コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Function to lookup String data - used for string utility functions only
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataName">Field Specification String</param>
        /// <param name="operation">Function Type Constants</param>
        /// <param name="details">Object containing search/lookup values. Becomes populated with results</param>
        /// <returns>The function returns a long which is the result code. This will be &gt;= 0 if the function is successful, or &lt; 0 in the case of an error</returns>
        public long AFDData(string dataName, long operation, ref afdStringData details)
            StringBuilder passDetails = new StringBuilder();
            long          retVal;

            // Compose the DLL string from the supplied structure
            passDetails.Append(details.Lookup.PadRight(255, ' '));
            passDetails.Append(details.Outcode.PadRight(4, ' '));
            passDetails.Append(details.Incode.PadRight(3, ' '));
            passDetails.Append(details.Search.PadRight(255, ' '));
            passDetails.Append(details.Replace.PadRight(255, ' '));

            // Call the DLL function
            string returnDetails = CallDllFunction(dataName, operation, passDetails, out retVal);

            // Retrieve the data structure from the string returned by the DLL

            details.Lookup  = returnDetails.Substring(0, 255).Trim();
            details.Outcode = returnDetails.Substring(255, 4).Trim();
            details.Incode  = returnDetails.Substring(259, 3).Trim();
            details.Search  = returnDetails.Substring(262, 255).Trim();
            details.Replace = returnDetails.Substring(517, 255).Trim();

            // Return with the function return value
コード例 #2
 /// Procedure to clear AFDStringData Structure
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="details">AFDData to be cleared</param>
 public void ClearAFDStringData(ref afdStringData details)
     details.Lookup  = string.Empty;
     details.Outcode = string.Empty;
     details.Incode  = string.Empty;
     details.Search  = string.Empty;
     details.Replace = string.Empty;