private void _itemWatcher_NodeChanged(string obj) { this._handler.Execute(() => { using (MaintainWatcher mk = new MaintainWatcher(config.Host, 1000)) { ZooKeeper zk = mk.ZooKeeper; Stat stat = new Stat(); var tmpdata = zk.GetData(obj, false, stat); string tmpString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(tmpdata); ZNode znode = Deserialize(tmpString); if (znode == null) { return; } znode.Version = stat.Version; //获取本地的版本号,如果比服务器的低,则更新 string file = Path.Combine(ClientPath, obj.TrimStart('/') + ".txt"); string text = FileHelper.ReadFile(file); ZNode zLocal = Deserialize(text); if (zLocal == null || zLocal.Version < znode.Version) { FileHelper.WriteFile(file, znode.ToString()); LogHelper.WriteCustom($"更新节点:{$"{obj}"},值:{JsonHelper.ToNewtonJsonString(znode)}", "zookeeper\\", false); } //刷新内存值 this._itemWatcher.RefreshConfigValue(obj, znode.Value); } }, string.Format("Some thing is wrong with item '{0}'", obj)); }
public ActionResult GetZtreeNodeJson(int?Id) { string sql = "select * from Company where Pid=@Id"; SqlParameter sqlParameter = new SqlParameter("@Id", Id ?? 1);//中国总公司的id=1 DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTable(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text, sqlParameter); List <ZNode> listZNode = new List <ZNode>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { ZNode zNode = new ZNode() { Id = Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]), //节点Id Name = row["Name"].ToString(), //节点名字 Pid = Convert.ToInt32(row["Pid"]), //父节点 Url = "" + row["Name"].ToString() //给节点添加超链接,可以在后台进行拼接,就像这里这样。 }; if (IsParent(zNode.Id) || zNode.Id == 10) { zNode.IsParent = true; zNode.Open = true; } else { zNode.IsParent = false; } listZNode.Add(zNode); } return(new JsonNetResult() { Data = listZNode }); }
/// <summary> /// 反序列化 /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ZNode Deserialize(string text) { ZNode znode = null; try { //第一行是版本号 //第二行是描述 //第三行以后才是真正的值 string[] tmps = text.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int cnt = tmps.Length; if (cnt < 3) { return(null); } znode = new ZNode(); znode.Version = tmps[0].ToInt32(); znode.Description = tmps[1]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 2; i < cnt; i++) { sb.AppendLine(tmps[i]); } znode.Value = sb.ToString().TrimEnd(new[] { '\r', '\n' }); } catch { } return(znode); }
public ActionResult Index() { string sql = "select * from Company"; DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTable(sql, System.Data.CommandType.Text); List <ZNode> listZNode = new List <ZNode>(); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { ZNode zNode = new ZNode() { Id = Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]), //节点Id Name = row["Name"].ToString(), //节点名字 Pid = Convert.ToInt32(row["Pid"]), //父节点 Url = "" + row["Name"].ToString() //给节点添加超链接,可以在后台进行拼接,就像这里这样。 }; if (IsParent(zNode.Id)) { zNode.IsParent = true; zNode.Open = false; } else { zNode.IsParent = false; } listZNode.Add(zNode); } return(new JsonNetResult() { Data = listZNode }); }
public void NodeTwoConnectCreateTest() { String contentFirstNode = "This is first link"; String contentSecondNode = "This is second link"; String contentThirdNode = "This is third link"; ZNode nodeOne = new ZNode() { Index = 1, Content = contentFirstNode }; ZNode nodeTwo = new ZNode() { Index = 2, Content = contentSecondNode }; ZNode nodeThree = new ZNode() { Index = 3, Content = contentThirdNode }; nodeOne.NextNode = nodeTwo; nodeTwo.NextNode = nodeThree; nodeTwo.PreviousNode = nodeOne; nodeThree.PreviousNode = nodeTwo; Assert.AreEqual(nodeOne, nodeThree.PreviousNode.PreviousNode); }
// Edit this function when creating new nodes public static ZNode CreateNode(NODE_TYPE actionNodeType, ZNodeTree nodeTree, Rect nodeRect, JSON js) { ZNode node = null; if (actionNodeType == NODE_TYPE.SCALE) { node = new ZBTActionScale(nodeTree, nodeRect, js); } return(node); }
public async Task <BizResult <bool> > UpdateZNode(string path, ZNode node) { string[] strs = path.Split('/', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (strs.LastOrDefault() != node.Key) { return(new BizResult <bool>(false, -1, "非法操作!")); } await _zookeeperClient.SetDataAsync(path, node); return(new BizResult <bool>(true)); }
public void NodeCreateTest() { String contentFirstNode = "This is first link"; String contentSecondNode = "This is second link"; ZNode nodeOne = new ZNode() { Index = 1, Content = contentFirstNode }; ZNode nodeTwo = new ZNode() { Index = 2, Content = contentSecondNode }; nodeOne.NextNode = nodeTwo; Assert.AreEqual(contentSecondNode, nodeOne.NextNode.Content); }
public System.Xml.XmlDocument UploadProuctDefaultSKU(string UserId, string Password, ZNode.Libraries.Framework.Business.ZNodeGenericCollection<ProductEntity> ProductList, TList<SKUEntity> SKUList) { try { //Authorize Users bool IsAuthorized = Authorize(UserId, Password); if (IsAuthorized) { //Call Product insert/update method System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = InsertProduct(ProductList); string ResponseErrorCode = doc.SelectSingleNode("Response/ErrorCode").InnerText; string ResponseErrorDescription = doc.SelectSingleNode("Response/ErrorDescription").InnerText; //Check if any error encountered on the web service while processing our request if (ResponseErrorCode.Equals("0")) { //Default Insert method InsertDefaultSKU(SKUList); XmlNode Node = doc.SelectSingleNode("Response/Data"); return CreateSOAPResponse("Data Uploaded Successfully!", "0", Node.Value + " of rows are affected in the product table"); } return CreateSOAPResponse("","-1",ResponseErrorDescription); } else { return CreateSOAPResponse("", "1", ResponseMSG_UNAUTHORIZED); } } catch (Exception ex) { return CreateSOAPResponse("", "2", ResponseMSG_ERROR + "Reference: " + ex.Message); } }
private void SendEmailReceipt(ZNode.Libraries.DataAccess.Entities.Order order) { try { string senderEmail = ZNodeConfigManager.SiteConfig.CustomerServiceEmail; string recepientEmail = order.BillingEmailId; string subject = "Track your package"; //get message text. StreamReader rw = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath(ZNodeConfigManager.EnvironmentConfig.ConfigPath + "TrackingNumber.htm")); string messageText = rw.ReadToEnd(); Regex rx1 = new Regex("#BillingFirstName#", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); messageText = rx1.Replace(messageText, order.BillingFirstName); Regex rx2 = new Regex("#BillingLastName#", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); messageText = rx2.Replace(messageText, order.BillingLastName); Regex rx3 = new Regex("#Custom1#", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); messageText = rx3.Replace(messageText, TrackingNumber.Text); Regex rx4 = new Regex("#TrackingMessage#", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (order.ShippingIDSource.ShippingTypeID == 3) { messageText = rx4.Replace(messageText, "Your FedEx Tracking Number : "); } else if (order.ShippingIDSource.ShippingTypeID == 2) { messageText = rx4.Replace(messageText, "Your UPS Tracking Number : "); } else { messageText = rx4.Replace(messageText, ""); } Regex rx5 = new Regex("#Message#",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (order.ShippingIDSource.ShippingTypeID == 3) {messageText = rx5.Replace(messageText, "We would like to inform you that your order has shipped. You can track your package using the tracking number given below:"); } else if (order.ShippingIDSource.ShippingTypeID == 2) { messageText = rx5.Replace(messageText, "We would like to inform you that your order has shipped. You can track your package using the tracking number given below:"); } else { messageText = rx5.Replace(messageText, "We would like to inform you that your order has shipped."); } ZNode.Libraries.Framework.Business.ZNodeEmail.SendEmail(recepientEmail, senderEmail, senderEmail, subject, messageText, true); trackmessage.Text = "Tracking Number Email Sent to " + "<a href=\"mailto:" + senderEmail.ToString() + "\">" + senderEmail + "</a>"; } catch (Exception ex) { string senderEmail = ZNodeConfigManager.SiteConfig.CustomerServiceEmail; trackmessage.Text = "There was a problem sending the email to " + "<a href=\"mailto:" + senderEmail.ToString() + "\">" + senderEmail + "</a>"; //log exception ExceptionPolicy.HandleException(ex, "ZNODE_GLOBAL_EXCEPTION_POLICY"); //do not rethrow as this is non-critical } }
public async Task <BizResult <bool> > CreateZNode(string path, bool isParent, ZNode node) { if (node.Key.IndexOf('/') > 0 || node.Key.Contains("$$")) { return(new BizResult <bool>(false, -1, "Key不能包含 '/' 或者 '$$' 符号!")); } node.Key = node.Key.ToLower(); var paths = path.Split('/', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (paths.Count() > 1) { var existParentPath = string.Empty; foreach (var p in paths.Take(paths.Count() - 1)) { existParentPath += "/" + p; if (await _zookeeperClient.ExistsAsync($"{existParentPath}/{node.Key}")) { return(new BizResult <bool>(false, -1, $"路径 {existParentPath} 下已存在相同名称的节点!")); } } } var zpath = path + "/" + (isParent ? "$$" + node.Key : node.Key); if (await _zookeeperClient.ExistsAsync(zpath)) { return(new BizResult <bool>(false, -1, $"Path:'{zpath.Replace("$$", "")}'节点已存在!")); } await _zookeeperClient.CreatePersistentAsync(zpath, node); return(new BizResult <bool>(true)); }
/// <summary> /// 统一配置服务器站点的初始化 /// </summary> public void InitServer() { var task = Task.Run(() => { this._handler.Execute(() => { //目前没考虑自定义配置 ,这里配置文件统一放置到zookeeper文件夹下 //同步zookeeper文件信息到zookeeper服务 if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(RootPath)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(RootPath); } //第一级目录,我设想存放的是站点名称,我就存放站点对应的Key好了,类似1、2、3、4,你也可以自行扩展 var dirs = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(RootPath); foreach (string dir in dirs) { string name = Path.GetFileName(dir); using (MaintainWatcher mk = new MaintainWatcher(config.Host, 1000)) { ZooKeeper zk = mk.ZooKeeper; var stat = zk.Exists($"/{name}", false); if (stat == null) { zk.Create($"/{name}", "".GetBytes(), Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.Persistent); } var files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.txt"); foreach (string file in files) { string key = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); stat = zk.Exists($"/{name}/{key}", false); string text = FileHelper.ReadFile(file); ZNode znode = Deserialize(text); if (znode != null) { if (stat == null) { zk.Create($"/{name}/{key}", znode.ToString().GetBytes(), Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.Persistent); } else { //文件的版本号比znode大,这样才去更新zookeeper服务器 //if (znode.Version > stat.Version) { //下面没有事物处理,可能会有问题 var tmpdata = zk.GetData($"/{name}/{key}", false, null); string tmpString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(tmpdata); stat = zk.SetData($"/{name}/{key}", znode.ToString().GetBytes(), -1); znode.Version = stat.Version; FileHelper.WriteFile(file, znode.ToString()); } } } } } } }, string.Empty); }); task.Wait(); }
public System.Xml.XmlDocument UploadRetailPrice(string UserId, string Password, ZNode.Libraries.Framework.Business.ZNodeGenericCollection<ProductSKUEntity> ProductSKUList) { try { //Authorize Users bool IsAuthorized = Authorize(UserId, Password); if (IsAuthorized) { string ConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ZNodeECommerceDB"].ConnectionString; //Call UploadProductRetailPrice(ProductSKUList, ConnectionString); return CreateSOAPResponse("Data Upload Success", "0", String.Empty); } else { return CreateSOAPResponse("", "1", ResponseMSG_UNAUTHORIZED); } } catch (Exception ex) { return CreateSOAPResponse("", "2", ResponseMSG_ERROR + "Reference: " + ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 同步zookeeper服务并序列化成配置文件到本地 /// 初始化 /// </summary> public void InitClient() { var task = Task.Run(() => { this._handler.Execute(() => { StringBuilder logBuilder = new StringBuilder(); #region 步配置到本地 if (!Directory.Exists(ClientPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ClientPath); } logBuilder.AppendLine("同步zookeeper数据到本地\r\n"); using (MaintainWatcher mk = new MaintainWatcher(config.Host, 1000)) { ZooKeeper zk = mk.ZooKeeper; //本地站点的名称 string name = config.ClientInfo.AppName; var stat = zk.Exists($"/{name}", false); if (stat == null) { return; } if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(ClientPath, name))) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(ClientPath, name)); } var children = zk.GetChildren($"/{name}", false);//取不到节点会报错 foreach (var child in children) { stat = new Stat(); var tmpdata = zk.GetData($"/{name}/{child}", false, stat); string tmpString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(tmpdata); ZNode znode = Deserialize(tmpString); if (znode == null) { continue; } znode.Version = stat.Version; //看下本地的配置文件版本号,需要不需要更新 string file = Path.Combine(ClientPath, name, child + ".txt"); string text = FileHelper.ReadFile(file); ZNode zLocal = Deserialize(text); if (zLocal == null || zLocal.Version < znode.Version) { FileHelper.WriteFile(file, znode.ToString()); logBuilder.AppendLine($"下载节点:{$"/{name}/{child}"},值:{JsonHelper.ToNewtonJsonString(znode)}"); } } } #endregion #region 加载配置到内存 var files = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(ClientPath, config.ClientInfo.AppName), "*.txt"); IZkTreeBuilder itemBuilder = new ZkTreeBuilder(config.ClientInfo.AppName); foreach (string file in files) { string key = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); string text = FileHelper.ReadFile(file); ZNode znode = Deserialize(text); if (znode == null) { continue; } itemBuilder.GetOrAddZnodeName($"/{config.ClientInfo.AppName}/{key}", znode.Value); } this._itemWatcher = new NodeWatcher(config.Host, 30000, itemBuilder); this._itemWatcher.NodeChanged += _itemWatcher_NodeChanged; #endregion LogHelper.WriteCustom(logBuilder.ToString(), "zookeeper\\", false); }, string.Empty); }); task.Wait(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// <param name="appSettings"></param> /// <param name="connString"></param> private void UploadQuantityAvailble(ZNode.Libraries.Framework.Business.ZNodeGenericCollection<ProductSKUEntity> ProdSKUList, string connString) { # region Local Variables Declaration
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// <param name="appSettings"></param> /// <param name="connString"></param> private void UploadProductRetailPrice(ZNode.Libraries.Framework.Business.ZNodeGenericCollection<ProductSKUEntity> ProdSKUList, string connString) { #region Local Variable Declaration SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString); ZNode.Libraries.DataAccess.Service.ProductService ProductServ = new ProductService(); ZNode.Libraries.DataAccess.Service.SKUService ProductSKUServ = new SKUService(); ZNode.Libraries.DataAccess.Service.AddOnValueService ProductAddOnValueServ = new AddOnValueService(); #endregion foreach (ProductSKUEntity entity in ProdSKUList) { SKU _sku = new SKU(); //Update Prodcut table int ProductID = GetProductBySKU(entity.SKU, connString); if (ProductID > 0) { Product _productObject = ProductServ.GetByProductID(ProductID); _productObject.RetailPrice = entity.RetailPrice; _productObject.SalePrice = entity.SalePrice; _productObject.WholesalePrice = entity.WholesalePrice; _productObject.UpdateDte = System.DateTime.Now; ProductServ.Update(_productObject); } //Update SKU table int SkuId = GetSkuID(entity.SKU, connString); if (SkuId > 0) { _sku = ProductSKUServ.GetBySKUID(SkuId); //Set Quantity available value _sku.RetailPriceOverride = entity.RetailPrice; _sku.SalePriceOverride = entity.SalePrice; _sku.WholesalePriceOverride = entity.WholesalePrice; _sku.UpdateDte = System.DateTime.Now; //Upate SKU ProductSKUServ.Update(_sku); } //Update Add-On table AddOnValue _addOnvalue = new AddOnValue(); int AddOnValueId = GetSkuIDByAddOnValueSKU(entity.SKU, connString); if (AddOnValueId > 0) { _addOnvalue = ProductAddOnValueServ.GetByAddOnValueID(AddOnValueId); _addOnvalue.RetailPrice = entity.RetailPrice; _addOnvalue.SalePrice = entity.SalePrice; _addOnvalue.WholesalePrice = entity.WholesalePrice; _addOnvalue.UpdateDte = System.DateTime.Now; ProductAddOnValueServ.Update(_addOnvalue); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="ProductList"></param> private System.Xml.XmlDocument InsertProduct(ZNode.Libraries.Framework.Business.ZNodeGenericCollection<ProductEntity> ProductList) { ZNode.Libraries.DataAccess.Service.ProductService ProductServ = new ProductService(); string ConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ZNodeECommerceDB"].ConnectionString; int RowsAffected = 0; try { //Loop through the no.of items in the Product List object foreach (ProductEntity Entity in ProductList) { Product _product = new Product(); int ProductId = GetProductID(Entity.ProductNum, ConnectionString); if (ProductId > 0) { _product = ProductServ.GetByProductID(ProductId); } //Set Properties _product.Name = Entity.Name; _product.Description = Entity.Description; _product.FeaturesDesc = Entity.FeaturesDesc; _product.DisplayOrder = Entity.DisplayOrder; //General settings _product.PortalID = Entity.PortalID; _product.ProductNum = Entity.ProductNum; _product.ActiveInd = Entity.IsActive; _product.ImageFile = Entity.ImageFile; _product.RetailPrice = Entity.RetailPrice; _product.SalePrice = Entity.SalePrice; _product.WholesalePrice = Entity.WholesalePrice; //Display Settings _product.CallForPricing = Entity.CallForPricing; _product.HomepageSpecial = Entity.HomepageSpecial; _product.CategorySpecial = Entity.CategorySpecial; _product.Keywords = Entity.Keywords; //inventory Settings _product.BackOrderMsg = Entity.BackOrderMsg; _product.OutOfStockMsg = Entity.OutOfStockMsg; _product.InStockMsg = Entity.InStockMsg; // Product Type Section int ProductTypeId = ZnodeProductTypeInsert(Entity.PortalID, Entity.ProductTypeName, ConnectionString); if (ProductTypeId == 0) { ProductTypeId = ZnodeProductTypeInsert(Entity.PortalID, Entity.ProductTypeName, ConnectionString); } //If product type is "Default" ,then SKU and Quantity on Hand values are updated into Product Table // Otherwise it will update the values into SKU table if (Entity.ProductTypeName.Equals("Default")) { _product.QuantityOnHand = Entity.QuantityOnHand; _product.SKU = Entity.SKU; //remove Existing Skus for this product ZNode.Libraries.Admin.SKUAdmin _skuAdmin = new ZNode.Libraries.Admin.SKUAdmin(); _skuAdmin.DeleteByProductId(ProductId); } else { //Reset Default product Inventory settings _product.QuantityOnHand = 0; _product.SKU = Entity.SKU; } _product.ProductTypeID = ProductTypeId; // Set product type id int ManufacturerId = GetManufacturerID(Entity.ManufacturerName, ConnectionString); if (ManufacturerId == 0) { _product.ManufacturerID = null; //If not exists ,then insert null to Manufacturerid } bool status = false; if (ProductId > 0) { _product.UpdateDte = System.DateTime.Now; status = ProductServ.Update(_product); } else { status = ProductServ.Insert(_product); } if (status) { RowsAffected++; } } } catch (Exception ex) { return CreateSOAPResponse("", "-2", ex.Message); } return CreateSOAPResponse(RowsAffected.ToString(),"0",""); ; }