public MailResponse SendLater(Mails mails, DateTime datetime, Boolean oneTimeOnly = true, int triggerAt = 0) { mailerdaemonEntities db = new mailerdaemonEntities(); MailResponse mailResp = new MailResponse(); int mailID = -1; int dayOfMonth = 0; int monthField = 0; Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); string jobID = g.ToString(); var appClient = db.applications.Where(x => x.ApplicationGUID == mails.ApplicationGUID).FirstOrDefault(); using (var transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (appClient == null) { throw new Exception("Application client does not exist!"); } appmail mail = new appmail(); mail.ApplicationID =; mail.Content = mails.Content; mail.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; mail.DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; mail.From = mails.From; mail.Subject = mails.Subject; db.appmails.Add(mail); db.SaveChanges(); if (mails.To != null) { foreach (var z in mails.To) { ValidatorTool.CustomValidator cv = new ValidatorTool.CustomValidator(); if (!cv.IsEmail(z)) { Exception emEx = new Exception("EmailID :" + + Environment.NewLine + "Invalid email address (Recipient): " + z); Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(emEx); throw new Exception("Invalid email address: " + z); } appmailrecipient recipient = new appmailrecipient(); recipient.AppMailID =; recipient.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; recipient.DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; recipient.To = z; db.appmailrecipients.Add(recipient); db.SaveChanges(); } } if (mails.Cc != null) { foreach (var z in mails.Cc) { ValidatorTool.CustomValidator cv = new ValidatorTool.CustomValidator(); if (!cv.IsEmail(z)) { Exception emEx = new Exception("EmailID :" + + Environment.NewLine + "Invalid email address (CC): " + z); Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(emEx); throw new Exception("Invalid email address: " + z); } appmailcc cc = new appmailcc(); cc.AppMailID =; cc.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; cc.DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; cc.To = z; db.appmailccs.Add(cc); db.SaveChanges(); } } if (mails.Bcc != null) { foreach (var z in mails.Bcc) { ValidatorTool.CustomValidator cv = new ValidatorTool.CustomValidator(); if (!cv.IsEmail(z)) { Exception emEx = new Exception("EmailID :" + + Environment.NewLine + "Invalid email address (BCC): " + z); Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(emEx); throw new Exception("Invalid email address: " + z); } appmailbcc bcc = new appmailbcc(); bcc.AppMailID =; bcc.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; bcc.DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; bcc.To = z; db.appmailbccs.Add(bcc); db.SaveChanges(); } } string jobUniqueID = appClient.Description + "-" + jobID; mailResp.Result = "OK"; mailResp.MessageID =; mailResp.MailGUID = ""; mailResp.ErrorMessage = ""; mailResp.JobID = jobUniqueID; mailID =; appmailjob mailjob = new appmailjob(); mailjob.ApplicationID =; mailjob.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; mailjob.DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; mailjob.Duration = 0; mailjob.JobID = jobUniqueID; mailjob.MailID =; mailjob.Status = (int)JobStatus.NEW; db.appmailjobs.Add(mailjob); db.SaveChanges(); for (int y = 1; y <= triggerAt; y++) { appmailjob mailjobRecurring = new appmailjob(); mailjobRecurring.ApplicationID =; mailjobRecurring.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; mailjobRecurring.DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; mailjobRecurring.Duration = 0; mailjobRecurring.JobID = jobUniqueID + "-" + y.ToString(); mailjobRecurring.MailID =; mailjobRecurring.Status = (int)JobStatus.NEW; db.appmailjobs.Add(mailjobRecurring); db.SaveChanges(); } transaction.Commit(); dayOfMonth = datetime.Day; monthField = datetime.Month; RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(jobUniqueID, () => SendScheduledMail(mailID, appClient.Description + "-" + jobID, oneTimeOnly), String.Format("0 8 {0} {1} *", dayOfMonth, monthField), TimeZoneInfo.Local); for (int y = 1; y <= triggerAt; y++) { RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(jobUniqueID + "-" + y.ToString(), () => SendScheduledMail(mailID, appClient.Description + "-" + jobID, oneTimeOnly), String.Format("0 8 {0} {1} *", dayOfMonth - y, monthField), TimeZoneInfo.Local); } } catch (Exception ex1) { transaction.Rollback(); mailResp.Result = "ERROR"; mailResp.MessageID = -1; mailResp.ErrorMessage = ex1.GetBaseException().Message; // throw new Exception(ex1.Message); } finally { db.Database.Connection.Close(); } } return(mailResp); }
public MailResponse SendMail(Mails mails) { mailerdaemonEntities db = new mailerdaemonEntities(); using (var transaction = db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { try { var appClient = db.applications.Where(x => x.ApplicationGUID == mails.ApplicationGUID).FirstOrDefault(); appmail mail = new appmail(); mail.ApplicationID =; mail.Content = mails.Content; mail.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; mail.DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; mail.From = mails.From; mail.Subject = mails.Subject; db.appmails.Add(mail); db.SaveChanges(); if (mails.To != null) { foreach (var z in mails.To) { ValidatorTool.CustomValidator cv = new ValidatorTool.CustomValidator(); if (!cv.IsEmail(z)) { Exception emEx = new Exception("EmailID :" + + Environment.NewLine + "Invalid email address (Recipient): " + z); Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(emEx); throw new Exception("Invalid email address: " + z); } appmailrecipient recipient = new appmailrecipient(); recipient.AppMailID =; recipient.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; recipient.DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; recipient.To = z; db.appmailrecipients.Add(recipient); db.SaveChanges(); } } if (mails.Cc != null) { foreach (var z in mails.Cc) { ValidatorTool.CustomValidator cv = new ValidatorTool.CustomValidator(); if (!cv.IsEmail(z)) { Exception emEx = new Exception("EmailID :" + + Environment.NewLine + "Invalid email address (CC): " + z); Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(emEx); throw new Exception("Invalid email address: " + z); } appmailcc cc = new appmailcc(); cc.AppMailID =; cc.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; cc.DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; cc.To = z; db.appmailccs.Add(cc); db.SaveChanges(); } } if (mails.Bcc != null) { foreach (var z in mails.Bcc) { ValidatorTool.CustomValidator cv = new ValidatorTool.CustomValidator(); if (!cv.IsEmail(z)) { Exception emEx = new Exception("EmailID :" + + Environment.NewLine + "Invalid email address (BCC): " + z); Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(emEx); throw new Exception("Invalid email address: " + z); } appmailbcc bcc = new appmailbcc(); bcc.AppMailID =; bcc.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; bcc.DateLastUpdated = DateTime.Now; bcc.To = z; db.appmailbccs.Add(bcc); db.SaveChanges(); } } List <Mails> m = new List <Mails>(); m.Add(mails); ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1); service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(appClient.MailUsername, appClient.MailPassword, appClient.MailDomain); // service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(appagent.username, appagent.password); service.Url = new Uri(appClient.MailServiceUrl); Collection <EmailMessage> messageItems = new Collection <EmailMessage>(); foreach (Mails mm in m) { EmailMessage newmessage = new EmailMessage(service); newmessage.Body = mm.Content; newmessage.Subject = mm.Subject; newmessage.Body.BodyType = BodyType.HTML; newmessage.Importance = Importance.High; /// ADD MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS /// if (mm.To != null) { foreach (string r in mm.To) { newmessage.ToRecipients.Add(r); } } /// ADD CC RECIPIENTS /// if (mm.Cc != null) { foreach (string c in mm.Cc) { newmessage.CcRecipients.Add(c); } } /// ADD BCC RECIPIENTS /// if (mm.Bcc != null) { foreach (string b in mm.Bcc) { newmessage.BccRecipients.Add(b); } } /// ADD MULTIPLE ATTACHMENTS /// if (mm.Attachments != null) { foreach (MailAttachment amt in mm.Attachments) { newmessage.Attachments.AddFileAttachment(amt.Filename, amt.Data); } } // Create a custom extended property and add it to the message. Guid myPropertySetId = new Guid("{20B5C09F-7CAD-44c6-BDBF-8FCBEEA08544}"); Guid g; g = Guid.NewGuid(); ExtendedPropertyDefinition myExtendedPropertyDefinition = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(myPropertySetId, "UUID", MapiPropertyType.String); newmessage.SetExtendedProperty(myExtendedPropertyDefinition, g.ToString()); newmessage.IsDeliveryReceiptRequested = true; newmessage.IsReadReceiptRequested = true; mail.UID = g.ToString(); mail.isSent = 1; db.SaveChanges(); messageItems.Add(newmessage); } ServiceResponseCollection <ServiceResponse> response = service.CreateItems(messageItems, WellKnownFolderName.SentItems, MessageDisposition.SendAndSaveCopy, null); transaction.Commit(); MailResponse mailResp = new MailResponse(); mailResp.Result = "OK"; mailResp.MessageID =; mailResp.MailGUID = mail.UID; mailResp.ErrorMessage = ""; return(mailResp); } catch (Exception ex1) { transaction.Rollback(); MailResponse mailResp = new MailResponse(); mailResp.Result = "ERROR"; mailResp.MessageID = -1; mailResp.ErrorMessage = ex1.GetBaseException().Message; return(mailResp); // throw new Exception(ex1.Message); } finally { db.Database.Connection.Close(); } } }