private void saveprivate() { ado_data_access p_ado = new ado_data_access(); string strMDB = ((frmMain)this.ParentForm.ParentForm).frmProject.uc_project1.txtPersonal.Text.Trim() + "\\personal_project_links_and_notes.mdb"; string strConn = p_ado.getMDBConnString(strMDB, "admin", ""); //string strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + strMDB + ";User Id=admin;Password=;"; string strSQL = ""; p_ado.OpenConnection(strConn); if (p_ado.m_intError == 0) { try { string strNotes = this.txtNotesPersonal.Text; strNotes = p_ado.FixString(strNotes, "'", "''"); if ((int)p_ado.getRecordCount(p_ado.m_OleDbConnection, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NOTES", "NOTES") > 0) { strSQL = "UPDATE NOTES SET NOTES = '" + strNotes + "'"; p_ado.SqlNonQuery(p_ado.m_OleDbConnection, strSQL); } else { strSQL = "INSERT INTO NOTES (NOTES) VALUES ('" + strNotes + "')"; p_ado.SqlNonQuery(p_ado.m_OleDbConnection, strSQL); } } catch { } } p_ado = null; }
private void mnuEditBrowse_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //instantiate the datasource class //FIA_Biosum_Manager.Datasource p_datasource = new Datasource(((frmDialog)this.ParentForm).m_frmMain.frmProject.uc_project1.txtRootDirectory.Text.Trim()); FIA_Biosum_Manager.Datasource p_datasource = new Datasource(); p_datasource.LoadTableColumnNamesAndDataTypes = false; p_datasource.LoadTableRecordCount = false; p_datasource.m_strDataSourceMDBFile = frmMain.g_oFrmMain.frmProject.uc_project1.txtRootDirectory.Text.Trim() + "\\db\\project.mdb"; p_datasource.m_strDataSourceTableName = "datasource"; p_datasource.m_strScenarioId = ""; p_datasource.populate_datasource_array(); int intPlot = p_datasource.getTableNameRow("PLOT"); //see if datasource found the PLOT table type if (intPlot >= 0) { string strFile = p_datasource.m_strDataSource[intPlot, PATH].Trim() + "\\" + p_datasource.m_strDataSource[intPlot, MDBFILE].Trim(); ado_data_access oAdo = new ado_data_access(); string strConn = oAdo.getMDBConnString(strFile, "", ""); oAdo.OpenConnection(strConn); if (oAdo.m_intError == 0) { //see if the MDB file is found and the plot table is found if (p_datasource.m_strDataSource[intPlot, FILESTATUS].Trim() == "F" && p_datasource.m_strDataSource[intPlot, TABLESTATUS].Trim() == "F") { //see if there are records in the plot table if (Convert.ToInt32(oAdo.getRecordCount(oAdo.m_OleDbConnection, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + p_datasource.m_strDataSource[intPlot, TABLE].Trim(), "temp")) > 0) { //string strConn=""; oAdo.CloseConnection(oAdo.m_OleDbConnection); FIA_Biosum_Manager.frmGridView frmGV = new frmGridView(); frmGV.strProjectDirectory = frmMain.g_oFrmMain.frmProject.uc_project1.txtRootDirectory.Text.Trim(); //frmGV.MdiParent = (frmMain)this.ParentForm.ParentForm; frmGV.Text = "Database: Browse And Delete Plot Records"; frmGV.LoadDataSetToDeleteOnly(strConn, "select * from " + p_datasource.m_strDataSource[intPlot, TABLE].Trim() + ";", p_datasource.m_strDataSource[intPlot, TABLE].Trim()); frmMain.g_oFrmMain.Enabled = false; frmGV.MinimizeMainForm = true; frmGV.Show(); //frmGV.Show(); //frmGV.Focus(); } else { oAdo.CloseConnection(oAdo.m_OleDbConnection); MessageBox.Show("!!No Records In The PLOT table!!", "BROWSE AND DELETE PLOT RECORDS", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } else { oAdo.CloseConnection(oAdo.m_OleDbConnection); MessageBox.Show("!!Could not find either the MDB File named \n" + p_datasource.m_strDataSource[intPlot, MDBFILE] + "\n" + " or the plot table named \n" + p_datasource.m_strDataSource[intPlot, TABLE].Trim() + "!!", "BROWSE AND DELETE PLOT RECORDS", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("!!Could not find the table type PLOT in the datasource table!!", "BROWSE AND DELETE PLOT RECORDS", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
//Get the Select files and check to see how many records are in the selected Verified files, TODO: otherwise? //Check for null when calling private Hashtable DbRecsCountVerify(ArrayList aryOfExistingFvsRxMdbFiles) { Hashtable htTmp = null; string strSql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FVS_TREELIST"; if (aryOfExistingFvsRxMdbFiles.Count < 1) { return(htTmp); } else { htTmp = new Hashtable(); ado_data_access adoD = new ado_data_access(); for (short x = 0; x < aryOfExistingFvsRxMdbFiles.Count; x++) { htTmp.Add(aryOfExistingFvsRxMdbFiles[x].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(adoD.getRecordCount(string.Format(this.strDbConx, string.Format(this.strPathFvsDbFile, aryOfExistingFvsRxMdbFiles[x].ToString())), strSql, "FVS_TREELIST"))); } } return(htTmp); }