public ActionResult Create(List <PurchaseReportVM> prakashanreport, FormCollection col) { DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(col["EnglishDate"]); string Nepdate = col["NepaliDate"].ToString(); var report = db.prakashanreports.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Date == date); if (report == null) { PurchaseReportVM purchasevm = new PurchaseReportVM(); foreach (var item in prakashanreport) { Prakashanreport objreport = new Prakashanreport(); objreport.NepaliDate = Nepdate; objreport.Date = date; objreport.GroupId = Convert.ToInt32(item.GroupId); objreport.PrakashanGroup = db.prakashanGroups.Find(objreport.GroupId); objreport.gp_Total = item.gp_Total; objreport.rn_Total = item.rn_Total; objreport.Remarks = item.Remarks; db.prakashanreports.Add(objreport); db.SaveChanges(); } TempData["message"] = "Production record inserted sucessfully"; log.AddActivity("Production report Successfully Inserted"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { TempData["message"] = " Production Record for this date is already stored please edit this record here"; return(RedirectToAction("EditByDate")); } }
public ActionResult ChangeSaleman(assignNewspaperVM serviceAssign) { if (db.ServiceAssign.Any(m => m.CustomerId == serviceAssign.CustomerId)) { foreach (var item in serviceAssign.NewspaperIds) { ServiceAssign objService = db.ServiceAssign.FirstOrDefault(m => m.CustomerId == serviceAssign.CustomerId && m.NewspaperId == item); objService.SalesManId = serviceAssign.SalesManId; log.AddActivity("Service assign to customer successfully"); db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Newspaper Already Assigned."); serviceAssign.Newspapers = new SelectList(db.Service, "Id", "NewsPaperName"); serviceAssign.Salesmans = new SelectList(db.SalesMan, "Id", "FullName"); return(View(serviceAssign)); } }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,RouteId,RouteName")] Route route) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Routes.Add(route); db.SaveChanges(); log.AddActivity("Route created Successfully"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(route)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,GroupId,GroupName")] PrakashanGroup prakashanGroup) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.prakashanGroups.Add(prakashanGroup); db.SaveChanges(); TempData["message"] = "Prakahan Group created sucessfully"; log.AddActivity("Group Name Created Successfuly"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(prakashanGroup)); }
public ActionResult EditEndedDate(DateTime PaperDispatchDate, DateTime EndedDate, bool payment, int Quantity, int id, DateTime PaymentDate) { ServiceAssign objserviceAssign = db.ServiceAssign.Find(id); objserviceAssign.PaperDispatchDate = PaperDispatchDate; objserviceAssign.EndedDate = EndedDate; objserviceAssign.UpdatedDate = PaymentDate; objserviceAssign.Quantity = Quantity; objserviceAssign.PaymentType = payment; db.SaveChanges(); TempData["message"] = "EndedDate Edited Sucessfully"; log.AddActivity("EndedDate is changed"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Counter")); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "Id,AgentName,Pan,GP_Quantity,RN_Quantity,MUNA_Quantity,Madhu_Quantity,Yuwa_Quantity,Address,Time,RouteName,Transport,State,District,Phone,Email,URL,RouteId")] GroupName groupName) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { groupName.Route = db.Routes.Find(groupName.RouteId); db.groupNames.Add(groupName); db.SaveChanges(); TempData["message"] = "Agent created successfully"; log.AddActivity("Agent Names Created Successfully"); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.RouteId = new SelectList(db.Routes, "Id", "RouteName", groupName.RouteId); return(View(groupName)); }
public ActionResult Create(Customer customer) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ViewBag.SalesManId = new SelectList(db.SalesMan, "Id", "FullName"); ViewBag.ServiceId = new SelectList(db.Service, "Id", "NewsPaperName"); ViewBag.BranchId = new SelectList(db.Branch, "BranchId", "BranchName"); ViewBag.OfficerId = new SelectList(db.Officers.Where(m => m.Status && m.OfficerType == "निशुल्क प्रदान गर्ने"), "Id", "Name"); return(View(customer)); } else { customer.RegisterDate = DateTime.Now; customer.RegisteredBy = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); db.Customer.Add(customer); db.SaveChanges(); try { log.AddActivity("Customer Created Successfully"); return(RedirectToAction("index")); } catch { return(View()); } } }
public JsonResult changeStatus(string fyId) { try { if (db.FiscalYear.Any(m => m.Status == true)) { var activeFiscalYear = db.FiscalYear.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Status == true); activeFiscalYear.Status = false; } int id = Convert.ToInt32(fyId); var objFisYear = db.FiscalYear.Find(id); objFisYear.Status = true; db.SaveChanges(); log.AddActivity("Fiscal Year changed sucessfully"); return(Json(true)); } catch { return(Json(false)); } }
public ActionResult CountSalesManReport(FormCollection col) { List <SelectSalesManVM> SelectSalesManVM = new List <SelectSalesManVM>(); string NepaliDate = col["NepDate"].ToString(); int salesManId = Convert.ToInt32(col["SalesManId"]); DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(col["PaperDispatchDate"]); NewspaperEntities db = new NewspaperEntities(); var salesManList = db.SalesMan.ToList(); foreach (var item in salesManList) { var customer = db.ServiceAssign.Where(m => m.EndedDate > date && m.SalesManId == item.Id && m.PaperDispatchDate < date).GroupBy(n => n.NewspaperId) .Select(g => new { ServiceId = g.Key, Count = g.Sum(m => m.Quantity), newspaperId = g.FirstOrDefault().NewspaperId }).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < customer.ToList().Count; i++) { int newsId = Int32.Parse(customer[i].newspaperId.ToString()); string newspapername = db.Service.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == newsId).NewsPaperName; SelectSalesManVM.Add(new SelectSalesManVM { SalesManId = item.Id, NepDate = NepaliDate, SalesManName = item.FullName, ReportDate = DateTime.Now, NewsPaperName = newspapername, Count = customer[i].Count, branch = "All Branches" }); } } if (SelectSalesManVM.Count == 0) { TempData["message"] = "No record found."; return(RedirectToAction("SelectSalesMan")); } try { string Operation = "Daywise count Report is printed"; db.ActivityLog.Add(new ActivityLog { Operation = Operation, CreatedBy = Session["userName"].ToString(), CreatedDate = DateTime.Now }); } catch { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Daywise count Report failed to print"; } log.AddActivity("Gatepass report printed successfully"); return(View(SelectSalesManVM)); }
public ActionResult ExpiredReport() { var Newspaper = (from p in db.ServiceAssign from c in db.Customer from s in db.SalesMan from e in db.Service where p.CustomerId == c.Id && p.SalesManId == s.Id && p.NewspaperId == e.Id && p.EndedDate <= DateTime.Now select new { serviceAssign = p, customer = c, salesman = s, newspaper = e }).ToList(); List <CounterVM> listCounter = new List <CounterVM>(); for (int i = 0; i < Newspaper.ToList().Count; i++) { CounterVM objcounter = new CounterVM(); objcounter.ServiceAssign = Newspaper[i].serviceAssign; objcounter.Customer = Newspaper[i].customer; objcounter.NewsPaper = Newspaper[i].newspaper; objcounter.SalesMan = Newspaper[i].salesman; objcounter.enddate = ADTOBS.EngToNep(Newspaper[i].serviceAssign.EndedDate).ToString(); listCounter.Add(objcounter); // AddedCustomerVM.Add(new AddedCustomerVM { NewsPaperName = Newspaper[i].NewspaperName, NepaliDate = AddedDate, SalesMan = Newspaper[i].SalesMan/*, NewsPaperName =Newspaper[i].NewspaperName*/, ReportDate = Newspaper[i].date, FirstName = Newspaper[i].FirstName, Address = Newspaper[i].Address, MPhone = Newspaper[i].MPhone, PaperDispatchDate = Newspaper[i].PaperDispatchDate, EndedDate = Newspaper[i].EndedDate, CustomerId = Newspaper[i].CustomerId.ToString(), branch = "All Branches" }); } // var Count = db.ServiceAssign.Where(t => t.EndedDate <= DateTime.Now).ToList(); if (Newspaper.Count == 0) { TempData["message"] = "No one is expired"; return(RedirectToAction("Report", "DayWiseCount")); } log.AddActivity("Expired Customers reported printed successfully"); return(View(listCounter)); }
public ActionResult backup(string directory) { string backupDIR = ""; string drive = ""; backupDIR = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Path"].ToString(); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(backupDIR)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(backupDIR); } try { var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Newspaper"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection conx = new SqlConnection(connectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conx; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; conx.Open(); cmd = new SqlCommand("backup database Newspaper to disk='" + backupDIR + "\\" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + ".Bak'", conx); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conx.Close(); ViewBag.Message = "Backup Database file created successfully in 'Backup_Database_Newspaper' folder in " + drive + " drive."; log.AddActivity("Data backup succesfully"); //if (SendMail()) //{ // ViewBag.Message = "Backup database successfully"; //} //else //{ // ViewBag.Message = "Backup database successfully but backup file not send to mail."; //} } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Error Occured During DB backup process !<br>" + ex.ToString(); // lblError.Text = "Error Occured During DB backup process !<br>" + ex.ToString(); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Create(Officer officer) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ViewBag.OfficerType = new List <SelectListItem> { new SelectListItem { Text = "---छान्नुहोस---", Value = "" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "कम्प्लिमेन्ट", Value = "कम्प्लिमेन्ट" }, new SelectListItem { Text = "नर्मल", Value = "नर्मल" } }; return(View(officer)); } else { officer.CreatedBy = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); officer.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; officer.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; db.Officers.Add(officer); db.SaveChanges(); try { log.AddActivity("Officer Created Successfully"); return(RedirectToAction("index")); } catch { return(View()); } } }
public ActionResult Create(Customer customer) { customer.RegisterDate = DateTime.Now; customer.RegisteredBy = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); db.Customer.Add(customer); db.SaveChanges(); try { log.AddActivity("Customer Created Successfully"); //db.ActivityLog.Add(new ActivityLog //{ // BranchId = customer.BranchId, // Operation = Operation, // CreatedBy = Session["userEmail"].ToString(), // CreatedDate = DateTime.Now //}); //db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("index")); } catch { return(View()); } //if (Session["Category"].ToString() == "SuperAdmin") //{ // customer.RegisterDate = DateTime.Now; // customer.RegisteredBy = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); // db.Customer.Add(customer); // db.SaveChanges(); // try // { // String Operation = "Customer Created Sucessfully "; // db.ActivityLog.Add(new ActivityLog // { // BranchId = customer.BranchId, // Operation = Operation, // CreatedBy = Session["userEmail"].ToString(), // CreatedDate = DateTime.Now // }); // db.SaveChanges(); // return RedirectToAction("index"); // } // catch // { // return View(); // } //} //else //{ // customer.RegisterDate = DateTime.Now; // customer.RegisteredBy = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); // db.Customer.Add(customer); // db.SaveChanges(); // try // { // int BranchId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["BranchId"].ToString()); // String Operation = "Customer Created Sucessfully "; // db.ActivityLog.Add(new ActivityLog // { // BranchId = BranchId, // Operation = Operation, // CreatedBy = Session["userEmail"].ToString(), // CreatedDate = DateTime.Now // }); // db.SaveChanges(); // return RedirectToAction("index"); // } // catch // { // return View(); // } //} }
public ActionResult Login(Models.LoginViewModel l, string ReturnUrl = "") { using (NewspaperEntities db = new NewspaperEntities()) { var Admin = _db.Admin.FirstOrDefault(a => (a.UserName == l.UserName || a.Email == l.UserName)); if (Admin != null) { var pass = Crypto.Hash(l.Password); if (string.Compare(pass, Admin.Password) == 0) { var check = _db.Admin.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Status); if (Admin.Status == true) { string imageUrl = "../../img/17.jpg"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(@"~/images/" + Admin.Id + ".jpg"))) { imageUrl = "../../images/" + Admin.Id + ".jpg"; } Session.Add("id", Admin.Id); Session.Add("userName", Admin.UserName); Session.Add("userEmail", Admin.Email); Session.Add("FullName", Admin.FullName); Session.Add("Category", Admin.Category); Session.Add("imageUrl", imageUrl); Session.Add("BranchId", Admin.BranchId); if (Session["Category"].ToString() == "Counter") { var login = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); log.AddActivity(login + " " + "logged in successfully"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Counter")); } else if (Session["Category"].ToString() == "Accountant") { var login = Session["userEmail"].ToString(); log.AddActivity(login + " " + "logged in successfully"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Accountant")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "DashBoard")); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Admin is Deactivate"); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "UserName and Password not match"); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "UserName and Password not match"); } } return(View()); }
public ActionResult RouteReport(string NepDate, string engdate) { if (engdate == "") { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } DateTime engdatea = Convert.ToDateTime(engdate); List <RouteReport> prakashanreport = db.RouteReports.Include(m => m.Groupname).Include(m => m.Route).Where(m => m.Date == engdatea).ToList(); //List<PurchaseReportVM> purchasevm = new List<PurchaseReportVM>(); var report = db.RouteReports.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Date == engdatea); if (report == null) { TempData["message"] = "No prakashan for record for this date is created"; return(RedirectToAction("RouteReportByDate")); } else { IEnumerable <RouteReport> routes = db.RouteReports.Where(m => m.NepaliDate == NepDate); List <RouteVM> purchasevm = new List <RouteVM>(); List <RouteVM> purchasevmtotal = new List <RouteVM>(); var results = (from p in routes group p by p.RouteId into g select new { g.Key }).ToList(); ViewBag.Routes = results.Select(x => x.Key).ToArray(); foreach (var item in results.Select(x => x.Key).ToArray()) { RouteVM objRep = new RouteVM(); objRep.gp_total = routes.Where(m => m.RouteId == item).Sum(m => m.gp_Quantity); objRep.rn_total = routes.Where(m => m.RouteId == item).Sum(m => m.rn_Quantity); objRep.muna_total = routes.Where(m => m.RouteId == item).Sum(m => m.muna_Quantity); objRep.madhu_total = routes.Where(m => m.RouteId == item).Sum(m => m.madhu_Quantity); objRep.yuwa_total = routes.Where(m => m.RouteId == item).Sum(m => m.Yuwa_Quantity); objRep.gp_grandtotal = routes.Sum(m => m.gp_Quantity); objRep.rn_grandtotal = routes.Sum(m => m.rn_Quantity); objRep.muna_grandtotal = routes.Sum(m => m.muna_Quantity); objRep.madhu_grandtotal = routes.Sum(m => m.madhu_Quantity); objRep.Yuwa_grandtotal = routes.Sum(m => m.Yuwa_Quantity); objRep.RouteId = Convert.ToInt32(item); purchasevmtotal.Add(objRep); } foreach (var item in routes) { RouteVM objRep = new RouteVM(); objRep.AgentName = item.Groupname.AgentName; objRep.Id = item.Id; objRep.Transport = item.Groupname.Transport; objRep.RouteName = item.Route.RouteName; objRep.Address = item.Groupname.Address; objRep.RouteId = Convert.ToInt32(item.RouteId); objRep.gp_Quantity = item.gp_Quantity; objRep.rn_Quantity = item.rn_Quantity; objRep.muna_Quantity = item.muna_Quantity; objRep.madhu_Quantity = item.madhu_Quantity; objRep.Yuwa_Quantity = item.Yuwa_Quantity; objRep.NepaliDate = item.NepaliDate; objRep.Date = item.Date; objRep.gp_total = purchasevmtotal.FirstOrDefault(m => m.RouteId == item.RouteId).gp_total; objRep.rn_total = purchasevmtotal.FirstOrDefault(m => m.RouteId == item.RouteId).rn_total; objRep.muna_total = purchasevmtotal.FirstOrDefault(m => m.RouteId == item.RouteId).muna_total; objRep.madhu_total = purchasevmtotal.FirstOrDefault(m => m.RouteId == item.RouteId).madhu_total; objRep.yuwa_total = purchasevmtotal.FirstOrDefault(m => m.RouteId == item.RouteId).yuwa_total; objRep.gp_grandtotal = purchasevmtotal.FirstOrDefault(m => m.RouteId == item.RouteId).gp_grandtotal; objRep.rn_grandtotal = purchasevmtotal.FirstOrDefault(m => m.RouteId == item.RouteId).rn_total; objRep.muna_grandtotal = purchasevmtotal.FirstOrDefault(m => m.RouteId == item.RouteId).muna_grandtotal; objRep.madhu_grandtotal = purchasevmtotal.FirstOrDefault(m => m.RouteId == item.RouteId).madhu_grandtotal; objRep.Yuwa_grandtotal = purchasevmtotal.FirstOrDefault(m => m.RouteId == item.RouteId).Yuwa_grandtotal; purchasevm.Add(objRep); } log.AddActivity("Route report printed successfully"); return(View(purchasevm)); } }