コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// User interface that guides the user to add Products to a single store
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pc">The ProductController</param>
        /// <param name="sc">The StoreController</param>
        private static void AddProductToStore(ProductController pc, StoreController sc)
            //Select the store to add products to and make sure it exists
            Console.WriteLine("Which store do you want to add products to: \n");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Store ID: ");
            string userIn = Console.ReadLine();
            int    sid;

            while (!int.TryParse(userIn, out sid))
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Not a number.");
                userIn = Console.ReadLine();

            if (sc.repository.GetAll().Any(s => s.StoreId == sid))
                //Display the full set of products that exist in the database
                Console.WriteLine($"Which products do you want to add to the store: {sc.repository.GetById(sid).StoreName}");

                //Select the product id, making sure it exists, to link a product to the store
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Product ID to add to store: ");
                userIn = Console.ReadLine();
                int pid;
                while (!int.TryParse(userIn, out pid))
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Not a number.");
                    userIn = Console.ReadLine();
                if (pc.repository.GetAll().Any(p => p.ProductId == pid))
                    //Get that product to be later added to the store inventory
                    Products product = pc.repository.GetById(pid);

                    //Enter the amount of products to be stored in the stores inventory
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter the quantity of the product to be added:");
                    userIn = Console.ReadLine();
                    int qty;
                    while (!int.TryParse(userIn, out qty))
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Not a number.");
                        userIn = Console.ReadLine();

                    //Try adding the products to the store
                    //If the product already existed in the store the product won't be added and an error is thrown
                        using var context = new _2006StoreApplicationContext(GenericRepository <Products> .Options);
                        var store = context.Stores
                                    .Include(s => s.Inventory)
                                    .First(s => s.StoreId == sid);
                        store.Inventory.Add(new Inventory {
                            Product = product, Amount = qty
                        Console.WriteLine("Product was added to the store!");
                    catch (Exception)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error occurred when trying to add product to store.");
                    Console.WriteLine($"No products with ID: {pid}");
                Console.WriteLine($"No stores with ID: {sid}");
コード例 #2
 public void Save()
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// User interface that guides the user to place an order for the current customer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentCustomer">The current customer placing the order</param>
        /// <param name="sc">The StoreController</param>
        /// <param name="pc">The ProductController</param>
        /// <param name="oc">The OrderController</param>
        private static void PlaceOrder(Customers currentCustomer, StoreController sc, ProductController pc, OrderController oc)
            //Select the store you want to place an order to
            Console.WriteLine("Which store would you like to place an order to: ");
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the store ID: ");
            string userIn = Console.ReadLine();
            int    sid;

            while (!int.TryParse(userIn, out sid))
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Not a number.");
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the store ID: ");
                userIn = Console.ReadLine();

            //If the store id that was inputted exists list the products in that store
            if (sc.repository.GetAll().Any(s => s.StoreId == sid))
                var currentStore = sc.repository.GetById(sid);

                using var context = new _2006StoreApplicationContext(GenericRepository <Stores> .Options);
                var inventory = context.Inventory
                                .Include(i => i.Product)
                                .Where(i => i.StoreId == sid)

                //Keep track of the number of products in the order to calculate the final total of the order later
                Dictionary <Products, int> productsInOrder = new Dictionary <Products, int>();

                //Keep asking the user to add more products to the order until they type 0
                while (true)
                    Console.WriteLine("Select a product to add to order:");
                    foreach (var item in inventory)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Product: {item.Product.ProductName} Price: ${item.Product.Price} ID: {item.Product.ProductId} In Stock: {item.Amount}\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter product ID to add to order(or type 0 to quit):");
                    userIn = Console.ReadLine();
                    int pid;
                    while (!int.TryParse(userIn, out pid))
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Not a number.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter product ID to add to order(or type 0 to quit):");
                        userIn = Console.ReadLine();

                    //prevent the user from adding the same item to their order
                    if (productsInOrder != null)
                        while (productsInOrder.Keys.Any(p => p.ProductId == pid))
                            Console.WriteLine("Item was already added to order.");
                            foreach (var item in inventory)
                                Console.WriteLine($"Product: {item.Product.ProductName} Price: ${item.Product.Price} ID: {item.Product.ProductId} In Stock: {item.Amount}\n");
                            Console.WriteLine("Enter product ID to add to order(or type 0 to quit):");
                            userIn = Console.ReadLine();
                            while (!int.TryParse(userIn, out pid))
                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Not a number.");
                                Console.WriteLine("Enter product ID to add to order(or type 0 to quit):");
                                userIn = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (pid == 0)

                    //Check to see if the product id the user enter matches any of the products available in the store
                    if (inventory.Any(i => i.Product.ProductId == pid))
                        //Get the product info from the id the user entered, then get the amount from the inventory to
                        //check that it is >= 0
                        var p = pc.repository.GetById(pid);
                        Console.WriteLine($"How many {p.ProductName}s do you want to add to the order:");
                        userIn = Console.ReadLine();
                        int qty;
                        while (!int.TryParse(userIn, out qty))
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Not a number.");
                            Console.WriteLine($"How many {p.ProductName}s do you want to add to the order:");
                            userIn = Console.ReadLine();
                        if (qty > 0)
                            Inventory inventoryLine = inventory.First(i => i.Product.ProductId == pid);
                            if (inventoryLine.Amount == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine($"{p.ProductName} no longer in stock.");
                            else if (inventoryLine.Amount < qty)
                                Console.WriteLine("You can't order more products than are available.");
                            //If the product is available and in stock, add keep track of the product, decrement the inventory,
                            //and update the inventory when selecting more products
                                productsInOrder.Add(p, qty);
                                inventoryLine.Amount -= qty;
                                Console.WriteLine("Product added to order!");
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid qty. Input a positive integer.");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Product with ID: {pid} is not available in the current store.");
                //Check that the user actually selected products before actually creating the order in the database
                if (productsInOrder.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("No products were added to order.");
                    //calculate the total cost of the order and display it to the user
                    decimal totalCostOfOrder = 0;
                    foreach (var item in productsInOrder.Keys)
                        totalCostOfOrder += (item.Price * productsInOrder[item]);
                    Console.WriteLine("Total cost of your order: $" + totalCostOfOrder);

                    //ask for a description to uniquely identify the order in order to find it later
                    Console.WriteLine("Please provide a unique description for your order: ");
                    string desc = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (desc == null || oc.repository.GetAll().Any(o => o.OrderDescription.Equals(desc)))
                        Console.WriteLine("Description already exists or no description was entered.");
                        //Save the order, then retrieve it again to create the orderline for it
                        Orders newOrder = new Orders {
                            CustomerId = currentCustomer.CustomerId, StoreId = currentStore.StoreId, OrderDescription = desc, TotalCost = totalCostOfOrder

                        newOrder = oc.repository.GetAll().First(o => o.OrderDescription.Equals(desc));

                        //Link products that were in the recently created order to the orderId
                        //This creates a new OrderLine that keeps track of what products belong to what order
                        foreach (var item in productsInOrder.Keys)
                            var product = context.Products
                                          .Include(p => p.OrderLines)
                                          .First(p => p.ProductId == item.ProductId);
                            product.OrderLines.Add(new OrderLines {
                                Order = newOrder, Amount = productsInOrder[item]

                Console.WriteLine($"Store with ID: {sid} does not exist.");