コード例 #1
        //Creates a standard, more detailed card
        private dynamic standardPatientCardCreator(PatientModel patient)
            cardCreator  creator = new cardCreator();
            AdaptiveCard card    = new AdaptiveCard();

            card.Body.Add(creator.createTitle("Patient Record"));

            //Create two columns; puts an image in the first one, leaves the other empty (image is intended as a user icon)
            AdaptiveColumnSet profileContainer = creator.createPhotoTextColumnSection(
                "https://www.kindpng.com/picc/m/495-4952535_create-digital-profile-icon-blue-user-profile-icon.png", 90);

            //Adds the user's name at the top
            profileContainer.Columns[1].Items.Add(new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = getPatientName(patient),
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Medium,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder

            //Profile Section (gender, DOB, Deceased Date)
            string[] profileHeadings = { "Gender: ", "Date of Birth: ", "Deceased Date: " };
            string[] profile         =
            { patient.Gender, patient.BirthDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
              patient.DeceasedDateTime == DateTimeOffset.MinValue ? "N/A" : patient.DeceasedDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") };

            profileContainer.Columns[1].Items.Add(creator.createDualTextColumnSection(profileHeadings, profile));

            //Personal Information Section
            string[] personal       = { patient.MaritalStatus.Text, separatedLanguageString(patient.Communication, ",") };
            string[] personalFields = { "Marital Status:", "Languages:" };
            card.Body.Add(creator.createSection("Personal Information", personalFields, personal));

            //Medical Section
            string[] medicalFields = { "Medical Practice:", "General Practitioner:" };
            string[] medical       = { patient.gpOrganization ?? "N/A", patient.assignedGP ?? "N/A" };
            card.Body.Add(creator.createSection("Medical Information", medicalFields, medical));

            //Address Section
            string[] address =
                listToDelimitedString(patient.Address[0].Line, ","), patient.Address[0].City,
                patient.Address[0].State,                      patient.Address[0].Country
            card.Body.Add(creator.createSection("Address", address));

            //Contact Section
            string[] contactFields = { patient.Telecom[0].System + ":", "Use:" };
            string[] contacts      = { patient.Telecom[0].Value, patient.Telecom[0].Use };
            card.Body.Add(creator.createSection("Contact Details", contactFields, contacts));

コード例 #2
        private dynamic singleObservationCardCreator(string date, string type, string value, string unit)
            cardCreator  creator = new cardCreator();
            AdaptiveCard card    = new AdaptiveCard();

            DateTime dateFormatted = DateTime.ParseExact(date, "yyyyMMdd", null);

            card.Body.Add(creator.createSection("Observation Taken on " + dateFormatted.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                                                new string[] { type }, new string[] { value + " " + unit }));
コード例 #3
        //Creates a simple patient card result
        private AdaptiveCard simplePatientCardCreator(PatientModel patient)
            cardCreator  creator = new cardCreator();
            AdaptiveCard card    = new AdaptiveCard();

            card.SelectAction = new AdaptiveSubmitAction()
                Id    = "Select Patient",
                Data  = patient.id,
                Title = "Show Patient"


            //Create two columns; puts an image in the first one, leaves the other empty (image is intended as a user icon)
            AdaptiveColumnSet profileContainer = creator.createPhotoTextColumnSection(
                "https://www.kindpng.com/picc/m/495-4952535_create-digital-profile-icon-blue-user-profile-icon.png", 60);

            //Adds the user's name at the top
            profileContainer.Columns[1].Items.Add(new AdaptiveTextBlock()
                Text   = "id: " + patient.id,
                Size   = AdaptiveTextSize.Small,
                Weight = AdaptiveTextWeight.Bolder,
                Wrap   = true

            //Profile Section (gender, DOB, Deceased Date)
            string[] profileHeadings = { "Gender: ", "Date of Birth: ", "Deceased Date: " };
            string[] profile         =
            { patient.Gender, patient.BirthDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
              patient.DeceasedDateTime == DateTimeOffset.MinValue ? "N/A" : patient.DeceasedDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") };

            profileContainer.Columns[1].Items.Add(creator.createDualTextColumnSection(profileHeadings, profile));
