public virtual void onGetSuggestions(android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo[] results ) { android.text.Editable editable = (android.text.Editable)mTextView.getText(); { for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) { android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo suggestionsInfo = results[i]; if (suggestionsInfo.getCookie() != mCookie) { continue; } int sequenceNumber = suggestionsInfo.getSequence(); { for (int j = 0; j < mLength; j++) { if (sequenceNumber == mIds[j]) { int attributes = suggestionsInfo.getSuggestionsAttributes(); bool isInDictionary = ((attributes & android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo.RESULT_ATTR_IN_THE_DICTIONARY ) > 0); bool looksLikeTypo = ((attributes & android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo.RESULT_ATTR_LOOKS_LIKE_TYPO ) > 0); spellCheckSpan = mSpellCheckSpans[j]; if (!isInDictionary && looksLikeTypo) { createMisspelledSuggestionSpan(editable, suggestionsInfo, spellCheckSpan); } editable.removeSpan(spellCheckSpan); break; } } } } } int length = mSpellParsers.Length; { for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < length; i_1++) { android.widget.SpellChecker.SpellParser spellParser = mSpellParsers[i_1]; if (!spellParser.isDone()) { spellParser.parse(); } } } }
private void createMisspelledSuggestionSpan(android.text.Editable editable, android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo suggestionsInfo, spellCheckSpan) { int start = editable.getSpanStart(spellCheckSpan); int end = editable.getSpanEnd(spellCheckSpan); // Other suggestion spans may exist on that region, with identical suggestions, filter // them out to avoid duplicates. First, filter suggestion spans on that exact region.[] suggestionSpans = editable.getSpans < >(start, end); int length = suggestionSpans.Length; { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int spanStart = editable.getSpanStart(suggestionSpans[i]); int spanEnd = editable.getSpanEnd(suggestionSpans[i]); if (spanStart != start || spanEnd != end) { suggestionSpans[i] = null; break; } } } int suggestionsCount = suggestionsInfo.getSuggestionsCount(); string[] suggestions; if (suggestionsCount <= 0) { // A negative suggestion count is possible suggestions = new string[0]; } else { int numberOfSuggestions = 0; suggestions = new string[suggestionsCount]; { for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < suggestionsCount; i_1++) { string spellSuggestion = suggestionsInfo.getSuggestionAt(i_1); if (spellSuggestion == null) { break; } bool suggestionFound = false; { for (int j = 0; j < length && !suggestionFound; j++) { if (suggestionSpans[j] == null) { break; } string[] suggests = suggestionSpans[j].getSuggestions(); { for (int k = 0; k < suggests.Length; k++) { if (spellSuggestion.Equals(suggests[k])) { // The suggestion is already provided by an other SuggestionSpan suggestionFound = true; break; } } } } } if (!suggestionFound) { suggestions[numberOfSuggestions++] = spellSuggestion; } } } if (numberOfSuggestions != suggestionsCount) { string[] newSuggestions = new string[numberOfSuggestions]; System.Array.Copy(suggestions, 0, newSuggestions, 0, numberOfSuggestions); suggestions = newSuggestions; } } suggestionSpan = new (mTextView.getContext(), suggestions, |; editable.setSpan(suggestionSpan, start, end, android.text.SpannedClass.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ); // TODO limit to the word rectangle region mTextView.invalidate(); }