コード例 #1
 public static bool AttachFitsFile(ccdsoftImage tsximg)
     try { tsximg.AttachToActive(); }
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
ファイル: FreshImage.cs プロジェクト: rrskybox/VariScan
        private bool OptimizeExposure(double maxExposure)
            //Subframe size
            const int subFrameSize = 192;
            //Subframe the center in order to get rid of any brighter outliers
            const int    testExposure = 10;
            const double minExposure  = 0.1;

            ccdsoftImage tsxi = new ccdsoftImage();

            tsxi.AttachToActive();  //We should have a CLS image handy
            double xcenter = tsxi.WidthInPixels / 2;
            double ycenter = tsxi.HeightInPixels / 2;
            //Set up 64 pixel square subframe
            int subTop    = (int)ycenter - subFrameSize / 2; //Y is top down
            int subBottom = (int)ycenter + subFrameSize / 2; //Y is top down
            int subRight  = (int)xcenter + subFrameSize / 2;
            int subLeft   = (int)xcenter - subFrameSize / 2;

            Configuration cfg    = new Configuration();
            int           ADUMax = Convert.ToInt32(cfg.ADUMax);

            ccdsoftCamera tsx_cc = new ccdsoftCamera
                AutoSaveOn           = 0, //Autosave Off
                FilterIndexZeroBased = freshImageFilter,
                ExposureTime         = testExposure,
                Subframe             = 1,
                SubframeTop          = subTop,
                SubframeBottom       = subBottom,
                SubframeLeft         = subLeft,
                SubframeRight        = subRight,
                Frame          = ccdsoftImageFrame.cdLight,
                ImageReduction = ccdsoftImageReduction.cdAutoDark,
                Asynchronous   = 0      //Asynchronous off for this short shot

                double maxPixel        = tsx_cc.MaximumPixel;
                double correctExposure = (ADUMax / maxPixel) * tsx_cc.ExposureTime;
                if (correctExposure > maxExposure)
                    correctExposure = maxExposure;
                freshImageExposure = correctExposure;
                if (maxPixel > ADUMax)
                    tsx_cc.ExposureTime = freshImageExposure;
            } while (tsx_cc.MaximumPixel > ADUMax && freshImageExposure > minExposure);
コード例 #3
    /// Windows C# Sample Console Application: ImageAnalysis
    /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ///               Author: R.McAlister (2017)
    /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /// This application demonstrates some of the functionality of the ccdsoftCamera and Image classes
    /// The example takes a 60 second exposure then produces a recommendation window to display computed
    ///   optimal exposure length and duration for a one hour shoot, based on average background noise.
    /// The algorithms are based on work by ...
    ///   John Smith: http://www.hiddenloft.com/notes/SubExposures.pdf
    ///   Charles Anstey: http://www.cloudynights.com/item.php?item_id=1622
    ///   Steve Cannistra: http://www.starrywonders.com/snr.html
    /// Note:  Where the required parameters like "gain" are not supplied through TSX, they are arbitrarily set for
    ///   an SBIG STF8300
    public void ImageAnalysisSample()
        ///Open camera control and connect it to hardware
        ccdsoftCamera tsx_cc = new ccdsoftCamera();

        try {
        catch {
            MessageBox.Show("Camera Connect Error");

        ///turn on autosave
        tsx_cc.AutoSaveOn = 1;
        ///Set for 60 second exposure, light frame with autodark
        tsx_cc.ExposureTime         = 60;
        tsx_cc.Frame                = ccdsoftImageFrame.cdLight;
        tsx_cc.ImageReduction       = ccdsoftImageReduction.cdAutoDark;
        tsx_cc.FilterIndexZeroBased = 3;  ///Assumed Lumescent, but change accordingly
        tsx_cc.Delay                = 5;  ///Possible filter change = 5 sec delay
        tsx_cc.Asynchronous         = 1;  ///Going to do a wait loop
        while (tsx_cc.State == ccdsoftCameraState.cdStateTakePicture)

        ///Create image object
        ccdsoftImage tsx_im = new ccdsoftImage();
        int          imgerr = 0;

        ///Open the active image, if any
        try {
            imgerr = tsx_im.AttachToActive();
        catch {
            MessageBox.Show("No Image Available:  " + imgerr.ToString());

        const int totalexp = 60; ///Minutes for total exposure sequence

        double dGain     = 0.37; ///electrons per ADU for SBIG STF8000M as spec///d
        int    iPedestal = 0;    ///base pedestal
        double dRnoise   = 9.3;  ///read out noise in electrons
        double dNoiseFac = 0.05; ///maximum tolerable contribution of readout noise
        double dExpFac   = 1;    ///Exposure reduction factor
        double dSLambda  = 15;   ///Faint target ADU minimum
        double dSNRMax   = 0.9;  ///fraction of maximum achievable signal to noise ratio (Cannistra)

        ///Presumably an Image Link has already been performed
        ///Check on this is TBD

        int iPX    = tsx_im.FITSKeyword("NAXIS1");
        int iPY    = tsx_im.FITSKeyword("NAXIS2");
        int iPXBin = tsx_im.FITSKeyword("XBINNING");
        int iPYBin = tsx_im.FITSKeyword("YBINNING");
        ///Dim igain as integer = tsx_im.FITSKeyword("EGAIN");         ///TSX doesn///t pick this up, yet
        double dExpTime = tsx_im.FITSKeyword("EXPTIME");

        iPX = iPX - 1;
        iPY = iPY - 1;

        double dAvgABU = tsx_im.averagePixelValue();
        double dEsky   = ((dAvgABU - iPedestal) * dGain) / dExpTime;
        double dTorn   = (System.Math.Pow(dRnoise, 2) / (((System.Math.Pow((1 + dNoiseFac), 2) - 1) * dEsky)));

        ///Smith algorithm
        int iExp1  = (int)(dTorn / 2);
        int iReps1 = (int)((((totalexp * 60) / dTorn) - 1) * 2);
        ///Anstey algorithm
        int iExp2  = (int)((dSLambda * System.Math.Sqrt(totalexp * 60)) / (2 * System.Math.Sqrt(dAvgABU / dExpTime)));
        int iReps2 = (int)((totalexp * 60) / iExp2);
        ///Cannestr algorithm
        int iExp3  = (int)((System.Math.Pow(dSNRMax, 2) * System.Math.Pow(dRnoise, 2)) / ((dEsky) * (1 - System.Math.Pow(dSNRMax, 2))));
        int iReps3 = (int)((totalexp * 60) / iExp3);

        ///Display Results
        MessageBox.Show("Smith Model (at tolerable noise factor = 0.05):" + "\r\n" +
                        "     " + iExp1.ToString() + " second exposure with" + "\r\n" +
                        "     " + iReps1.ToString() + " repetitions per hour." + "\r\n" + "\r\n" +
                        "Anstey Model (at faint target minimum = 15):" + "\r\n" +
                        "     " + iExp2.ToString() + " second exposure with" + "\r\n" +
                        "     " + iReps2.ToString() + " repetitions per hour." + "\r\n" + "\r\n" +
                        "Cannestra Model (at SNR = 90% of maximum):" + "\r\n" +
                        "     " + iExp3.ToString() + " second exposure with" + "\r\n" +
                        "     " + iReps3.ToString() + " repetitions per hour.");
