コード例 #1
ファイル: ai_flock.cs プロジェクト: seanggarland/Flocking
    // Returns a separation Vector based upon the distance between the current agent and each agent in the flock,
    // and the current strength of Separation.
    Vector3 CalculateSeparationAcceleration(ai_flock_agent _agent)
        Vector3 _sum = Vector3.zero;

        for (int i = 0; i < Agents.Count; i++)
            // if we are not looking at ourself:
            if (Agents[i] != _agent && Agents[i])
                Vector3 _toAgent      = _agent.transform.position - Agents[i].transform.position;
                float   _distance     = _toAgent.magnitude;
                float   _safeDistance = _agent.safeRadius + Agents[i].safeRadius;

                // If we're too close to this agent,
                // we need to modify the outgoing vector by a ratio based upon our desired distances.
                if (_distance < _safeDistance)
                    _toAgent  = _toAgent.normalized;
                    _toAgent *= ((_safeDistance - _distance) / _safeDistance);
                    _sum     += _toAgent;

        if (_sum.magnitude > 1.0f)
            _sum = _sum.normalized;

        return(_sum * SeparationStrength);
コード例 #2
ファイル: ai_flock.cs プロジェクト: seanggarland/Flocking
    // Returns an acceleration Vector based upon the average forward of the flock,
    // the current strength of Allignment, and the max speed of the agent.
    Vector3 CalculateAlignmentAcceleration(ai_flock_agent _agent)
        Vector3 _forward = AverageForward;

        _forward /= _agent.maxSpeed;
        if (_forward.magnitude > 1)
            _forward = _forward.normalized;

        return(_forward * AlignmentStrength);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ai_flock.cs プロジェクト: seanggarland/Flocking
    // Returns a target direction Vector based upon the desired cohesion point of the flock,
    // and the strength of Cohesion.
    //      *In flocking, the CohesionPoint is usually the "AveragePosition" of the flock.
    //          However, in this example, we use the "Mother Ship" as our cohesion point.*
    Vector3 CalculateCohesionAcceleration(ai_flock_agent _agent, Vector3 CohesionPoint)
        Vector3 _toTarget = CohesionPoint - _agent.transform.position;
        float   _distance = _toTarget.magnitude;

        _toTarget = _toTarget.normalized;

        if (_distance < flockRadius)
            _toTarget *= (_distance / flockRadius);

        return(_toTarget * CohesionStrength);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ai_flock.cs プロジェクト: seanggarland/Flocking
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Agents.Count > 0)
            // Calculates averages for the position and forward vector of the Flock.

            // Each agent's rigidbody needs to be given the updated average information.
            for (int i = 0; i < Agents.Count; i++)
                ai_flock_agent _agent = Agents[i];
                // Paranoia check to remove any unwanted null references.
                if (!_agent)

                // Acceleration for each agent is calculated based upon 3 values:
                // Alignment, Cohesion, and Separation.
                // These are calculated using the averages found above.
                Vector3 _acceleration = CalculateAlignmentAcceleration(_agent);
                _acceleration += CalculateCohesionAcceleration(_agent, TargetPosition);
                _acceleration += CalculateSeparationAcceleration(_agent);

                float _accelerationMultiplier = _agent.maxSpeed;

                _acceleration *= _accelerationMultiplier * Time.deltaTime;

                // Update the velocity of the agent, and lerp their forward towards the "target" (Gives an organic feel to the flying agent).
                _agent._rigidbody.velocity += _acceleration;

                Vector3 _forward = _agent.transform.forward;
                _forward = Vector3.Lerp(_forward, (TargetPosition - _agent.transform.position).normalized, 5 * Time.deltaTime);
                _agent.transform.forward = _forward;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ai_flock.cs プロジェクト: seanggarland/Flocking
    // Add a new set of agents to the flock based on "flockSize."
    public void AddToFlock()
        for (int i = 0; i < flockSize; i++)
            GameObject _agent = (GameObject)Instantiate(AgentToInstantiate, transform.position, transform.rotation);
            ai_flock_agent _ai = _agent.GetComponent <ai_flock_agent>();
            _ai.maxSpeed              = maxSpeed;
            _ai.safeRadius            = safeRadius;
            _agent.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(-flockRadius, flockRadius), Random.Range(-flockRadius, flockRadius), Random.Range(-flockRadius, flockRadius));
            if (!InitVelocityZero)
                _ai.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = new Vector3(Random.Range(-maxSpeed, maxSpeed), Random.Range(-maxSpeed, maxSpeed), Random.Range(-maxSpeed, maxSpeed));
                _ai.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = Vector3.zero;
