private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Choose 1 for csv or 2 for Json format, \nIf you dont choose anything before 10 secs, the default format in settings file will be selected \n" + "You can change the setting in the app.config folder"); Option.FormatOption = '1'; DateTime beginWait = DateTime.Now; while (!Console.KeyAvailable && DateTime.Now.Subtract(beginWait).TotalSeconds < 5) { Thread.Sleep(5000); } if (!Console.KeyAvailable) { Console.WriteLine("You didn't press anything! So downloading the default based on settings in config file"); if (Properties.Settings.Default.OutputFormat.ToLower() == "json") { Option.FormatOption = '2'; } } else { Console.WriteLine("You pressed: {0}", Option.FormatOption = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar); } MarketDataHandler mdh = new YahooFinanceData.MarketDataHandler(); //Calling the BuildReuest method which sets the parameters and returns the recevied response be formatted mdh.FormatOutput(RequestData.BuildRequest()); }
public static List <Contract> BuildRequest() { string MarketData; StringBuilder marketList = new StringBuilder(); string filePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.FullName, @"Entities\MarketList.txt"); // Iterate through the list of markets present in the file using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath)) { string temp; marketList.Append(sr.ReadLine().Trim()); while ((temp = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { marketList.Append("+"); marketList.Append(temp.Trim()); } marketList.Append("&"); } // Set the url with parameters including symbols and the fields required using (WebClient web = new WebClient()) { MarketData = web.DownloadString("" + marketList + "f=sxl1vc1t1t1"); } // Parse the response and return it MarketDataHandler mdh = new YahooFinanceData.MarketDataHandler(); return(mdh.ParseResponse(MarketData)); }