public void WriteAndReadSafeData() { var cut = new XmlFormatter <SafeData>(); const string Secret = "S*ecret"; var data = new SafeData { Password = Secret }; var stream = new MemoryStream(); cut.Serialize(data, stream); stream.Position = 0; var read = cut.Deserialize(stream); stream.Position = 0; using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { var text = reader.ReadToEnd(); Assert.IsTrue(!text.Contains(Secret), "serialization contains secret"); } Assert.AreEqual(data.Password, read.Password); }
protected virtual void CreatePackage(Stream stream) { using (Package package = ZipPackage.Open(stream, FileMode.Create)) { Uri collectionUri = new Uri("/Content/Collection.xml", UriKind.Relative); PackagePart part = package.CreatePart(collectionUri, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Text.Xml, CompressionOption.Maximum); //Serialize the model into the part stream XmlFormatter formatter = Formatter; formatter.Shallow = false; formatter.Serialize(part.GetStream(), Model); package.CreateRelationship(part.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, "Main Document"); //Loop through all resources and create parts foreach (string key in Formatter.Resources.Keys) { Uri resourceUri = new Uri(key, UriKind.Relative); ResourceEntry entry = Formatter.Resources[key]; //Need to use a valid mime type otherwise a null reference error occurs PackagePart resourcePart = package.CreatePart(resourceUri, entry.GetMimeType(), CompressionOption.Maximum); entry.SaveResourceStream(resourcePart.GetStream()); PackageRelationship relationship = package.CreateRelationship(resourcePart.Uri, TargetMode.Internal, "Resource"); } //Close the package and save all the underlying streams package.Close(); } }
public void SerializationShallowLineTest() { Link object1 = new Link(); //Serialize the object MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); XmlFormatter serializer = new XmlFormatter(); serializer.Shallow = true; serializer.Serialize(stream, object1); stream.Position = 0; // reset the stream to the beginning SqlXml xml = new SqlXml(stream); //Recreate the object in object 2 using object 1 as the target Link object2; serializer.Target = object1; using (MemoryStream stream2 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml.Value))) { object2 = (Link)serializer.Deserialize(stream2); } Assert.IsTrue(object1 == object2); }
public void SerializationExternalAssemblyTest() { SubElement object1 = new SubElement(); SurrogateSelector selector = new SurrogateSelector(); selector.AddSurrogate(typeof(SubElement), new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All), new ElementSerialize()); //Serialize the object MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); XmlFormatter serializer = new XmlFormatter(); serializer.SurrogateSelector = selector; serializer.Serialize(stream, object1); stream.Position = 0; // reset the stream to the beginning SqlXml xml = new SqlXml(stream); //Recreate the object in object 2 Element object2; using (MemoryStream stream2 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml.Value))) { object2 = (Element)serializer.Deserialize(stream2); } }
public void SerializationElementListTest() { ElementList object1 = new ElementList(true); Shape shape1 = new Shape(); Shape shape2 = new Shape(); shape1.Location = new PointF(10, 10); shape2.Location = new PointF(20, 20); object1.Add(shape1); object1.Add(shape2); //Serialize the object MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); XmlFormatter serializer = new XmlFormatter(); serializer.Serialize(stream, object1); stream.Position = 0; // reset the stream to the beginning SqlXml xml = new SqlXml(stream); //Recreate the object in object 2 ElementList object2; using (MemoryStream stream2 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml.Value))) { object2 = (ElementList)serializer.Deserialize(stream2); } Shape shape3 = object2[0] as Shape; Shape shape4 = object2[1] as Shape; Assert.IsTrue(object2.Count == 2, "ElementList collection does not contain 2 items."); Assert.IsTrue(shape3.Location == new PointF(10, 10), "Collection item 'shape1' location not deserialized correctly."); Assert.IsTrue(shape4.Location == new PointF(20, 20), "Collection item 'shape2' location not deserialized correctly."); }
public void SerializationShapesTest() { Shapes object1 = new Shapes(new Model()); Shape shape1 = new Shape(); Shape shape2 = new Shape(); shape1.Location = new PointF(10, 10); shape2.Location = new PointF(20, 20); object1.Add("shape1", shape1); object1.Add("shape2", shape2); //Serialize the object MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); XmlFormatter serializer = new XmlFormatter(); serializer.Serialize(stream, object1); stream.Position = 0; // reset the stream to the beginning SqlXml xml = new SqlXml(stream); //Recreate the object in object 2 Shapes object2; using (MemoryStream stream2 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml.Value))) { object2 = (Shapes)serializer.Deserialize(stream2); } Assert.IsTrue(object2.Count == 2, "Shapes collection does not contain 2 items."); Assert.IsTrue(object2.ContainsKey("shape1"), "Shapes collection does not contain key 'shape1'."); Assert.IsTrue(object2.ContainsKey("shape2"), "Shapes collection does not contain key 'shape2'."); Assert.IsTrue(object2["shape1"].Location == new PointF(10, 10), "Collection item 'shape1' location not deserialized correctly."); Assert.IsTrue(object2["shape2"].Location == new PointF(20, 20), "Collection item 'shape2' location not deserialized correctly."); Assert.IsTrue(object2.Model != null, "Shapes Model not deserialized correctly."); }
public void SerializationBlankTest() { //Serialize an element with a blank serializer Element object1 = new Element(); //Serialize the object MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); XmlFormatter serializer = new XmlFormatter(); SurrogateSelector selector = new SurrogateSelector(); StreamingContext context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.All); //Need to ensure a context is supplied selector.AddSurrogate(typeof(Element), context, new BlankSerialize()); serializer.SurrogateSelector = selector; serializer.Serialize(stream, object1); stream.Position = 0; // reset the stream to the beginning SqlXml xml = new SqlXml(stream); //Recreate the object in object 2 Element object2; using (MemoryStream stream2 = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml.Value))) { object2 = (Element)serializer.Deserialize(stream2); } }
public void WriteAndReadBadSubData() { var cut = new XmlFormatter <SomeData>(); var data = new SomeData { Name = null, Number = 0.42M + GetHashCode(), DataAfterObject = $"Some text after object at {GetHashCode()}", SubData = new BadSubData($"Info at {GetHashCode()}"), Names = new[] { "Name1", "Name2" }, }; cut.Serialize(data, Filename); var read = cut.Deserialize(Filename); Assert.AreEqual(data.Name, read.Name); Assert.AreEqual(data.Number, read.Number); Assert.AreEqual(data.YesNo, read.YesNo); Assert.AreEqual(data.Value, read.Value); Assert.AreNotEqual(data.SubData.Info, read.SubData.Info); Assert.AreEqual(data.DataAfterObject, read.DataAfterObject); Assert.AreNotEqual(data.NotGood, read.NotGood); Assert.AreEqual(data.Names.Length, read.Names.Length); for (var i = 0; i < data.Names.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(data.Names[i], read.Names[i], $"Names[{i}] differ"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var person = new Person("Nadia", "Comanici"); var student = new Student(123, "Simona", "Lungu"); var jsonFormatter = new JsonFormatter(); var xmlFormatter = new XmlFormatter(); // person json formatting Console.WriteLine("-------- Person as JSON ---------------"); var formattedPerson = new FormattedPerson(person, jsonFormatter); Console.WriteLine(formattedPerson.GetObjectAsString()); Console.WriteLine(); // person xml formatting Console.WriteLine("-------- Person as XML ---------------"); formattedPerson.Formatter = xmlFormatter; Console.WriteLine(formattedPerson.GetObjectAsString()); Console.WriteLine(); // student json formatting Console.WriteLine("-------- Student as JSON ---------------"); var formattedStudent = new FormattedStudent(student, jsonFormatter); Console.WriteLine(formattedStudent.GetObjectAsString()); Console.WriteLine(); // student xml formatting Console.WriteLine("-------- Student as XML ---------------"); formattedStudent.Formatter = xmlFormatter; Console.WriteLine(formattedStudent.GetObjectAsString()); Console.WriteLine(); }
public void GetXmlFormatter_ContextSupplied_ContextIsUsed() { object context = Random.Next(); XmlFormatter formatter = Serialize.GetXmlFormatter(context); Assert.AreEqual(new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Other, context), formatter.Context); }
public static void SaveFormatted(AddinDescription adesc) { XmlDocument doc = adesc.SaveToXml(); XmlFormatter formatter = new XmlFormatter(); TextStylePolicy textPolicy = new TextStylePolicy(80, 4, false, false, true, EolMarker.Unix); XmlFormattingPolicy xmlPolicy = new XmlFormattingPolicy(); XmlFormatingSettings f = new XmlFormatingSettings(); f.ScopeXPath.Add("*/*"); f.EmptyLinesBeforeStart = 1; f.EmptyLinesAfterEnd = 1; xmlPolicy.Formats.Add(f); f = new XmlFormatingSettings(); f.ScopeXPath.Add("Addin"); f.AttributesInNewLine = true; f.AlignAttributes = true; f.AttributesInNewLine = false; xmlPolicy.Formats.Add(f); string xml = formatter.FormatXml(textPolicy, xmlPolicy, doc.OuterXml); File.WriteAllText(adesc.FileName, xml); }
private IRecipe SaveRecipeCore(string filename, IRecipe recipe) { if (filename == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { throw new ArgumentException("FileName cannot be null"); } if (recipe == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("recipe"); } var formatter = new XmlFormatter(); Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe r = recipe as Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe ?? Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe.FromRecipe(recipe); using (var stream = System.IO.File.Create(filename)) { formatter.Serialize(stream, r); stream.Close(); } return(recipe); }
public void Test1() { var o = new Test { String = "MyTest", Integer = 5, Float = 4.5f, Children = new List <Test> { new Test { String = "Child1" }, new Test { String = "Child2" } } }; var formatter = new XmlFormatter(); var m = new MemoryStream(); formatter.Serialize(m, o); m.Position = 0; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var d = (Test)formatter.Deserialize(m); Assert.IsTrue(DeepComparer.Compare(o, d)); }
private bool ProcessEx(Assembly assembly, XmlFormatter xmlFormatter) { if (Action == Action.Check) { Type[] types = DbAttributesManager.LoadDbRecordTypes(assembly); int errorNumber = 1; for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) { Type type = types[i]; bool isValid = StructureGateway.IsValid(type); if (isValid) { xmlFormatter.AppendUnitTestResult("Mapping Test - " + type.FullName, Outcome.Passed, ""); string message = string.Format( "{0} ({1}) - Ok" , type, assembly.ManifestModule.Name); Console.WriteLine(message); } else { string message = string.Format( "\r\n{3}. {0} ({1}) \r\n{4}\r\n{2}\r\n{4}" , type, assembly.ManifestModule.Name, StructureGateway.LastError, errorNumber++, "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); Console.WriteLine(message); ExitCode = ExitCode.Failure; xmlFormatter.AppendUnitTestResult("Mapping Test - " + type.FullName, Outcome.Failed, StructureGateway.LastError); } } return(true); } return(false); }
public void SetUp() { streamingData = new InMemoryStreamingData(); writer = new InMemoryOutputWriter(); theFormatter = new XmlFormatter(streamingData, writer); }
public void MultiArrayTest() { var cut = new XmlFormatter <ArrayData>(); var data = new ArrayData { Numbers = new int[3, 2] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } } }; cut.Serialize(data, Filename); var read = cut.Deserialize(Filename); var dataN = data.Numbers; var readN = read.Numbers; Assert.AreEqual(dataN.Length, readN.Length); Assert.AreEqual(dataN.Rank, readN.Rank); Assert.AreEqual(dataN.GetUpperBound(0), readN.GetUpperBound(0)); Assert.AreEqual(dataN.GetUpperBound(1), readN.GetUpperBound(1)); for (var i = 0; i < dataN.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < dataN.GetUpperBound(1); j++) { Assert.AreEqual(dataN[i, j], readN[i, j], $"Array[{i},{j}]"); } } }
public void IndentXmlTest3() { XmlFormatter formatter = new XmlFormatter(); string expected = string.Empty; string actual = formatter.IndentXml(string.Empty); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
private static void PrintInfo() { var xmlFormatter = new XmlFormatter(null); var consoleFormatter = new ConsoleFormatter(); consoleFormatter.Format(tracer.GetTraceResult()); xmlFormatter.Format(tracer.GetTraceResult()); }
static void Main() { var printer = new Printer(); IFormatter formatter = new XmlFormatter(); //formatter = new JsonFormatter(); printer.Print("gosho", formatter); }
public void IndentXmlTest1() { XmlFormatter formatter = new XmlFormatter(); string expected = _IndentedXml; string actual = formatter.IndentXml(_RawXml); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void SetProjectChoiceWindowPeriod(int courseId, int semesterId, string startDate, string endDate) { XDocument xDocument = XmlReader.ReadXmlDocument(Constants.PersistentDataXmlVirtualFilePath); XmlFormatter.UpdateNodeValue(ref xDocument, "/PersistentData/Course[CourseId=" + courseId + "]/ProjectChoiceWindowPeriod/Semester" + semesterId + "/StartDate", startDate.Replace("/", "-") + ":00"); XmlFormatter.UpdateNodeValue(ref xDocument, "/PersistentData/Course[CourseId=" + courseId + "]/ProjectChoiceWindowPeriod/Semester" + semesterId + "/EndDate", endDate.Replace("/", "-") + ":00"); XmlFormatter.FinalizeXmlWriting(ref xDocument, Constants.PersistentDataXmlVirtualFilePath); }
internal ProfileContainer Clone() { var formatter = new XmlFormatter <ProfileContainer>(); var stream = new MemoryStream(); formatter.Serialize(this, stream); stream.Position = 0; return(formatter.Deserialize(stream)); }
public void XmlFormatterShouldThrowOnMissingFileName() { formatterElement fileConfiguration = new formatterElement(); fileConfiguration.output.fileName = null; XmlFormatter formatter = new XmlFormatter(fileConfiguration); formatter.WriteReport(null, LogLevel.Information); }
public void XmlFormatter_WhenCustomerHaveMultipleRentals_ShouldPass() { var customer = CustomerFactory.GetCustomer(); var xmlFormatter = new XmlFormatter(); var serializedData = customer.GetStatement(xmlFormatter); Customer actual = xmlFormatter.Deserialize(serializedData); Assert.True(customer.Equals(actual)); }
public static string SaveFormattedXml(PolicyContainer policies, AddinDescription adesc) { XmlDocument doc = adesc.SaveToXml(); TextStylePolicy textPolicy = policies.Get <TextStylePolicy> (DesktopService.GetMimeTypeInheritanceChain("application/x-addin+xml")); XmlFormattingPolicy xmlPolicy = policies.Get <XmlFormattingPolicy> (DesktopService.GetMimeTypeInheritanceChain("application/x-addin+xml")); return(XmlFormatter.FormatXml(textPolicy, xmlPolicy, doc.OuterXml)); }
private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int keySize = Convert.ToInt32(txtKeySize.Text); string savePath = txtSavePath.Text.Trim(); XmlFormatter xmlFmt = new XmlFormatter(keySize, savePath); xmlFmt.GenerateKey(); MessageBox.Show("Key Generated"); }
private static ExitCode Run(string[] args) { var parameters = new InputParameters(); if (!parameters.Init(args)) { printUsage(); return(ExitCode.Exception); } var processor = new Processor(); try { parameters.Apply(processor); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); printUsage(); return(ExitCode.Exception); } try { switch (processor.Action) { case Action.Generate: processor.GenerateClasses(args); break; case Action.ImportExcel: processor.ImportFromExcel(args); break; default: string outputFormatter = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OutputFormatter"]; using (XmlFormatter xmlFormatter = FormattersFactory.GetFormatter(outputFormatter)) { processor.Run(parameters.Assemblies, xmlFormatter); } break; } if (processor.ExitCode != ExitCode.Success) { printUsage(); } return(processor.ExitCode); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Internal exception occured: " + ex.Message); return(ExitCode.Exception); } }
public void HighlightShortStringUsingMockStringWriterWithRandomExceptions() { XmlFormatter x = new XmlFormatter(); Highlighter h = new Highlighter("cs", x); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { h.Highlight("public void Foo() { int i = 5; }", new MockStringWriter(2)); } }
public void WriteAndRead() { var cut = new XmlFormatter <SomeData>(); var data = new SomeData { Name = null, Number = 0.42M + GetHashCode(), Time = DateTime.Now, Span = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(457575578), DataAfterObject = $"Some text after object at {GetHashCode()}", SubData = new SubData { Info = $"Info at {GetHashCode()}" }, Names = new[] { "Name1", "Name2" }, Products = { "product1", "product2", "product3" }, SubDatas = { { "Test1", new SubData { Info = $"Test1 dictionary at {GetHashCode()}" } }, { "Test2", new SubData { Info = $"Test2 dictionary at {GetHashCode()}" } } }, Location = new Point(5, 6) }; cut.Serialize(data, Filename); var read = cut.Deserialize(Filename); Assert.AreEqual(data.Name, read.Name); Assert.AreEqual(data.Number, read.Number); Assert.AreEqual(data.Time, read.Time); Assert.AreEqual(data.Span, read.Span); Assert.AreEqual(data.YesNo, read.YesNo); Assert.AreEqual(data.Value, read.Value); Assert.AreEqual(data.Location, read.Location); Assert.AreEqual(data.SubData.Info, read.SubData.Info); Assert.AreEqual(data.DataAfterObject, read.DataAfterObject); Assert.AreNotEqual(data.NotGood, read.NotGood); Assert.AreEqual(data.Names.Length, read.Names.Length); for (var i = 0; i < data.Names.Length; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(data.Names[i], read.Names[i], $"Names[{i}] differ"); } Assert.AreEqual(data.Products.Count, read.Products.Count); for (var i = 0; i < data.Products.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(data.Products[i], read.Products[i], $"Products[{i}] differ"); } Assert.AreEqual(data.SubDatas.Count, read.SubDatas.Count); foreach (var key in data.SubDatas.Keys) { Assert.AreEqual(data.SubDatas[key].Info, read.SubDatas[key].Info); } }
private void SaveProcessDescription() { foreach (var part in ProcessDescParts) { var xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(part.GetStream()); IWfProcessDescriptor wfProcessDesc = (IWfProcessDescriptor)XmlFormatter.Deserialize(xmlDoc.Root); WfProcessDescHelper.SaveWfProcess(wfProcessDesc); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var formatter = new XmlFormatter(); var appender = new ConsoleAppender(formatter); var logger = new Logger(appender); logger.Info("This is app"); logger.Error("Cannot be empty!"); logger.Critical("You are illigle"); }
public void OmitXmlDeclarationIsFalse_XmlDeclarationExists_XmlDeclarationUnmodified() { xmlPolicy.DefaultFormat.OmitXmlDeclaration = false; string input = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><a></a>"; string expectedResult = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<a>\n</a>"; string result = XmlFormatter.FormatXml(textPolicy, xmlPolicy, input); Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, result); }
public void HighlightLongStringUsingMockStringWriterWithRandomExceptions() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(3000*20); for (int i = 0; i < 3000; i++) { sb.Append("public void Foo() { int i = 5; }"); } XmlFormatter x = new XmlFormatter(); Highlighter h = new Highlighter("cs", x); string s = sb.ToString(); h.Highlight(s, new MockStringWriter(2)); }
public IRecipe LoadRecipe(string filename) { var formatter = new XmlFormatter (); using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead (filename)) { object o = formatter.Deserialize (stream); if (o is Sellars.Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe) { ((Sellars.Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe)o).FileName = filename; } return (IRecipe)o; } }
public void SetUp() { theRequest = OwinHttpRequest.ForTesting(); writer = new InMemoryOutputWriter(); var container = new Container(x => { x.For<IHttpRequest>().Use(theRequest); x.For<IOutputWriter>().Use(writer); x.For<IFubuRequest>().Use(new InMemoryFubuRequest()); }); context = new MockedFubuRequestContext(container); theFormatter = new XmlFormatter(); }
public void Test1() { var o = new Test { String = "MyTest", Integer = 5, Float = 4.5f, Children = new List<Test> { new Test { String = "Child1" }, new Test { String = "Child2" } } }; var formatter = new XmlFormatter(); var m = new MemoryStream(); formatter.Serialize(m, o); m.Position = 0; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var d = (Test)formatter.Deserialize(m); Assert.IsTrue(DeepComparer.Compare(o, d)); }
private IRecipe SaveRecipeCore(string filename, IRecipe recipe) { if (filename == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("fileName"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (filename)) throw new ArgumentException ("FileName cannot be null"); if (recipe == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("recipe"); var formatter = new XmlFormatter (); Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe r = recipe as Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe ?? Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe.FromRecipe (recipe); using (var stream = System.IO.File.Create (filename)) { formatter.Serialize (stream, r); stream.Close (); } return recipe; }
public IRecipe LoadRecipe(string filename) { var formatter = new XmlFormatter (); using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead (filename)) { object o = formatter.Deserialize (stream); return o as IRecipe; } //using (var stream = System.IO.File.OpenRead (filename)) //{ // object o = XamlReader.Load (stream); // var r = o as Sellars.Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe; // r.FileName = filename; // return o as IRecipe; //} }
public void HighlightUsingMockReaderFailingOn3rdRead() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32768*4); while(sb.Length < 32768*4 - 300) { sb.AppendLine("public void Foo() { int i = 5; }"); } XmlFormatter x = new XmlFormatter(); Highlighter h = new Highlighter("cs", x); h.Highlight(new MockStringReaderWithExceptionOnNthRead(sb.ToString(), 3), new StringWriter()); }
public void HighlightUsingMockReaderFailingOnZerothRead() { XmlFormatter x = new XmlFormatter(); Highlighter h = new Highlighter("cs", x); h.Highlight(new MockStringReaderWithExceptionOnNthRead("public void Foo() { int i = 5; }", 0), new StringWriter()); }
public IRecipe SaveRecipe(string filename, IRecipe recipe) { var formatter = new XmlFormatter (); Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe r = recipe as Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe ?? Meal.Svc.Persistance.Recipe.FromRecipe (recipe); using (var stream = System.IO.File.Create (filename)) { //XamlWriter.Save (r, stream); formatter.Serialize (stream, r); stream.Close (); } return recipe; }
public void SetUp() { streamingData = new InMemoryStreamingData(); theFormatter = new XmlFormatter(streamingData); }
internal Broadcaster(Dictionary<TcpClient, Handler.PlayerInfo> to, Handler handler) { = to; this.handler = handler; xml = new XmlFormatter(this, handler); }
internal void RefreshTypes() { bool bBin = false, bXml = false; foreach (Handler.PlayerInfo pi in to.Values) { bBin |= pi.binary == true; bXml |= pi.binary == false; } if (bBin && bin == null) bin = new BinFormatter(this, handler); else if (!bBin && bin != null) bin = null; if (bXml && xml == null) xml = new XmlFormatter(this, handler); else if (!bXml && xml != null) xml = null; }
public void XMLFormatter_CanRead_ReturnsFalseForUnsupportedMediaTypes(string requestContentType) { // Arrange var formatter = new XmlFormatter(); var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext(); httpContext.Request.ContentType = requestContentType; var provider = new EmptyModelMetadataProvider(); var metadata = provider.GetMetadataForType(typeof(void)); var context = new InputFormatterContext( httpContext, modelName: string.Empty, modelState: new ModelStateDictionary(), metadata: metadata); // Act var result = formatter.CanRead(context); // Assert Assert.False(result); }