コード例 #1
        private ZeroWasteBagsAll generateWasteBags()
            if (ZWB_candidates == null)
                int n   = this.config.NrOfBags;
                var ZWB = new ZeroWasteBagsAll();
                ///The preferences by which order the products will be added in order
                ///INFERENCE: This defines the skeletal design of the bags
                var pref = new List <Predicate <Product> >();
                pref.Add(p => p.Category.Equals("salad"));
                pref.Add(p => p.IsDiary == true);
                pref.Add(p => p.Category.Equals("big meal"));

                //Items that should be not considered
                var filt = new List <Predicate <Product> >();
                filt.Add(x => x.Facing <= 4);
                AddToBags(ZWB, pref, filt);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes each of the graphical and logical containers for ZWB, Discount etc.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitializeLanes()
            ///set lanesize and reset controls
            laneTitleSize     = ExtraGraphics.BOXHEIGHT / 7;
            wasteBagLanePanel = null;

            ///init logic. For each: load items from the logic controller and add the to the logical lane
            ///Set appropriate lanetype
            ///Add it to graphiccs controller
            productLanes = new List <List <Product> >();

            shelfLane = AddLane(Lanetype.SHELF);
            AddProductsToLane("Shelf", shelfLane, logic.GetShelfItems());

            discountedLane = AddLane(Lanetype.DISCOUNT);
            AddProductsToLane("Discount", discountedLane, logic.GetDiscountedProducts());

            trashLane = AddLane(Lanetype.TRASH);
            AddProductsToLane("Trash", trashLane, logic.GetExpiredItems());

            wasteBags = logic.GetWasteBags();
            ///Add waste bag lane
            if (wasteBags.Count > 0)
                foreach (ZeroWasteBag bag in wasteBags)
                    if (bag.Count == 0)
                    FlowLayoutPanel wasteBagLane = AddLane(Lanetype.ZWB);
                    ///Set title of lane
                    Label zwblabel = new Label();
                    zwblabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                    zwblabel.Font      = new Font("Calibri", laneTitleSize);
                    zwblabel.Size      = new Size(ExtraGraphics.BOXWIDTH + 10, laneTitleSize * 4);
                    ///Calculate and add total price of the items in he lane
                    zwblabel.Text = "ZWB " + (wasteBags.IndexOf(bag) + 1) + '\n' + bag.Sum(p => p.Price) + '€';
                    //wasteBagLane.Size = new Size(wasteBagLane.Size.Width, wasteBagLane.Height + zwblabel.Height);
                    foreach (Product prod in bag)
                        var pb = AddToLane(prod, wasteBagLane);
                        //wasteBagLane.Size = new Size(wasteBagLane.Size.Width, wasteBagLane.Height + pb.Height+1);
                    wasteBagLanePanel.Size = new Size(wasteBagLanePanel.Width, wasteBageLanes.Max(x => x.Height) + 10);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the items that should be discounted and those that should be left on
        /// the shelfes, those that should get a discount and those that go into the Zero Waste Bags
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="products">All products from the crate</param>
        /// <param name="config">Class containing all the configurations relevant to the set</param>
        public CategorizerLogic(List <Product> products, WasteBagConfiguration config)
            this.products  = products;
            this.config    = config;
            expired        = new List <Product>();
            shelf          = new ShelfProducts();
            discounted     = new DiscountedProducts();
            ZWB_candidates = new ZeroWasteBag();

            ///Not only shorthand, but if the date changes during run, the results will be consistent
            DateTime today = DateTime.Today;

            ///ON the INFERENCE model: obtain object
            foreach (Product product in products)
                /// In reality, this should not happen. Added for future-proofing
                if (product.ExpiryDate <= today) ///INFERENCE: obtain all attributes -> obtain feature
                    expired.Add(product);        ///INFERENCE:  match Truth value => true; if false move to next clause
                ///DISCOUNT: Expires tomorrow
                else if (product.ExpiryDate <= today.AddDays(1))
                ///SHELF: expires in 2 days, but has high facing or expires in more than 2 days
                else if (((product.ExpiryDate <= today.AddDays(2)) && (product.Facing >= 4)) ||
                         (product.ExpiryDate > today.AddDays(2)))
                ///ZWB: Expires in 2 days but has low facing
                else if ((product.ExpiryDate <= today.AddDays(2)) && (product.Facing <= 4))
            ///Sorts the ZWB products into the 5(or otherwise set by parameter) bags
            ZWB_final = generateWasteBags();
            foreach (var p in ZWB_candidates)
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Apppends the products from <see cref="ZWB_candidates"/> based on criteria to ZWB.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ZWB">The batch of waste bags. Can be empty or already have items in it</param>
        /// <param name="criteriaImportance">Predicates that define the preference order</param>
        /// <param name="criteriaFilter">Predicates that define the filtering criteria </param>
        private void AddToBags(ZeroWasteBagsAll ZWB, List <Predicate <Product> > criteriaImportance, List <Predicate <Product> > criteriaFilter)
            int n = this.config.NrOfBags;

            ///Initialized the empty bags, if they have not been yet
            if (ZWB.Count == 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    ZWB.Add(new ZeroWasteBag());

            ///Restricts the items to only those that pass the criteria
            var ZWB_passed = new List <Product>();

            foreach (var crit in criteriaFilter)
                var tempBag = ZWB_candidates.FindAll(crit);
                tempBag.ForEach(x => ZWB_candidates.Remove(x));

            ///This adds the reamining items, that have not been added as a preference
            criteriaImportance.Add(x => true);
            foreach (var p in criteriaImportance)
                ///Filters the candidates by the criteria, in order
                ///Then sorts them by price
                var prods = ZWB_passed.FindAll(p).OrderBy(x => - x.Price).ToList();
                if (prods.Count == 0)
                int ip = 0;

                bool nothingAdded = false;
                while (ip < prods.Count)
                    if (nothingAdded)
                    nothingAdded = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < n && ip < prods.Count; i++)
                        ///INFERENCE: propose extension
                        ///checks for items within the category of the to-be-added item and ensures it doesn't go over limit
                        if ((ZWB[i].FindAll(x => x.Category.Equals(prods[ip].Category)).Count < prods[ip].Limit) &&
                            ///Checks to be within price, but try to be close to the lower price
                            (ZWB[i].Sum(x => x.Price) + prods[ip].Price < config.PriceLimitUpper) &&
                            (ZWB[i].Sum(x => x.Price) < config.PriceLimitLower))
                            ///INFERENCE: verify: truth value
                            nothingAdded = false;
                        }///INFERENCE: critique:=> take new product -> modify design by adding trying a new Product
            criteriaImportance.RemoveAt(criteriaImportance.Count - 1);
            ZWB_passed.ForEach(x => ZWB_candidates.Add(x));