public void BasicTest() { YEncEncoder encoder = new YEncEncoder(); string toEncode = "encode me"; byte[] source = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(toEncode); byte[] dest = new byte[4096]; int numBytes = encoder.GetBytes(source, 0, source.Length, dest, 0, true); Assert.IsTrue(numBytes != 0, "Should convert some bytes"); Assert.AreEqual(source.Length, numBytes, "No escaped chars, so should be the same length"); Assert.AreEqual(numBytes, encoder.GetByteCount(source, 0, source.Length, true), "GetByteCount should return the same count as the actual encoding"); YEncDecoder decoder = new YEncDecoder(); Assert.AreEqual(source.Length, decoder.GetByteCount(dest, 0, numBytes, true), "Should return same number of chars as original"); byte[] source2 = new byte[4096]; int numBytes2 = decoder.GetBytes(dest, 0, numBytes, source2, 0, true); Assert.AreEqual(numBytes, numBytes2, "Should decode to the same number of chars"); string finalText = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(source2, 0, numBytes2); Assert.AreEqual(toEncode, finalText, "Decoded back to original text"); // string result = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, numBytes); // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(result); }
public void BinaryTest() { //create a binary const int sampleSize = 2000; byte[] original = new byte[sampleSize]; new System.Random().NextBytes(original); YEncEncoder encoder = new YEncEncoder(); byte[] encoded = new byte[4096]; int encodedBytes = encoder.GetBytes(original, 0, sampleSize, encoded, 0, true); Assert.IsTrue(encodedBytes > sampleSize, "Should always be larger than original"); YEncDecoder decoder = new YEncDecoder(); byte[] decoded = new byte[4096]; int decodedBytes = decoder.GetBytes(encoded, 0, encodedBytes, decoded, 0, true); Assert.AreEqual(sampleSize, decodedBytes, "Should decode back to the orginal length"); for(int i=0; i<sampleSize; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(original[i], decoded[i], "Each byte should match, failed on " + i.ToString()); } }
public void NormalUsageTest() { //Test normal usage - encode to a file, then open the file and decode it. const int sampleSize = 100000; const int batchSize = 500; const string sampleFileName = "encodedSample.BIN"; byte[] original = new byte[sampleSize]; new System.Random().NextBytes(original); YEncEncoder encoder = new YEncEncoder(); FileStream fs = new FileStream (sampleFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write); try { for (int i=0; i<sampleSize/batchSize; i++) { bool flush = false; int startByte = i * batchSize; if (startByte + batchSize == sampleSize) flush = true; int destSize = encoder.GetByteCount(original, startByte, batchSize, flush); byte[] destBatch = new byte[destSize]; int bytesWritten = encoder.GetBytes(original, startByte, batchSize, destBatch, 0, flush); Assert.AreEqual(destSize, bytesWritten, "GetGyteCount must return the same as GetBytes"); //here is where we would write off the batch to a file. Lets do that. fs.Write(destBatch, 0, bytesWritten); } } finally { fs.Close(); } YEncDecoder decoder = new YEncDecoder(); FileStream fs2 = new FileStream (sampleFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); byte[] decoded = new byte[sampleSize]; //I have faith, it will be right :) int destIndex = 0; try { byte[] buffer = new byte[batchSize]; int bytesRead = fs2.Read(buffer, 0, batchSize); while (bytesRead > 0) { int expectedBytes = decoder.GetByteCount(buffer, 0, bytesRead, false); int decodedBytes = decoder.GetBytes(buffer, 0, bytesRead, decoded, destIndex, false); Assert.AreEqual(expectedBytes, decodedBytes, "GetByteCount should return the same as GetBytes"); destIndex += decodedBytes; bytesRead = fs2.Read(buffer, 0, batchSize); } decoder.GetBytes(new byte[0], 0, 0, decoded, destIndex, true); //force a flush } finally { fs2.Close(); File.Delete(sampleFileName); } //final checks System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("original: " + BitConverter.ToString(new CRC32().ComputeHash(original, 0, sampleSize))); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("encoder: " + BitConverter.ToString(encoder.CRCHash)); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("decoder: " + BitConverter.ToString(decoder.CRCHash)); Assert.AreEqual(BitConverter.ToString(new CRC32().ComputeHash(original)), BitConverter.ToString(encoder.CRCHash), "Encoder should match original hash"); Assert.AreEqual(BitConverter.ToString(new CRC32().ComputeHash(original)), BitConverter.ToString(decoder.CRCHash), "Decoder should match original hash"); Assert.AreEqual(BitConverter.ToString(encoder.CRCHash), BitConverter.ToString(decoder.CRCHash), "The CRC32 hashes should match"); for(int i=0; i<sampleSize; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(original[i], decoded[i], "Final check failed at byte " + i.ToString()); } }
public void SampleDecode() { FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(@"..\..\Samples\Encoded.bin"); try { byte[] encoded = new byte[4096]; int encodedBytes = fs.Read(encoded, 0, 4096); YEncDecoder decoder = new YEncDecoder(); byte[] decoded = new byte[4096]; int decodedBytes = decoder.GetBytes(encoded, 0, encodedBytes, decoded, 0, true); Assert.AreEqual(584, decodedBytes, "Test file supplied was 584 before encoding"); byte counter = 255; for(int i=0x24; i<0x124; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(counter, decoded[i], "Checking against 255..0 failed on byte " + i.ToString()); counter--; } } finally { fs.Close(); } }