private CodeCompileUnit GenerateTypesWithDataContractImporter(XmlSchemaSet schemas) { XsdDataContractImporter importer = new XsdDataContractImporter(); importer.Options = CreateImportOptions(false); schemas.ValidationEventHandler += this.validationEventHandler; try { importer.Import(schemas); return(importer.CodeCompileUnit); } catch (InvalidDataContractException dataContractException) { // double check since CanImport may trigger a "false" positive // after adding serialization and types schemas importer.CanImport(schemas); if (!importer.CanImport(schemas)) { throw new InvalidSerializerException(dataContractException.Message); } throw; } catch (ArgumentException argumentException) { throw new InvalidOperationException(argumentException.Message, argumentException.InnerException); } finally { schemas.ValidationEventHandler -= this.validationEventHandler; } }
MessagePartDescription CreateMessagePart(XmlSchemaElement elem, Message msg, MessagePart msgPart) { var part = new MessagePartDescription(elem.QualifiedName.Name, elem.QualifiedName.Namespace); part.DataContractImporter = dc_importer; if (dc_importer.CanImport(schema_set_in_use, elem)) { var typeQName = dc_importer.Import(schema_set_in_use, elem); part.CodeTypeReference = dc_importer.GetCodeTypeReference(elem.ElementSchemaType.QualifiedName, elem); } return(part); }
public void CanImportTest2 () { NewXmlSchemaSet (); XsdDataContractImporter xsdi = GetImporter (); List<XmlQualifiedName> names = new List<XmlQualifiedName> (); names.Add (new XmlQualifiedName ("Echo", "http://myns/echo")); Assert.IsFalse (xsdi.CanImport (xss, names), "#ci20"); names.Add (new XmlQualifiedName ("dc", "")); Assert.IsFalse (xsdi.CanImport (xss, names), "#ci21"); names.Clear (); names.Add (new XmlQualifiedName ("dc", "")); Assert.IsTrue (xsdi.CanImport (xss, names), "#ci22"); }
[Category ("NotWorking")] // importing almost-invalid element. This test is almost missing the point. public void ImportTest () { XsdDataContractImporter xsdi = GetImporter (); XmlSchemaElement element = new XmlSchemaElement(); Assert.IsTrue (xsdi.CanImport (xss, new QName ("dc", "")), "#i01"); Assert.IsTrue (xsdi.CanImport (xss, element), "#i01-2"); Assert.AreEqual (new XmlQualifiedName ("anyType", XmlSchema.Namespace), xsdi.Import (xss, element), "#i02"); CodeCompileUnit ccu = xsdi.CodeCompileUnit; Assert.AreEqual (1, ccu.Namespaces.Count, "#i03"); Assert.AreEqual ("", ccu.Namespaces [0].Name, "#i04"); Assert.AreEqual (1, ccu.Namespaces [0].Types.Count, "#i05"); Dictionary<string, string> mbrs = new Dictionary<string, string> (); mbrs.Add ("foo", "System.String"); CheckDC (ccu.Namespaces [0].Types [0], "dc", mbrs, "#i06"); }
CodeCompileUnit DoImport(bool xmlType, params string [] schemaFiles) { var ccu = new CodeCompileUnit(); var xdi = new XsdDataContractImporter(ccu); if (xmlType) { xdi.Options = new ImportOptions() { ImportXmlType = true } } ; var xss = new XmlSchemaSet(); foreach (var schemaFile in schemaFiles) { xss.Add(null, schemaFile); } xdi.Import(xss); return(ccu); } void DoCanImport(bool result, params string [] schemaFiles) { var ccu = new CodeCompileUnit(); var xdi = new XsdDataContractImporter(ccu); var xss = new XmlSchemaSet(); foreach (var schemaFile in schemaFiles) { xss.Add(null, schemaFile); } Assert.AreEqual(result, xdi.CanImport(xss)); } string GenerateCode(CodeCompileUnit ccu) { var sw = new StringWriter(); new CSharpCodeProvider().GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(ccu, sw, null); return(sw.ToString()); }
//<snippet2> //<snippet3> static CodeCompileUnit Import(XmlSchemaSet schemas) { XsdDataContractImporter imp = new XsdDataContractImporter(); // The EnableDataBinding option adds a RaisePropertyChanged method to // the generated code. The GenerateInternal causes code access to be // set to internal. ImportOptions iOptions = new ImportOptions(); iOptions.EnableDataBinding = true; iOptions.GenerateInternal = true; imp.Options = iOptions; if (imp.CanImport(schemas)) { imp.Import(schemas); return(imp.CodeCompileUnit); } else { return(null); } }
public void CanImportTest() { NewXmlSchemaSet(); XsdDataContractImporter xsdi = GetImporter(); Assert.IsFalse(xss.IsCompiled, "#ci01"); Assert.IsTrue(xsdi.CanImport(xss, new XmlQualifiedName("dc", "")), "#ci02"); Assert.IsTrue(xss.IsCompiled, "#ci03"); Assert.IsFalse(xsdi.CanImport(xss, new XmlQualifiedName("Echo", "http://myns/echo")), "#ci04"); Assert.IsTrue(xsdi.CanImport(xss, new XmlQualifiedName("int", "")), "#ci05"); Assert.IsTrue(xsdi.CanImport(xss), "#ci06"); Assert.IsTrue(xsdi.CanImport(xss, xss.GlobalElements [new XmlQualifiedName("dc", "")] as XmlSchemaElement), "#ci07"); Assert.IsTrue(xsdi.CanImport(xss, xss.GlobalElements [new XmlQualifiedName("Echo", "http://myns/echo")] as XmlSchemaElement), "#ci08"); }
public void CanImportNullTest3() { XsdDataContractImporter xsdi = GetImporter(); xsdi.CanImport(xss, (XmlSchemaElement)null); }
public void CanImportNullTest2() { XsdDataContractImporter xsdi = GetImporter(); xsdi.CanImport(xss, (XmlQualifiedName)null); }
public void CanImportNullTest1() { XsdDataContractImporter xsdi = GetImporter(); xsdi.CanImport(null); }