private void AddReferenceAttributes(XmlSchemaObjectCollection attributes, XmlSchema schema) { SchemaHelper.AddSchemaImport(Globals.SerializationNamespace, schema); schema.Namespaces.Add(Globals.SerPrefixForSchema, Globals.SerializationNamespace); attributes.Add(IdAttribute); attributes.Add(RefAttribute); }
void GetAttributeCompletionData(XmlCompletionDataList data, XmlSchemaObjectCollection attributes) { foreach (XmlSchemaObject schemaObject in attributes) { var attribute = schemaObject as XmlSchemaAttribute; if (attribute != null) { if (!IsProhibitedAttribute(attribute)) { data.AddAttribute(attribute); } else { prohibitedAttributes.Add(attribute); } } else { var attributeGroupRef = schemaObject as XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef; if (attributeGroupRef != null) { GetAttributeCompletionData(data, attributeGroupRef); } } } }
private static void CopyAllItemTypes(XmlSchema source, XmlSchemaObjectCollection destination) { for (int i = 0; i < source.Items.Count; i++) { if (!destination.Contains(source.Items[i])) { destination.Add(source.Items[i]); } } }
private void AddExternalSchemas(XmlSchemaObjectCollection includes) { /// @todo handle imports in an extendable manner (via ExtPoint). XmlSchema xmlSchema = XmlUtils.GetSchema(_assemblyLoaderService.LoadAssembly("jingxian.core.runtime"), "jingxian.core.runtime.Schemas.xml.xsd"); XmlSchemaImport xmlImport = new XmlSchemaImport(); xmlImport.Schema = xmlSchema; xmlImport.Namespace = xmlSchema.TargetNamespace; includes.Add(xmlImport); }
private void method_7(XmlNode A_0, XmlSchemaObjectCollection A_1) { int num = 7; XmlSchemaAttribute item = new XmlSchemaAttribute { Name = A_0.Attributes[BookmarkStart.b("䌬丮尰嘲", 7)].Value }; XmlAttribute attribute2 = A_0.Attributes[BookmarkStart.b("夬嘮䄰嘲", 7)]; XmlAttribute attribute3 = A_0.Attributes[BookmarkStart.b("䬬䘮䤰嘲儴", 7)]; if (this.string_3.Contains(attribute2.Value)) { item.SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(attribute2.Value, BookmarkStart.b("䔬嬮䔰䌲༴ᠶᘸ䰺䨼䠾潀㑂癄楆♈㥊⩌恎捐捒敔晖癘͚ၜ፞㉠bɦѨ੪", num)); } else { item.SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(attribute2.Value); } if (attribute3 != null) { item.FixedValue = attribute3.Value; } A_1.Add(item); }
private void AddXMLProperties(XmlSchemaElement parent, XmlSchemaObjectCollection items, XmlSchemaObjectCollection attributes, PropertyInfo[] properties) { foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (IsValidProperty(property)) { string propertyName = property.Name; if (propertyName.Equals("Item") && property.DeclaringType.Name.StartsWith("List`")) { if (!parent.Name.Equals("Items")) { propertyName = StringUtils.ToSingular(parent.Name); } else { propertyName = property.PropertyType.Name; } } string xmlPropertyType = GetPropertyTypeName(property.PropertyType, TDataExchangeFormat.Xml); if (property.GetCustomAttributes <XmlAttributeAttribute>().FirstOrDefault() != null) { XmlSchemaAttribute attribute = new XmlSchemaAttribute(); attribute.Name = propertyName; attribute.SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(xmlPropertyType, XML_NAMESPACE); if (attribute.Name.Equals("type")) { attribute.Use = XmlSchemaUse.Optional; } attributes.Add(attribute); } else { XmlSchemaElement propertyElement = new XmlSchemaElement(); propertyElement.Name = propertyName; if (xmlPropertyType.Equals("array") || xmlPropertyType.Equals("object")) { XmlSchemaComplexType complexType = new XmlSchemaComplexType(); propertyElement.SchemaType = complexType; XmlSchemaGroupBase sequence = null; if (xmlPropertyType.Equals("array")) { sequence = new XmlSchemaSequence(); sequence.MinOccursString = "0"; sequence.MaxOccursString = "unbounded"; if (parent != null) { // nested empty collections shouldn't have to exist. propertyElement.UnhandledAttributes = new XmlAttribute[1]; propertyElement.UnhandledAttributes[0] = new XmlDocument().CreateAttribute("minOccurs"); propertyElement.UnhandledAttributes[0].Value = "0"; } } else { sequence = new XmlSchemaAll(); } AddXMLProperties(propertyElement, sequence.Items, complexType.Attributes, property.PropertyType.GetProperties()); if (sequence.Items.Count > 0) { complexType.Particle = sequence; } } else { propertyElement.SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(xmlPropertyType, XML_NAMESPACE); } items.Add(propertyElement); } } } }
protected XmlSchemaComplexType FindOrCreateComplexType(Type t) { XmlSchemaComplexType ct; string typeId = GenerateIDFromType(t); ct = FindComplexTypeByID(typeId); if (ct != null) { return(ct); } ct = new XmlSchemaComplexType(); ct.Name = typeId; // Force mixed attribute for tasks names in the mixedTaskNames array. Fixes Bug#: 3058913 if (Array.IndexOf(mixedTaskNames, ct.Name) != -1) { ct.IsMixed = true; } // add complex type to collection immediately to avoid stack // overflows, when we allow a type to be nested _nantComplexTypes.Add(typeId, ct); #if NOT_IMPLEMENTED // // TODO - add task/type documentation in the future // ct.Annotation = new XmlSchemaAnnotation(); XmlSchemaDocumentation doc = new XmlSchemaDocumentation(); ct.Annotation.Items.Add(doc); doc.Markup = ...; #endif XmlSchemaSequence group1 = null; XmlSchemaObjectCollection attributesCollection = ct.Attributes; foreach (MemberInfo memInfo in t.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)) { if (memInfo.DeclaringType.Equals(typeof(object))) { continue; } //Check for any return type that is derived from Element // add Attributes TaskAttributeAttribute taskAttrAttr = (TaskAttributeAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(memInfo, typeof(TaskAttributeAttribute), false); BuildElementAttribute buildElemAttr = (BuildElementAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(memInfo, typeof(BuildElementAttribute), false); if (taskAttrAttr != null) { XmlSchemaAttribute newAttr = CreateXsdAttribute(taskAttrAttr.Name, taskAttrAttr.Required); attributesCollection.Add(newAttr); } else if (buildElemAttr != null) { // Create individial choice for any individual child Element Decimal min = 0; if (buildElemAttr.Required) { min = 1; } XmlSchemaElement childElement = new XmlSchemaElement(); childElement.MinOccurs = min; childElement.MaxOccurs = 1; childElement.Name = buildElemAttr.Name; //XmlSchemaGroupBase elementGroup = CreateXsdSequence(min, Decimal.MaxValue); Type childType; // We will only process child elements if they are defined for Properties or Fields, this should be enforced by the AttributeUsage on the Attribute class if (memInfo is PropertyInfo) { childType = ((PropertyInfo)memInfo).PropertyType; } else if (memInfo is FieldInfo) { childType = ((FieldInfo)memInfo).FieldType; } else if (memInfo is MethodInfo) { MethodInfo method = (MethodInfo)memInfo; if (method.GetParameters().Length == 1) { childType = method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType; } else { throw new ApplicationException("Method should have one parameter."); } } else { throw new ApplicationException("Member Type != Field/Property/Method"); } BuildElementArrayAttribute buildElementArrayAttribute = (BuildElementArrayAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(memInfo, typeof(BuildElementArrayAttribute), false); // determine type of child elements if (buildElementArrayAttribute != null) { if (buildElementArrayAttribute.ElementType == null) { if (childType.IsArray) { childType = childType.GetElementType(); } else { Type elementType = null; // locate Add method with 1 parameter, type of that parameter is parameter type foreach (MethodInfo method in childType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)) { if (method.Name == "Add" && method.GetParameters().Length == 1) { ParameterInfo parameter = method.GetParameters()[0]; elementType = parameter.ParameterType; break; } } childType = elementType; } } else { childType = buildElementArrayAttribute.ElementType; } if (childType == null || !typeof(Element).IsAssignableFrom(childType)) { throw new BuildException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, ResourceUtils.GetString("NA1140"), memInfo.DeclaringType.FullName, memInfo.Name)); } } BuildElementCollectionAttribute buildElementCollectionAttribute = (BuildElementCollectionAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(memInfo, typeof(BuildElementCollectionAttribute), false); if (buildElementCollectionAttribute != null) { XmlSchemaComplexType collectionType = new XmlSchemaComplexType(); XmlSchemaSequence sequence = new XmlSchemaSequence(); collectionType.Particle = sequence; sequence.MinOccurs = 0; sequence.MaxOccursString = "unbounded"; XmlSchemaElement itemType = new XmlSchemaElement(); itemType.Name = buildElementCollectionAttribute.ChildElementName; itemType.SchemaTypeName = FindOrCreateComplexType(childType).QualifiedName; sequence.Items.Add(itemType); childElement.SchemaType = collectionType; } else { childElement.SchemaTypeName = FindOrCreateComplexType(childType).QualifiedName; } // lazy init of sequence if (group1 == null) { group1 = CreateXsdSequence(0, Decimal.MaxValue); ct.Particle = group1; } group1.Items.Add(childElement); } } // allow attributes from other namespace ct.AnyAttribute = new XmlSchemaAnyAttribute(); ct.AnyAttribute.Namespace = "##other"; ct.AnyAttribute.ProcessContents = XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Skip; Schema.Items.Add(ct); Compile(); return(ct); }
void ExportMembersMapSchema(XmlSchema schema, ClassMap map, XmlTypeMapping baseMap, XmlSchemaObjectCollection outAttributes, out XmlSchemaSequence particle, out XmlSchemaAnyAttribute anyAttribute) { particle = null; XmlSchemaSequence seq = new XmlSchemaSequence(); ICollection members = map.ElementMembers; if (members != null && !map.HasSimpleContent) { foreach (XmlTypeMapMemberElement member in members) { if (baseMap != null && DefinedInBaseMap(baseMap, member)) { continue; } Type memType = member.GetType(); if (memType == typeof(XmlTypeMapMemberFlatList)) { XmlSchemaParticle part = GetSchemaArrayElement(schema, member.ElementInfo); if (part != null) { seq.Items.Add(part); } } else if (memType == typeof(XmlTypeMapMemberAnyElement)) { seq.Items.Add(GetSchemaArrayElement(schema, member.ElementInfo)); } else if (memType == typeof(XmlTypeMapMemberElement)) { GetSchemaElement(schema, (XmlTypeMapElementInfo)member.ElementInfo [0], member.DefaultValue, true, new XmlSchemaObjectContainer(seq)); } else { GetSchemaElement(schema, (XmlTypeMapElementInfo)member.ElementInfo[0], true, new XmlSchemaObjectContainer(seq)); } } } if (seq.Items.Count > 0) { particle = seq; } // Write attributes ICollection attributes = map.AttributeMembers; if (attributes != null) { foreach (XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute attr in attributes) { if (baseMap != null && DefinedInBaseMap(baseMap, attr)) { continue; } outAttributes.Add(GetSchemaAttribute(schema, attr, true)); } } XmlTypeMapMember anyAttrMember = map.DefaultAnyAttributeMember; if (anyAttrMember != null) { anyAttribute = new XmlSchemaAnyAttribute(); } else { anyAttribute = null; } }
///<summary>Generate XML schema for the given types ///</summary> ///<param name="ns">Default namespace</param> ///<param name="types">Types to include into schema</param> ///<param name="root">Root element</param> ///<param name="interfaces">Interface types</param> ///<returns>Built schema</returns> public static XmlSchema BuildSchema(string ns, Type[] types, Type root, Type[] interfaces) { XmlSchema xmlSchema = new XmlSchema(); xmlSchema.Namespaces.Add("xsd", ""); xmlSchema.Namespaces.Add("xsi", ""); xmlSchema.ElementFormDefault = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified; xmlSchema.AttributeFormDefault = XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified; xmlSchema.Namespaces.Add("ns", ns); xmlSchema.TargetNamespace = ns; // Comment XmlSchemaAnnotation annotation = new XmlSchemaAnnotation(); XmlSchemaDocumentation documentation = new XmlSchemaDocumentation(); XmlDocument helperDocument = new XmlDocument(); string comment = String.Format(" XML schema for {0} , generated at {1} ", ns, DateTime.Now.ToString()); documentation.Markup = new XmlNode[1] { helperDocument.CreateComment(comment) }; annotation.Items.Add(documentation); xmlSchema.Items.Add(annotation); // Create group "action" to refer to any action var ints = new Dictionary <Type, XmlSchemaGroup>(); if (interfaces != null) { foreach (var intf in interfaces) { var action = new XmlSchemaGroup(); action.Name = getXmlTypeName(intf); action.Particle = new XmlSchemaChoice(); xmlSchema.Items.Add(action); ints.Add(intf, action); } } Dictionary <Type, XmlSchemaType> xmlTypes = new Dictionary <Type, XmlSchemaType>(); foreach (var type in types) { // If it does not have our XML header - skip it var na = (CustomAttributeHelper.First <XsTypeAttribute>(type)); if (na == null) { continue; } // Check if it is complex or simple XmlSchemaComplexType ct = new XmlSchemaComplexType(); ct.Name = getXmlTypeName(type); XmlSchemaObjectCollection attr = createComplexType(type, ct, ns, ints); // Add the new element as an option to the "action" group foreach (var i in ints) { bool isAction = (type.FindInterfaces((tp, nu) => tp == i.Key, null).Length != 0); if (isAction) { foreach (var tp in CustomAttributeHelper.All <XsTypeAttribute>(type)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tp.Name)) { i.Value.Particle.Items.Add(new XmlSchemaElement { Name = tp.Name, MinOccurs = 0, SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(ct.Name, ns) }); } } } } // Work with attributes foreach (var o in generateAttributes(xmlSchema, type, xmlTypes, ns)) { attr.Add(o); } if (na.AnyAttribute) { ct.AnyAttribute = new XmlSchemaAnyAttribute { ProcessContents = XmlSchemaContentProcessing.Skip }; } // Add type to the list xmlTypes.Add(type, ct); xmlSchema.Items.Add(ct); if (root.IsAssignableFrom(type)) { // Add all variations of Script names as element foreach (var o in CustomAttributeHelper.All <XsTypeAttribute>(root)) { xmlSchema.Items.Add(new XmlSchemaElement { Name = o.Name, SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(xmlTypes[typeof(Script)].Name, ns) }); } } } return(xmlSchema); }
private void ExportMembersMapSchema(XmlSchema schema, ClassMap map, XmlTypeMapping baseMap, XmlSchemaObjectCollection outAttributes, out XmlSchemaSequence particle, out XmlSchemaAnyAttribute anyAttribute) { particle = null; XmlSchemaSequence xmlSchemaSequence = new XmlSchemaSequence(); ICollection elementMembers = map.ElementMembers; if (elementMembers != null && !map.HasSimpleContent) { foreach (object obj in elementMembers) { XmlTypeMapMemberElement xmlTypeMapMemberElement = (XmlTypeMapMemberElement)obj; if (baseMap == null || !this.DefinedInBaseMap(baseMap, xmlTypeMapMemberElement)) { Type type = xmlTypeMapMemberElement.GetType(); if (type == typeof(XmlTypeMapMemberFlatList)) { XmlSchemaParticle schemaArrayElement = this.GetSchemaArrayElement(schema, xmlTypeMapMemberElement.ElementInfo); if (schemaArrayElement != null) { xmlSchemaSequence.Items.Add(schemaArrayElement); } } else if (type == typeof(XmlTypeMapMemberAnyElement)) { xmlSchemaSequence.Items.Add(this.GetSchemaArrayElement(schema, xmlTypeMapMemberElement.ElementInfo)); } else if (type == typeof(XmlTypeMapMemberElement)) { this.GetSchemaElement(schema, (XmlTypeMapElementInfo)xmlTypeMapMemberElement.ElementInfo[0], xmlTypeMapMemberElement.DefaultValue, true, new XmlSchemaExporter.XmlSchemaObjectContainer(xmlSchemaSequence)); } else { this.GetSchemaElement(schema, (XmlTypeMapElementInfo)xmlTypeMapMemberElement.ElementInfo[0], true, new XmlSchemaExporter.XmlSchemaObjectContainer(xmlSchemaSequence)); } } } } if (xmlSchemaSequence.Items.Count > 0) { particle = xmlSchemaSequence; } ICollection attributeMembers = map.AttributeMembers; if (attributeMembers != null) { foreach (object obj2 in attributeMembers) { XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute xmlTypeMapMemberAttribute = (XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute)obj2; if (baseMap == null || !this.DefinedInBaseMap(baseMap, xmlTypeMapMemberAttribute)) { outAttributes.Add(this.GetSchemaAttribute(schema, xmlTypeMapMemberAttribute, true)); } } } XmlTypeMapMember defaultAnyAttributeMember = map.DefaultAnyAttributeMember; if (defaultAnyAttributeMember != null) { anyAttribute = new XmlSchemaAnyAttribute(); } else { anyAttribute = null; } }