void stat(int rdoFlg) { string beginDate = this.dteDateStart.Text.Trim(); string endDate = this.dteDateEnd.Text.Trim(); Dictionary <string, string> dicParam = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (beginDate != string.Empty && endDate != string.Empty) { if (Function.Datetime(beginDate + " 00:00:00") > Function.Datetime(endDate + " 00:00:00")) { DialogBox.Msg("开始时间不能大于结束时间。"); return; } dicParam.Add("reportDate", beginDate + "|" + endDate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(JyStr)) { dicParam.Add("JyStr", JyStr); } try { uiHelper.BeginLoading(this); if (dicParam.Count > 0) { using (ProxyAnaReport proxy = new ProxyAnaReport()) { //List<EntityRptYzb> dataSource = null; if (rdoFlg == 0) { xr.DataSource = proxy.Service.GetMzRptYzb(dicParam, statDept); } else if (rdoFlg == 1) { xr.DataSource = proxy.Service.GetZyRptYzb(dicParam, statDept); } //this.gcData.DataSource = dataSource; XRControl xc; //报表上的组件 xc = xr.FindControl("lblDate", true); if (xc != null) { (xc as XRLabel).Text = " " + beginDate + " ~ " + endDate; } xr.CreateDocument(); } } else { DialogBox.Msg("请输入查询条件。"); } } finally { uiHelper.CloseLoading(this); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { XtraReport report = new XtraReport(); XtraReport subreport = new XtraReport(); report.LoadLayout(Application.StartupPath + "\\MainReport.repx"); subreport.LoadLayout(Application.StartupPath + "\\SubReport.repx"); ((XRSubreport)report.FindControl("xrSubreport1", true)).ReportSource = subreport; ((XRSubreport)report.FindControl("xrSubreport1", true)).BeforePrint += new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventHandler(Form1_BeforePrint); report.ShowPreview(); }
public void CargarDatosEmpresa(XtraReport Reporte) { /*Cargamos los datos de la empresa*/ clsDatosEmpresa DatosEmpresa = new clsDatosEmpresa(); DatosEmpresa = Neg.CargarDatosEmpresa(); Reporte.FindControl("lblNombreEmpresa", true).Text = DatosEmpresa.NombreEmpresa; Reporte.FindControl("lblDireccion", true).Text = DatosEmpresa.Direccion; Reporte.FindControl("lblTelefono", true).Text = DatosEmpresa.Telefono; if (DatosEmpresa.Logo != null) { ((XRPictureBox)Reporte.FindControl("picLogo", true)).Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(DatosEmpresa.Logo)); } /**********************************/ }
public static void PopulateHeaderLabels(XtraReport report, params string[] captions) { var pageHeaderBand = report.FindControl(ReportHeaderBandName, true); if (pageHeaderBand != null) { var header = pageHeaderBand.Controls.OfType<XRLabel>().FirstOrDefault(label => label.Name == ReportNameLabel); if (header != null) { header.CanShrink = true; header.Text = captions[0]; } header = pageHeaderBand.Controls.OfType<XRLabel>().FirstOrDefault(label => label.Name == DataFilterLabel); if (header != null) { string caption = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(captions[1]) == false) ? String.Format("({0})", captions[1]) : String.Empty; header.CanShrink = true; header.Text = caption; } header = pageHeaderBand.Controls.OfType<XRLabel>().FirstOrDefault(label => label.Name == GridFilterLabel); if (header != null) { string caption = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(captions[2]) == false) ? String.Format("({0})", captions[2]) : String.Empty; header.CanShrink = true; header.Text = caption; } } }
public bool LoadXtraReports(XtraReport rpt, int IDHT_ReportMain, DataTable dtMain, DataTable dtSub, string FolderPath) { try { DataTable dt = oDHT_Report.GetByIDReportMain(IDHT_ReportMain); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { return(false); } if (!LoadXtraReport(rpt, dt.Rows[0]["ReportName"].ToString(), dtMain, FolderPath, "" + dt.Rows[0]["FieldsFormatNumber"])) { return(false); } XtraReport rptSub = new XtraReport(); XRSubreport xrs; for (int i = 1; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (!LoadXtraReport(rptSub, dt.Rows[i]["ReportName"].ToString(), dtSub, FolderPath, "" + dt.Rows[i]["FieldsFormatNumber"])) { return(false); } xrs = (XRSubreport)rpt.FindControl("" + dt.Rows[i]["FieldSubReport"], true); if (xrs != null) { xrs.ReportSource = rptSub; } } return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Stat /// </summary> void Stat() { if (Function.Datetime(this.StartDate) > Function.Datetime(this.EndDate)) { DialogBox.Msg("开始时间不能大于结束时间。"); this.dteStartDate.Focus(); return; } try { uiHelper.BeginLoading(this); using (ProxyAdverseEvent proxy = new ProxyAdverseEvent()) { xr.DataSource = proxy.Service.GetStatEventLevel(this.StartDate, this.EndDate); XRControl xc; //报表上的组件 xc = xr.FindControl("lblDate", true); if (xc != null) { (xc as XRLabel).Text = " " + this.StartDate + " ~ " + this.EndDate; } xr.CreateDocument(); } } finally { uiHelper.CloseLoading(this); } }
public frmDevReport(DataTable dtMain, DataTable dtSub, string ReportMainName, string ReportSubName, string[] FieldSubReport, string[] FieldFormatNumberMain, string[] FieldFormatNumberSub, string WaterMark) { InitializeComponent(); rpt = new XtraReport(); oBHT_Report = new cBHT_Report(); oBHT_Report.LoadXtraReport(rpt, ReportMainName, dtMain, Application.StartupPath, FieldFormatNumberMain, ""); XtraReport rptSub = new XtraReport(); oBHT_Report.LoadXtraReport(rptSub, ReportSubName, dtSub, Application.StartupPath, FieldFormatNumberSub, ""); if (FieldSubReport != null) { foreach (string str in FieldSubReport) { XRSubreport xrs = (XRSubreport)rpt.FindControl(str, true); if (xrs != null) { xrs.ReportSource = rptSub; } } } rpt.Watermark.Text = WaterMark; printControl1.PrintingSystem = rpt.PrintingSystem; rpt.CreateDocument(); }
/// <summary> /// GetXR /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> XtraReport GetXR(decimal rptId) { EntitySysReport rptVo = null; using (ProxyCommon proxy = new ProxyCommon()) { rptVo = proxy.Service.GetReport(this.rptId); } XtraReport xr = new XtraReport(); if (rptVo != null) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); ms.Write(rptVo.rptFile, 0, rptVo.rptFile.Length); xr.LoadLayout(ms); } xr.DataSource = this.gcData.DataSource as List <EntityYgInpatStat>; XRControl xc; //报表上的组件 xc = xr.FindControl("lblDate", true); if (xc != null) { (xc as XRLabel).Text = " " + dateScope; } xr.CreateDocument(); return(xr); }
public static void SetLableText(XtraReport report, string labelName, string sText) { var lbl = report.FindControl(labelName, true) as XRLabel; if (lbl != null) { lbl.Text = sText; } }
public static void BindPicture(XtraReport report, Object dataSource, string picName, string boundName) { var pic = report.FindControl(picName, true) as XRPictureBox; if (pic != null) { pic.DataBindings.Clear(); pic.DataBindings.Add("Image", dataSource, boundName); } }
public static void BindBarCode(XtraReport report, Object dataSource, string barcodeName, string boundName) { var barcode = report.FindControl(barcodeName, true) as XRBarCode; if (barcode != null) { barcode.DataBindings.Clear(); barcode.DataBindings.Add("Text", dataSource, boundName); } }
public static void BindLabel(XtraReport report, Object dataSource, string labelName, string boundName) { var lbl = report.FindControl(labelName, true) as XRLabel; if (lbl != null) { lbl.DataBindings.Clear(); lbl.DataBindings.Add("Text", dataSource, boundName); } }
void GiderYazdir(bool Disigner) { try { System.Data.DataSet ds = new DataSet("Test"); DataTable dtliste = (DataTable)gcGiderler.DataSource; dtliste.TableName = "dtliste"; ds.Tables.Add(dtliste); //şirket bilgileri DataTable Sirket = DB.GetData(@"select * from Sirketler with(nolock)"); Sirket.TableName = "Sirket"; ds.Tables.Add(Sirket); string exedizini = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); string RaporDosyasi = exedizini + "\\Raporlar\\Giderler.repx"; if (!File.Exists(RaporDosyasi)) { MessageBox.Show("Giderler.repx Dosya Bulunamadı"); return; } XtraReport rapor = new XtraReport(); rapor.LoadLayout(RaporDosyasi); rapor.FindControl("label3", true).Text = deBasGelir.Text + " " + deBitGelir.Text; rapor.Name = "Giderler"; rapor.Report.Name = "Giderler"; rapor.DataSource = ds; if (Disigner) { rapor.ShowDesignerDialog(); } else { rapor.ShowPreviewDialog(); } //ds.Dispose(); ds.Tables.Remove(dtliste); ds.Tables.Remove(Sirket); dtliste.Dispose(); ds.Dispose(); rapor.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show("Hata Oluştu " + exp.Message); } }
private void SetValue(XtraReport xtraReport, string ctrlName, string value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { value = string.Empty; } XRControl ctrl = xtraReport.FindControl(ctrlName, true); if (ctrl != null) { ctrl.Text = value; } }
public void CreateReportWithBookmark() { ReportDataV2 reportData = ObjectSpace.FindObject <ReportDataV2>(new BinaryOperator("DisplayName", "ReportWithBookmark")); if (reportData == null) { reportData = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <ReportDataV2>(); XtraReport rep = new XtraReport(); #if !DXCORE3 byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ConvertVersion(OrdinalReportResource.ReportLayout)); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray); rep.LoadLayout(stream); #else var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); var resourceName = resourceNames.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Contains("OrdinalReport.repx")); using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName)) { rep.LoadLayout(stream); } #endif rep.DisplayName = "ReportWithBookmark"; rep.Bookmark = "Names"; XRControl control = rep.FindControl("label5", true); if (control != null) { control.DataBindings.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.XRBinding("Bookmark", null, "FirstName")); } control = rep.FindControl("label9", true); if (control != null) { control.Text = "Report with bookmarks"; } ReportDataProvider.ReportsStorage.SaveReport(reportData, rep); } }
protected static byte[] SerializeControls(XRControl[] controls) { XtraReport tempReport = new XtraReport(); DetailBand tempBand = new DetailBand(); tempReport.Bands.Add(tempBand); using (XtraReport cloneReport = new XtraReport()) { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { controls[0].RootReport.SaveLayoutToXml(stream); stream.Position = 0; cloneReport.LoadLayoutFromXml(stream); } foreach (XRControl control in controls) { XRControl clone = cloneReport.FindControl(control.Name, true); if (clone != null) { tempBand.Controls.Add(clone); } } } float topMost = float.MaxValue; float leftMost = float.MaxValue; foreach (XRControl control in tempBand.Controls) { topMost = Math.Min(topMost, control.TopF); leftMost = Math.Min(leftMost, control.LeftF); } foreach (XRControl control in tempBand.Controls) { control.LocationF = new PointF(control.LeftF - leftMost, control.TopF - topMost); } byte[] layoutBytes = null; using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { tempReport.SaveLayoutToXml(stream); layoutBytes = stream.ToArray(); } tempReport.Dispose(); return(layoutBytes); }
public static void GetSales(DateTime start, DateTime end, Klienti klienti) { string path = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(@"Reporting\Shitjet.txt"); XtraReport report = new XtraReport(); report = XtraReport.FromFile(path, true); report.FindControl("lbInvoice", true).Text = "Raport Shitjesh " + klienti.Emri; ReportPrintTool pt = new ReportPrintTool(report); PrintingSystemBase ps = pt.PrintingSystem; report.PrintingSystem.SetCommandVisibility(DevExpress.XtraPrinting.PrintingSystemCommand.Parameters, DevExpress.XtraPrinting.CommandVisibility.None); report.DataSource = GetAll.GetSales(start, end, klienti.ID); report.DataMember = "CustomSqlQuery"; report.DisplayName = "Invoice"; report.ShowPreview(); }
public bool LoadXtraReport(XtraReport rpt, string ReportName, DataTable dtReport, string FolderPath, string FieldsFormatNumber) { // Nếu đã có file .xml trong thư mục báo cáo thì load trực tiếp // Nếu chưa có thì load trong DB sau đó save lại vào thư mục báo cáo string FullFileName = FolderPath + "\\Template\\" + ReportName + ".repx"; if (!File.Exists(FullFileName)) { var client = new UnimOsServiceClient(); DataTable dt = ConvertList.ToDataTable <sp_HT_Report_GetByNameResult>(client.cDHT_Report_GetByName_2(GlobalVar.MaXacThuc, ReportName)); client.Close(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string Detail = dt.Rows[0]["Detail"].ToString(); if (Detail != "") { try { File.WriteAllText(FullFileName, Detail); } catch { return(false); } } } } // Load report từ file rpt.LoadLayout(FolderPath + "\\Template\\" + ReportName + ".repx"); rpt.DataSource = dtReport; if (dtReport != null && FieldsFormatNumber != "") { string[] arrField = FieldsFormatNumber.Split(','); foreach (string str in arrField) { XRControl xrc = rpt.FindControl(str, true); if (xrc != null) { xrc.DataBindings.Add("Text", dtReport, str, "{0:n0}"); } } } return(true); }
public void CreateReportMultiValueParameters() { ReportDataV2 reportData = ObjectSpace.FindObject <ReportDataV2>(new BinaryOperator("DisplayName", "ReportWithMultiValueParameters")); if (reportData == null) { reportData = ObjectSpace.CreateObject <ReportDataV2>(); XtraReport rep = new XtraReport(); #if !DXCORE3 byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ConvertVersion(OrdinalReportResource.ReportLayout)); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray); rep.LoadLayout(stream); #else var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames(); var resourceName = resourceNames.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Contains("OrdinalReport.repx")); using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName)) { rep.LoadLayout(stream); } #endif rep.DisplayName = "ReportWithMultiValueParameters"; rep.FilterString = "[Title Of Courtesy] In (?parameterTitle) Or [Position] In (?parameterPosition)"; DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter parameterTitle = new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter(); DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter parameterPosition = new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter(); parameterTitle.Description = "Title"; parameterTitle.Type = typeof(TitleOfCourtesy); parameterTitle.Name = "parameterTitle"; parameterTitle.MultiValue = true; parameterPosition.Description = "Position"; parameterPosition.Name = "parameterPosition"; parameterPosition.Type = typeof(Position); parameterPosition.MultiValue = true; rep.Parameters.AddRange(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter[] { parameterTitle, parameterPosition }); XRControl control = rep.FindControl("label9", true); if (control != null) { control.Text = "Contacts with parameters"; } ReportDataProvider.ReportsStorage.SaveReport(reportData, rep); } }
public bool LoadXtraReport(XtraReport rpt, string ReportName, DataTable dtReport, string FolderPath, string[] FieldsFormatNumber, string FormatType) { // Nếu đã có file .xml trong thư mục báo cáo thì load trực tiếp // Nếu chưa có thì load trong DB sau đó save lại vào thư mục báo cáo string FullFileName = FolderPath + "\\Template\\" + ReportName + ".repx"; if (!File.Exists(FullFileName)) { DataTable dt = oDHT_Report.GetByName(ReportName); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string Detail = dt.Rows[0]["Detail"].ToString(); if (Detail != "") { try { File.WriteAllText(FullFileName, Detail); } catch { return(false); } } } } // Load report từ file rpt.LoadLayout(FolderPath + "\\Template\\" + ReportName + ".repx"); rpt.DataSource = dtReport; if (dtReport != null && FieldsFormatNumber != null) { foreach (string str in FieldsFormatNumber) { XRControl xrc = rpt.FindControl(str, true); if (xrc != null) { xrc.DataBindings.Add("Text", dtReport, str, "{" + FormatType + "}"); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 報表套用模板 /// </summary> /// <param name="detailReport">報表</param> /// <param name="mainReport">模板報表</param> /// <returns></returns> public XtraReport CreateCompositeReport(XtraReport detailReport, XtraReport mainReport) { // Create a subreport. XRSubreport subreport = new XRSubreport(); mainReport.Margins = detailReport.Margins; // Create a detail band and add it to the main report. DetailBand detailBand = (DetailBand)mainReport.Bands[BandKind.Detail]; mainReport.Bands.Add(detailBand); // Set the subreport's location. subreport.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(mainReport.FindControl("PageHeader", true).Width, mainReport.FindControl("PageHeader", true).Height); // 設定報表 subreport.ReportSource = detailReport; // Add the subreport to the detail band. detailBand.Controls.Add(subreport); return(mainReport); }
/// <summary> /// Stat /// </summary> void Stat() { #region 条件 if (this.dteStart.DateTime.Date > this.dteEnd.DateTime.Date) { DialogBox.Msg("开始时间不能大于结束时间。"); this.dteStart.Focus(); return; } string startDate = this.dteStart.Text; string endDate = this.dteEnd.Text; string deptCode = string.Empty; if (this.ucDept.DeptVo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ucDept.DeptName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ucDept.DeptVo.deptCode)) { deptCode = this.ucDept.DeptVo.deptCode; } #endregion try { uiHelper.BeginLoading(this); using (ProxyAdverseEvent proxy = new ProxyAdverseEvent()) { xr.DataSource = proxy.Service.GetStatInstrument(startDate, endDate, deptCode); XRControl xc; //报表上的组件 xc = xr.FindControl("lblDate", true); if (xc != null) { (xc as XRLabel).Text = " " + startDate + " ~ " + endDate; } xr.CreateDocument(); } } finally { uiHelper.CloseLoading(this); } }
private void doAcceptance() { XtraReport mReport = new XtraReport(); mReport.LoadLayout(Application.StartupPath + "\\Report\\" + this.comboBox1.Text); //报表模板文件 DataTable taskError = new DataTable(); if (ReportDia.wwcxmTable != null) { taskError = ReportDia.wwcxmTable; } taskError.TableName = "taskError"; DataTable checkError = new DataTable(); DataTable attrError = AttrDia.attrErrorTable; if (attrError != null) { checkError = attrError; } DataTable topotable = TopoDia.topoErrorTable; if (topotable != null) { checkError.Merge(topotable); checkError.TableName = "checkError"; } //查找组件 DetailReportBand DetailReport = mReport.FindControl("DetailReport", true) as DetailReportBand; DetailReportBand DetailReport1 = mReport.FindControl("DetailReport1", true) as DetailReportBand; DetailBand Detail1 = mReport.FindControl("Detail1", true) as DetailBand; DetailBand Detail2 = mReport.FindControl("Detail2", true) as DetailBand; XRLabel xrLabel4 = mReport.FindControl("XRLabel4", true) as XRLabel; //联系人 XRLabel xrLabel5 = mReport.FindControl("XRLabel5", true) as XRLabel; //联系方式 XRLabel xrLabel11 = mReport.FindControl("XRLabel11", true) as XRLabel; //检查人 DetailReport.DataSource = taskError; DetailReport1.DataSource = checkError; mReport.ShowPreviewDialog(); }
public bool LoadXtraReports(XtraReport rpt, int IDHT_ReportMain, DataTable dtMain, DataTable dtSub, string FolderPath) { try { var client = new UnimOsServiceClient(); DataTable dt = ConvertList.ToDataTable <HT_ReportInfo>(client.cDHT_Report_GetByIDReportMain(GlobalVar.MaXacThuc, IDHT_ReportMain)); client.Close(); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { return(false); } if (!LoadXtraReport(rpt, dt.Rows[0]["ReportName"].ToString(), dtMain, FolderPath, "" + dt.Rows[0]["FieldsFormatNumber"])) { return(false); } XtraReport rptSub = new XtraReport(); XRSubreport xrs; for (int i = 1; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (!LoadXtraReport(rptSub, dt.Rows[i]["ReportName"].ToString(), dtSub, FolderPath, "" + dt.Rows[i]["FieldsFormatNumber"])) { return(false); } xrs = (XRSubreport)rpt.FindControl("" + dt.Rows[i]["FieldSubReport"], true); if (xrs != null) { xrs.ReportSource = rptSub; } } return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
private string SetVariables(DataRow dr, XtraReport rptTmp, string Cert) { try { foreach (DictionaryEntry de in Config.Variables) { string key = de.Key.ToString(); if (key.Contains("@")) { key = key.Remove(0, 1); } XRControl xrc = rptTmp.FindControl(key, true); if (xrc != null) { string value = de.Value.ToString(); DateTime r; if (DateTime.TryParse(value, out r)) { //if (value == "") value = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); value = DateTime.Parse(value).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");//.ToShortDateString(); } xrc.Text = value; xrc = null; } } foreach (DataColumn c in Data.Tables[0].Columns) { XRControl xrc = rptTmp.FindControl(c.ColumnName, true); if (xrc != null) { string value = dr[c].ToString(); if (c.DataType == typeof(decimal)) { value = decimal.Parse(value).ToString("### ### ### ##0.####").Trim(); value = value.Replace(".", ",").Replace(" ", "."); } if (c.DataType == typeof(DateTime)) { if (value == "") { value = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); } value = DateTime.Parse(value).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");//.ToShortDateString(); } xrc.Text = value; } } //Logo XRControl Logo = rptTmp.FindControl("Logo", true); if (Logo != null) { if (File.Exists(DuongDanInvoice + "\\Logo.png")) { string path = DuongDanInvoice + "\\Logo.png"; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); byte[] data = new byte[fileInfo.Length]; using (FileStream fs = fileInfo.OpenRead()) { fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length); } // fileInfo.Delete(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data); Image logo = Image.FromStream(ms); (Logo as XRPictureBox).Image = logo; } } //QrCocde XRControl QRcode = rptTmp.FindControl("QRCodeImage", true); if (QRcode != null && (XRPictureBox)QRcode != null) { QRCodeEncoder qrCodeEncoder = new QRCodeEncoder(); qrCodeEncoder.QRCodeEncodeMode = QRCodeEncoder.ENCODE_MODE.ALPHA_NUMERIC; qrCodeEncoder.QRCodeScale = 4; qrCodeEncoder.QRCodeVersion = 8; qrCodeEncoder.QRCodeErrorCorrect = QRCodeEncoder.ERROR_CORRECTION.M; Image image; try { image = qrCodeEncoder.Encode(Cert); ((XRPictureBox)QRcode).Image = image; } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } return(string.Empty); }
private void sbtGelirMail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lUEKullanicilar.EditValue.ToString().Length < 10) { return; } DialogResult secim; secim = DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraMessageBox.Show("Gider Raporu " + lUEKullanicilar.EditValue.ToString() + " E-Posta(pdf) Gönderilsin mi?", Degerler.mesajbaslik, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); if (secim == DialogResult.No) { return; } System.Data.DataSet ds = new DataSet("Test"); DataTable dtliste = (DataTable)gcGelirler.DataSource;//DB.GetData(sql); dtliste.TableName = "dtliste"; ds.Tables.Add(dtliste); //şirket bilgileri DataTable Sirket = DB.GetData(@"select * from Sirketler with(nolock)"); Sirket.TableName = "Sirket"; ds.Tables.Add(Sirket); string exedizini = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); string RaporDosyasi = exedizini + "\\Raporlar\\Gelirler.repx"; if (!File.Exists(RaporDosyasi)) { MessageBox.Show("Giderler.repx Dosya Bulunamadı"); return; } XtraReport rapor = new XtraReport(); rapor.LoadLayout(RaporDosyasi); rapor.FindControl("label3", true).Text = deBasGelir.Text + " " + deBitGelir.Text; rapor.Name = "Gelirler"; rapor.Report.Name = "Gelirler"; rapor.DataSource = ds; string dosyaadi = Application.StartupPath + "\\Gelirler.pdf"; rapor.ExportToPdf(dosyaadi); //ds.Dispose(); ds.Tables.Remove(dtliste); ds.Tables.Remove(Sirket); dtliste.Dispose(); ds.Dispose(); rapor.Dispose(); DB.epostagonder(lUEKullanicilar.EditValue.ToString(), "Gelirler Raporu", dosyaadi, "Gün Sonu Raporu"); formislemleri.Mesajform("E-Posta Gönderildi.", "S", 200); }
/// <summary> /// 生成验收单 /// </summary> /// <param name="modelName"></param> private void doAcceptance(string modelName) { try { XtraReport mReport = new XtraReport(); mReport.LoadLayout(Application.StartupPath + "\\Report\\" + modelName); //报表模板文件 DataTable taskError = new DataTable(); if (ReportDia.wwcxmTable != null) { taskError = ReportDia.wwcxmTable; } taskError.TableName = "taskError"; DataTable checkError = new DataTable(); DataTable attrError = AttrDia.attrErrorTable; if (attrError != null) { checkError = attrError; } DataTable topotable = TopoDia.topoErrorTable; if (topotable != null) { checkError.Merge(topotable); checkError.TableName = "checkError"; } //查找组件 //DetailReportBand DetailReport = mReport.FindControl("DetailReport", true) as DetailReportBand; //DetailReportBand DetailReport1 = mReport.FindControl("DetailReport1", true) as DetailReportBand; XRLabel lxr = mReport.FindControl("lxr", true) as XRLabel; //联系人 XRLabel lxdh = mReport.FindControl("lxdh", true) as XRLabel; //联系方式 XRLabel jcr = mReport.FindControl("jcr", true) as XRLabel; //检查人 XRLabel gldwstring = mReport.FindControl("gldw", true) as XRLabel; //管理单位 XRLabel startime = mReport.FindControl("startime", true) as XRLabel; //开始检查时间 XRLabel printtime = mReport.FindControl("printtime", true) as XRLabel; //打印时间 XRLabel checklog = mReport.FindControl("checklog", true) as XRLabel; //检查日志 CommonClass common = new CommonClass(); string gldw = common.GetConfigValue("GLDW"); ConnectDB db = new ConnectDB(); DataTable DT = db.GetDataBySql("select * from GISDATA_GLDW where GLDW = '" + gldw + "'"); DataRow dr = DT.Select(null)[0]; lxr.Text = dr["CONTACTS"].ToString(); lxdh.Text = dr["TEL"].ToString(); jcr.Text = common.GetConfigValue("USER") == "" ? "曾伟" : common.GetConfigValue("USER"); gldwstring.Text = dr["GLDWNAME"].ToString(); startime.Text = dr["STARTTIME"].ToString(); string log = dr["CHECKLOG"].ToString(); string[] logArrar = log.Split('\n'); checklog.Text = ""; for (int j = 0; j < logArrar.Length - 1; j++) { checklog.Text += "第" + (j + 1).ToString() + "次检查:" + logArrar[j] + "\n"; } //checklog.Text = dr["CHECKLOG"].ToString(); printtime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString(); //DetailReport.DataSource = taskError; //DetailReport1.DataSource = checkError; mReport.ShowPreviewDialog(); } catch (Exception e) { LogHelper.WriteLog(typeof(FormCheckMain), e); } }
private void SettingReport(XtraReport inputReport) { _MainReport = inputReport; if (PrintableComponent != null) { PrintableComponentContainer pcc = (PrintableComponentContainer)_MainReport.FindControl("printableComponentContainerMain", true); if (pcc != null) { pcc.PrintableComponent = PrintableComponent; } } XRLabel lblHandlingDescription = (XRLabel)_MainReport.FindControl("lblHandlingDescription", true); if (lblHandlingDescription != null) { lblHandlingDescription.Visible = IsHandlePersonVisible; } XRLabel lblManagerDescription = (XRLabel)_MainReport.FindControl("lblManagerDescription", true); if (lblManagerDescription != null) { lblManagerDescription.Visible = IsManagerVisible; } Parameter pReportTitle = _MainReport.Parameters["ReportTitle"]; if (pReportTitle != null) { pReportTitle.Value = ReportTitle; pReportTitle.Visible = false; } Parameter pUserName = _MainReport.Parameters["UserName"]; if (pUserName != null) { pUserName.Value = GlobalInfo.USER_NAME; pUserName.Visible = false; } Parameter pOcfDate = _MainReport.Parameters["OcfDate"]; if (pOcfDate != null) { pOcfDate.Value = "中華民國 " + (GlobalInfo.OCF_DATE.Year - 1911) + " 年 " + GlobalInfo.OCF_DATE.ToString("MM 月 dd 日 "); pOcfDate.Visible = false; } Parameter pReportID = _MainReport.Parameters["ReportID"]; if (pReportID != null) { pReportID.Value = ReportID; pReportID.Visible = false; } Parameter pLeftMemo = _MainReport.Parameters["LeftMemo"]; if (pLeftMemo != null) { pLeftMemo.Value = LeftMemo; pLeftMemo.Visible = false; } Parameter pFooterMemo = _MainReport.Parameters["FooterMemo"]; if (pFooterMemo != null) { pFooterMemo.Value = FooterMemo; pFooterMemo.Visible = false; } _MainReport.DisplayName = ReportTitle; _MainReport.RequestParameters = false; _MainReport.Visible = true; _MainReport.ShowPrintStatusDialog = false; }