コード例 #1
        /// <summary>Calculate the interception loss of water from the canopy</summary>
        private void CalculateInterception(ZoneMicroClimate ZoneMC)
            double sumLAI    = 0.0;
            double sumLAItot = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                    sumLAI    += ZoneMC.Canopies[j].LAI[i];
                    sumLAItot += ZoneMC.Canopies[j].LAItot[i];

            double totalInterception = a_interception * Math.Pow(weather.Rain, b_interception) + c_interception * sumLAItot + d_interception;

            totalInterception = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(0.99 * weather.Rain, totalInterception));

            for (int i = 0; i <= ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                    ZoneMC.Canopies[j].interception[i] = MathUtilities.Divide(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].LAI[i], sumLAI, 0.0) * totalInterception;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MicroClimate.cs プロジェクト: Scicrop/ApsimX
        /// <summary>Calculate the interception loss of water from the canopy</summary>
        private void CalculateInterception(ZoneMicroClimate ZoneMC)
            double sumLAI    = 0.0;
            double sumLAItot = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                    sumLAI    += ZoneMC.Canopies[j].LAI[i];
                    sumLAItot += ZoneMC.Canopies[j].LAItot[i];

            double totalInterception = a_interception * Math.Pow(weather.Rain, b_interception) + c_interception * sumLAItot + d_interception;

            totalInterception = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(0.99 * weather.Rain, totalInterception));

            for (int i = 0; i <= ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                    ZoneMC.Canopies[j].interception[i] = MathUtilities.Divide(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].LAI[i], sumLAI, 0.0) * totalInterception;

            ISoilWater zonesoilwater = Apsim.Find(ZoneMC.zone, typeof(ISoilWater)) as ISoilWater;

            if (zonesoilwater != null)
                zonesoilwater.PotentialInfiltration = Math.Max(0, weather.Rain - totalInterception);
コード例 #3
ファイル: MicroClimate.cs プロジェクト: Scicrop/ApsimX
        /// <summary>Calculate the amtospheric potential evaporation rate for each zone</summary>
        private void CalculateEo(ZoneMicroClimate ZoneMC)
            ISoilWater            zoneSoilWater = Apsim.Find(ZoneMC.zone, typeof(ISoilWater)) as ISoilWater;
            ISurfaceOrganicMatter zoneSurfaceOM = Apsim.Find(ZoneMC.zone, typeof(ISurfaceOrganicMatter)) as ISurfaceOrganicMatter;

            double CoverGreen = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                if (ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Canopy != null)
                    CoverGreen += (1 - CoverGreen) * ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Canopy.CoverGreen;

            if (weather != null && zoneSoilWater != null && zoneSurfaceOM != null)
                zoneSoilWater.Eo = AtmosphericPotentialEvaporationRate(weather.Radn,
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This model is for strip crops where there is verticle overlap of the shortest and tallest crops canopy but no horizontal overlap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tallest"></param>
        /// <param name="shortest"></param>
        private void doStripCropShortWaveRadiation(ref ZoneMicroClimate tallest, ref ZoneMicroClimate shortest)
            if (MathUtilities.Sum(tallest.DeltaZ) > 0)                                               // Don't perform calculations if layers are empty
                double Ht          = MathUtilities.Sum(tallest.DeltaZ);                              // Height of tallest strip
                double Hs          = MathUtilities.Sum(shortest.DeltaZ);                             // Height of shortest strip
                double Wt          = (tallest.zone as Zones.RectangularZone).Width;                  // Width of tallest strip
                double Ws          = (shortest.zone as Zones.RectangularZone).Width;                 // Width of shortest strip
                double Ft          = Wt / (Wt + Ws);                                                 // Fraction of space in tallest strip
                double Fs          = Ws / (Wt + Ws);                                                 // Fraction of space in the shortest strip
                double LAIt        = MathUtilities.Sum(tallest.LAItotsum);                           // LAI of tallest strip
                double LAIs        = MathUtilities.Sum(shortest.LAItotsum);                          // LAI of shortest strip
                double Kt          = tallest.Canopies[0].Ktot;                                       // Extinction Coefficient of the tallest strip
                double Ks          = shortest.Canopies[0].Ktot;                                      // Extinction Coefficient of the shortest strip
                double Httop       = Ht - Hs;                                                        // Height of the top layer in tallest strip (ie distance from top of shortest to top of tallest)
                double LAIttop     = Httop / Ht * LAIt;                                              // LAI of the top layer of the tallest strip (ie LAI in tallest strip above height of shortest strip)
                double LAItbot     = LAIt - LAIttop;                                                 // LAI of the bottom layer of the tallest strip (ie LAI in tallest strip below height of the shortest strip)
                double LAIttophomo = Ft * LAIttop;                                                   // LAI of top layer of tallest strip if spread homogeneously across all of the space
                double Ftblack     = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Httop, 2) + Math.Pow(Wt, 2)) - Httop) / Wt; // View factor for top layer of tallest strip
                double Fsblack     = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Httop, 2) + Math.Pow(Ws, 2)) - Httop) / Ws; // View factor for top layer of shortest strip
                double Tt          = Ft * (Ftblack * Math.Exp(-Kt * LAIttop)
                                           + Ft * (1 - Ftblack) * Math.Exp(-Kt * LAIttophomo))
                                     + Fs * Ft * (1 - Fsblack) * Math.Exp(-Kt * LAIttophomo); //  Transmission of light to bottom of top layer in tallest strip
                double Ts = Fs * (Fsblack + Fs * (1 - Fsblack) * Math.Exp(-Kt * LAIttophomo))
                            + Ft * Fs * ((1 - Ftblack) * Math.Exp(-Kt * LAIttophomo));        //  Transmission of light to bottom of top layer in shortest strip
                double Intttop            = 1 - Tt - Ts;                                      // Interception by the top layer of the tallest strip (ie light intercepted in tallest strip above height of shortest strip)
                double Inttbot            = (Tt * (1 - Math.Exp(-Kt * LAItbot)));             // Interception by the bottom layer of the tallest strip
                double Soilt              = (Tt * (Math.Exp(-Kt * LAItbot)));                 // Transmission to the soil below tallest strip
                double Ints               = Ts * (1 - Math.Exp(-Ks * LAIs));                  // Interception by the shortest strip
                double Soils              = Ts * (Math.Exp(-Ks * LAIs));                      // Transmission to the soil below shortest strip
                double EnergyBalanceCheck = Intttop + Inttbot + Soilt + Ints + Soils;         // Sum of all light fractions (should equal 1)
                if (Math.Abs(1 - EnergyBalanceCheck) > 0.001)
                    throw (new Exception("Energy Balance not maintained in strip crop light interception model"));

                tallest.Canopies[0].Rs[0] = weather.Radn * (Intttop + Inttbot) / Ft;
                tallest.SurfaceRs         = weather.Radn * Soilt / Ft;

                if (shortest.Canopies[0].Rs != null)
                    if (shortest.Canopies[0].Rs.Length > 0)
                        shortest.Canopies[0].Rs[0] = weather.Radn * Ints / Fs;
                shortest.SurfaceRs = weather.Radn * Soils / Fs;
                //tallest.Canopies[0].Rs[0] =0;
                tallest.SurfaceRs = weather.Radn;
                //shortest.Canopies[0].Rs[0] = 0;
                shortest.SurfaceRs = weather.Radn;
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>Calculate the aerodynamic decoupling for system compartments</summary>
 private void CalculateOmega(ZoneMicroClimate MCZone)
     for (int i = 0; i <= MCZone.numLayers - 1; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j <= MCZone.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
             MCZone.Canopies[j].Omega[i] = CalcOmega(weather.MinT, weather.MaxT, weather.AirPressure, MCZone.Canopies[j].Ga[i], MCZone.Canopies[j].Gc[i]);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new MicroClimateZone for a given simulation zone
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newZone"></param>
        private void CreateZoneMicroClimate(Zone newZone)
            ZoneMicroClimate myZoneMC = new ZoneMicroClimate();

            myZoneMC.zone = newZone;
            foreach (ICanopy canopy in Apsim.ChildrenRecursively(newZone, typeof(ICanopy)))
                myZoneMC.Canopies.Add(new CanopyType(canopy));
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>Calculate the aerodynamic conductance for system compartments</summary>
        private void CalculateGa(ZoneMicroClimate ZoneMC)
            double sumDeltaZ = MathUtilities.Sum(ZoneMC.DeltaZ);
            double sumLAI    = MathUtilities.Sum(ZoneMC.LAItotsum);
            double totalGa   = AerodynamicConductanceFAO(weather.Wind, ReferenceHeight, sumDeltaZ, sumLAI);

            for (int i = 0; i <= ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                    ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Ga[i] = totalGa * MathUtilities.Divide(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rs[i], ZoneMC.sumRs, 0.0);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate Radiation loss to soil heating
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateSoilHeatRadiation(ZoneMicroClimate ZoneMC)
            double radnint = ZoneMC.sumRs;   // Intercepted SW radiation

            ZoneMC.SoilHeatFlux = CalculateSoilHeatFlux(weather.Radn, radnint, SoilHeatFluxFraction);

            // SoilHeat balance Proportional to Short Wave Balance
            // ====================================================
            for (int i = ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i >= 0; i += -1)
                for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                    ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rsoil[i] = MathUtilities.Divide(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rs[i], weather.Radn, 0.0) * ZoneMC.SoilHeatFlux;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate Net Long Wave Radiation Balance
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateLongWaveRadiation(ZoneMicroClimate ZoneMC)
            double sunshineHours    = CalcSunshineHours(weather.Radn, dayLengthLight, weather.Latitude, Clock.Today.DayOfYear);
            double fractionClearSky = MathUtilities.Divide(sunshineHours, dayLengthLight, 0.0);
            double averageT         = CalcAverageT(weather.MinT, weather.MaxT);

            ZoneMC.NetLongWaveRadiation = LongWave(averageT, fractionClearSky, ZoneMC.Emissivity) * dayLengthEvap * hr2s / 1000000.0;             // W to MJ

            // Long Wave Balance Proportional to Short Wave Balance
            // ====================================================
            for (int i = ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i >= 0; i += -1)
                for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                    ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rl[i] = MathUtilities.Divide(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rs[i], weather.Radn, 0.0) * ZoneMC.NetLongWaveRadiation;
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates interception of short wave by canopy compartments
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateLayeredShortWaveRadiation(ZoneMicroClimate ZoneMC)
            // Perform Top-Down Light Balance
            // ==============================
            double Rin  = weather.Radn;
            double Rint = 0;

            for (int i = ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i >= 0; i += -1)
                Rint = Rin * (1.0 - Math.Exp(-ZoneMC.layerKtot[i] * ZoneMC.LAItotsum[i]));
                for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                    ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rs[i] = Rint * MathUtilities.Divide(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Ftot[i] * ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Ktot, ZoneMC.layerKtot[i], 0.0);
                Rin -= Rint;
            ZoneMC.SurfaceRs = Rin;
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>Calculate the canopy conductance for system compartments</summary>
        private void CalculateGc(ZoneMicroClimate ZoneMC)
            double Rin = weather.Radn;

            for (int i = ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i >= 0; i += -1)
                double Rflux = Rin * 1000000.0 / (dayLengthEvap * hr2s) * (1.0 - ZoneMC.Albedo);
                double Rint  = 0.0;

                for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                    ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Gc[i] = CanopyConductance(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Canopy.Gsmax, ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Canopy.R50, ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Fgreen[i], ZoneMC.layerKtot[i], ZoneMC.LAItotsum[i], Rflux);
                    Rint += ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rs[i];
                // Calculate Rin for the next layer down
                Rin -= Rint;
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the overall system energy terms
        /// </summary>
        private void CalculateEnergyTerms(ZoneMicroClimate ZoneMC)
            ZoneMC.sumRs      = 0.0;
            ZoneMC.Albedo     = 0.0;
            ZoneMC.Emissivity = 0.0;

            for (int i = ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i >= 0; i += -1)
                for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                    ZoneMC.Albedo     += MathUtilities.Divide(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rs[i], weather.Radn, 0.0) * ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Canopy.Albedo;
                    ZoneMC.Emissivity += MathUtilities.Divide(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rs[i], weather.Radn, 0.0) * CanopyEmissivity;
                    ZoneMC.sumRs      += ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rs[i];

            ZoneMC.Albedo     += (1.0 - MathUtilities.Divide(ZoneMC.sumRs, weather.Radn, 0.0)) * soil_albedo;
            ZoneMC.Emissivity += (1.0 - MathUtilities.Divide(ZoneMC.sumRs, weather.Radn, 0.0)) * SoilEmissivity;
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>Calculate the Penman-Monteith water demand</summary>
        private void CalculatePM(ZoneMicroClimate ZoneMC)
            // zero a few things, and sum a few others
            double sumRl           = 0.0;
            double sumRsoil        = 0.0;
            double sumInterception = 0.0;
            double freeEvapGa      = 0.0;

            for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                sumRl           += MathUtilities.Sum(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rl);
                sumRsoil        += MathUtilities.Sum(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rsoil);
                sumInterception += MathUtilities.Sum(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].interception);
                freeEvapGa      += MathUtilities.Sum(ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Ga);

            double netRadiation = ((1.0 - ZoneMC.Albedo) * ZoneMC.sumRs + sumRl + sumRsoil) * 1000000.0;   // MJ/J

            netRadiation = Math.Max(0.0, netRadiation);

            double freeEvapGc = freeEvapGa * 1000000.0; // infinite surface conductance
            double freeEvap   = CalcPenmanMonteith(netRadiation, weather.MinT, weather.MaxT, weather.VP, weather.AirPressure, dayLengthEvap, freeEvapGa, freeEvapGc);

            ZoneMC.dryleaffraction = 1.0 - MathUtilities.Divide(sumInterception * (1.0 - NightInterceptionFraction), freeEvap, 0.0);
            ZoneMC.dryleaffraction = Math.Max(0.0, ZoneMC.dryleaffraction);

            for (int i = 0; i <= ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
                    netRadiation = 1000000.0 * ((1.0 - ZoneMC.Albedo) * ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rs[i] + ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rl[i] + ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rsoil[i]);
                    netRadiation = Math.Max(0.0, netRadiation);

                    ZoneMC.Canopies[j].PETr[i] = CalcPETr(netRadiation * ZoneMC.dryleaffraction, weather.MinT, weather.MaxT, weather.AirPressure, ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Ga[i], ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Gc[i]);
                    ZoneMC.Canopies[j].PETa[i] = CalcPETa(weather.MinT, weather.MaxT, weather.VP, weather.AirPressure, dayLengthEvap * ZoneMC.dryleaffraction, ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Ga[i], ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Gc[i]);
                    ZoneMC.Canopies[j].PET[i]  = ZoneMC.Canopies[j].PETr[i] + ZoneMC.Canopies[j].PETa[i];
コード例 #14
 /// <summary>Send an energy balance event</summary>
 private void SetCanopyEnergyTerms(ZoneMicroClimate ZoneMC)
     for (int j = 0; j <= ZoneMC.Canopies.Count - 1; j++)
         if (ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Canopy != null)
             CanopyEnergyBalanceInterceptionlayerType[] lightProfile = new CanopyEnergyBalanceInterceptionlayerType[ZoneMC.numLayers];
             double totalPotentialEp  = 0;
             double totalInterception = 0.0;
             for (int i = 0; i <= ZoneMC.numLayers - 1; i++)
                 lightProfile[i]           = new CanopyEnergyBalanceInterceptionlayerType();
                 lightProfile[i].thickness = ZoneMC.DeltaZ[i];
                 lightProfile[i].amount    = ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Rs[i] * ZoneMC.RadnGreenFraction(j);
                 totalPotentialEp         += ZoneMC.Canopies[j].PET[i];
                 totalInterception        += ZoneMC.Canopies[j].interception[i];
             ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Canopy.PotentialEP  = totalPotentialEp;
             ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Canopy.WaterDemand  = totalPotentialEp;
             ZoneMC.Canopies[j].Canopy.LightProfile = lightProfile;
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// This model is for tree crops where there is no vertical overlap of the shortest and tallest canopy but the tallest canopy can overlap the shortest horzontally
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tree"></param>
        /// <param name="alley"></param>
        private void doTreeRowCropShortWaveRadiation(ref ZoneMicroClimate tree, ref ZoneMicroClimate alley)
            if (MathUtilities.Sum(tree.DeltaZ) > 0)                 // Don't perform calculations if layers are empty
                double Ht   = MathUtilities.Sum(tree.DeltaZ);       // Height of tree canopy
                double CDt  = tree.Canopies[0].Canopy.Depth / 1000; // Depth of tree canopy
                double CBHt = Ht - CDt;                             // Base hight of the tree canopy
                double Ha   = MathUtilities.Sum(alley.DeltaZ);      // Height of alley canopy
                if ((Ha > CBHt) & (tree.DeltaZ.Length > 1))
                    throw (new Exception("Height of the alley canopy must not exceed the base height of the tree canopy"));
                double Wt       = (tree.zone as Zones.RectangularZone).Width;                     // Width of tree zone
                double Wa       = (alley.zone as Zones.RectangularZone).Width;                    // Width of alley zone
                double CWt      = Math.Min(tree.Canopies[0].Canopy.Width / 1000, (Wt + Wa));      // Width of the tree canopy
                double WaOl     = Math.Min(CWt - Wt, Wa);                                         // Width of tree canopy that overlap the alley zone
                double WaOp     = Wa - WaOl;                                                      // Width of the open alley zone between tree canopies
                double Ft       = CWt / (Wt + Wa);                                                // Fraction of space in tree canopy
                double Fs       = WaOp / (Wt + Wa);                                               // Fraction of open space in the alley row
                double LAIt     = MathUtilities.Sum(tree.LAItotsum);                              // LAI of trees
                double LAIa     = MathUtilities.Sum(alley.LAItotsum);                             // LAI of alley crop
                double Kt       = tree.Canopies[0].Ktot;                                          // Extinction Coefficient of trees
                double Ka       = alley.Canopies[0].Ktot;                                         // Extinction Coefficient of alley crop
                double LAIthomo = Ft * LAIt;                                                      // LAI of trees if spread homogeneously across row and alley zones
                double Ftbla    = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(CDt, 2) + Math.Pow(CWt, 2)) - CDt) / CWt;   // View factor for the tree canopy if a black body
                double Fabla    = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(CDt, 2) + Math.Pow(WaOp, 2)) - CDt) / WaOp; // View factor for the gap between trees in alley if trees a black body
                if (WaOp == 0)
                    Fabla = 0;
                //All transmission and interception values below are a fraction of the total short wave radiation incident to both the tree and alley rows
                double Tt = Ft * (Ftbla * Math.Exp(-Kt * LAIt)
                                  + Ft * (1 - Ftbla) * Math.Exp(-Kt * LAIthomo))
                            + Fs * Ft * (1 - Fabla) * Math.Exp(-Kt * LAIthomo);   //  Transmission of light to the bottom of the tree canopy
                double Ta = Fs * (Fabla + Fs * (1 - Fabla) * Math.Exp(-Kt * LAIthomo))
                            + Ft * Fs * ((1 - Ftbla) * Math.Exp(-Kt * LAIthomo)); //  Transmission of light to the bottom of the gap in the tree canopy
                double It   = 1 - Tt - Ta;                                        // Interception by the trees
                double St   = Tt * Wt / CWt;                                      // Transmission to the soil in the tree zone
                double IaOl = Tt * WaOl / CWt * (1 - Math.Exp(-Ka * LAIa));       // Interception by the alley canopy below the overlap of the trees
                double IaOp = Ta * (1 - Math.Exp(-Ka * LAIa));                    // Interception by the alley canopy in the gaps between tree canopy
                double Ia   = IaOl + IaOp;                                        // Interception by the alley canopy
                double SaOl = Tt * WaOl / CWt * (Math.Exp(-Ka * LAIa));           // Transmission to the soil beneigth the alley canopy under the tree canopy
                double SaOp = Ta * (Math.Exp(-Ka * LAIa));                        // Transmission to the soil beneigth the alley canopy in the open
                double Sa   = SaOl + SaOp;                                        // Transmission to the soil beneight the alley
                double EnergyBalanceCheck = It + St + Ia + Sa;                    // Sum of all light fractions (should equal 1)
                if (Math.Abs(1 - EnergyBalanceCheck) > 0.001)
                    throw (new Exception("Energy Balance not maintained in strip crop light interception model"));

                Ft = (Wt) / (Wt + Wa);  // Remove overlap so scaling back to zone ground area works
                Fs = (Wa) / (Wt + Wa);  // Remove overlap so scaling back to zone ground area works

                tree.Canopies[0].Rs[1] = weather.Radn * It / Ft;
                tree.SurfaceRs         = weather.Radn * St / Ft;

                if (alley.Canopies[0].Rs != null)
                    if (alley.Canopies[0].Rs.Length > 0)
                        alley.Canopies[0].Rs[0] = weather.Radn * Ia / Fs;
                alley.SurfaceRs = weather.Radn * Sa / Fs;
                tree.SurfaceRs  = weather.Radn;
                alley.SurfaceRs = weather.Radn;