コード例 #1
        public void CanSubmitToYouTrack()
            var    tempfile1 = Path.GetTempFileName();
            string tempfile2 = null;

                var submitter = new YouTrackIssueSubmitter("AUT");

                // Create a file to be attached to the issue as it it created.
                File.WriteAllLines(tempfile1, new[] { @"This is a test.  This is only a test." });
                var filename1 = Path.GetFileName(tempfile1);
                var info1     = new FileInfo(tempfile1);

                var issueId = submitter.SubmitToYouTrack("Test submission to YouTrack", kLongDescription);
                Assert.That(issueId, Does.StartWith("AUT-"));

                var initialFiles = submitter.GetAttachmentDataForIssue(issueId);
                Assert.That(initialFiles, Is.Not.Null, "attachment data successfully fetched after creation");
                Assert.That(initialFiles.Count, Is.EqualTo(1), "unit test issue starts up with one file attached");
                Assert.That(initialFiles.ContainsKey(filename1), Is.True, "Initial file is attached");
                Assert.That(initialFiles[filename1], Is.EqualTo(info1.Length), "first attached file has right size to begin");

                // Create file named after the issue and attach it to the issue.
                var filename2 = issueId + ".tmp";
                tempfile2 = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), filename2);
                File.WriteAllLines(tempfile2, new[] { @"This is the second test file, named after the issue.", issueId });
                var info2 = new FileInfo(tempfile2);
                var added = submitter.AttachFileToExistingIssue(issueId, tempfile2);
                Assert.That(added, Is.True, "file added to issue");

                var finalFiles = submitter.GetAttachmentDataForIssue(issueId);
                Assert.That(finalFiles, Is.Not.Null, "attachment data successfully fetched at the end");
                Assert.That(finalFiles.Count, Is.EqualTo(2), "unit test issue ends up with two files attached");
                Assert.That(finalFiles.ContainsKey(filename1), Is.True, "Initial file is still attached");
                Assert.That(finalFiles[filename1], Is.EqualTo(info1.Length), "first attached file has right size at end");
                Assert.That(finalFiles.ContainsKey(filename2), Is.True, "Second file was attached");
                Assert.That(finalFiles[filename2], Is.EqualTo(info2.Length), "second attached file has right size at end");

                // no need to keep adding test issues indefinitely: clean up after ourselves by deleting the new issue.
                var deleted = submitter.DeleteIssue(issueId);
                Assert.That(deleted, Is.True, "unit test issue deleted");
                // clean up the disk after ourselves.
                if (tempfile2 != null)
コード例 #2
        public void CanSubmitToYouTrackASecondTime()
            // This test is much simpler: we just want to verify that the static HttpClient works for the
            // second submission.
            var submitter = new YouTrackIssueSubmitter("AUT");
            var issueId   = submitter.SubmitToYouTrack("Another test submission to YouTrack", kLongDescription);

            Assert.That(issueId, Does.StartWith("AUT-"));

            var initialFiles = submitter.GetAttachmentDataForIssue(issueId);

            Assert.That(initialFiles, Is.Not.Null, "attachment data successfully fetched after creation");
            Assert.That(initialFiles.Count, Is.EqualTo(0), "unit test issue starts up with one file attached");

            // no need to keep adding test issues indefinitely: clean up after ourselves by deleting the new issue.
            var deleted = submitter.DeleteIssue(issueId);

            Assert.That(deleted, Is.True, "unit test issue deleted");
コード例 #3
        public void RegisterWithApiHandler(BloomApiHandler apiHandler)
            // ProblemDialog.tsx uses this endpoint to get the screenshot image.
                                               (ApiRequest request) =>
                if (_screenshotTempFile == null)
            }, true);

            // ProblemDialog.tsx uses this endpoint to get the name of the book.
                                               (ApiRequest request) =>
                var bestBookName = _bookSelection.CurrentSelection?.TitleBestForUserDisplay;
                request.ReplyWithText(bestBookName ?? "??");
            }, true);

            // ProblemDialog.tsx uses this endpoint to get the registered user's email address.
                                               (ApiRequest request) =>
            }, true);

            // PrivacyScreen.tsx uses this endpoint to show the user what info will be included in the report.
                                               (ApiRequest request) =>
                var userWantsToIncludeBook = request.RequiredParam("includeBook") == "true";
                var userInput = request.RequiredParam("userInput");
                var userEmail = request.RequiredParam("email");
                request.ReplyWithText(GetDiagnosticInfo(userWantsToIncludeBook, userInput, userEmail));
            }, true);

            // ProblemDialog.tsx uses this endpoint in its AttemptSubmit method;
            // it expects a response that it will use to show the issue link to the user.
                                               (ApiRequest request) =>
                var report  = DynamicJson.Parse(request.RequiredPostJson());
                var subject = report.kind == "User" ? "User Problem" : report.kind == "Fatal" ? "Crash Report" : "Error Report";

                var issueSubmission = new YouTrackIssueSubmitter(YouTrackProjectKey);
                var userDesc        = report.userInput as string;
                var userEmail       = report.email as string;
                if (report.includeScreenshot && _screenshotTempFile != null && RobustFile.Exists(_screenshotTempFile.Path))
                var diagnosticInfo = GetDiagnosticInfo(report.includeBook, userDesc, userEmail);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userEmail))
                    // remember their email
                    SIL.Windows.Forms.Registration.Registration.Default.Email = userEmail;

                const string failureResult = "failed";
                string issueId;
                    issueId = issueSubmission.SubmitToYouTrack(subject, diagnosticInfo);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.Fail("Submitting problem report to YouTrack failed with '" + e.Message + "'.");
                    issueId = failureResult;
                object linkToNewIssue;
                if (issueId == failureResult)
                    var zipPath    = MakeEmailableReportFile(report.includeBook, report.includeScreenshot, userDesc, diagnosticInfo);
                    linkToNewIssue = new { issueLink = failureResult + ":" + zipPath };
                    linkToNewIssue = new { issueLink = "https://issues.bloomlibrary.org/youtrack/issue/" + issueId };
                    if (report.includeBook)
                            string zipPath = CreateBookZipFile(issueId, userDesc);
                            if (zipPath != null)
                                issueSubmission.AttachFileToExistingIssue(issueId, zipPath);
                        catch (Exception error)
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Attaching book to new YouTrack issue failed with '{error.Message}'.");
                            var msg   = "***Error as ProblemReportApi attempted to upload the zipped book: " + error.Message;
                            userDesc += Environment.NewLine + msg;
            }, true);
コード例 #4
        internal string SubmitToYouTrack(string reportKind, string userDesc, string userEmail, bool includeBook, bool includeScreenshot, IEnumerable <string> additionalPathsToInclude)
            var subject = reportKind == "User" ? "User Problem" : reportKind == "Fatal" ? "Crash Report" : "Error Report";

            var issueSubmission = new YouTrackIssueSubmitter(YouTrackProjectKey);

            if (includeScreenshot && _reportInfo?.ScreenshotTempFile != null && RobustFile.Exists(_reportInfo.ScreenshotTempFile.Path))
            if (additionalPathsToInclude != null)
                foreach (var path in additionalPathsToInclude)
            string diagnosticInfo = GetDiagnosticInfo(includeBook, userDesc, userEmail);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userEmail))
                // remember their email
                SIL.Windows.Forms.Registration.Registration.Default.Email = userEmail;

            string issueId;

                issueId = issueSubmission.SubmitToYouTrack(subject, diagnosticInfo);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.Fail("Submitting problem report to YouTrack failed with '" + e.Message + "'.");
                issueId = kFailureResult;

            string issueLink;

            if (issueId == kFailureResult)
                var zipPath = MakeEmailableReportFile(includeBook, includeScreenshot, userDesc, diagnosticInfo);
                issueLink = kFailureResult + ":" + zipPath;
                issueLink = "https://issues.bloomlibrary.org/youtrack/issue/" + issueId;
                if (includeBook || _additionalPathsToInclude?.Any() == true)
                        string zipPath = CreateReportZipFile(issueId, userDesc, includeBook);
                        if (zipPath != null)
                            // This could be used provided the file is not too large (about 10M as of July 2020),
                            // but it seems simpler to do the same thing every time.
                            //issueSubmission.AttachFileToExistingIssue(issueId, zipPath);
                            var uploadUrl = ProblemBookUploader.UploadBook(
                                BloomS3Client.ProblemBookUploadsBucketName, zipPath,
                                new NullProgress());
                            diagnosticInfo += Environment.NewLine + "Problem book uploaded to " + uploadUrl;
                            // We don't want to change the summary, but currently the YouTrack API requires us to set both together.
                            issueSubmission.UpdateSummaryAndDescription(issueId, subject, diagnosticInfo);
                    catch (Exception error)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Attaching book to new YouTrack issue failed with '{error.Message}'.");
                        var msg = "***Error as ProblemReportApi attempted to upload the zipped book: " +
                        userDesc += Environment.NewLine + msg;
                        diagnosticInfo += Environment.NewLine + "Uploading the problem book failed with exception " + error.Message;
                        // We don't want to change the summary, but currently the YouTrack API requires us to set both together.
                        issueSubmission.UpdateSummaryAndDescription(issueId, subject, diagnosticInfo);