WestPac; break; case "Philippines": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_Philippines; break; case "Philippines Transit": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_Philippines_Transit; break; case "East Coast": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_East_Coast; break; case "Hawaii": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_RIMPAC_Ex; break; case "SAXA": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_SAXA; break; case "Oceania": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_Oceania; break; case "Gateway": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_Gateway; break; case "Japan": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_Japan; break; case "Japan South": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_Japan_South; break; case "West Coast": fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_West_Coast; break; default: fileContent = Weather_Collect.Properties.Resources.Config_Resolute; break; } using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(fileContent)) { string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { //add line of chart info string[] values = line.Split(new string[] { "\",\"" }, StringSplitOptions.None); chartInfo c = new chartInfo(values); onlineFileInformation.Add(c); } } return(onlineFileInformation); }