コード例 #1
ファイル: ParticleGenerator.cs プロジェクト: rcorre/MSH-win8
        private Particle newParticle(Vector2 pos, float angle, Vector2 sourceVelocity)
            Particle particle = new Particle();

            particle.Position = pos;
            float directionAngle = (float)MathHelper.ToRadians((XnaHelper.RandomAngle(angle, _arc)));
            float speed          = applyVariance(_particleSpeed, _speedVariance);

            particle.Velocity = speed * XnaHelper.VectorFromAngle(directionAngle);
            particle.Scale    = applyVariance(_particleScale, _scaleVariance);
            particle.Angle    = angle;
            particle.LifeTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(applyVariance((float)_particleLife.TotalSeconds, _particleLifeVariance));

            if (Reversed)
                float secondsAlive = (float)particle.LifeTime.TotalSeconds;
                //start at the end
                particle.Position = particle.Position + particle.Velocity * secondsAlive;
                //comment above and uncomment below for a cool effect (unintentional side effect while working on particles.
                //not sure why it looks so awesome, but it does)
                //particle.Position = particle.Position + particle.Velocity * secondsAlive * (1 - _particleDecelerationFactor);

                //movce in reverse
                particle.Velocity = Vector2.Negate(particle.Velocity);
                //start at end scale
                particle.Scale = _particleScale + _scaleRate * secondsAlive;
                //start at end rotation
                particle.Angle = _particleRotationSpeed * secondsAlive;

            particle.Velocity += sourceVelocity;
コード例 #2
 private void shatter()
     _lifeState = LifeState.Shattered;
     for (int row = 0; row < ICE_DIVISIONS; row++)
         for (int col = 0; col < ICE_DIVISIONS; col++)
             _fragments[row, col].Health     = FRAGMENT_HEALTH * _statusEffects.Cryo / MAX_STAT_EFFECT;
             _fragments[row, col].Position.X = Position.X + (0.5f + _sprite.Width * (float)col / ICE_DIVISIONS);
             _fragments[row, col].Position.Y = Position.Y + (0.5f + _sprite.Height * (float)row / ICE_DIVISIONS);
             XnaHelper.RandomizeVector(ref _fragments[row, col].Velocity, -FRAGMENT_MAX_VELOCITY, FRAGMENT_MAX_VELOCITY,
                                       -FRAGMENT_MAX_VELOCITY, FRAGMENT_MAX_VELOCITY);
             Vector2.Add(ref _fragments[row, col].Velocity, ref _velocity, out _fragments[row, col].Velocity);
             Vector2.Multiply(ref _fragments[row, col].Velocity, FRAGMENT_VELOCITY_FACTOR, out _fragments[row, col].Velocity);
             _fragments[row, col].Angle           = 0f;
             _fragments[row, col].AngularVelocity = XnaHelper.RandomAngle(0.0f, FRAGMENT_MAX_ANGULAR_VELOCITY);
             _fragments[row, col].ScaleFactor     = 1f;
             _fragments[row, col].Active          = true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ProjectileWeapon.cs プロジェクト: rcorre/MSH-win8
        protected override void UpdateWeapon(GameTime gameTime)

            int projectilesToSpawn = _firing ? _projectilesPerFire : 0;

            foreach (Projectile p in _projectiles)
                if (p.ProjectileState == Projectile.State.Dormant &&
                    projectilesToSpawn > 0)
                    float rotAngle = XnaHelper.RandomAngle(0, _spread);
                    Matrix.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(rotAngle), out tempMatrix);
                    p.Initialize(_owner.Position, Vector2.Transform(_fireDirection, tempMatrix),
                                 _projectileInfo, _targetDestination, _owner.Velocity,
                                 _contactEffect, _destinationEffect,


            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(projectilesToSpawn == 0, "did not spawn all projectiles", "Number left: " + projectilesToSpawn,
                                            new object[] { this });

            if (_fireParticleEffect != null)
                if (_firing)
                        _owner.Position, XnaHelper.DegreesFromVector(_fireDirection),
                        gameTime.ElapsedGameTime, _owner.Velocity);