public void Write() { string outputFileName = UserData.Create(this.savePath) + this.saveName; XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; settings.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; XmlWriter writer = (XmlWriter)null; try { writer = XmlWriter.Create(outputFileName, settings); writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteStartElement(this.rootName); foreach (Data data in this.dataList) { data.Write(writer); } writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndDocument(); } finally { writer?.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Generate the to-be signed content for the credential. /// </summary> /// /// <returns> /// Raw XML representing the ContentSection of the info secttion. /// </returns> /// internal string GetContentSection() { StringBuilder requestXml = new StringBuilder(2048); XmlWriterSettings settings = SDKHelper.XmlUnicodeWriterSettings; XmlWriter writer = null; try { writer = XmlWriter.Create(requestXml, settings); writer.WriteStartElement("content"); writer.WriteStartElement("app-id"); writer.WriteString(_webHealthVaultConfiguration.MasterApplicationId.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteElementString("hmac", HealthVaultConstants.Cryptography.HmacAlgorithm); writer.WriteStartElement("signing-time"); writer.WriteValue(SDKHelper.XmlFromInstant(SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant())); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndElement(); // content } finally { writer?.Close(); } return(requestXml.ToString()); }
public static async void PublishHelpFile(String path, ModuleObject module, ProgressBar pb) { XmlWriter writer = null; StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder(); if (module.Cmdlets.Count == 0) { return; } pb.Value = 0; pb.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true, IndentChars = (" "), NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.None, ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document }; try { writer = XmlWriter.Create(path, settings); writer.WriteStartDocument(); await XmlProcessor.XmlGenerateHelp(SB, module.Cmdlets, pb, module.IsOffline); writer.WriteRaw(SB.ToString()); } finally { pb.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; writer?.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// 将对象序列化成Xml字符串。 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">对象的类型。</typeparam> /// <param name="sourceObject">被序列化的对象。</param> /// <param name="prefix">The prefix associated with an XML namespace.</param> /// <param name="ns">An XML namespace.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string SerializeObjectToXmlString <T>(T sourceObject, string prefix = "", string ns = "") { string xmlString = null; StringWriter stringWriter = null; XmlWriter xmlWriter = null; try { stringWriter = new StringWriter(); var xmlNamespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); xmlNamespaces.Add(prefix, ns); var settings = new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t" }; xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter, settings); var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)); serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, sourceObject, xmlNamespaces); xmlString = xmlWriter.ToString(); } finally { xmlWriter?.Close(); xmlWriter?.Dispose(); stringWriter?.Close(); stringWriter?.Dispose(); } return(xmlString); }
protected void btnWrite_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //得到要写入的文件在服务器磁盘上的绝对路径 var xmlFilePath = Server.MapPath("Employees4Write.xml"); //声明一个XmlWriter类型的对象writer XmlWriter writer = null; try { //创建XmlWriter对象,参数为要写入的文件路径 writer = XmlWriter.Create(xmlFilePath); //开始写XML文档 //写入XML声明,其中参数控制standalone的值(true/false) writer.WriteStartDocument(false); //写入注释 writer.WriteComment("This XML file represents the details of an employee"); //从根节点开始 //写入根元素employees的开始标签 writer.WriteStartElement("employees"); //写入元素employee的开始标签 writer.WriteStartElement("employee"); //在employee元素中写入属性:id="1" writer.WriteAttributeString("id", "1"); //写入元素name的开始标签 writer.WriteStartElement("name"); //写入元素字符串<firstName>Nancy</firstName> writer.WriteElementString("firstName", "Nancy"); //写入元素字符串<lastName>Davolio</lastName> writer.WriteElementString("lastName", "Davolio"); //写入结束标签(name元素的) writer.WriteEndElement(); //写入元素字符串<city>Seattle</city> writer.WriteElementString("city", "Seattle"); //写入元素字符串<state>WA</state> writer.WriteElementString("state", "WA"); //写入元素字符串<zipCode>98122</zipCode> writer.WriteElementString("zipCode", "98122"); //写入结束标签(employee的) writer.WriteEndElement(); //写入结束标签(根元素employees的) writer.WriteEndDocument(); //将对象数据写入XML文档中 writer.Flush(); //在页面上输出成功信息 Response.Write("文件写入成功"); } catch (Exception ex) //捕捉异常 { //输出异常消息 Response.Write(ex.Message); } finally { //若writer对象不为null //关闭XmlWriter writer?.Close(); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Save the obj to an stream. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="Tobj">Type of the object to save</typeparam> /// <param name="obj">Object to save</param> /// <param name="stream">Stream to save the object to</param> /// <param name="compress">Compress the file using GZip or not</param> /// <param name="closeStreamAfterWriting">Close the stream after writing or not</param> public static void SaveObjectToStream <Tobj>(this Tobj obj, Stream stream, bool compress, bool closeStreamAfterWriting) { if (obj == null) { return; } GZipStream compressedStream = null; XmlWriter writer = null; try { List <Type> knownTypes = new List <Type>(); Type objType = typeof(Tobj); if (objType.IsGenericType && objType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(List <>)) { knownTypes.Add(objType); objType = objType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; } else if (objType.IsArray) { knownTypes.Add(objType); objType = objType.GetElementType(); } knownTypes.AddRange(objType.GetProperties().Select(p => p.PropertyType)); Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); List <Type> derivedTypes = executingAssembly.GetTypes().Where(t => objType.IsAssignableFrom(t)).ToList(); knownTypes.AddRange(derivedTypes); if (compress) { compressedStream = new GZipStream(stream, CompressionMode.Compress, false); } writer = XmlWriter.Create(compress ? (Stream)compressedStream : stream); DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Tobj), knownTypes); serializer.WriteObject(writer, obj); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { writer?.Flush(); writer?.Close(); compressedStream?.Close(); if (closeStreamAfterWriting) { stream?.Close(); } } }
private static void ReleaseXmlWriter(XmlWriter writer) { try { writer?.Flush(); writer?.Close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ILogService logService = TestflowRunner.GetInstance().LogService; logService.Print(LogLevel.Error, CommonConst.PlatformLogSession, 0, ex, ex.Message); throw new TestflowRuntimeException(ModuleErrorCode.SerializeFailed, ex.Message, ex); } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { if (disposing) { // dispose managed state (managed objects) semaphoreSlim.Dispose(); xmlWriter?.Close(); xmlWriter?.Dispose(); } // free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override finalizer // set large fields to null disposedValue = true; } }
/// <summary> /// 将对象序列化为Xml文件。 /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceObject">源对象。</param> /// <param name="targetFile">序列化文件存储路径。</param> /// <param name="prefix">The prefix associated with an XML namespace.</param> /// <param name="ns">An XML namespace.</param> public static void SerializeObjectToXmlFile(object sourceObject, string targetFile, string prefix = "", string ns = "") { XmlWriter xmlWriter = null; try { var xmlNamespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); xmlNamespaces.Add(prefix, ns); var settings = new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t" }; xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(targetFile, settings); var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(sourceObject.GetType()); xmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, sourceObject, xmlNamespaces); } finally { xmlWriter?.Close(); xmlWriter?.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Take the current settings configuration file and save it to the app data file location. /// </summary> public void SaveConfigurationFile() { XmlWriter writer = null; var xmlWriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true }; File.Create(_configurationLocation).Dispose(); try { using (writer = XmlWriter.Create(_configurationLocation, xmlWriterSettings)) { var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Configuration)); serializer.Serialize(writer, _configuration); } } catch(Exception ex) { _logger.LogException(ex,"An error occured while attempting to print the configuration file."); } finally { writer?.Close(); } }
public string Serialize(Reporter reporter) { string str = ""; StringWriter sw = null; XmlWriter xw = null; XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = null; try { XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings() { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, Indent = true, OmitXmlDeclaration = true }; ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); ns.Add(string.Empty, string.Empty); sw = new StringWriter(); xw = XmlWriter.Create(sw, settings); xmlSerializer.Serialize(xw, this, ns); str = sw.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { xw?.Close(); xw?.Dispose(); sw?.Close(); sw?.Dispose(); } return(str); }
public static void SaveScene(bool timerActive, float scenelength, bool timerVisable, int audioNumber, string backgroundName) { xmlDoc = XmlWriter.Create((xmlDefaultPath + projectsMapName + tempName), writerSettings); xmlDoc.WriteStartDocument(); xmlDoc.WriteStartElement("Scene"); xmlDoc.WriteStartElement("SceneProperties"); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("TimerActive", timerActive.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("Scenelength", scenelength.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("TimerVisable", timerVisable.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("AudioNumber", audioNumber.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("BackgroundName", backgroundName.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteEndElement(); xmlDoc.WriteStartElement("Fires"); #region FireObjects foreach(Fire FireObj in fireObjects) { xmlDoc.WriteStartElement("Fire"); //Save the name xmlDoc.WriteElementString("Name",; //Save position of the object xmlDoc.WriteStartElement("Position"); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("posX", FireObj.obj.transform.position.x.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("posY", FireObj.obj.transform.position.y.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("posZ", FireObj.obj.transform.position.z.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteEndElement(); //Save rotatie xmlDoc.WriteStartElement("Rotation"); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("RotationX", FireObj.obj.transform.rotation.x.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("RotationY", FireObj.obj.transform.rotation.y.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("RotationZ", FireObj.obj.transform.rotation.z.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteEndElement(); //Save if fire is Expandable xmlDoc.WriteElementString("Expanding", FireObj.expandable.ToString()); //Save Extinguish Agent xmlDoc.WriteElementString("ExtinguishAgent", FireObj.ExtinguishAgent.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteEndElement(); } #endregion xmlDoc.WriteEndElement(); xmlDoc.WriteStartElement("GameObjects"); #region gameObjects foreach(GameObject obj in gameObjects) { xmlDoc.WriteStartElement("GameObject"); //Save the name xmlDoc.WriteElementString("Name",; //Save position of the object xmlDoc.WriteStartElement("Position"); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("posX", obj.transform.position.x.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("posY", obj.transform.position.y.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("posZ", obj.transform.position.z.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteEndElement(); //Save rotatie xmlDoc.WriteStartElement("Rotation"); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("RotationX", obj.transform.rotation.x.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("RotationY", obj.transform.rotation.y.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteElementString("RotationZ", obj.transform.rotation.z.ToString()); xmlDoc.WriteEndElement(); xmlDoc.WriteEndElement(); } #endregion xmlDoc.WriteEndElement(); xmlDoc.WriteEndElement(); xmlDoc.WriteEndDocument(); xmlDoc.Flush(); xmlDoc.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Saves this out to a FDO XML configuration document /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlFile"></param> public void Save(string xmlFile) { using (var fact = new FgfGeometryFactory()) using (var ws = new IoFileStream(xmlFile, "w")) { using (var writer = new XmlWriter(ws, true, XmlWriter.LineFormat.LineFormat_Indent)) { //Write spatial contexts if (this.SpatialContexts != null && this.SpatialContexts.Length > 0) { var flags = new XmlSpatialContextFlags(); using (var scWriter = new XmlSpatialContextWriter(writer)) { foreach (var sc in this.SpatialContexts) { //XmlSpatialContextWriter forbids writing dynamically calculated extents if (sc.ExtentType == OSGeo.FDO.Commands.SpatialContext.SpatialContextExtentType.SpatialContextExtentType_Dynamic) continue; scWriter.CoordinateSystem = sc.CoordinateSystem; scWriter.CoordinateSystemWkt = sc.CoordinateSystemWkt; scWriter.Description = sc.Description; scWriter.ExtentType = sc.ExtentType; using (var geom = fact.CreateGeometry(sc.ExtentGeometryText)) { byte[] fgf = fact.GetFgf(geom); scWriter.Extent = fgf; } scWriter.Name = sc.Name; scWriter.XYTolerance = sc.XYTolerance; scWriter.ZTolerance = sc.ZTolerance; scWriter.WriteSpatialContext(); } } } //Write logical schema if (this.Schemas != null) { var schemas = CloneSchemas(this.Schemas); schemas.WriteXml(writer); } //Write physical mappings if (this.Mappings != null) { this.Mappings.WriteXml(writer); } writer.Close(); } ws.Close(); } }
public void run(String catalogFile, String driverFile, String outputDirectory, String testPattern, String testSkip, String runXslt3Tests) { buildDriverList(driverFile); XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(catalogFile); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(reader); Regex testPat = new Regex(testPattern); skipXslt3Tests = ("no" == runXslt3Tests); System.Uri catalogUri = new System.Uri(catalogFile); XmlElement catalogElement = (XmlElement)doc.SelectSingleNode("*"); foreach (IDriver driver in drivers) { String outputDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "output"); String driverOutputDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputDir, driver.GetName()); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(driverOutputDir); String outputFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(outputDirectory, driver.GetName() + ".xml"); XmlWriter xmlStreamWriter = XmlWriter.Create(outputFile); xmlStreamWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlStreamWriter.WriteStartElement("testResults"); xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("driver", driver.GetName()); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("Date " + now); xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("on", "" + now.ToString("s")); xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("baseline", (driver == baseline ? "yes" : "no")); Console.WriteLine("Driver implemented: " + driver.GetName()); System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); double frequency = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Frequency; double nanosecPerTick = (1000 * 1000 * 1000) / frequency; foreach (XmlElement testCase in catalogElement.SelectNodes("test-case")) { String name = testCase.GetAttribute("name"); Match match = testPat.Match(name); if (!match.Success) { continue; } if ("no" == driver.GetTestRunOption(name)) { continue; } if ((testSkip != null) && (driver.GetTestRunOption(name) != null) && int.Parse(driver.GetTestRunOption(name)) >= int.Parse(testSkip)) { continue; } String attributeValue = testCase.GetAttribute("xslt-version"); double xsltVersion = (attributeValue == "") ? 1.0 : Convert.ToDouble(attributeValue); if (3.0 == xsltVersion && skipXslt3Tests) { continue; } Console.WriteLine("Running " + name); driver.ResetVariables(); XmlElement schemaElement = (XmlElement)testCase.SelectSingleNode("test/schema"); String schema = schemaElement == null ? null : schemaElement.GetAttribute("file").ToString(); Uri schemaUri = schema == null ? null : new Uri(catalogUri, schema); XmlElement sourceElement = (XmlElement)testCase.SelectSingleNode("test/source"); String source = sourceElement == null ? null : sourceElement.GetAttribute("file").ToString(); Uri sourceUri = source == null ? null : new Uri(catalogUri, source); String stylesheet = ((XmlElement)testCase.SelectSingleNode("test/stylesheet")).GetAttribute("file"); Uri stylesheetUri = new Uri(catalogUri, stylesheet); if (xsltVersion <= driver.GetXsltVersion()) { try { if (schema != null) { driver.LoadSchema(schemaUri); } if (source != null) { driver.BuildSource(sourceUri); } int i; double totalCompileStylesheet = 0; for (i = 0; totalCompileStylesheet < MAX_TOTAL_TIME || i < MIN_ITERATIONS; i++) { double start = stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick; driver.CompileStylesheet(stylesheetUri); totalCompileStylesheet += stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick - start; } totalCompileStylesheet = 0; GC.Collect(); // Wait for all finalizers to complete before continuing. // Without this call to GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers, // the worker loop below might execute at the same time // as the finalizers. // With this call, the worker loop executes only after // all finalizers have been called. GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); for (i = 0; totalCompileStylesheet < MAX_TOTAL_TIME || i < MIN_ITERATIONS; i++) { double start = stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick; driver.CompileStylesheet(stylesheetUri); totalCompileStylesheet += stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick - start; } double compileTime = totalCompileStylesheet / (1000000.0 * i); Console.WriteLine("Average time for stylesheet compile: " + compileTime + "ms. Number of iterations: " + i); double totalTransformFileToFile = 0; for (i = 0; totalTransformFileToFile < MAX_TOTAL_TIME || i < MIN_ITERATIONS; i++) { double start = stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick; driver.FileToFileTransform(sourceUri, driverOutputDir + "/" + name + ".xml"); totalTransformFileToFile += stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick - start; } totalTransformFileToFile = 0; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); for (i = 0; totalTransformFileToFile < MAX_TOTAL_TIME || i < MIN_ITERATIONS; i++) { double start = stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick; driver.FileToFileTransform(sourceUri, driverOutputDir + "/" + name + ".xml"); totalTransformFileToFile += stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick - start; } double transformTimeFileToFile = totalTransformFileToFile / (1000000.0 * i); Console.WriteLine("Average time for FileToFileTransform: " + transformTimeFileToFile + "ms. Number of iterations: " + i); double totalTransformTreeToTree = 0; for (i = 0; totalTransformTreeToTree < MAX_TOTAL_TIME || i < MIN_ITERATIONS; i++) { double start = stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick; driver.TreeToTreeTransform(); totalTransformTreeToTree += stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick - start; } totalTransformTreeToTree = 0; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); for (i = 0; totalTransformTreeToTree < MAX_TOTAL_TIME || i < MIN_ITERATIONS; i++) { double start = stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick; driver.TreeToTreeTransform(); totalTransformTreeToTree += stopwatch.ElapsedTicks * nanosecPerTick - start; } double transformTimeTreeToTree = totalTransformTreeToTree / (1000000.0 * i); Console.WriteLine("Average time for TreeToTreeTransform: " + transformTimeTreeToTree + "ms. Number of iterations: " + i); bool ok = true; foreach (XmlElement assertion in testCase.SelectNodes("result/assert")) { String xpath = assertion.InnerText; ok &= driver.TestAssertion(xpath); } Console.WriteLine("Test run succeeded with " + driver.GetName()); String scale = testCase.GetAttribute("scale"); String scaleFactor = testCase.GetAttribute("scale-factor"); xmlStreamWriter.WriteStartElement("test"); xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("name", name); if (scale != null && !scale.Equals("")) { xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("scale", scale); } if (scaleFactor != null && !scale.Equals("")) { xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("scale-factor", scaleFactor); } xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("run", (ok ? "success" : "wrongAnswer")); xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("compileTime", "" + compileTime); xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("transformTimeFileToFile", "" + transformTimeFileToFile); xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("transformTimeTreeToTree", "" + transformTimeTreeToTree); xmlStreamWriter.WriteEndElement(); } catch (Exception e) { driver.DisplayResultDocument(); Console.WriteLine("Test run failed: " + e.Message); xmlStreamWriter.WriteStartElement("test"); xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("name", name); xmlStreamWriter.WriteAttributeString("run", "failure"); xmlStreamWriter.WriteEndElement(); } } } xmlStreamWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlStreamWriter.WriteEndDocument(); xmlStreamWriter.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Exports this BgfFile instance to XML /// </summary> /// <param name="Filename"></param> /// <param name="IsStoryboard"></param> /// <param name="TotalHeight"></param> /// <param name="TotalWidth"></param> private void WriteXmlData(string Filename, bool IsStoryboard = false, uint TotalHeight = 0, uint TotalWidth = 0) { string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Filename); string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Filename); // start writing XML XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; settings.IndentChars = " "; XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(Path.Combine(path, filename + FileExtensions.XML), settings); // begin writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteStartElement("bgf"); writer.WriteAttributeString("version", "10"); writer.WriteAttributeString("shrink", ShrinkFactor.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("maxindices", MaxIndices.ToString()); // frames writer.WriteStartElement("frames"); writer.WriteAttributeString("count", Frames.Count.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("imageformat", "bmp"); if (IsStoryboard) { writer.WriteAttributeString("totalheight", TotalHeight.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("totalwidth", TotalWidth.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < Frames.Count; i++) { writer.WriteStartElement("frame"); writer.WriteAttributeString("width", Frames[i].Width.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("height", Frames[i].Height.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("xoffset", Frames[i].XOffset.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("yoffset", Frames[i].YOffset.ToString()); if (!IsStoryboard) { writer.WriteAttributeString("file", Filename + "-" + i.ToString() + FileExtensions.BMP); } // hotspots writer.WriteStartElement("hotspots"); writer.WriteAttributeString("count", Frames[i].HotSpots.Count.ToString()); for (int j = 0; j < Frames[i].HotSpots.Count; j++) { writer.WriteStartElement("hotspot"); writer.WriteAttributeString("index", Frames[i].HotSpots[j].Index.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("x", Frames[i].HotSpots[j].X.ToString()); writer.WriteAttributeString("y", Frames[i].HotSpots[j].Y.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); } writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndElement(); } writer.WriteEndElement(); // framesets writer.WriteStartElement("framesets"); writer.WriteAttributeString("count", FrameSets.Count.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < FrameSets.Count; i++) { writer.WriteStartElement("frameset"); string indices = String.Empty; for (int j = 0; j < FrameSets[i].FrameIndices.Count; j++) { indices += FrameSets[i].FrameIndices[j] + " "; } indices = indices.TrimEnd(); writer.WriteAttributeString("indices", indices); writer.WriteEndElement(); } // end writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndDocument(); writer.Close(); }
///<summary>XML file.</summary> private static void SendDataServer(Program ProgramCur, List <ProgramProperty> ForProgram, Patient pat) { ProgramProperty PPCur = ProgramProperties.GetCur(ForProgram, "Enter 0 to use PatientNum, or 1 to use ChartNum"); string id = ""; if (PPCur.PropertyValue == "0") { id = pat.PatNum.ToString(); } else { id = pat.ChartNumber; } PPCur = ProgramProperties.GetCur(ForProgram, "XML output file path"); string xmlOutputFile = PPCur.PropertyValue; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); if (File.Exists(xmlOutputFile)) { try { doc.Load(xmlOutputFile); } catch { } } else { if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(xmlOutputFile))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(xmlOutputFile)); } } XmlElement elementPatients = doc.DocumentElement; if (elementPatients == null) //if no Patients element, then document is corrupt or new { doc = new XmlDocument(); elementPatients = doc.CreateElement("Patients"); doc.AppendChild(elementPatients); } //figure out if patient is already in the list------------------------------------------ bool patAlreadyExists = false; XmlElement elementPat = null; for (int i = 0; i < elementPatients.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { if (elementPatients.ChildNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("ID").InnerXml == id) { patAlreadyExists = true; elementPat = (XmlElement)elementPatients.ChildNodes[i]; } } if (patAlreadyExists) { elementPat.RemoveAll(); //clear it out. } else { elementPat = doc.CreateElement("Patient"); } //add or edit patient------------------------------------------------------------------------- XmlElement el = doc.CreateElement("ID"); el.InnerXml = id; elementPat.AppendChild(el); //LastName el = doc.CreateElement("LastName"); el.InnerXml = pat.LName; elementPat.AppendChild(el); //FirstName el = doc.CreateElement("FirstName"); el.InnerXml = pat.FName; elementPat.AppendChild(el); //MiddleName el = doc.CreateElement("MiddleName"); el.InnerXml = pat.MiddleI; elementPat.AppendChild(el); //Birthdate el = doc.CreateElement("BirthDate"); el.InnerXml = pat.Birthdate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); elementPat.AppendChild(el); //Gender el = doc.CreateElement("Gender"); if (pat.Gender == PatientGender.Female) { el.InnerXml = "Female"; } else { el.InnerXml = "Male"; } elementPat.AppendChild(el); //Remarks el = doc.CreateElement("Remarks"); el.InnerXml = ""; elementPat.AppendChild(el); //ReturnPath el = doc.CreateElement("ReturnPath"); PPCur = ProgramProperties.GetCur(ForProgram, "Return folder path"); string returnFolder = PPCur.PropertyValue; if (!Directory.Exists(returnFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(returnFolder); } el.InnerXml = returnFolder.Replace(@"\", "/"); elementPat.AppendChild(el); if (!patAlreadyExists) { elementPatients.AppendChild(elementPat); } //lock file-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //they say to lock the file. But I'm the only one writing to it. //write text----------------------------------------------------------------------- XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; settings.IndentChars = " "; XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(xmlOutputFile, settings); doc.Save(writer); writer.Close(); //This probably "unlocks" the file. //unlock file---------------------------------------------------------------------- //They say to unlock the file here //Process.Start(xmlOutputFile); //MessageBox.Show( MessageBox.Show("Done."); }
//===================================================================== /// <inheritdoc /> public override void Apply(XmlDocument targetDocument, IXmlNamespaceResolver context) { // Get the index entry content XPathExpression keyExpr = this.Key.Clone(); keyExpr.SetContext(context); string keyValue = (string)targetDocument.CreateNavigator().Evaluate(keyExpr); XPathNavigator data = this.SourceIndex[keyValue]; if (data == null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyValue)) { if (this.IgnoreCase) { data = this.SourceIndex[keyValue.ToLowerInvariant()]; } if (data == null) { // For certain inherited explicitly implemented interface members, Microsoft is using // incorrect member IDs in the XML comments files and on the content service. If the // failed member ID looks like one of them, try using the broken ID for the look up. string brokenId = keyValue; if (reDictionaryEII.IsMatch(brokenId)) { brokenId = reGenericEII.Replace(brokenId, "#I$1{TKey@TValue}#"); } else if (reGenericEII.IsMatch(brokenId)) { brokenId = reGenericEII.Replace(brokenId, "#I$1{T}#"); } // Don't bother if they are the same if (brokenId != keyValue) { data = this.SourceIndex[brokenId]; } } } // Notify if no entry if (data == null) { this.ParentComponent.WriteMessage(this.MissingEntry, "No index entry found for key '{0}'.", keyValue); return; } // Get the target node XPathExpression targetExpr = this.Target.Clone(); targetExpr.SetContext(context); XPathNavigator target = targetDocument.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode(targetExpr); // notify if no target found if (target == null) { this.ParentComponent.WriteMessage(this.MissingTarget, "Target node '{0}' not found.", targetExpr.Expression); return; } // get the source nodes XPathExpression sourceExpr = this.Source.Clone(); sourceExpr.SetContext(context); XPathNodeIterator sources = data.CreateNavigator().Select(sourceExpr); // Append the source nodes to the target node foreach (XPathNavigator source in sources) { // If IsAttribute is true, add the source attributes to current target. Otherwise append source // as a child element to target. if (this.IsAttribute && source.HasAttributes) { string sourceName = source.LocalName; XmlWriter attributes = target.CreateAttributes(); source.MoveToFirstAttribute(); do { string attrValue = target.GetAttribute(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", sourceName, source.Name), String.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrValue)) { attributes.WriteAttributeString(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", sourceName, source.Name), source.Value); } } while(source.MoveToNextAttribute()); attributes.Close(); } else { target.AppendChild(source); } } // Notify if no source found if (sources.Count == 0) { this.ParentComponent.WriteMessage(this.MissingSource, "Source node '{0}' not found.", sourceExpr.Expression); } }
/// <summary> /// Searches through one or multiple files using a regular expression. /// Resulting matches can be printed or exported. They can also optionally /// be replaced. /// /// Command line switches: /// /// -p PATH Path to start the search. If not provided, the /// current path will be used, with *.* as search /// pattern. Can be used multiple times to search /// through multiple paths, or use multiple search /// patterns. /// -f REGEX Regular expression to use for finding matches. /// -r REPLACE If used, will be used to replace found matches. /// -x FILENAME Export findings to an XML file. /// -enc ENCODING Text encoding if Byte-order-marks not available. /// Default=UTF-8 /// -s Include subfolders in search. /// -o Print findings on the standard output. /// -ci Culture invariant search. /// -ecma Use ECMA script. /// -ic Ignore case. /// -iw Ignore pattern whitespace. /// -m Multi-line matching /// -n Single-line matching /// -t Test Mode. Files are not updated. /// -? Help. /// </summary> /// <example> /// Updating copyright statements in csproj, nuspec and cs files: /// Waher.Utility.RegEx.exe -p "C:\My Projects\IoTGateway\*.csproj" -p "C:\My Projects\IoTGateway\*.cs" -p "C:\My Projects\IoTGateway\*.nuspec" -f "Copyright (©|\([cC]\)) (?'Name'Waher( *\w+)*)\s*(?'From'\d{4})(-(?'To'\d{4}))?" -x "C:\Downloads\Temp\1.xml" -s -o -n -r "Copyright © ${Name} ${From}-2019" /// /// Updating copyright statements in markdown files: /// Waher.Utility.RegEx.exe -p "C:\My Projects\IoTGateway\*.md" -f "\([cC]\) \[(?'Name'Waher( *\w+)*)\]\((?'Url'[^)\n]*)\)\s*(?'From'\d{4})(-(?'To'\d{4}))?" -x "C:\Downloads\Temp\2.xml" -s -o -n -r "(c) [${Name}](${Url}) ${From}-2019" /// /// Updating copyright statements in RTF files: /// Waher.Utility.RegEx.exe -p "C:\My Projects\IoTGateway\*.rtf" -f "\\'a9 (?'Name'Waher( *\w+)*)\s*(?'From'\d{4})(-(?'To'\d{4}))?" -x "C:\Downloads\Temp\3.xml" -s -o -n -r "\'a9 ${Name} ${From}-2019" /// </example> static int Main(string[] args) { FileStream FileOutput = null; XmlWriter Output = null; Encoding Encoding = Encoding.Default; RegexOptions Options = RegexOptions.Compiled; List <string> Paths = new List <string>(); string Expression = null; string ReplaceExpression = null; string XmlFileName = null; bool Subfolders = false; bool Help = false; bool Print = false; bool Test = false; int i = 0; int c = args.Length; string s; try { while (i < c) { s = args[i++].ToLower(); switch (s) { case "-p": if (i >= c) { throw new Exception("Missing path."); } Paths.Add(args[i++]); break; case "-f": if (i >= c) { throw new Exception("Missing regular expression."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Expression)) { Expression = args[i++]; } else { throw new Exception("Only one regular expression allowed."); } break; case "-r": if (i >= c) { throw new Exception("Missing replace expression."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReplaceExpression)) { ReplaceExpression = args[i++]; } else { throw new Exception("Only one replace expression allowed."); } break; case "-x": if (i >= c) { throw new Exception("Missing export filename."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlFileName)) { XmlFileName = args[i++]; } else { throw new Exception("Only one export file allowed."); } break; case "-enc": if (i >= c) { throw new Exception("Text encoding missing."); } Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(args[i++]); break; case "-s": Subfolders = true; break; case "-o": Print = true; break; case "-t": Test = true; break; case "-?": Help = true; break; case "-ci": Options |= RegexOptions.CultureInvariant; break; case "-ecma": Options |= RegexOptions.ECMAScript; break; case "-ic": Options |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase; break; case "-iw": Options |= RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace; break; case "-m": if ((Options & RegexOptions.Singleline) != 0) { throw new Exception("Contradictive options."); } Options |= RegexOptions.Multiline; break; case "-n": if ((Options & RegexOptions.Multiline) != 0) { throw new Exception("Contradictive options."); } Options |= RegexOptions.Singleline; break; default: throw new Exception("Unrecognized switch: " + s); } } if (Help || c == 0) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Searches through one or multiple files using a regular expression."); Console.Out.WriteLine("Resulting matches can be printed or exported. They can also optionally"); Console.Out.WriteLine("be replaced."); Console.Out.WriteLine(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Command line switches:"); Console.Out.WriteLine(); Console.Out.WriteLine("-p PATH Path to start the search. If not provided, the"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" current path will be used, with *.* as search"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" pattern. Can be used multiple times to search"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" through multiple paths, or use multiple search"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" patterns."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-f REGEX Regular expression to use for finding matches."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-r REPLACE If used, will be used to replace found matches."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-x FILENAME Export findings to an XML file."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-enc ENCODING Text encoding if Byte-order-marks not available."); Console.Out.WriteLine(" Default=UTF-8"); Console.Out.WriteLine("-s Include subfolders in search."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-o Print findings on the standard output."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-ci Culture invariant search."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-ecma Use ECMA script."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-ic Ignore case."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-iw Ignore pattern whitespace."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-m Multi-line matching"); Console.Out.WriteLine("-n Single-line matching"); Console.Out.WriteLine("-t Test Mode. Files are not updated."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-? Help."); return(0); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Expression)) { throw new Exception("No regular expression specified."); } Regex Regex = new Regex(Expression, Options); string SearchPattern; if (Paths.Count == 0) { Paths.Add(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlFileName)) { XmlWriterSettings Settings = new XmlWriterSettings() { CloseOutput = true, ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t", NewLineChars = "\r\n", NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Entitize, NewLineOnAttributes = false, OmitXmlDeclaration = false, WriteEndDocumentOnClose = true }; FileOutput = File.Create(XmlFileName); Output = XmlWriter.Create(FileOutput, Settings); } Output?.WriteStartDocument(); Output?.WriteStartElement("Search", ""); Output?.WriteStartElement("Files"); Dictionary <string, bool> FileProcessed = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); Dictionary <string, bool> FileMatches = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); Dictionary <string, bool> FileUpdates = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); SortedDictionary <string, SortedDictionary <string, int> > GroupCount = new SortedDictionary <string, SortedDictionary <string, int> >(); foreach (string Path0 in Paths) { string Path = Path0; if (Directory.Exists(Path)) { SearchPattern = "*.*"; } else { SearchPattern = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Path); Path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Path); if (!Directory.Exists(Path)) { throw new Exception("Path does not exist."); } } string[] FileNames = Directory.GetFiles(Path, SearchPattern, Subfolders ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (string FileName in FileNames) { if (FileProcessed.ContainsKey(FileName)) { continue; } FileProcessed[FileName] = true; byte[] Data = File.ReadAllBytes(FileName); string Text = CommonTypes.GetString(Data, Encoding); string Text2 = Text; int Offset = 0; MatchCollection Matches = Regex.Matches(Text); c = Matches.Count; if (c > 0) { FileMatches[FileName] = true; Output?.WriteStartElement("File"); Output?.WriteAttributeString("name", FileName); Output?.WriteAttributeString("count", c.ToString()); if (Print) { Console.Out.WriteLine("File: " + FileName); Console.Out.WriteLine(new string('-', Math.Max(20, FileName.Length + 10))); Console.Out.WriteLine("Matches: " + c.ToString()); } foreach (Match M in Matches) { Output?.WriteStartElement("Match"); Output?.WriteAttributeString("index", M.Index.ToString()); Output?.WriteAttributeString("length", M.Length.ToString()); Output?.WriteAttributeString("value", M.Value); if (Print) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Pos " + M.Index.ToString() + ": " + M.Value); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReplaceExpression)) { string ReplaceWith = M.Result(ReplaceExpression); i = M.Index + Offset; Text2 = Text2.Remove(i, M.Length).Insert(i, ReplaceWith); Offset += ReplaceWith.Length - M.Length; Output?.WriteAttributeString("replacedWith", ReplaceWith); if (Print) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Replaced with: " + ReplaceWith); } } foreach (Group G in M.Groups) { if (int.TryParse(G.Name, out i)) { continue; } Output?.WriteStartElement("Group"); Output?.WriteAttributeString("name", G.Name); Output?.WriteAttributeString("count", G.Value); Output?.WriteEndElement(); if (Print) { Console.Out.WriteLine(G.Name + ": " + G.Value); } if (!GroupCount.TryGetValue(G.Name, out SortedDictionary <string, int> Counts)) { Counts = new SortedDictionary <string, int>(); GroupCount[G.Name] = Counts; } if (Counts.TryGetValue(G.Value, out int Count)) { Counts[G.Value] = Count + 1; } else { Counts[G.Value] = 1; } } Output?.WriteEndElement(); } Output?.WriteEndElement(); if (Print) { Console.Out.WriteLine(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReplaceExpression) && Text2 != Text) { FileUpdates[FileName] = true; if (!Test) { File.WriteAllText(FileName, Text2, Encoding); } } } } } Output?.WriteEndElement(); Output?.WriteStartElement("Statistics"); Output?.WriteAttributeString("fileCount", FileProcessed.Count.ToString()); Output?.WriteAttributeString("fileMatchCount", FileMatches.Count.ToString()); Output?.WriteAttributeString("fileUpdateCount", FileUpdates.Count.ToString()); if (Print) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Files processed: " + FileProcessed.Count.ToString()); Console.Out.WriteLine("Files matched: " + FileMatches.Count.ToString()); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SortedDictionary <string, int> > GroupStat in GroupCount) { Output?.WriteStartElement("Group"); Output?.WriteAttributeString("name", GroupStat.Key); if (Print) { Console.Out.WriteLine(GroupStat.Key + ":"); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> Rec in GroupStat.Value) { Output?.WriteStartElement("Group"); Output?.WriteAttributeString("value", Rec.Key); Output?.WriteAttributeString("count", Rec.Value.ToString()); Output?.WriteEndElement(); if (Print) { Console.Out.WriteLine("\t" + Rec.Key + ": " + Rec.Value.ToString()); } } Output?.WriteEndElement(); } Output?.WriteEndElement(); Output?.WriteEndDocument(); return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Out.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(-1); } finally { Output?.Flush(); Output?.Close(); Output?.Dispose(); FileOutput?.Dispose(); } }
public override void Close() { _wrapped.Close(); }
public void SaveData() { FileInfo settings = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, RulesetName + ".xml")); if (settings.Exists) { try { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(Resources.Setup_buttonSave_Click_ReplaceExistingInfoText, Resources.Setup_buttonSave_Click_ReplaceExistingInfoCaption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { settings.Delete(); } } catch { } } settings = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, RulesetName + ".xml")); if (!settings.Exists) { XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(settings.FullName, new XmlWriterSettings { ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Auto, NewLineChars = "\r\n", IndentChars = " ", CloseOutput = true, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, NewLineOnAttributes = true, NamespaceHandling = NamespaceHandling.OmitDuplicates, Indent = true, CheckCharacters = true, NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.None, OmitXmlDeclaration = true }); xw.WriteStartDocument(); xw.WriteStartElement("Config", "Setup"); foreach (Control c in Controls) { if (c.GetType() == new TextBox().GetType()) { try { if (c.Name.ToLower().Contains("password") || ((TextBox)c).PasswordChar != '\0' || ((TextBox)c).UseSystemPasswordChar) // Criptografa os campos de senha { xw.WriteElementString(c.Name, "Setup", Crypto.EncryptStringAES(c.Text, "906")); } else { xw.WriteElementString(c.Name, "Setup", c.Text); } } catch { } } else if (c.GetType() == new DataGridView().GetType()) { xw.WriteStartElement(c.Name, "Setup"); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in ((DataGridView)c).Rows) { foreach (DataGridViewCell cell in row.Cells) { if (cell.Value != null) { xw.WriteElementString(cell.OwningColumn.Name, "Setup", cell.Value.ToString()); } } } xw.WriteEndElement(); } else if (c.GetType() == new CheckBox().GetType()) { xw.WriteElementString(c.Name, "Setup", ((CheckBox)c).Checked.ToString()); } else if (c.GetType() == new DateTimePicker().GetType()) { xw.WriteElementString(c.Name, "Setup", ((DateTimePicker)c).Value.ToBinary().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } else if (c.GetType() == new ComboBox().GetType()) { xw.WriteStartElement(c.Name, "Setup"); foreach (String item in ((ComboBox)c).Items) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { xw.WriteElementString("li", "Setup", item); } } xw.WriteEndElement(); } else if (c.GetType() == new ListBox().GetType()) { xw.WriteStartElement(c.Name, "Setup"); foreach (String item in ((ListBox)c).Items) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { xw.WriteElementString("li", "Setup", item); } } xw.WriteEndElement(); } } xw.WriteEndElement(); xw.WriteEndDocument(); xw.Close(); } }
public bool SaveProfile(Profile prof) { _rwl.EnterWriteLock(); bool isSuccessful; XmlWriter writer = null; try { writer = XmlWriter.Create(Path.Combine(GetFolderPath(), prof.Name + ".xml")); writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteStartElement("Profile"); writer.WriteElementString("Name", prof.Name); writer.WriteStartElement("Days"); foreach (bool day in prof.Days) { writer.WriteStartElement("Day"); writer.WriteValue(day); writer.WriteEndElement(); } writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("StartTimes"); foreach (TimeUnit startTime in prof.StartTimes) { writer.WriteElementString("StartTime", startTime.ToString()); } writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("EndTimes"); foreach (TimeUnit endTime in prof.EndTimes) { writer.WriteElementString("EndTime", endTime.ToString()); } writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("Active"); writer.WriteValue(prof.Active); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("Allowed"); writer.WriteValue(prof.Allowed); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("Mode"); writer.WriteValue((int)prof.Mode); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("PhoneNumbersAsStrings"); if (prof.PhoneNumbersAsStrings.Count == 0) { writer.WriteStartElement("PhoneNumberString"); writer.WriteEndElement(); } else { foreach (string number in prof.PhoneNumbersAsStrings) { writer.WriteElementString("PhoneNumberString", number); } } writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("PhoneNumbersAsLongs"); if (prof.PhoneNumbersAsLongs.Count == 0) { writer.WriteStartElement("PhoneNumberLong"); writer.WriteEndElement(); } else { foreach (long number in prof.PhoneNumbersAsLongs) { writer.WriteStartElement("PhoneNumberLong"); writer.WriteValue(number); writer.WriteEndElement(); } } writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("ContactNames"); if (prof.ContactNames.Count == 0) { writer.WriteStartElement("ContactName"); writer.WriteEndElement(); } else { foreach (string name in prof.ContactNames) { writer.WriteElementString("ContactName", name); } } writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndElement(); isSuccessful = true; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); isSuccessful = false; } writer?.Close(); _rwl.ExitWriteLock(); return(isSuccessful); }
/// <summary> /// Searches through exception log files in a folder, counting exceptions, /// genering an XML file with some basic statistics. /// /// Command line switches: /// /// -p PATH Path to start the search. If not provided, the /// current path will be used, with *.* as search /// pattern. Can be used multiple times to search /// through multiple paths, or use multiple search /// patterns. /// -x FILENAME Export findings to an XML file. /// -s Include subfolders in search. /// -? Help. /// </summary> static int Main(string[] args) { FileStream FileOutput = null; XmlWriter Output = null; List <string> Paths = new List <string>(); string XmlFileName = null; bool Subfolders = false; bool Help = false; int i = 0; int c = args.Length; string s; try { while (i < c) { s = args[i++].ToLower(); switch (s) { case "-p": if (i >= c) { throw new Exception("Missing path."); } Paths.Add(args[i++]); break; case "-x": if (i >= c) { throw new Exception("Missing export filename."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlFileName)) { XmlFileName = args[i++]; } else { throw new Exception("Only one export file allowed."); } break; case "-s": Subfolders = true; break; case "-?": Help = true; break; default: throw new Exception("Unrecognized switch: " + s); } } if (Help || c == 0) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Searches through exception log files in a folder, counting exceptions,"); Console.Out.WriteLine("genering an XML file with some basic statistics."); Console.Out.WriteLine(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Command line switches:"); Console.Out.WriteLine(); Console.Out.WriteLine("-p PATH Path to start the search. If not provided, the"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" current path will be used, with *.* as search"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" pattern. Can be used multiple times to search"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" through multiple paths, or use multiple search"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" patterns."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-x FILENAME Export findings to an XML file."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-enc ENCODING Text encoding if Byte-order-marks not available."); Console.Out.WriteLine(" Default=UTF-8"); Console.Out.WriteLine("-s Include subfolders in search."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-? Help."); return(0); } string SearchPattern; if (Paths.Count == 0) { Paths.Add(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlFileName)) { throw new Exception("Missing output file name."); } XmlWriterSettings Settings = new XmlWriterSettings() { CloseOutput = true, ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t", NewLineChars = "\n", NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Entitize, NewLineOnAttributes = false, OmitXmlDeclaration = false, WriteEndDocumentOnClose = true }; FileOutput = File.Create(XmlFileName); Output = XmlWriter.Create(FileOutput, Settings); Output.WriteStartDocument(); Output.WriteStartElement("Statistics", ""); Dictionary <string, bool> FileProcessed = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); foreach (string Path0 in Paths) { string Path = Path0; if (Directory.Exists(Path)) { SearchPattern = "*.*"; } else { SearchPattern = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Path); Path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Path); if (!Directory.Exists(Path)) { throw new Exception("Path does not exist."); } } string[] FileNames = Directory.GetFiles(Path, SearchPattern, Subfolders ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); Statistics Statistics = new Statistics(); byte[] Buffer = new byte[BufSize]; int NrRead = 0; int Last = 0; int j; bool SkipHyphens; foreach (string FileName in FileNames) { if (FileProcessed.ContainsKey(FileName)) { continue; } FileProcessed[FileName] = true; Console.Out.WriteLine(FileName + "..."); using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(FileName)) { do { SkipHyphens = false; i = 0; if (Last > 0) { if (Last < BufSize) { Array.Copy(Buffer, Last, Buffer, 0, (i = BufSize - Last)); } else { SkipHyphens = true; } Last = 0; } NrRead = fs.Read(Buffer, i, BufSize - i); if (NrRead <= 0) { break; } if (SkipHyphens) { while (i < BufSize && NrRead > 0 && Buffer[i] == '-') { i++; } Last = i; } else { NrRead += i; i = 0; } j = NrRead - 4; while (i < j) { if (Buffer[i] == '-' && Buffer[i + 1] == '-' && Buffer[i + 2] == '-' && Buffer[i + 3] == '-' && Buffer[i + 4] == '-') { s = Encoding.Default.GetString(Buffer, Last, i - Last); Process(s, Statistics); i += 5; while (i < NrRead && Buffer[i] == '-') { i++; } Last = i; } else { i++; } } }while (NrRead == BufSize); if (Last < NrRead) { s = Encoding.Default.GetString(Buffer, Last, NrRead - Last); Process(s, Statistics); } } } Export(Output, "PerType", "type", Statistics.PerType, "PerMessage", "PerSource"); Export(Output, "PerMessage", "message", Statistics.PerMessage, "PerType", "PerSource"); Export(Output, "PerSource", string.Empty, Statistics.PerSource, "PerType", "PerMessage"); Export(Output, "PerHour", "hour", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH", Statistics.PerHour); Export(Output, "PerDay", "day", "yyyy-MM-dd", Statistics.PerDay); Export(Output, "PerMonth", "month", "yyyy-MM", Statistics.PerMonth); } Output.WriteEndElement(); Output.WriteEndDocument(); return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Out.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(-1); } finally { Output?.Flush(); Output?.Close(); Output?.Dispose(); FileOutput?.Dispose(); } }
public void saveHistory(List <patient> pL) { foreach (patient p in pL) { if (currentPatientId == p.idNumber) { int illnessHistoryIndex = this.parent.illnessHistoryList.FindIndex(x => x.patientID == p.idNumber); XmlWriter writer = null; try { XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; writer = XmlWriter.Create("history/" + p.firstName + p.lastName + ".xml", settings); writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteStartElement("patient-info"); writer.WriteStartElement("patient"); writer.WriteElementString("first-name", p.firstName); writer.WriteElementString("last-name", p.lastName); writer.WriteElementString("age", p.age.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("sex",; writer.WriteElementString("id", p.idNumber.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("country",; writer.WriteElementString("city",; writer.WriteElementString("street", p.contacts.street); writer.WriteElementString("house-number", p.contacts.houseNumber.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("flat-number", p.contacts.flatNumber.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("phone-number", p.contacts.phoneNumber.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteStartElement("history"); writer.WriteElementString("patient", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].patientID.ToString()); writer.WriteStartElement("startDate"); writer.WriteElementString("day", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].startingDate.Day.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("month", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].startingDate.Month.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("year", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].startingDate.Year.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteElementString("desease", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].deseaseName); writer.WriteElementString("sympthoms", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].sympthoms); writer.WriteElementString("drugs", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].drugs); writer.WriteElementString("status", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].curingStatus); writer.WriteElementString("doctor", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].currentDoctor.ToString()); writer.WriteStartElement("endDate"); writer.WriteElementString("day", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].approxEndingDate.Day.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("month", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].approxEndingDate.Month.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("year", parent.illnessHistoryList[illnessHistoryIndex].approxEndingDate.Year.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.WriteEndDocument(); } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.Close(); } } } } }
public static bool SaveConfig() { XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(CSettings.sFileConfig, _settings); writer.WriteStartDocument(); writer.WriteStartElement("root"); #region Info writer.WriteStartElement("Info"); writer.WriteElementString("Version", CSettings.GetFullVersionText()); writer.WriteElementString("Time", System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("Platform", System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("OSVersion", System.Environment.OSVersion.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("ProcessorCount", System.Environment.ProcessorCount.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("Screens", Screen.AllScreens.Length.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("PrimaryScreenResolution", Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("Directory", System.Environment.CurrentDirectory.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); #endregion Info #region Debug writer.WriteStartElement("Debug"); writer.WriteComment("DebugLevel: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EDebugLevel)))); writer.WriteElementString("DebugLevel", Enum.GetName(typeof(EDebugLevel), DebugLevel)); writer.WriteEndElement(); #endregion Debug #region Graphics writer.WriteStartElement("Graphics"); writer.WriteComment("Renderer: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(ERenderer)))); writer.WriteElementString("Renderer", Enum.GetName(typeof(ERenderer), Renderer)); writer.WriteComment("TextureQuality: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(ETextureQuality)))); writer.WriteElementString("TextureQuality", Enum.GetName(typeof(ETextureQuality), TextureQuality)); writer.WriteComment("CoverSize (pixels): 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 (default: 128)"); writer.WriteElementString("CoverSize", CoverSize.ToString()); writer.WriteComment("Screen width and height (pixels)"); writer.WriteElementString("ScreenW", ScreenW.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("ScreenH", ScreenH.ToString()); writer.WriteComment("AAMode: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EAntiAliasingModes)))); writer.WriteElementString("AAMode", Enum.GetName(typeof(EAntiAliasingModes), AAMode)); writer.WriteComment("Colors: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EColorDeep)))); writer.WriteElementString("Colors", Enum.GetName(typeof(EColorDeep), Colors)); writer.WriteComment("MaxFPS should be between 1..200"); writer.WriteElementString("MaxFPS", MaxFPS.ToString("#")); writer.WriteComment("VSync: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EOffOn)))); writer.WriteElementString("VSync", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), VSync)); writer.WriteComment("FullScreen: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EOffOn)))); writer.WriteElementString("FullScreen", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), FullScreen)); writer.WriteComment("FadeTime should be between 0..3 Seconds"); writer.WriteElementString("FadeTime", FadeTime.ToString("#0.00")); writer.WriteEndElement(); #endregion Graphics #region Theme writer.WriteStartElement("Theme"); writer.WriteComment("Theme name"); writer.WriteElementString("Name", Theme); writer.WriteComment("Skin name"); writer.WriteElementString("Skin", Skin); writer.WriteComment("Name of cover-theme"); writer.WriteElementString("Cover", CoverTheme); writer.WriteComment("Draw note-lines:" + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EOffOn)))); writer.WriteElementString("DrawNoteLines", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), DrawNoteLines)); writer.WriteComment("Draw tone-helper:" + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EOffOn)))); writer.WriteElementString("DrawToneHelper", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), DrawToneHelper)); writer.WriteComment("Look of timer:" + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(ETimerLook)))); writer.WriteElementString("TimerLook", Enum.GetName(typeof(ETimerLook), TimerLook)); writer.WriteComment("Cover Loading:" + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(ECoverLoading)))); writer.WriteElementString("CoverLoading", Enum.GetName(typeof(ECoverLoading), CoverLoading)); writer.WriteEndElement(); #endregion Theme #region Sound writer.WriteStartElement("Sound"); writer.WriteComment("PlayBackLib: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EPlaybackLib)))); writer.WriteElementString("PlayBackLib", Enum.GetName(typeof(EPlaybackLib), PlayBackLib)); writer.WriteComment("RecordLib: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(ERecordLib)))); writer.WriteElementString("RecordLib", Enum.GetName(typeof(ERecordLib), RecordLib)); writer.WriteComment("AudioBufferSize: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EBufferSize)))); writer.WriteElementString("AudioBufferSize", Enum.GetName(typeof(EBufferSize), AudioBufferSize)); writer.WriteComment("AudioLatency from -500 to 500 ms"); writer.WriteElementString("AudioLatency", AudioLatency.ToString()); writer.WriteComment("Background Music"); writer.WriteElementString("BackgroundMusic", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), BackgroundMusic)); writer.WriteComment("Background Music Volume from 0 to 100"); writer.WriteElementString("BackgroundMusicVolume", BackgroundMusicVolume.ToString()); writer.WriteComment("Background Music Source"); writer.WriteElementString("BackgroundMusicSource", Enum.GetName(typeof(EBackgroundMusicSource), BackgroundMusicSource)); writer.WriteEndElement(); #endregion Sound #region Game writer.WriteStartElement("Game"); writer.WriteComment("Game-Language:"); writer.WriteElementString("Language", Language); // SongFolder // Check, if program was started with songfolder-parameters if (SongFolderOld.Count > 0) { //Write "old" song-folders to config. writer.WriteComment("SongFolder: SongFolder1, SongFolder2, SongFolder3, ..."); for (int i = 0; i < SongFolderOld.Count; i++) { writer.WriteElementString("SongFolder" + (i + 1).ToString(), SongFolderOld[i]); } } else { //Write "normal" song-folders to config. writer.WriteComment("SongFolder: SongFolder1, SongFolder2, SongFolder3, ..."); for (int i = 0; i < SongFolder.Count; i++) { writer.WriteElementString("SongFolder" + (i + 1).ToString(), SongFolder[i]); } } writer.WriteComment("SongMenu: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(ESongMenu)))); writer.WriteElementString("SongMenu", Enum.GetName(typeof(ESongMenu), SongMenu)); writer.WriteComment("SongSorting: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(ESongSorting)))); writer.WriteElementString("SongSorting", Enum.GetName(typeof(ESongSorting), SongSorting)); writer.WriteComment("ScoreAnimationTime: Values >= 1 or 0 for no animation. Time is in seconds."); writer.WriteElementString("ScoreAnimationTime", ScoreAnimationTime.ToString()); writer.WriteComment("TimerMode: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(ETimerMode)))); writer.WriteElementString("TimerMode", Enum.GetName(typeof(ETimerMode), TimerMode)); writer.WriteComment("NumPlayer: 1.." + CSettings.MaxNumPlayer.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("NumPlayer", NumPlayer.ToString()); writer.WriteComment("Order songs in tabs: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EOffOn)))); writer.WriteElementString("Tabs", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), Tabs)); writer.WriteComment("Lyrics also on Top of screen: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EOffOn)))); writer.WriteElementString("LyricsOnTop", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), LyricsOnTop)); writer.WriteEndElement(); #endregion Game #region Video writer.WriteStartElement("Video"); writer.WriteComment("VideoDecoder: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EVideoDecoder)))); writer.WriteElementString("VideoDecoder", Enum.GetName(typeof(EVideoDecoder), VideoDecoder)); writer.WriteComment("VideoBackgrounds: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EOffOn)))); writer.WriteElementString("VideoBackgrounds", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), VideoBackgrounds)); writer.WriteComment("VideoPreview: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EOffOn)))); writer.WriteElementString("VideoPreview", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), VideoPreview)); writer.WriteComment("Show Videos while singing: " + ListStrings(Enum.GetNames(typeof(EOffOn)))); writer.WriteElementString("VideosInSongs", Enum.GetName(typeof(EOffOn), VideosInSongs)); writer.WriteEndElement(); #endregion Video #region Record writer.WriteStartElement("Record"); for (int p = 1; p <= CSettings.MaxNumPlayer; p++) { if (MicConfig[p - 1].DeviceName != String.Empty && MicConfig[p - 1].InputName != String.Empty && MicConfig[p - 1].Channel > 0) { writer.WriteStartElement("MicConfig" + p.ToString()); writer.WriteElementString("DeviceName", MicConfig[p - 1].DeviceName); writer.WriteElementString("DeviceDriver", MicConfig[p - 1].DeviceDriver); writer.WriteElementString("InputName", MicConfig[p - 1].InputName); writer.WriteElementString("Channel", MicConfig[p - 1].Channel.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); } } writer.WriteComment("Mic delay in ms. 0, 20, 40, 60 ... 500"); writer.WriteElementString("MicDelay", MicDelay.ToString()); writer.WriteEndElement(); #endregion Record // End of File writer.WriteEndElement(); //end of root writer.WriteEndDocument(); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); return(true); }
public void SaveRobo () { CurrentID = -1; GameObject Base = parts [0]; XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true }; using (writer = new FileStream (Path.Combine (BPpath, "BoneProperty.xml"), FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { using (xw = XmlWriter.Create (writer, xws)) { xw.WriteStartDocument (); xw.WriteStartElement ("BoneProperty"); xw.WriteAttributeString ("Count", parts.Count.ToString ()); //write bone data BoneData BD = Base.GetComponent<BoneData> (); xw.WriteStartElement (; xw.WriteStartElement ("Level"); xw.WriteAttributeString ("Value", 0.ToString ()); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteStartElement ("ParentBoneIdx"); xw.WriteAttributeString ("Value", (-1).ToString ()); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteStartElement ("TransMat"); BD.SMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS (Base.transform.position, Base.transform.rotation, Base.transform.localScale); xw.WriteString (MatrixToString (BD.SMatrix.transpose)); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteStartElement ("OffsetMat"); xw.WriteString (MatrixToString (BD.SMatrix.transpose.inverse)); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteStartElement ("EulerMode"); xw.WriteAttributeString ("Value", BD.EulerMode.ToString ()); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteStartElement ("BoneLayers"); xw.WriteAttributeString ("Value", BD.BoneLayers.ToString ()); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteStartElement ("BoneFlag"); xw.WriteAttributeString ("Value", BD.BoneFlag [0].ToString ()); xw.WriteAttributeString ("Value2", BD.BoneFlag [1].ToString ()); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteStartElement ("LimitAng"); xw.WriteString (LimitAngToString (BD.LimitAng)); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteStartElement ("Windom_FileName"); xw.WriteAttributeString ("Text", BD.Windom_FileName); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteStartElement ("Windom_Hide"); xw.WriteAttributeString ("Value", BD.Windom_Hide.ToString ()); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteEndElement (); CurrentID++; setChildren (Base.transform, 1, CurrentID); xw.WriteEndDocument (); xw.Close (); } } }
protected virtual string EncryptPassword(string document) { string str1 = document; XmlWriter xmlWriter = (XmlWriter) null; XmlReader reader = (XmlReader) null; bool flag1 = false; try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); xmlWriter = (XmlWriter) new XmlTextWriter((TextWriter) new StringWriter(sb)); XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.IgnoreWhitespace = true; reader = XmlReader.Create((TextReader) new StringReader(document), settings); if (reader.Read()) { do { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && (reader.LocalName == "__session" || reader.LocalName == "__connect")) reader.Read(); else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && (reader.LocalName == "password" || reader.LocalName == "sessionId")) { for (bool flag2 = reader.MoveToFirstAttribute(); flag2; flag2 = reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (reader.LocalName == "__encrypted" && string.Compare(reader.Value, "yes", true) == 0) flag1 = true; } reader.Close(); } else reader.Read(); } while (!reader.EOF && reader.ReadState != System.Xml.ReadState.Closed); } reader = XmlReader.Create((TextReader) new StringReader(document), settings); if (reader.Read()) { do { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.LocalName == "__InSite") { string str2 = (string) null; xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(reader.LocalName); for (bool flag2 = reader.MoveToFirstAttribute(); flag2; flag2 = reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (reader.LocalName == "__encryption") str2 = reader.Value; else xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(reader.LocalName, reader.Value); } if (!flag1) str2 = "2"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2)) xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("__encryption", str2); reader.Read(); } else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && (reader.LocalName == "__session" || reader.LocalName == "__connect")) { xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(reader.LocalName); xmlWriter.WriteAttributes(reader, true); reader.Read(); } else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && (reader.LocalName == "__session" || reader.LocalName == "__connect")) { xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); reader.Read(); } else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && reader.LocalName == "password") { if (!flag1) { xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(reader.LocalName); for (bool flag2 = reader.MoveToFirstAttribute(); flag2; flag2 = reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (reader.LocalName != "__encrypted") xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(reader.LocalName, reader.Value); } xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString("__encrypted", "yes"); int content = (int) reader.MoveToContent(); string fieldData = reader.ReadElementContentAsString(); xmlWriter.WriteValue(CryptUtil.Encrypt(fieldData)); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); } else xmlWriter.WriteNode(reader, true); } else xmlWriter.WriteNode(reader, true); } while (!reader.EOF); str1 = sb.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { str1 = document; this.LogEntry(string.Format("Password encrypting error: {0}", (object) ex.Message), EventLogEntryType.Error); } finally { reader?.Close(); xmlWriter?.Close(); } return str1; }
public void SavePaths () { XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true }; xw = XmlWriter.Create ("Settings.xml", xws); xw.WriteStartDocument (); xw.WriteStartElement ("Settings"); xw.WriteStartElement ("Xed"); xw.WriteAttributeString ("Path", BPpath); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteStartElement ("Models"); xw.WriteAttributeString ("Path", Modelpath); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteEndElement (); xw.WriteEndDocument (); xw.Close (); }
// How much deep to scan. (of course you can also pass it to the method) //const int HowDeepToScan = 255; public bool ProcessDir(string sourceDir, string LogName, List <string> ExceptionStr) { int totalFilecounter = 1; XmlWriterSettings xmlWriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings(); xmlWriterSettings.Indent = true; xmlWriterSettings.NewLineOnAttributes = true; try { // Process the list of files found in the directory. //string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir); var fileEntries = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceDir); //string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string fileName in fileEntries) { // do something with fileName string isolateFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName); string renamedFile = RemoveChar(isolateFilename, ExceptionStr); if (isolateFilename != renamedFile) { // Periodically report progress to the main thread so that it can // update the UI. In most cases you'll just need to send an // integer that will update a ProgressBar //m_oWorker2.ReportProgress(totalFilecounter / files.Length); #region Write File Changes if (File.Exists(LogName) == false) { using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(LogName, xmlWriterSettings)) { xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Files_Folders"); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("File"); xmlWriter.WriteElementString("Full_Path", fileName); xmlWriter.WriteElementString("Proposed_Name", renamedFile); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); xmlWriter.Flush(); xmlWriter.Close(); } } else { XDocument xDocument = XDocument.Load(LogName); XElement root = xDocument.Element("Files_Folders"); IEnumerable <XElement> rows = root.Descendants("File"); XElement firstRow = rows.First(); firstRow.AddBeforeSelf( new XElement("File", new XElement("Full_Path", fileName), new XElement("Proposed_Name", renamedFile))); xDocument.Save(LogName); } #endregion } totalFilecounter++; } //Parallel.ForEach(fileEntries, fileName => { // // do something with fileName // string isolateFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileName); // string renamedFile = RemoveChar(isolateFilename, ExceptionStr); // if (isolateFilename != renamedFile) // { // // Periodically report progress to the main thread so that it can // // update the UI. In most cases you'll just need to send an // // integer that will update a ProgressBar // //m_oWorker2.ReportProgress(totalFilecounter / files.Length); // #region Write File Changes // if (File.Exists(LogName) == false) // { // using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(LogName, xmlWriterSettings)) // { // xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); // xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Files_Folders"); // xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("File"); // xmlWriter.WriteElementString("Full_Path", fileName); // xmlWriter.WriteElementString("Proposed_Name", renamedFile); // xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); // xmlWriter.Flush(); // xmlWriter.Close(); // } // } // else // { // XDocument xDocument = XDocument.Load(LogName); // XElement root = xDocument.Element("Files_Folders"); // IEnumerable<XElement> rows = root.Descendants("File"); // XElement firstRow = rows.First(); // firstRow.AddBeforeSelf( // new XElement("File", // new XElement("Full_Path", fileName), // new XElement("Proposed_Name", renamedFile))); // xDocument.Save(LogName); // } // #endregion // } // totalFilecounter++; //}); // Recurse into subdirectories of this directory. //string[] subdirEntries = Directory.GetDirectories(sourceDir); var subdirEntries = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(sourceDir); Parallel.ForEach(subdirEntries, subdir => { // Do not iterate through reparse points if ((File.GetAttributes(subdir) & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) != FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) { //REM Thread.Sleep(1); ProcessDir(subdir, LogName, ExceptionStr); string isolateDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(subdir); string renamedDirectory = RemoveChar(isolateDirectory, ExceptionStr); if (isolateDirectory != renamedDirectory) { #region Write Directory Changes if (File.Exists(LogName) == false) { using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(LogName, xmlWriterSettings)) { xmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Files_Folders"); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Directory"); xmlWriter.WriteElementString("Full_Path", subdir); xmlWriter.WriteElementString("Proposed_Name", renamedDirectory); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); xmlWriter.Flush(); xmlWriter.Close(); } } else { XDocument xDocument = XDocument.Load(LogName); XElement root = xDocument.Element("Files_Folders"); IEnumerable <XElement> rows = root.Descendants("File"); XElement firstRow = rows.First(); firstRow.AddBeforeSelf( new XElement("Directory", new XElement("Full_Path", subdir), new XElement("Proposed_Name", renamedDirectory))); xDocument.Save(LogName); } #endregion } //recursionLvl++; } }); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { LogError(ErrorLogName, ex.Message.ToString()); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Write the image reference collection to a map file ready for use by <strong>BuildAssembler</strong> /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The file to which the image reference collection is saved</param> /// <param name="imagePath">The path to which the image files should be copied</param> /// <param name="builder">The build process</param> /// <remarks>Images with their <see cref="ImageReference.CopyToMedia" /> property set to true are copied /// to the media folder immediately.</remarks> public void SaveImageSharedContent(string filename, string imagePath, BuildProcess builder) { XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); XmlWriter writer = null; string destFile; builder.EnsureOutputFoldersExist("media"); try { settings.Indent = true; settings.CloseOutput = true; writer = XmlWriter.Create(filename, settings); writer.WriteStartDocument(); // There are normally some attributes on this element but they aren't used by Sandcastle so we'll // ignore them. writer.WriteStartElement("stockSharedContentDefinitions"); foreach (var ir in imageFiles) { writer.WriteStartElement("item"); writer.WriteAttributeString("id", ir.Id); writer.WriteStartElement("image"); // The art build component assumes everything is in a single, common folder. The build // process will ensure that happens. As such, we only need the filename here. writer.WriteAttributeString("file", ir.Filename); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ir.AlternateText)) { writer.WriteStartElement("altText"); writer.WriteValue(ir.AlternateText); writer.WriteEndElement(); } writer.WriteEndElement(); // </image> writer.WriteEndElement(); // </item> destFile = Path.Combine(imagePath, ir.Filename); if (File.Exists(destFile)) { builder.ReportWarning("BE0010", "Image file '{0}' already exists. It will be replaced " + "by '{1}'.", destFile, ir.FullPath); } builder.ReportProgress(" {0} -> {1}", ir.FullPath, destFile); // The attributes are set to Normal so that it can be deleted after the build File.Copy(ir.FullPath, destFile, true); File.SetAttributes(destFile, FileAttributes.Normal); // Copy it to the output media folders if CopyToMedia is true if (ir.CopyToMedia) { foreach (string baseFolder in builder.HelpFormatOutputFolders) { destFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder + "media", ir.Filename); builder.ReportProgress(" {0} -> {1} (Always copied)", ir.FullPath, destFile); File.Copy(ir.FullPath, destFile, true); File.SetAttributes(destFile, FileAttributes.Normal); } } } writer.WriteEndElement(); // </stockSharedContentDefinitions> writer.WriteEndDocument(); } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Analyzes exceptions and extracts basic statistics. /// </summary> /// <param name="ExceptionFileName">File name of exception file.</param> /// <param name="OutputFileName">XML Output file.</param> public static void Process(string ExceptionFileName, string OutputFileName) { string s; FileStream FileOutput = null; XmlWriter Output = null; XmlWriterSettings Settings = new XmlWriterSettings() { CloseOutput = true, ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t", NewLineChars = "\n", NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Entitize, NewLineOnAttributes = false, OmitXmlDeclaration = false, WriteEndDocumentOnClose = true, CheckCharacters = false }; Statistics Statistics = new Statistics(); byte[] Buffer = new byte[BufSize]; int NrRead = 0; int Last = 0; int i, j; bool SkipHyphens; try { using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(ExceptionFileName)) { FileOutput = File.Create(OutputFileName); Output = XmlWriter.Create(FileOutput, Settings); Output.WriteStartDocument(); Output.WriteStartElement("Statistics", ""); do { SkipHyphens = false; i = 0; if (Last > 0) { if (Last < BufSize) { Array.Copy(Buffer, Last, Buffer, 0, (i = BufSize - Last)); } else { SkipHyphens = true; } Last = 0; } NrRead = fs.Read(Buffer, i, BufSize - i); if (NrRead <= 0) { break; } if (SkipHyphens) { while (i < BufSize && NrRead > 0 && Buffer[i] == '-') { i++; } Last = i; } else { NrRead += i; i = 0; } j = NrRead - 4; while (i < j) { if (Buffer[i] == '-' && Buffer[i + 1] == '-' && Buffer[i + 2] == '-' && Buffer[i + 3] == '-' && Buffer[i + 4] == '-') { s = Encoding.Default.GetString(Buffer, Last, i - Last); Process(s, Statistics); i += 5; while (i < NrRead && Buffer[i] == '-') { i++; } Last = i; } else { i++; } } }while (NrRead == BufSize); if (Last < NrRead) { s = Encoding.Default.GetString(Buffer, Last, NrRead - Last); Process(s, Statistics); } } Export(Output, "PerType", "type", Statistics.PerType, "PerMessage", "PerSource"); Export(Output, "PerMessage", "message", Statistics.PerMessage, "PerType", "PerSource"); Export(Output, "PerSource", string.Empty, Statistics.PerSource, "PerType", "PerMessage"); Export(Output, "PerHour", "hour", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH", Statistics.PerHour); Export(Output, "PerDay", "day", "yyyy-MM-dd", Statistics.PerDay); Export(Output, "PerMonth", "month", "yyyy-MM", Statistics.PerMonth); Output.WriteEndElement(); Output.WriteEndDocument(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Critical(ex, ExceptionFileName); } finally { Output?.Flush(); Output?.Close(); Output?.Dispose(); FileOutput?.Dispose(); } }
protected override void CloseStream() { XmlWriter?.WriteEndElement(); XmlWriter?.Flush(); XmlWriter?.Close(); }
internal string PersistToXml() { using (StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter()) { XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document, OmitXmlDeclaration = false, NewLineOnAttributes = false }; using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter, settings)) { xmlWriter.WriteProcessingInstruction("xml", @"version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" "); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TestSuite", ""); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("ConnectionList"); foreach (ConnectionRef conn in ConnectionList.Values) { xmlWriter.WriteRaw(conn.PersistToXml()); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("PackageList"); foreach (PackageRef pkg in PackageList.Values) { xmlWriter.WriteRaw(pkg.PersistToXml()); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("DatasetList"); foreach (Dataset dataset in Datasets.Values) { xmlWriter.WriteRaw(dataset.PersistToXml()); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TestSuiteSetup"); xmlWriter.WriteRaw(TestSuiteSetup.PersistToXml()); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Setup"); xmlWriter.WriteRaw(SetupCommands.PersistToXml()); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Tests"); foreach (Test test in Tests.Values) { xmlWriter.WriteRaw(test.PersistToXml()); } foreach (TestRef testRef in TestRefs.Values) { xmlWriter.WriteRaw(testRef.PersistToXml()); } xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Teardown"); xmlWriter.WriteRaw(TeardownCommands.PersistToXml()); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("TestSuiteTeardown"); xmlWriter.WriteRaw(TestSuiteTeardown.PersistToXml()); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlWriter.WriteEndDocument(); xmlWriter.Close(); } return(stringWriter.ToString()); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var schema = _schema; //Remove elements that have been unchecked. foreach (TreeNode clsNode in treeSchema.Nodes) { string className = clsNode.Name; int index = schema.Classes.IndexOf(className); if (!clsNode.Checked) { if (index >= 0) schema.Classes.RemoveAt(index); } else { if (index >= 0) { ClassDefinition clsDef = schema.Classes[index]; foreach (TreeNode propNode in clsNode.Nodes) { if (!propNode.Checked) { string propName = propNode.Text; int pidx = clsDef.Properties.IndexOf(propName); if (pidx >= 0) { clsDef.Properties.RemoveAt(pidx); if (clsDef.IdentityProperties.Contains(propName)) { int idpdx = clsDef.IdentityProperties.IndexOf(propName); clsDef.IdentityProperties.RemoveAt(idpdx); } if (clsDef.ClassType == ClassType.ClassType_FeatureClass) { FeatureClass fc = (FeatureClass)clsDef; if (fc.GeometryProperty.Name == propName) { fc.GeometryProperty = null; } } } } } } } } if (rdXml.Checked) { using (var ios = new IoFileStream(txtXml.Text, "w")) { using (var writer = new XmlWriter(ios, false, XmlWriter.LineFormat.LineFormat_Indent)) { schema.WriteXml(writer); writer.Close(); } ios.Close(); } MessageService.ShowMessage("Schema saved to: " + txtXml.Text); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else if (rdFile.Checked) { string fileName = txtFile.Text; if (ExpressUtility.CreateFlatFileDataSource(fileName)) { FdoConnection conn = ExpressUtility.CreateFlatFileConnection(fileName); bool disposeConn = true; using (FdoFeatureService svc = conn.CreateFeatureService()) { svc.ApplySchema(schema); if (MessageService.AskQuestion("Schema saved to: " + txtFile.Text + " connect to it?", "Saved")) { FdoConnectionManager mgr = ServiceManager.Instance.GetService<FdoConnectionManager>(); string name = MessageService.ShowInputBox(ResourceService.GetString("TITLE_CONNECTION_NAME"), ResourceService.GetString("PROMPT_ENTER_CONNECTION"), ""); if (name == null) return; while (name == string.Empty || mgr.NameExists(name)) { MessageService.ShowError(ResourceService.GetString("ERR_CONNECTION_NAME_EMPTY_OR_EXISTS")); name = MessageService.ShowInputBox(ResourceService.GetString("TITLE_CONNECTION_NAME"), ResourceService.GetString("PROMPT_ENTER_CONNECTION"), name); if (name == null) return; } disposeConn = false; mgr.AddConnection(name, conn); } } if (disposeConn) { conn.Close(); conn.Dispose(); } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } } }
/// <summary> /// Upraví jeden přepis, transformuje ho do podoby pro ediční modul /// </summary> /// <param name="prp">Přepis (informace o něm)</param> /// <param name="emnNastaveni">Nastavení exportu pro ediční modul</param> /// <param name="glsTransformacniSablony">Seznam transformačních šablon XSLT, které se při úpravách použijí</param> public static void Uprav(IPrepis prp, IExportNastaveni emnNastaveni, List <string> glsTransformacniSablony) { // string sCesta = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.VstupniSlozka, prp.Soubor.Nazev); sCesta = sCesta.Replace(".docx", ".xml").Replace(".doc", ".xml"); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(sCesta); if (!fi.Exists) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Zadaný soubor '" + sCesta + "' neexistuje."); } if (emnNastaveni.DocasnaSlozka == null) { emnNastaveni.DocasnaSlozka = Path.GetTempPath(); } //Zpracovat hlavičku a front string strNazev = fi.Name.Substring(0, fi.Name.Length - fi.Extension.Length); Console.WriteLine("Zpracovávám soubor '{0}'", strNazev); string sHlavicka = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.SlozkaXslt, "EM_Vytvorit_hlavicku_TEI.xsl"); //string sHlavicka = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.SlozkaXslt, "EB_Vytvorit_hlavicku_TEI.xsl"); string sHlavickaVystup = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.DocasnaSlozka, strNazev + "_hlavicka.xml"); string sFront = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.SlozkaXslt, "Vytvorit_front_TEI.xsl"); string sFrontVystup = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.DocasnaSlozka, strNazev + "_front.xml"); List <string> glsVystupy = new List <string>(glsTransformacniSablony.Count + 2); XslCompiledTransform xctHlavick = new XslCompiledTransform(); xctHlavick.Load(sHlavicka); XsltArgumentList xal = new XsltArgumentList(); xal.AddParam("soubor", "", prp.NazevSouboru); XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(sHlavickaVystup); xctHlavick.Transform(emnNastaveni.SouborMetadat, xal, xw); xw.Close(); glsVystupy.Add(sHlavickaVystup); XslCompiledTransform xctFront = new XslCompiledTransform(); xctFront.Load(sFront); xw = XmlWriter.Create(sFrontVystup); xctFront.Transform(emnNastaveni.SouborMetadat, xal, xw); xw.Close(); glsVystupy.Add(sFrontVystup); string strVstup = sCesta; string strVystup = null; for (int i = 0; i < glsTransformacniSablony.Count; i++) { strVystup = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.DocasnaSlozka, String.Format("{0}_{1:00}.xml", strNazev, i)); glsVystupy.Add(strVystup); XslCompiledTransform xslt = new XslCompiledTransform(); Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", String.Format("{0}_{1:00}.xml", strNazev, i), glsTransformacniSablony[i]); xslt.Load(glsTransformacniSablony[i]); xslt.Transform(strVstup, strVystup); strVstup = strVystup; } //EBV /* * if (prp.LiterarniZanr == "biblický text") { * strVstup = ZpracovatBiblickyText(emnNastaveni, strNazev, glsTransformacniSablony, glsVystupy, strVystup); * } * else * { * strVstup = ZpracovatOdkazyNaBiblickaMista(emnNastaveni, strNazev, glsTransformacniSablony, glsVystupy, strVystup); * } */ //string sSlouceni = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.SlozkaXslt, "EM_Spojit_s_hlavickou_a_front.xsl");//EBV string sSlouceni = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.SlozkaXslt, "EB_Vybor_Spojit_s_hlavickou_a_front.xsl"); //EBV //string sSlouceni = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.SlozkaXslt, "EB_Spojit_s_hlavickou_a_front.xsl"); strVystup = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.DocasnaSlozka, String.Format("{0}_{1:00}.xml", strNazev, glsVystupy.Count)); XsltSettings xsltSettings = new XsltSettings(true, false); XslCompiledTransform xctSlouceni = new XslCompiledTransform(); xctSlouceni.Load(sSlouceni, xsltSettings, null); xal = new XsltArgumentList(); xal.AddParam("hlavicka", "", sHlavickaVystup); xal.AddParam("zacatek", "", sFrontVystup); xw = XmlWriter.Create(strVystup); xctSlouceni.Transform(strVstup, xal, xw); xw.Close(); strVstup = strVystup; glsVystupy.Add(strVystup); /* * strVystup = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.DocasnaSlozka, String.Format("{0}_{1:00}.xml", strNazev, glsVystupy.Count)); * PresunoutMezeryVneTagu(strVstup, strVystup); * glsVystupy.Add(strVystup); * strVstup = strVystup; */ string sEdicniKomentar = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.SlozkaXslt, "EM_Presunout_edicni_komentar.xsl"); strVystup = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.DocasnaSlozka, String.Format("{0}_{1:00}.xml", strNazev, glsVystupy.Count)); XmlUrlResolver xrl = new XmlUrlResolver(); XslCompiledTransform xctEdicniKomentare = new XslCompiledTransform(); xctEdicniKomentare.Load(sEdicniKomentar, xsltSettings, xrl); xw = XmlWriter.Create(strVystup); xctEdicniKomentare.Transform(strVstup, xal, xw); xw.Close(); glsVystupy.Add(strVystup); strVstup = strVystup; strVystup = Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.VystupniSlozka, strNazev + ".xml"); PresunoutMezeryVneTagu(strVstup, strVystup); //File.Copy(strVystup, Path.Combine(emnNastaveni.VystupniSlozka, strNazev + ".xml"),true); }
/// <summary> /// Searches through exception log files in a folder, counting exceptions, /// genering an XML file with some basic statistics. /// /// Command line switches: /// /// -p PATH Path to start the search. If not provided, /// and no comparison paths are provided, the /// current path will be used, with *.* as search /// pattern. Can be used multiple times to search /// through multiple paths, or use multiple search /// patterns. /// -c PATH Compares XML files output by ExStat. Only /// exceptions common in all files will be output. /// -x FILENAME Export findings to an XML file. /// -s Include subfolders in search. /// -? Help. /// </summary> static int Main(string[] args) { FileStream FileOutput = null; XmlWriter Output = null; List <string> Paths = new List <string>(); List <string> ComparisonPaths = new List <string>(); string XmlFileName = null; bool Subfolders = false; bool Help = false; int i = 0; int c = args.Length; string s; try { while (i < c) { s = args[i++].ToLower(); switch (s) { case "-p": if (i >= c) { throw new Exception("Missing path."); } Paths.Add(args[i++]); break; case "-c": if (i >= c) { throw new Exception("Missing path."); } ComparisonPaths.Add(args[i++]); break; case "-x": if (i >= c) { throw new Exception("Missing export filename."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlFileName)) { XmlFileName = args[i++]; } else { throw new Exception("Only one export file allowed."); } break; case "-s": Subfolders = true; break; case "-?": Help = true; break; default: throw new Exception("Unrecognized switch: " + s); } } if (Help || c == 0) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Searches through exception log files in a folder, counting exceptions,"); Console.Out.WriteLine("genering an XML file with some basic statistics."); Console.Out.WriteLine(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Command line switches:"); Console.Out.WriteLine(); Console.Out.WriteLine("-p PATH Path to start the search. If not provided,"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" and no comparison paths are provided, the"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" current path will be used, with *.* as search"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" pattern. Can be used multiple times to search"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" through multiple paths, or use multiple search"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" patterns."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-c PATH Compares XML files output by ExStat. Only"); Console.Out.WriteLine(" exceptions common in all files will be output."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-x FILENAME Export findings to an XML file."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-enc ENCODING Text encoding if Byte-order-marks not available."); Console.Out.WriteLine(" Default=UTF-8"); Console.Out.WriteLine("-s Include subfolders in search."); Console.Out.WriteLine("-? Help."); return(0); } string SearchPattern; if (Paths.Count == 0 && ComparisonPaths.Count == 0) { Paths.Add(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(XmlFileName)) { throw new Exception("Missing output file name."); } XmlWriterSettings Settings = new XmlWriterSettings() { CloseOutput = true, ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document, Encoding = Encoding.UTF8, Indent = true, IndentChars = "\t", NewLineChars = "\n", NewLineHandling = NewLineHandling.Entitize, NewLineOnAttributes = false, OmitXmlDeclaration = false, WriteEndDocumentOnClose = true, CheckCharacters = false }; FileOutput = File.Create(XmlFileName); Output = XmlWriter.Create(FileOutput, Settings); Output.WriteStartDocument(); Output.WriteStartElement("Statistics", ""); Dictionary <string, bool> FileProcessed = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); Statistics Statistics = new Statistics(); foreach (string Path0 in Paths) { string Path = Path0; if (Directory.Exists(Path)) { SearchPattern = "*.*"; } else { SearchPattern = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Path); Path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Path); if (!Directory.Exists(Path)) { throw new Exception("Path does not exist."); } } string[] FileNames = Directory.GetFiles(Path, SearchPattern, Subfolders ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); byte[] Buffer = new byte[BufSize]; int NrRead = 0; int Last = 0; int j; bool SkipHyphens; foreach (string FileName in FileNames) { if (FileProcessed.ContainsKey(FileName)) { continue; } FileProcessed[FileName] = true; Console.Out.WriteLine(FileName + "..."); try { using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(FileName)) { do { SkipHyphens = false; i = 0; if (Last > 0) { if (Last < BufSize) { Array.Copy(Buffer, Last, Buffer, 0, (i = BufSize - Last)); } else { SkipHyphens = true; } Last = 0; } NrRead = fs.Read(Buffer, i, BufSize - i); if (NrRead <= 0) { break; } if (SkipHyphens) { while (i < BufSize && NrRead > 0 && Buffer[i] == '-') { i++; } Last = i; } else { NrRead += i; i = 0; } j = NrRead - 4; while (i < j) { if (Buffer[i] == '-' && Buffer[i + 1] == '-' && Buffer[i + 2] == '-' && Buffer[i + 3] == '-' && Buffer[i + 4] == '-') { s = Encoding.Default.GetString(Buffer, Last, i - Last); Process(s, Statistics); i += 5; while (i < NrRead && Buffer[i] == '-') { i++; } Last = i; } else { i++; } } }while (NrRead == BufSize); if (Last < NrRead) { s = Encoding.Default.GetString(Buffer, Last, NrRead - Last); Process(s, Statistics); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Out.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } Statistics.RemoveUntouched(); bool First = Paths.Count == 0; foreach (string Path0 in ComparisonPaths) { string Path = Path0; if (Directory.Exists(Path)) { SearchPattern = "*.xml"; } else { SearchPattern = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Path); Path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Path); if (!Directory.Exists(Path)) { throw new Exception("Path does not exist."); } } string[] FileNames = Directory.GetFiles(Path, SearchPattern, Subfolders ? SearchOption.AllDirectories : SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (string FileName in FileNames) { if (FileProcessed.ContainsKey(FileName)) { continue; } FileProcessed[FileName] = true; Console.Out.WriteLine(FileName + "..."); try { XmlDocument Doc = new XmlDocument(); Doc.Load(FileName); foreach (XmlNode N in Doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes) { if (!(N is XmlElement E)) { continue; } switch (E.LocalName) { case "PerType": foreach (XmlNode N2 in E.ChildNodes) { if (!(N2 is XmlElement E2) || E2.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } string Type = XML.Attribute(E2, "type"); int Count = XML.Attribute(E2, "count", 0); foreach (XmlNode N3 in E2.ChildNodes) { if (!(N3 is XmlElement E3)) { continue; } switch (E3.LocalName) { case "PerMessage": foreach (XmlNode N4 in E3.ChildNodes) { if (!(N4 is XmlElement E4) || E4.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } string Message = E4["Value"]?.InnerText; int Count2 = XML.Attribute(E4, "count", 0); Statistics.PerType.Join(Type, Count2, First, Message, null); Statistics.PerMessage.Join(Message, Count2, First, Type, null); } break; case "PerSource": foreach (XmlNode N4 in E3.ChildNodes) { if (!(N4 is XmlElement E4) || E4.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } string StackTrace = E4["Value"]?.InnerText; int Count2 = XML.Attribute(E4, "count", 0); Statistics.PerType.Join(Type, Count2, First, null, StackTrace); Statistics.PerSource.Join(StackTrace, Count2, First, Type, null); } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown element: " + E3.LocalName); } } } break; case "PerMessage": foreach (XmlNode N2 in E.ChildNodes) { if (!(N2 is XmlElement E2) || E2.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } string Message = XML.Attribute(E2, "message"); int Count = XML.Attribute(E2, "count", 0); foreach (XmlNode N3 in E2.ChildNodes) { if (!(N3 is XmlElement E3)) { continue; } switch (E3.LocalName) { case "PerType": foreach (XmlNode N4 in E3.ChildNodes) { if (!(N4 is XmlElement E4) || E4.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } string Type = E4["Value"]?.InnerText; int Count2 = XML.Attribute(E4, "count", 0); Statistics.PerType.Join(Type, Count2, First, Message, null); Statistics.PerMessage.Join(Message, Count2, First, Type, null); } break; case "PerSource": foreach (XmlNode N4 in E3.ChildNodes) { if (!(N4 is XmlElement E4) || E4.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } string StackTrace = E4["Value"]?.InnerText; int Count2 = XML.Attribute(E4, "count", 0); Statistics.PerMessage.Join(Message, Count2, First, null, StackTrace); Statistics.PerSource.Join(StackTrace, Count2, First, null, Message); } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown element: " + E3.LocalName); } } } break; case "PerSource": foreach (XmlNode N2 in E.ChildNodes) { if (!(N2 is XmlElement E2) || E2.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } string StackTrace = null; int Count = XML.Attribute(E2, "count", 0); foreach (XmlNode N3 in E2.ChildNodes) { if (!(N3 is XmlElement E3)) { continue; } switch (E3.LocalName) { case "Value": StackTrace = E3.InnerText; break; case "PerType": foreach (XmlNode N4 in E3.ChildNodes) { if (!(N4 is XmlElement E4) || E4.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } string Type = E4["Value"]?.InnerText; int Count2 = XML.Attribute(E4, "count", 0); Statistics.PerType.Join(Type, Count2, First, null, StackTrace); Statistics.PerSource.Join(StackTrace, Count2, First, Type, null); } break; case "PerMessage": foreach (XmlNode N4 in E3.ChildNodes) { if (!(N4 is XmlElement E4) || E4.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } string Message = E4["Value"]?.InnerText; int Count2 = XML.Attribute(E4, "count", 0); Statistics.PerMessage.Join(Message, Count2, First, null, StackTrace); Statistics.PerSource.Join(StackTrace, Count2, First, null, Message); } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown element: " + E3.LocalName); } } } break; case "PerHour": foreach (XmlNode N2 in E.ChildNodes) { if (!(N2 is XmlElement E2) || E2.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } string TP = XML.Attribute(E2, "hour"); if (XML.TryParse(TP + ":00:00", out DateTime Hour)) { int Count = XML.Attribute(E2, "count", 0); Statistics.PerHour.Join(Hour, Count, First); } } break; case "PerDay": foreach (XmlNode N2 in E.ChildNodes) { if (!(N2 is XmlElement E2) || E2.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } DateTime Day = XML.Attribute(E2, "day", DateTime.MinValue); int Count = XML.Attribute(E2, "count", 0); Statistics.PerDay.Join(Day, Count, First); } break; case "PerMonth": foreach (XmlNode N2 in E.ChildNodes) { if (!(N2 is XmlElement E2) || E2.LocalName != "Stat") { continue; } string TP = XML.Attribute(E2, "month"); if (XML.TryParse(TP + "-01", out DateTime Month)) { int Count = XML.Attribute(E2, "count", 0); Statistics.PerMonth.Join(Month, Count, First); } } break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown element: " + E.LocalName); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Out.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Statistics.RemoveUntouched(); First = false; } } Export(Output, "PerType", "type", Statistics.PerType, "PerMessage", "PerSource"); Export(Output, "PerMessage", "message", Statistics.PerMessage, "PerType", "PerSource"); Export(Output, "PerSource", string.Empty, Statistics.PerSource, "PerType", "PerMessage"); Export(Output, "PerHour", "hour", "yyyy-MM-ddTHH", Statistics.PerHour); Export(Output, "PerDay", "day", "yyyy-MM-dd", Statistics.PerDay); Export(Output, "PerMonth", "month", "yyyy-MM", Statistics.PerMonth); Output.WriteEndElement(); Output.WriteEndDocument(); return(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Out.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(-1); } finally { Output?.Flush(); Output?.Close(); Output?.Dispose(); FileOutput?.Dispose(); } }
public static ushort WriteFile() { bool success = false; FileStream myFS = null; XmlWriter myXMLWriter = null; myCC.Enter(); // Will not finish, until you have the Critical Section try { myFS = new FileStream(String.Format("\\NVRAM\\{0}\\SmartThings\\Credentials.xml", InitialParametersClass.ProgramIDTag), FileMode.Create); XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; settings.IndentChars = " "; // note: default is two spaces settings.NewLineOnAttributes = false; settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true; myXMLWriter = new XmlWriter(myFS, settings); myXMLWriter.WriteStartElement("SmartThingsCredentials"); myXMLWriter.WriteElementString("ClientID", SmartThingsReceiver.ClientID); myXMLWriter.WriteElementString("ClientSecret", SmartThingsReceiver.ClientSecret); myXMLWriter.WriteElementString("AuthCode", SmartThingsReceiver.AuthCode); myXMLWriter.WriteElementString("AccessToken", SmartThingsReceiver.AccessToken); myXMLWriter.WriteElementString("InstallationURL", SmartThingsReceiver.InstallationURL); myXMLWriter.WriteEndElement(); myXMLWriter.WriteEndDocument(); myXMLWriter.Flush(); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { Crestron.SimplSharp.ErrorLog.Error(String.Format("Write File Error: {0}\n", e.Message)); success = false; } finally { if (myXMLWriter != null) myXMLWriter.Close(); if (myFS != null) myFS.Close(); myCC.Leave(); } if (success) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }