コード例 #1
    // Initialize the store layout and make the navigational graph.
    void Start()
        // Place down the visible objects.  Build the navigational graph around
        // the aisles and checkouts as they are placed.

        // position and then scale, we don't need to keep a reference around for these
        Instantiate(floor, storeArea.position, Quaternion.identity).transform.localScale      = storeArea.size;
        Instantiate(staffFloor, staffArea.position, Quaternion.identity).transform.localScale = staffArea.size;

        // the aisles and checkouts DO need references kept, and also need to be tiled

        // checkouts first since they are simpler and illustrate the principles for aisles
        UnityEngine.Debug.Assert((checkoutArea.height + MathConstants.floatTolerance) >= (checkoutTopSpace + checkoutHeight + checkoutBottomSpace), "Config ERROR: Checkout area height too small!");
        numCheckouts = (int)Math.Min(Math.Floor((checkoutArea.width + MathConstants.floatTolerance) / (checkoutBetweenSpace + checkoutWidth)),  // each checkout and its lane beside it
        UnityEngine.Debug.Assert((numCheckouts > 0), "Config ERROR: Checkout area width too small!");

        float checkoutYPosition = checkoutArea.y + checkoutBottomSpace;                                                                                                                 // remember, Y increases upwards so it is convenient to start from the bottom and work upwards

        checkouts     = new GameObject[numCheckouts];                                                                                                                                   // automatically initializes to null
        checkoutLanes = new Zone[numCheckouts];                                                                                                                                         // likewise
        for (int currentCheckout = 0; currentCheckout < numCheckouts; currentCheckout++)                                                                                                // for each checkout in the row
            float laneXPosition = checkoutArea.x + currentCheckout * (checkoutBetweenSpace + checkoutWidth);                                                                            // shift over by the number of preexisting lanes
            checkoutLanes[currentCheckout] = new Zone("checkout lane " + currentCheckout.ToString(), new Rect(laneXPosition, checkoutYPosition, checkoutBetweenSpace, checkoutHeight)); // add lane to navigational graph
            float checkoutXPosition = laneXPosition + checkoutBetweenSpace;
            checkouts[currentCheckout] = Instantiate(checkout, new Vector2(checkoutXPosition, checkoutYPosition), Quaternion.identity);
            checkouts[currentCheckout].transform.localScale = new Vector2(checkoutWidth, checkoutHeight);

        // add top and bottom checkout zones to navigational graph
        checkoutBottom = new Zone("zone below checkouts", new Rect(checkoutArea.x, checkoutArea.y, checkoutArea.width, checkoutBottomSpace));
        checkoutTop    = new Zone("zone above checkouts", new Rect(checkoutArea.x, checkoutYPosition + checkoutHeight, checkoutArea.width, checkoutArea.height - checkoutHeight - checkoutBottomSpace));

        // add edges within checkout area to navigational graph
        foreach (Zone lane in checkoutLanes)
            // each checkout lane joins to the top and bottom zones and nowhere else
            Rect topEdge    = new Rect(lane.area.x, lane.area.yMax, lane.area.width, 0);
            Rect bottomEdge = new Rect(lane.area.x, lane.area.yMin, lane.area.width, 0);
            Zone.AddEdgeBetweenZones(topEdge, lane, checkoutTop);
            Zone.AddEdgeBetweenZones(bottomEdge, lane, checkoutBottom);
        // all other edges attached to the checkout top and bottom are in other regions, so will be added further down when regions are connected

        // aisles follow the same principles as checkouts, but can have multiple rows (we build one row at a time)
        UnityEngine.Debug.Assert((aisleArea.height + MathConstants.floatTolerance) >= (aisleTopSpace + aisleShelfHeight + aisleBottomSpace), "Config ERROR: Aisle area height too small!");
        numAisleRows = (int)Math.Min(Math.Floor((aisleArea.height + MathConstants.floatTolerance - aisleTopSpace - aisleBottomSpace + aisleMidSpace) / // 1 less middle space than we have rows
                                                (aisleShelfHeight + aisleMidSpace)), maxAisleRows);
        numAislePairColumns = (int)Math.Min(Math.Floor((aisleArea.width + MathConstants.floatTolerance) / (aislePairSpace + 2 * aisleShelfWidth)),     // 2 shelves in each facing pair
        UnityEngine.Debug.Assert((numAislePairColumns > 0), "Config ERROR: Aisle area width too small!");

        aisleBottom = new Zone("zone below aisles", new Rect(aisleArea.x, aisleArea.y, aisleArea.width, aisleBottomSpace)); // add bottom aisle zone to navigational graph
        aisles      = new GameObject[numAisleRows, 2 * numAislePairColumns];                                                // automatically initializes to null
        aislePairs  = new Zone[numAisleRows, numAislePairColumns];                                                          // likewise
        aisleMids   = new Zone[numAisleRows - 1];                                                                           // as with row calculation, 1 less middle space than we have rows
        float aisleRowYPosition = aisleArea.y + aisleBottomSpace;                                                           // remember, Y increases upwards

        for (int currentAisleRow = 0; currentAisleRow < numAisleRows; currentAisleRow++)                                    // for each row of aisles
            for (int currentAislePairColumn = 0; currentAislePairColumn < numAislePairColumns; currentAislePairColumn++)    // for each pair within this row
                float pairXPosition = aisleArea.x + currentAislePairColumn * (aislePairSpace + 2 * aisleShelfWidth);        // shift over by the number of preexisting pairs
                // left side of pair
                aisles[currentAisleRow, 2 * currentAislePairColumn] = Instantiate(aisleShelf, new Vector2(pairXPosition, aisleRowYPosition), Quaternion.identity);
                aisles[currentAisleRow, 2 * currentAislePairColumn].transform.localScale = new Vector2(aisleShelfWidth, aisleShelfHeight);
                // add space between pairs to navigational graph
                aislePairs[currentAisleRow, currentAislePairColumn] = new Zone("aisle pair " + currentAislePairColumn.ToString() + " in row " + currentAisleRow.ToString(),
                                                                               new Rect(pairXPosition + aisleShelfWidth, aisleRowYPosition, aislePairSpace, aisleShelfHeight));
                // right side of pair
                aisles[currentAisleRow, 2 * currentAislePairColumn + 1] =
                    Instantiate(aisleShelf, new Vector2(pairXPosition + aisleShelfWidth + aislePairSpace, aisleRowYPosition), Quaternion.identity);
                aisles[currentAisleRow, 2 * currentAislePairColumn + 1].transform.localScale = new Vector2(aisleShelfWidth, aisleShelfHeight);

            bool isLastRow = (currentAisleRow == (numAisleRows - 1));

            if (isLastRow)
                // if this row is the last, add the top space to the navigational graph
                aisleTop = new Zone("zone above aisles", new Rect(aisleArea.x, aisleRowYPosition + aisleShelfHeight, aisleArea.width, aisleArea.yMax - (aisleRowYPosition + aisleShelfHeight)));
                // if this row is not the last, add the middle space to the navigational graph
                aisleMids[currentAisleRow] = new Zone("middle zone above aisle row" + currentAisleRow.ToString(),
                                                      new Rect(aisleArea.x, aisleRowYPosition + aisleShelfHeight, aisleArea.width, aisleMidSpace));

            bool isFirstRow = (currentAisleRow == 0);
            // add edges between this row of aisles and other zones in the navigational graph
            for (int currentAislePairColumn = 0; currentAislePairColumn < numAislePairColumns; currentAislePairColumn++)  // can't naturally foreach just one row
                Zone aislePair = aislePairs[currentAisleRow, currentAislePairColumn];
                // each space between a pair of aisles joins to the zones below and above and nowhere else
                Rect topEdge    = new Rect(aislePair.area.x, aislePair.area.yMax, aislePair.area.width, 0);
                Rect bottomEdge = new Rect(aislePair.area.x, aislePair.area.yMin, aislePair.area.width, 0);
                if (isLastRow)
                    Zone.AddEdgeBetweenZones(topEdge, aislePair, aisleTop);
                    Zone.AddEdgeBetweenZones(topEdge, aislePair, aisleMids[currentAisleRow]);
                if (isFirstRow)
                    Zone.AddEdgeBetweenZones(bottomEdge, aislePair, aisleBottom);
                    Zone.AddEdgeBetweenZones(bottomEdge, aislePair, aisleMids[currentAisleRow - 1]);
                }                                                                                          // the space between rows that the LAST row added above it

            aisleRowYPosition += aisleShelfHeight + aisleMidSpace;  // bump Y upwards for next row

        lobby   = new Zone("lobby", lobbies[0]);                                                                                      // add lobby to navigational graph, conveniently we already know where it is
        outside = new Zone("outside", new Rect(lobbies[0].x, lobbies[0].y - lobbies[0].height, lobbies[0].width, lobbies[0].height)); // add outside to navigational graph, taking size of lobby but moved down

        // connect up regions of navigational graph
        Zone.AddEdgeBetweenZones(entrances[0], lobby, outside);  // entrance connects lobby and outside, and is the only way out
        // to the left of the lobby is the checkouts, adjacent to the top and bottom but not necessarily a lane
        Rect checkoutTopRightEdge    = new Rect(checkoutTop.area.xMax, checkoutTop.area.y, 0, checkoutTop.area.height);
        Rect checkoutBottomRightEdge = new Rect(checkoutBottom.area.xMax, checkoutBottom.area.y, 0, checkoutBottom.area.height);

        Zone.AddEdgeBetweenZones(checkoutTopRightEdge, checkoutTop, lobby);
        Zone.AddEdgeBetweenZones(checkoutBottomRightEdge, checkoutBottom, lobby);
        // above the lobby is the bottom of the aisles
        Rect lobbyTopEdge = new Rect(lobby.area.x, lobby.area.yMax, lobby.area.width, 0);

        Zone.AddEdgeBetweenZones(lobbyTopEdge, aisleBottom, lobby);
        // above the checkouts is also the bottom of the aisles
        Rect checkoutTopTopEdge = new Rect(checkoutTop.area.x, checkoutTop.area.yMax, checkoutTop.area.width, 0);

        Zone.AddEdgeBetweenZones(checkoutTopTopEdge, aisleBottom, checkoutTop);

        // add all regions to HashSet
        allShopperZones = new HashSet <Zone>();
        allShopperZones.UnionWith(checkoutLanes);  // iterates over automatically
        allShopperZones.UnionWith(aisleMids);  // iterates over automatically
        foreach (Zone aislePair in aislePairs) // automatic iteration handles multidimensional arrays properly, but sadly UnionWith doesn't iterate over multidimensional arrays