protected object GetDescription(SiteMapNode node) { if (node == null) { return(null); } var entityNode = node as CrmSiteMapNode; if (entityNode == null || entityNode.Entity == null) { return(node.Description); } var entity = XrmContext.MergeClone(entityNode.Entity); switch (entityNode.Entity.LogicalName) { case "adx_communityforum": return(Html.TextAttribute(XrmContext, entity, "adx_description")); case "adx_shortcut": return(Html.HtmlAttribute(XrmContext, entity, "adx_description")); case "adx_blog": case "adx_event": case "adx_webfile": case "adx_webpage": return(Html.HtmlAttribute(XrmContext, entity, "adx_summary")); default: return(node.Description); } }
protected void SendKBArticle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var from = ServiceContext.GetSiteSettingValueByName(Website, "smtp/from"); var mail = new MailMessage { From = new MailAddress(from), Subject = Article.Title, Body = ArticleContent.Replace("style=\"", "style=\"line-height: normal;").Replace("style='", "style='line-height: normal;"), IsBodyHtml = true }; mail.To.Add(toEmailAddresses.Text); var smtpServer = ServiceContext.GetSiteSettingValueByName(Website, "smtp/server"); var smtpUserName = ServiceContext.GetSiteSettingValueByName(Website, "smtp/userName"); var smtpPassword = ServiceContext.GetSiteSettingValueByName(Website, "smtp/password"); var smtp = new SmtpClient(smtpServer) { Credentials = new NetworkCredential(smtpUserName, smtpPassword) }; smtp.Send(mail); var noteSubject = "Note created on " + DateTime.Now + " by " + Contact.FullName; var contact = XrmContext.MergeClone(Contact); XrmContext.AddNoteAndSave(contact, noteSubject, "Knowledge Base Article titled: " + Article.Title + ", was emailed to " + toEmailAddresses.Text + " on " + DateTime.Now); toEmailAddresses.Text = ""; EmailSentMessage.Text = "Your email has been sent."; }
protected void OnItemInserting(object sender, CrmEntityFormViewInsertingEventArgs e) { var currentContact = XrmContext.MergeClone(Contact); if (currentContact == null) { return; } var contactParentCustomerAccount = currentContact.GetRelatedEntity(XrmContext, new Relationship("contact_customer_accounts")); if (contactParentCustomerAccount != null) { e.Values["msa_partnerid"] = contactParentCustomerAccount.ToEntityReference(); } e.Values["msa_partneroppid"] = currentContact.ToEntityReference(); e.Values["adx_createdbyusername"] = Contact.GetAttributeValue <string>("fullname"); // e.Values["adx_createdbyipaddress"] = Request.UserHostAddress ?? ""; e.Values["adx_partnercreated"] = true; // If no estimated revenue was submitted, leave as system-calculated. e.Values["isrevenuesystemcalculated"] = (!e.Values.ContainsKey("estimatedvalue")) || (e.Values["estimatedvalue"] == null); Guid accountId; if ((Account_dropdown.SelectedItem == null || Account_dropdown.SelectedIndex == 0) || !Guid.TryParse(Account_dropdown.SelectedItem.Value, out accountId)) { return; } var account = XrmContext.CreateQuery("account").FirstOrDefault(a => a.GetAttributeValue <Guid>("accountid") == accountId); if (account != null) { e.Values["customerid"] = account.ToEntityReference(); } }
protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } MissingFieldsMessage.Visible = false; var contact = XrmContext.MergeClone(Contact); ManageLists(XrmContext, contact); ProfileFormView.UpdateItem(); var returnUrl = Request["returnurl"]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl)) { Context.RedirectAndEndResponse(returnUrl); } }
protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } if (!Request.IsAuthenticated) { return; } if (AccountInformation.Visible) { var contactAccount = Contact.contact_customer_accounts; SaveAccountDetails(XrmContext.AccountSet.FirstOrDefault(a => a.AccountId == contactAccount.AccountId)); } if (SelfInformation.Visible) { var contact = XrmContext.MergeClone(Contact); SetContactDetails(contact); XrmContext.UpdateObject(contact); ManageLists(XrmContext, contact); XrmContext.SaveChanges(); } var snippet = RegistrationPanel.FindControl("ProfileUpdatedMsg"); if (snippet != null) { snippet.Visible = true; } }
protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsValid) { return; } MissingFieldsMessage.Visible = false; var contact = XrmContext.MergeClone(Contact); ManageLists(XrmContext, contact); ProfileFormView.UpdateItem(); var returnUrl = Request["returnurl"]; var languageContext = this.Context.GetContextLanguageInfo(); if (languageContext.IsCrmMultiLanguageEnabled && _forceRedirect) { // When forcing redirect for language change, make the confirmation message visible after redirect // It is only needed when redirecting back to Profile page if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl)) { Session[ConfirmationOneTimeMessageSessionKey] = true; } // respect returnUrl if it was provided during the form submit // otherwise, redirect back to current page var redirectUri = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl) ? Request.Url : returnUrl.AsAbsoluteUri(Request.Url); returnUrl = languageContext.FormatUrlWithLanguage(overrideUri: redirectUri); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnUrl)) { Context.RedirectAndEndResponse(returnUrl); } }