private void DownloadButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (IsDownloadRunning) { MessageBox.Show("Please wait for the current download to complete"); } else { StatusText.Content = "Downloading..."; VidDownloader = new YTDownloader(); VidDownloader.DownloadProgressChanged += VidDownloader_DownloadProgressChanged; VidDownloader.DownloadCompleted += VidDownloader_DownloadCompleted; if (IsDownloadingMP3) { if (usingMP3Thumbnail) { VidDownloader.DownloadVideo(VidURL, DownloadType.MP3Pic, SelectedAudQuality, SelectedVidQuality); } else { VidDownloader.DownloadVideo(VidURL, DownloadType.MP3Only, SelectedAudQuality, SelectedVidQuality); } } else { DownloadAudQuality = SelectedAudQuality; DownloadVidQuality = SelectedVidQuality; VidDownloader.DownloadVideo(VidURL, DownloadType.CustomQuality, SelectedAudQuality, SelectedVidQuality); } } }
private void DownloadButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (AllVideosInfoList.Count > 0) { CurrentVideo = CurrentVideo + 1; PlaylistStatus.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => PlaylistStatus.Content = "Status:[" + CurrentVideo.ToString() + "/" + TotalVideos.ToString() + "] Downloading" + AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID)); if (AllVideosInfoList[0].IsMP3Only) { IsdownloadingMP3 = true; if (IsUsingMP3Thumbnail) { CurrentDownloadID = AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID; CurrentDownloadType = DownloadType.MP3Pic; downloader.DownloadVideo("" + AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID, DownloadType.MP3Pic); } else { CurrentDownloadID = AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID; CurrentDownloadType = DownloadType.MP3Only; downloader.DownloadVideo("" + AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID, DownloadType.MP3Only); } } else { IsdownloadingMP3 = false; CurrentDownloadType = DownloadType.CustomQuality; CurrentDownloadID = AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID; VideoQualityInfo NewDownloadInfo = AllVideosInfoList[0]; AudQuality aQuality = new AudQuality(); aQuality.AudNo = NewDownloadInfo.SelectedAudQuality.ToString(); VidQuality vQuality = new VidQuality(); vQuality.VidNo = NewDownloadInfo.SelectedVidQuality.ToString(); foreach (VidQuality quality in NewDownloadInfo.VidQualityList) { if (quality.VidNo == vQuality.VidNo) { vQuality.Format = quality.Format; } } foreach (AudQuality quality in NewDownloadInfo.AudQualityList) { if (quality.AudNo == aQuality.AudNo) { aQuality.Format = quality.Format; } } IsCrossFormat = NewDownloadInfo.IsCrossFormat; CurrentAudQuality = aQuality; CurrentVidQuality = vQuality; downloader.DownloadVideo("" + NewDownloadInfo.VidID, DownloadType.CustomQuality, aQuality, vQuality); } } }
private async Task ProcessRequest(HttpListenerContext context) { HttpListenerRequest request = context.Request; Log.WriteLog(LogType.Info, "Recieved a request for " + request.Url); if (request.RawUrl.Contains("getmetadata")) { StartCheckMaintainance: if (File.Exists(downloadPath + "\\maintainance.lck")) { Log.WriteLog(LogType.Info, "Delaying request for 4 seconds as maintainance is currently running"); Thread.Sleep(4000); goto StartCheckMaintainance; } string VidID = request.QueryString.GetValues(request.QueryString.AllKeys[0])[0]; string VidURL = "" + VidID; MetadataScraper scraper = new MetadataScraper(); MetadataScrape scrape = new MetadataScrape(); scrape = scraper.GetMetadata(VidURL); HttpListenerResponse response = context.Response; MemoryStream xmlData = new MemoryStream(); //from answer by Adil and using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(xmlData)) { writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteStartElement("VideoMetadata"); writer.WriteStartElement("VideoID"); writer.WriteString(VidID); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("Title"); writer.WriteString(scrape.VidTitle); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("ThumbnailURL"); writer.WriteString(scrape.ThumbnailURL); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("VideoQualities"); foreach (VidQuality quality in scrape.VidQualities) { writer.WriteStartElement("vidquality"); writer.WriteAttributeString("format", quality.Format); writer.WriteAttributeString("size", quality.FileSize); writer.WriteAttributeString("resolution", quality.Resolution); writer.WriteAttributeString("ID", quality.VidNo); writer.WriteEndElement(); } writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("AudioQualities"); foreach (AudQuality quality in scrape.AudQualities) { writer.WriteStartElement("audquality"); writer.WriteAttributeString("format", quality.Format); writer.WriteAttributeString("size", quality.FileSize); writer.WriteAttributeString("ID", quality.AudNo); writer.WriteEndElement(); } writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndDocument(); } string xmlString = ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetString(xmlData.ToArray()); if (request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS") { response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*"); } response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xmlString); context.Response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length; context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml; encoding='utf-8'"; context.Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Log.WriteLog(LogType.Info, "Successfully sent output"); response.Close(); } else if (request.RawUrl.Contains("downloadvid")) { StartCheckMaintainance: if (File.Exists(downloadPath + "\\maintainance.lck")) { Log.WriteLog(LogType.Info, "Delaying request for 4 seconds as maintainance is currently running"); Thread.Sleep(4000); goto StartCheckMaintainance; } YTDownloader downloader = new YTDownloader(); downloader.DownloadCompleted += Downloader_DownloadCompleted; downloader.DownloadProgressChanged += Downloader_DownloadProgressChanged; string urlID = request.QueryString.GetValues(request.QueryString.AllKeys[0])[0]; string isMP3Only = request.QueryString.GetValues(request.QueryString.AllKeys[1])[0]; if (isMP3Only.ToLower().Contains("true")) { string isUsingThumbnail = request.QueryString.GetValues(request.QueryString.AllKeys[2])[0]; DownloadType mp3DownloadType; if (isUsingThumbnail.ToLower().Contains("true")) { mp3DownloadType = DownloadType.MP3Pic; } else { mp3DownloadType = DownloadType.MP3Only; } string vidURL = "" + urlID; VidQuality vQuality = new VidQuality(); vQuality.VidNo = "MP3-Only"; AudQuality aQuality = new AudQuality(); aQuality.AudNo = urlID; YTDownload download = new YTDownload(); download.context = context; download.aQuality = aQuality; download.vQuality = vQuality; download.VidID = urlID; download.DownType = mp3DownloadType; RunningDownloads.Add(download); HttpListenerResponse response = context.Response; if (request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS") { response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*"); } response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.SendChunked = true; downloader.DownloadVideo(vidURL, mp3DownloadType, aQuality, vQuality); } else { try { int VidID = int.Parse(request.QueryString.GetValues(request.QueryString.AllKeys[2])[0]); int AudID = int.Parse(request.QueryString.GetValues(request.QueryString.AllKeys[3])[0]); string vidURL = "" + urlID; VidQuality vQuality = new VidQuality(); vQuality.VidNo = VidID.ToString(); AudQuality aQuality = new AudQuality(); aQuality.AudNo = AudID.ToString(); YTDownload download = new YTDownload(); download.aQuality = aQuality; download.vQuality = vQuality; download.VidID = urlID; download.context = context; download.DownType = DownloadType.CustomQuality; RunningDownloads.Add(download); HttpListenerResponse response = context.Response; if (request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS") { response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*"); } response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); context.Response.SendChunked = true; downloader.DownloadVideo(vidURL, DownloadType.CustomQuality, aQuality, vQuality); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteLog(LogType.Error, ex.ToString()); } } } else if (request.RawUrl.Contains("download")) { StartCheckMaintainance: if (File.Exists(downloadPath + "\\maintainance.lck")) { Log.WriteLog(LogType.Info, "Delaying request for 4 seconds as maintainance is currently running"); Thread.Sleep(4000); goto StartCheckMaintainance; } try { HttpListenerResponse response = context.Response; string linkName = request.QueryString.GetValues(request.QueryString.AllKeys[0])[0]; string fileName = linkName.Replace('*', ' '); fileName = fileName.Replace('|', '&'); fileName = fileName.Replace('<', '='); if (request.HttpMethod == "OPTIONS") { response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*"); } response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); if (File.Exists(downloadPath + "\\" + fileName)) { string contentType = ""; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(fileName); if (info.Extension.ToLower().Contains("mp4")) { contentType = "video/mp4"; } else if (info.Extension.ToLower().Contains("mp3")) { contentType = "audio/mpeg"; } else if (info.Extension.ToLower().Contains("webm")) { contentType = "video/webm"; } else if (info.Extension.ToLower().Contains("mkv")) { contentType = "video/x-matroska"; } response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK; using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(downloadPath + "\\" + fileName)) { response.ContentType = contentType; response.ContentLength64 = info.Length; response.AddHeader( "Content-Disposition", "Attachment; filename=\"" + Path.GetFileName(downloadPath + "\\" + fileName) + "\""); stream.CopyTo(response.OutputStream); } } else { response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound; string responseString = "File not found"; byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString); response.OutputStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } response.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteLog(LogType.Error, "Error while downloading a file from server: " + ex.ToString()); } } }
private void Downloader_DownloadCompleted(DownloadProgress ProgData) { string documents = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); if (File.Exists(AppPath + "\\" + FileName)) { if (IsDefaultSaveLoc) { if (File.Exists(documents + "\\" + FileName)) { MessageBoxResult reply = MessageBox.Show("File already exists in My documents, would you like to overwrite it?", "File exists", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Information); if (reply == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { File.Delete(documents + "\\" + FileName); File.Copy(AppPath + "\\" + FileName, documents + "\\" + FileName); File.Delete(AppPath + "\\" + FileName); } else { File.Copy(AppPath + "\\" + FileName, documents + "\\" + FileName + "-NEW-" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + " " + DateTime.Now.Hour + "-" + DateTime.Now.Minute + "-" + DateTime.Now.Second + "." + Fileformat); File.Delete(AppPath + "\\" + FileName); } } else { File.Copy(AppPath + "\\" + FileName, documents + "\\" + FileName); File.Delete(AppPath + "\\" + FileName); } } else { if (Directory.Exists(SaveLoc)) { if (File.Exists(SaveLoc + "\\" + FileName)) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("File already exists in save location, would you like to overwrite it?", "File exists", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Information); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { File.Delete(SaveLoc + "\\" + FileName); File.Copy(AppPath + "\\" + FileName, SaveLoc + "\\" + FileName); File.Delete(AppPath + "\\" + FileName); } else { File.Copy(AppPath + "\\" + FileName, SaveLoc + "\\" + FileName + "-NEW-" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + " " + DateTime.Now.Hour + "-" + DateTime.Now.Minute + "-" + DateTime.Now.Second + "." + Fileformat); File.Delete(AppPath + "\\" + FileName); } } else { File.Copy(AppPath + "\\" + FileName, SaveLoc + "\\" + FileName); File.Delete(AppPath + "\\" + FileName); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Save directory could not be found, saving to My Documents", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); if (File.Exists(documents + "\\" + FileName)) { MessageBoxResult reply = MessageBox.Show("File already exists in My documents, would you like to overwrite it?", "File exists", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Information); if (reply == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { File.Delete(documents + "\\" + FileName); File.Copy(AppPath + "\\" + FileName, documents + "\\" + FileName); File.Delete(AppPath + "\\" + FileName); } else { File.Copy(AppPath + "\\" + FileName, documents + "\\" + FileName + "-NEW-" + DateTime.Now.Day + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month + "-" + DateTime.Now.Year + " " + DateTime.Now.Hour + "-" + DateTime.Now.Minute + "-" + DateTime.Now.Second + "." + Fileformat); File.Delete(AppPath + "\\" + FileName); } } else { File.Copy(AppPath + "\\" + FileName, documents + "\\" + FileName); File.Delete(AppPath + "\\" + FileName); } } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to download the following video:\n" + ProgData.VidID + "\nfrom the playlist", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } VideoQualityInfo CurrentVid = new VideoQualityInfo(); foreach (VideoQualityInfo info in AllVideosInfoList) { if (info.VidID == ProgData.VidID) { CurrentVid = info; } } AllVideosInfoList.Remove(CurrentVid); if (AllVideosInfoList.Count > 0) { CurrentVideo = CurrentVideo + 1; PlaylistStatus.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => PlaylistStatus.Content = "Status: [" + CurrentVideo.ToString() + "/" + TotalVideos.ToString() + "] Downloading" + AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID)); downloader = new YTDownloader(); downloader.DownloadCompleted += Downloader_DownloadCompleted; downloader.DownloadProgressChanged += Downloader_DownloadProgressChanged; if (AllVideosInfoList[0].IsMP3Only) { IsdownloadingMP3 = true; if (IsUsingMP3Thumbnail) { CurrentDownloadID = AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID; CurrentDownloadType = DownloadType.MP3Pic; downloader.DownloadVideo("" + AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID, DownloadType.MP3Pic); } else { CurrentDownloadID = AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID; CurrentDownloadType = DownloadType.MP3Only; downloader.DownloadVideo("" + AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID, DownloadType.MP3Only); } } else { IsdownloadingMP3 = false; CurrentDownloadType = DownloadType.CustomQuality; CurrentDownloadID = AllVideosInfoList[0].VidID; VideoQualityInfo NewDownloadInfo = AllVideosInfoList[0]; AudQuality aQuality = new AudQuality(); aQuality.AudNo = NewDownloadInfo.SelectedAudQuality.ToString(); VidQuality vQuality = new VidQuality(); vQuality.VidNo = NewDownloadInfo.SelectedVidQuality.ToString(); foreach (VidQuality quality in NewDownloadInfo.VidQualityList) { if (quality.VidNo == vQuality.VidNo) { vQuality.Format = quality.Format; } } foreach (AudQuality quality in NewDownloadInfo.AudQualityList) { if (quality.AudNo == aQuality.AudNo) { aQuality.Format = quality.Format; } } IsCrossFormat = NewDownloadInfo.IsCrossFormat; CurrentAudQuality = aQuality; CurrentVidQuality = vQuality; downloader.DownloadVideo("" + NewDownloadInfo.VidID, DownloadType.CustomQuality, aQuality, vQuality); } } else { PlaylistStatus.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => PlaylistStatus.Content = "Status:")); MessageBox.Show("Completed playlist download", "Finished", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } }